《The Mafia Stalker (Crazy Mafia series Book 3)》Chapter 1


This should be the time when I should bang my head. Why, why in the hell should she be so overdramatic?

Can't she just enjoy it? Enjoy the feeling it gives her?

But no! Being the drama Queen she is, she loves to twist her face into ridiculous reactions. If I were in her place – gosh, I would have embraced the thrill and excitement it gave and if possible return back too.

"Are you hearing me, Bambi?" I heard a screech coming from the other side of the phone. I continued walking through the dark streets to reach the accommodation I live in.

Woah! I always wonder how she can make a sound that resembles a mix of a dolphin and a rusted motor engine.

I mean, I tried once to modulate my voice like her but ended up loosing it completely for two days.

"Yes, I am, Piper. You are just over reacting, girl." I said brushing off the loud sigh she gave me again.

"Bambi, I'm seriously worried about you. I really want to know what medicine you were given to turn out like this." Piper exclaimed angrily.

She is annoyed again?

What the heck is there to be annoyed I don't understand. I always wanted to experience what she is now but she does not value it when she has it.

I'm disappointed.

"You should enjoy it while you can, Pipy. I want you to love yourself the way he does." What can I do to make her understand?

I'm seriously at the end of my wits to make sure my best friend, Piper has the best life and best experience she could have.

My leg got knocked by a rock on the road which caused my bag to fall down and I stumbled for good two minutes to balance myself on my own feet.

Seeing all my books are scattered, I shoved them inside my bag with a huff. My shoulder hurts from carrying many books and still the university thinks we are not serious about our education.

They should try studying instead of teaching, and then they will know the pain of learning many subjects at the same time.

Arranging my bag on my shoulder, I continued to walk through the dark path to reach the room I stay in with Piper.


"Love? You crazy girl he is stalking me, sending me frightening messages and pictures and keep an eye on me from shadows. This man whoever he is hides his face and keeps on following me and you find it just alright?" She yelled. I hissed and took away the phone from my ear to keep myself from going deaf. Her voice shivered like always when she is scared.

There she goes with the weird squealing again!

Why is not understanding that getting stalked is not a big deal.

Can't she hold the thrill it gives her?

"He will eventually leave you be when he finds another one to stalk. Why don't you just enjoy the feel it gives you? Trust me, when he stops stalking you, you will miss it a lot." I tried, tried again to make her realize that it is no big deal.

These movies and books have spoiled the activities like kidnapping and stalking. If you look at it clearly, it not much far from extreme sports. Just like how you feel the adrenaline rush while skydiving, just like how you feel your head pound like drums on a traditional festival while doing snorkeling, Getting stalked is much similar to them.

It gives you adrenaline rush. It scares you a little and not to forget the amazing feeling of being watched secretly.

"Bambi – you know what, just leave it. I cannot change the level of your madness whatsoever. I'm just so done with trying to teach you about the world's ways of living. Just get home fast, please. I can feel someone lurking under our building near my window."

I sulked when she called me mad again. I am not mad I just know more about the world than her. I just know people more than her.

It is truly said that ignorant people can only envy intelligence.

"Okay. I will be there in fifteen minutes." I said in a low voice pretending to be hurt and ended the call.

I am so tired after spending time in library studying about different types of needles. Sitting in one place for many hours id seriously tiring I say.

Goodness, if it was not for the project paper I have to submit in two days, I would have gone to have some fun. Professor Reyes is a man with few words but a sharp tone. His punishments are hell and I don't want to clean the whole department rooms again for the nth time.



The weather is so good to walk alone in the darkness. Feels like I'm hugged by my own home. The moon is covered by the clouds and the street lights are not working due to the heavy wind blowing. There are only handful of shops that are still open and there is no other person other than me walking on the road.

Such a peaceful feeling!

Should I camp here with the lovely fighting street dogs here for the night? It surely sounds better than sleeping in the four walls of our apartment.

I am not even fie minutes away from my apartment building when I heard a loud painful cry coming from the cross road.

Damn! There's someone walking here?

I am not alone?

But I want to feel the adventurous night walk on the lonely roads. If my luck is in its prime, then I might as well encounter a strolling ghost.

Ruined! Everything is ruined with the cry of the man.

The roads are too dark to see what around hundred meters away is. I looked around the road to know where the sound came from. I need to find this person and ask him to just go to their home and not disturb me on my walk.

"Hello. Hello!" I shouted cupping my mouth with my hands. I turned around to see if I can find anyone on the connecting diagonal lane but could not see anything due to darkness.

"Hello. Whoever cried loudly a minute ago; don't cry loudly again, it disturbs my peaceful stroll. Also please use a cough syrup to treat your hoarse voice." I shouted so that person can hear me well and treat his voice first before screaming again.

There, I wanted to scold that person for disturbing my stroll but ended up doing a good deed.

I should visit mama and papa and give them a piece of my mind for raising me so good and virtuous.

Sometimes I really wonder how my patience can be a weapon against me. Seeing how I rarely get angry, how I can bear many personalities and how I'm just so humble; it doesn't take much time for people to take advantage of me.

But what can I do, Mama said I should be kind and caring to my fellow beings and Papa taught me to be humble with everything I have.

Sighing as I did not receive any reply in return, I kicked the small stone that was at my feet and wobbled towards my apartment.

It is only ten steps I took, without any prior hints or signal, a hand wrapped around my head as a cloth was placed on my nose pressing it harshly.

I coughed a couple of times but did not struggle the strong hold around me. Since they held me from behind, I don't know who they are so I just did not struggle and took in the chloroform obediently.

Seems like I being taken somewhere else while unconscious. Worrying doesn't help and struggling is waste of energy so I just let be for the time being.

It must some really strong medicine to knock my senses in mere fraction of seconds but before I loose my complete light, I pulled my bag with the strength I have and pressed it hard to another of his hand which is not holding me.

"I – have my project in this so keep it safe and kempt. If you know any of the topics in it, please complete them for me before I wake up." I mumbled before succumbing into oblivion.

Looks like I'm getting kidnapped for something I don't know of yet.

Anyhow, since I already told him about the project I hope he knows about my project topics and complete them for me.

Fingers crossed! I pray he knows about needles to wash some of my burden. But if the person who is taking me doesn't know anything about my project, then he should pay extra compensation.

Kidnap me, I will be thankful but kidnap my project, you should complete it for me if you like to keep your life.

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