《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》Alone


He was out for his daily evening jog around the Han River Park and was in the midst of slowing down following the path taking care not to bump into anyone lest his mask were to fall down to expose his identity to the few people who were out that evening with the same intention as him when he spotted the small frame of a woman crouched on the grass a few metres in front of him, her small hand balled into a tight fist clutching her hoody as she began gasping. Not wanting to surprise the woman and possibly causing any further damage he deftly made his way towards her wanting to ensure that she wasn't having a medical episode, removed his headphones and stopped as he heard not gasping coming from the fallen woman, but crying.

The woman wasn't hurt, at least from what he could see and hear. He would have stepped further to check on her had she not raised her hand to remove her mask revealing her identity to him.

It was her.


Lisa Manoban.

Lisa Manoban from Blackpink.

He knew her and he knew her well enough to know that being an idol she was in a dangerous situation revealing her face in public. He turned his head and made a quick 360 around the vicinity to ensure there was no one around to expose her in her time of vulnerability. There were rumours amongst the idols that Lisa and Jungkook of BTS were an unofficial official couple which surprised him because Jungkook had always been vocal about his admiration for Iu. Everyone who was an idol or trainee knew it because even though Lisa was a private person with her relationship, Jungkook quite enjoyed shooting darts with his eyes to any male idol who dared to even glance at Lisa, even if was an innocent passing of the eyes. Trainee or not, older or younger it didn't matter, Jungkook had stamped his claim on the young Thai girl without her even knowing.

Lisa has always been an enigma to him from the very beginning, ever since her pre debut when he would watch her from afar at award shows as well as their music videos. She drew him in like a moth to a flame and he welcomed the tempting flames from the unintentional web she had unknowingly casted. He admired her vivacity for life, her penchant for positivity and most of all he was above fascinated by the way her lips would spread across her face in the most blinding smile he had ever seen. The way her smile reached her eyes twinkling with mischief as her laughter floated around his senses. He would sit quietly and watch the big screen secretly hoping that the camera would pan to her features and stay there for the duration of her part of their song allowing him a few seconds more of her beautiful eyes and lips. Lisa was as engaging with the camera as she was in real life with those around her. He would quietly observe her as she talked animatedly with her members and idol friends, and soon enough he noticed that when in the vicinity of her presence his demeanour felt lighter and his lips never failed to automatically curve into a small secretive smile, a secret he was not intent on sharing with anyone.


He admired Lisa's passion for dance and that she always had a smile to give her blinks whenever they were mentioned because for Lisa, they were everything to her and she loved them all unequivocally. Her blinks were a part of her and she was a part of blinks. He knew himself there if not for the fans, there would be no kpop, no music and to many fans, there would be no idol to admire.

But that was not what he admired most about the beautiful young idol. He knew from the moment he was introduced to her that she was a wholesome girl, a good girl, a humbly good girl with the personality of a playful Fairy who possessed a heart of gold. It was evident in the way she carried herself, shy but quietly confident. She knew when to speak and when to stay quiet but she was also the first to lend a hand to those who needed it, even if it was to offer her blanket to another female idol whose skirt was short like Lisas but whose expression belied their comfort. She radiated happiness and an openly friendly manner and it drew people to her. It's not to say she had many friends because he knew she didn't. Although Lisa was one of the most charming people he'd seen in a long time in the wider idol community, other female idols were almost weary of her and would either nod to her or offer the smallest of smiles before turning away, and male idols would glance or watch her from afar away from the prying eyes of BTS maknae.



Jungkook and Iu???!!!

Quickly turning his head in the direction of the couple ahead still seated he watched as they stood and shyly bowed to each other before watching the young woman as she turned her head and speak out as a reply soon followed from a male whom he thought may have been her manager. Jungkook was further away from her walking ever so slowly in the opposite direction pausing to turn back a few times and farewelling Iu with small shy waves.

A frown plastered across his face as he now realised that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him earlier. He was jogging past the young adults just earlier and as he pulled his cap down lower to conceal his eyes he'd quickly glanced at them as their figures almost looked familiar but it was just a glance and he only had a few seconds to observe the young couple both appear shy with bright red flushes and shy smiles before he picked up his pace to jog past them paying them no heed; until now that is. All because of the seemingly broken young girl in front of him.


He sent a silent curse to Jungkook as he took a few steps back to stand behind a tree with overhanging branches, the leaves concealing him from her but not enough so that he couldn't see her. Taking another glance around to make sure they were alone; that she was alone he continued to watch and listen as Lisa curled herself into a ball laying still for a moment while her body continued to rack and shake with what appeared to be uncontrollable tears.

He leant his shoulder against the tree and continued to watch as Lisa turned onto her back, her tears have subsided but he can see the tears still falling and the small hiccups falling from her mouth. Her tormented gaze makes him do another quick check of the park, it would not be good to have someone from the public recognise her and take pictures of her vulnerability right now, it would damage her career if it were to be revealed that Jungkook was the cause of her sadness. Jungkook, Iu and Lisa were all at the River at the same time, only two of them; who were not in a relationship, could be mistaken as young lovers while one who was in a relationship with the male of the aforementioned was in an emotional state of hell.

He stood guard while she continued to lay on the grass looking up into the dark sky and she seemed to have calmed her emotions. Taking another quick glance around he took hold of he spare mask he usually carried out of his hoodie pocket and slowly yet carefully tread towards her and stood behind her while Lisa made her way to stand, he was ready to lend a hand should she need it.

He waited as she still hadn't acknowledged his presence, carefully extending her upper body and straightening out she stared straight ahead of her out towards the water, a quietness had taken hold of her body and as she stood using her hands to gently wipe the remnants of tears from her cheeks, she sniffled quietly and slowly turned intent on returning to the dorm.

He pulled down his hoodie revealing his identity to her hoping she wouldn't run away wanting to make sure she was okay before escorting her back to her dorm, because he wasn't comfortable leaving her alone in her current emotional state. He had been told countless times that he possessed the countenance of a saint and at this point in time he hoped Lisa thought so too because for him, he only had her best interests at heart and right now, that was to see her return to her dorm safely.

Bowing slightly he kept his distance still but he looked at her directly in the eyes as he softly whispered her name hoping she would know that he was not a threat.


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