《Her Euphoria -Lizkook COMPLETED》YouTube


After closing her eyes in a concentrated prayer giving thanks for the many blessings they've had since their debut, her heartbeat began to slow down as a renewed invisible energy entered her body making her shudder with excitement. Every move, every sway and every hit was all for their beloved Blinks. Every note, lyric and smile was for the people who supported them and cheered for their success when so many others had nothing but doubt, hate and jealousy for even the smallest of efforts she and her group sisters had made within their music.

Lisa gave thanks for the support of their managers, the stylists and even those responsible for ensuring there was enough water & snacks in the dressing room to keep them hydrated and energised. She never failed to send prayers of gratitude and love to the two people who trusted her enough to allow her to leave her homeland in search of her dreams and desires of being a Kpop idol. At this thought she felt her heart waver for a fraction of a moment as she thought about her parents and the time she is missing being with them as a family. Her aunts and uncles and cousins all received their own prayers of gratitude as did her beloved vocal coach who had become a person whom she respected as much as she did her parents.

And then she thought of him.

The one man who yielded enough power to make her heart flutter at the mere thought of his toothy smile. The crescent shape his eyes would make as he smiled at her adoringly when she's too far gone with her overly energetic antics and windscreen wiper laughter before he too broke down in fits of laughter with his loud guffaw only adding to the joyful ambience of humour.

She thought about the raspy way his voice would greet her in the mornings when he was too tired to return to his dorm and spent the night spooned so tightly behind her encasing her in a warm embrace filled with love and protection. How perfectly they fit together like a glove and how she especially loved the way he would tuck his head just below her neck using her hair as a curtain to shield himself from the early morning rays of the sun allowing her to feel the soft featherlike breaths he would make when exhaling leaving small goosebumps of pleasure on her back.


The combination never failed to make her insides churn with passion and love for the man who never gave up his numerous attempts of making him hers.

His pursuit of her was unwavering and despite all her efforts of not glancing at him at awards shows or the way she would purposely side step him after all the idols were onstage greeting each other, he had eventually managed to make her notice him.

She had made it a rule to never watch any of their videos because what was the point? She was well aware of the shipping between her and Jungkook but she had never paid much attention to it even when her members would lightly tease her about it. She didn't leave Thailand at an early age alone just to debut and land herself in a relationship, she had a much bigger purpose than that. It wasn't until she had taken the bait that fate had offered to her that she began to see something that had been blatantly obvious to millions of Army and Blinks across the globe.

It was a lazy Sunday, the girls were out spending time with their families and she had decided to wash her hair and relax for the day, intent on watching a few movies that she had promised herself to watch when they were given a rest day. Many fans knew of her penchant for social media, so it goes without saying that YouTube also fit into that category for her. She can't remember how she clicked on the video and it was no longer than a few minutes, but it was enough to pique her curiosity as her compassion for the young man brought itself forward.

Eyes glazing over with emotion she took in the watery track that made its way down his features. The heavily slumped shoulders and the obvious sadness and disappointment plastered on his features screamed out as he sat in a chair unable to perform with his brothers. Unable to show his love and gratitude for the fans who supported them since their early days of small humble beginnings, only now they were immensely popular on a worldwide stage.


She felt her heart drop as she found herself resonating with him and his feelings of helplessness. Her lower lip quivered a little as she continued to watch and rewatch several times more before clicking another video this time showing his powerful dance moves only this time she was moved at the power behind his eyes, and how he was able to romance the crowd with a flirty smirk one moment and within a second he was biting his lower lip showing a darker sensual side to his dance. From that moment all thoughts of watching movies quickly vanished and what felt like an hour of watching his fan made videos actually turned into a few hours of entertainment for her.

The small blossoming of something resembling admiration and bordering on a crush had begun, only she wasn't aware of the fact and she certainly wasn't aware of how her fingers automatically danced across her phone pad typing in more search words; BTS Jungkook dance, JK BTS laughing, Jungkook BTS Euphoria and more.

That was where it all began. He soon made himself hers, and she had become his.

Eyes still closed in a prayer she gave thanks for a man who loved her unconditionally. A man who loved her bare face, a man who loved her long slender fingers so much so that he would plant soft kisses on them absentmindedly whether they were with people or not. It had become his thing to reach out and take her hand or touch her in someway, anytime, anywhere in what ever situation, he had to be linked to her physically.

They had only been unofficially official for a few months when she quickly realised how driven and passionate he was in all things he did. He never once wavered from appreciating his fans and she found they had common ground with how appreciative they were of Armys and Blinks. She had found a man who fit into her ideal of a partner who's lifestyle suited hers, and she loved him with every fibre of her being.

One day she had come across a video which of him and his members at an awards show, he was sitting just behind her and it appeared as though they were singing together as a duet. She was an extremely popular idol and had acted in numerous dramas and she was sitting in the row of seats infront of him, her back facing directly towards him and she was mouthing along to the lyrics and he was sitting behind one row behind her mouthing the same words and swaying his body along to the music. Just like she was. She had heard that she was his ideal type, but she had never paid much heed because there was never a need to.

But now that she had seen the video herself; the ever so tiny seeds of doubt planted themselves into her heart making it skip a beat.

Taking a deep breath she opened her eyes and took a small step onto the elevated stage preparing herself for her solo dance stage performance. Looking up she sees the worried stares emanating from Jisoos eyes as she holds up two thumbs indicating that she is ok. She had always enjoyed performing for their Blinks and her dancing was always for them as much as it was for herself. She will think about everything else after the concert because right now she had to show their Blinks just how much she loved performing for them.

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