《Tender in the Night | A Lizkook AU》18.
"I rented a few board games. Let's go," Jungkook wiped his hands and walked to Lisa's seat.
"Go? Go where?"
"I have them at the living room,"
There's the hesitation on her face again as she shifts. "Um, I think I should head back. I promised Jisoo unnie that I'll be back early. And I still have things to pack – we actually bought another luggage cus I didn't realize I shopped a lot," She got up immediately, avoiding any eye-contacts with him while muttering about. Jungkook panicked as she reached for her purse and starts walking out towards the door.
"Lisa," He tried reaching for her hands but she dodged them immediately the moment their skin touched.
"We have to rest too. Jennie unnie mentioned that we have a meeting when we get back,"
They're already at the door and she placed her hand to the knob, ready to leave. Shit, I can't let her leave like this! Kook, get in control!
In a swift, he placed his palm on the door, effectively blocking her way. "Lisa, please," He sighed, closing his eyes and suppressing his frustration of how her earlier warmth and friendliness had turned cold in just a second! He thought everything had been going so well and she'd forgotten about it. You embarrassed her, Kook - what did you expect?
When he opened his eyes, Lisa is looking at him wide-eyed. It's like she's scared of him. He doesn't like that fact at all!
"Can I explain?"
"There's nothing to explain," She smiles casually. How the hell could she smile so casually when it clearly bothered her?!
"Yes, there is. What happened before –"
"Nothing happened, can you please let me go?" It's so painful for him to hear those words, even when she laced it with a smile. What does she mean by that? She tried to open the door but Jungkook held it firmly shut.
"Please don't do this," He breathed.
"Do what? I'm not doing any –"
"Don't act like everything's fine when it's clearly not for you! Please!" He could not contain his anger. Did he not make himself or his feelings clear enough for her to put on this façade? He already felt like a stranger to her, now he feels like a fool. Like what he asked for didn't matter to her. Lisa stared down at her feet, obviously shocked and scared at his tone.
"I know - I know you're not comfortable with me after what happened, I know you felt something that night, why can't you just tell me that? Shout at me or something, just – why do you have to make me even more miserable by keeping everything to yourself and act like you don't have a single problem with everything?! Why do you have to do that? I knew you were trying to avoid me – I knew your answers were just excuses, but my God – is it so hard to talk to me? To look at me?" Deep inside, he knew he's being selfish by saying all these but he can't help it. He can't help but feel helpless at everything when it comes to her.
"Jungkook, please don't shout at me," She looked up to him and he saw the glint of tears reflected in her eyes. It's like someone's taken a bucket of ice and threw them on him at one go!
What have you done? You were the one who fucked-up and now you're blaming and shouting at her? She doesn't deserve this. She was trying. She showed up tonight, right? She kept smiling, right? What the fuck are you doing - shouting at her?!
"I'm sorry," He breathed, the realization had him searching for air – scared that she'll leave and never come back the same way after this. "I'm sorry, baby," He reached for her neck immediately and pulled her in his arms, holding her tight. He can feel her shoulders tensed. Either she's not comfortable being held by him or she's trying to hold her sobs – none of the two ideas are sitting well in his chest.
"I'm so sorry. I wasn't mad at you – I was mad at me," His voice is cracking, afraid at the prospect of her hating him after this. "I was scared. You scared me – like all the time! I'm scared that you won't like me back, I'm scared that you'd find me rude or being a jerk if I kiss you or touch you – my God, it's so hard for me to control myself around you, do you know that? I have all these questions in my head – what if I'm moving too soon, what if you feel pressured by me holding you all the time – cus I wanna hold you all the freakin time! You're so beautiful and you make me feel like I'm not deserving of you but all I wanna do is be with you! I'm scared that I won't be able to control myself and I'll ruin it. I don't wanna ruin what we have, I can't – I can't afford to lose you," He took a deep breath as if he'd just run a mile. His heart is beating so fast as he stumbled on his speech.
When she said nothing, he held her at arm's length. There are stains of tears on her cheeks, but she immediately wiped them both.
"I'm so sorry that I shouted just now baby. Please forgive me," He searched for her eyes as she looks down at her fingers. When he found them, Lisa's lips curved into a small smile.
"I scared you?" Her voice is small as she takes a deep breath. Her cheeks are pink. His confession probably contained too much information for her to take in.
"So much," He chuckled, partly relieved that she's still talking to him.
"Like, how much?" She smirked. Oh God, does she not realize how damn sexy she looks like right now? Or is she purposely trying to test him again?
"So much it hurts," Is his face red now, he hopes not!
Lisa shifts from one foot to the other. "Hurts where?" Okay, she's definitely teasing him! Jungkook laughs and pulls her back into his arms. She's so huggable, like a little kitten - fitting nicely on his body. Not that he knew what it feels like to hug a kitten but if he could imagine, this is how it would feel like!
"Are we okay baby?"
"Yes," Her small voice makes him squeeze her even tighter.
"Really okay?"
"Mm-hmm," He can feel her nodding head on his chest as he caresses her hair.
"Then can I ask you to do something?"
She pulled herself back and looked up to him with a serious expression. "Do you want me to punch you? For you to feel better?" She squints her eyes and at that moment, he knew.
"I'm so in love with you," He breathed, not being able to control himself. Lisa blinked at the remark. Fuck Kook! What did you just say about moving too soon and ruining shit?! "I – I mean," Yeah, what the fuck do you mean?
Jungkook took a step back, at loss of how to fixor take back what he said. He looks down and scratches his non-itchy head,cursing at himself for being the ultimate fool of the year! He never wanted tokick himself on the back so hard that he'll probably land back to Korea - sobadly in his entire life! How is it even possible for one person to fuck upconsecutively in a span of three days?
Before he could come up with another swearing word to himself, he felt her soft palm on his cheek and her lips on his. It took him by surprise but it's as if it's her way of telling him to calm down. There's some-what of an urgency in her kiss. Like she'd been wanting to do this for a long time and there's no more time to waste.
No longer in his control, his hands moved up by themselves to reach the back of her neck. Her lips parted more, giving access for him to slips his tongue in. You're driving me crazy! His hands are now in her hair, tugging it back gently as their tongue dances in perfect sync. Her hands grasped the outline on the jumper at the base of his neck and every grazes of her knuckles on his skin felt like a slow burn.
It's like they can't get enough of each other – and the need to be closer to her drove him to constantly moving forward until she's backed up on the wall. He pulled back when he heard Lisa whimpered, both are now gasping for air as he leaned his forehead against hers. For a second, Jungkook felt like he should step back. But he couldn't move, completely dazed and intoxicated with the taste of her. Her scent filled the air that he breathes and he wanted nothing more than to stay in it. Lisa had him wrapped around her fingers tightly, and she doesn't even know it.
"What are you doing to me?" He whispered and Lisa looks up.
"I could ask you the same thing," Her hoarse whisper sounded so hot and the pain became more apparent now. She needs him as much as he needed her, he can hear it. "What are you thinking now?" Her eyes fell back to his mouth.
"I'm thinking...you should stop looking at me like that,"
"Why?" Her look is challenging. God, this woman is brave!
"Cus I can't promise you that I can control myself over what's gonna happen next," He smirked, challenging her back. Lisa's lips curved up into a smile, her eyes never leaving his.
"I never asked you to promise me that," She whispered, and Jungkook knew nothing will ever be as sexy as the way she looks and sounds right then. "But thank you," She looked down and smiled shyly. "For trying hard to be patient with me,"
"Were you going to sneak off without saying goodbye?" Lisa felt his arm circling her waist as he whispered. The tickling of his fingers on her exposed skin under the crop top made her giggle, and she saw Jisoo rolling her eyes at both of them before turning around to face the queue boarding the plane.
"No...I knew you'd find me no matter how far I go,"
"Sweet...I like you being sweet like this!" He gave her a quick peck on the lips, still hugging her tightly. How I wish we can stay like this forever! But their reality is waiting back home. The thought of not being able to be this close to him every day is beginning to depress her. "I'll reach one hour after you. I'll call you once I land -"
She stared up into his dark eyes, welcoming the playful butterflies in her stomach. "I'll wait. Just settle in first - you don't need to rush,"
"No...as soon as I can -"
The old man behind her cleared his throat, and Lisa turned to find the large gap between her and Jisoo. She bowed slightly to the man, before giggling to catch up. He kissed her goodbye and got halfway across from the queue before he ran back and kissed her again. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Tell me you love me. I need it to survive to lonely flight back," He smiled cheekily.
"I love you...I love you and I love you. So you better survive -"
And he kissed her one last time.
"Lisa-ssi, we need to talk to you in the CEO's office,"
"Uh...sure," She got up - well aware of the questioning looks from her members - and makes her way towards her manager at the studio's door. He sounded serious, which made her stomach clench.
They wouldn't be called into the CEO's office unless it's something dead serious and in her current state right now, she can already tell what it's about. What could it be though? She hadn't broken any rules for the past 4 days since she got back. She's been following all the busy and tight schedules the agency had set up for her that she haven't even been able to sit down with her members properly and talk about the trip to L.A!
Are they going to give her more jobs to work on? Not that Lisa's complaining, but she does feel her energy draining by the second! To be honest, the only reason why she managed to pull through within these past days were the encouraging words from Jungkook and her members. She knew she can't argue much - it's something she had to do in order to keep her relationship. This is the fight she chose to battle with so of course she'll do it - no matter how her body is furiously screaming at her!
She shoved her palm into the pocker of her jeans to wipe the sweats off as the door opens to reveal the proudly seated Yang Hyun-Suk and his guest. It's not only after she took her seat next to the man that she realize who it was.
"Lisa-ssi, nice to finally meet you,"
"Ahh..." She bowed her head to Big Hit's CEO, Bang Si-Hyuk. "I um...nice - nice to meet you too!" She stuttered.
What's going on? Why is he here? It's really something serious if he's here - is Jungkook okay??
"My apologies, I asked him to call for you as I really wanted to meet you in person," He continued, and Lisa smiled nervously.
"You can relax, Lisa-ssi," She turned to her CEO. "We're just catching up like old friends do,"
They're...old friends? This is new! She always thought they're enemies in the industry but here they sit with knowing smiles at each other!
"I just wanted to share with you the good news. I'm not sure if Jungkook had already mentioned it, but the case with the sasaeng is sorted now. I don't know what he said to the girl, but he managed to change her mind. It seemed like he's really serious and I couldn't be more proud at him. So I came here to meet you personally,"
Sasaeng? What - what sasaeng and what case is this??
She caught a glimpse of the temper - or is it anxiety? - rising in her face, as she paced back and forth in front of the mirror, waiting for him to pick up. This is not okay! How could he hide it from her? They've been talking every day - how could he not mention about this at all?
The news still feel surreal to her. They were so engulfed and occupied being in each other's presence in L.A that she didn't even noticed if there was anyone following them - and apparently one girl had all along! And how did Jungkook dealt with the sasaeng - did he paid her? Did he get her arrested for blackmailing him?
"Baby, sorry I was in the middle of a workout -" He sounded like he's trying to catch his breath.
"Why didn't you tell me about the sasaeng issue?" She can't help but jump straight into the topic.
There's a short silence, then a sigh. "I just...I didn't wanna worry you. You already have so much to deal with since you got back so I didn't wanna stress you out,"
"So it makes it okay for you to deal with it alone?"
"Baby, don't get mad, please. It's my sasaeng anyways - she's been following me for how long and I sorted everything out already -"
"Yes, but it could've been a disaster! Would it hurt for you to even nudge me a little? I had to find out from your CEO -"
"What? Bang PD-nim called you?"
"No, he came all the way to my CEO's office and called me in -"
She heard a groan. "I'm sorry. He shouldn't have done that - what else did he say? Was he angry?"
"No...I mean...I don't think so. He kept smiling at me - it's weird," Her tone reflects her still-confused state.
"Then why are you mad at me?"
"I'm mad cus you didn't tell me that you had this issue to deal with! We're supposed to go through this together and now - now I feel bad -" She stomped her feet while she's at it.
"You're so cute -"
Is he...is he serious?? "Don't call me cute, not when I'm angry at you!"
"It's not working, babe. Try harder, you still sound cute,"
"Yahh!!" She shouts and pouts, because she has no idea on what to say next!
"I love how worried you are about me and I'll keep this in mind okay? I don't ever wanna make you mad at me. I just didn't wanna stress you out - and I know that it'll stress you out, you can't lie about it!" She could hear the laugh in his voice.
Damn it - he's right!!
"Just...don't keep things like this from me, okay?"
"Okay, baby," He sounded so sweet, it actually made her smile a little.
"What did you do to the girl? Your CEO said you changed her mind?"
"I just...had a little heart-to-heart talk with her. I asked her what she expected to get out of this. And I told her that it's really important for me to be with you, so I asked her to understand that and...I don't know...she kind of did, I guess. She promised to get rid of the evidence,"
It's really hard to believe that it took only that to convince a sasaeng not to ruin their lives. "That's it? It can't be that simple -"
"Oh wait -" She bit her lips, nervous at what's coming. "She did say we looked cute together,"
Lisa rolled her eyes but can't hide her small smile. Focus Lili! "So um...are there anything more that I didn't know but should know about?"
"Mmm...no...except that I miss you...so much,"
She finally lets her body fall on the couch, grinning like a fool while she's at it. "You do? I miss you too,"
"Then you should come see me at my birthday gathering,"
Her giddy heart beats even faster. "I told you I can't...I'll make it up to you okay?"
"It's worth the try," The tone makes her feel bad, but she can't give in - not now! "I really wanna introduce you to my friends...I was hoping I'd get to see their jealous faces - it'll be the ultimate birthday present ever," He chuckled and Lisa frowned.
"Why would your friends be jealous?"
- In Serial6 Chapters
Mirror Mirror
People who chase after a dream, often forget about the world around them.Leysan Petrovna became the youngest professor at the medical university at the young age of 24.While the world congratulated her, she found her achievement an empty trophy. She sacrificed her youth for her dreams. But now that she has her dream in her hands, She wants to enjoy her youth again.
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The Dark Side of the Moon
"Fuck, baby. You can't say things like that to me. I want to, also. Trust me." His hand snakes down my body until he enters two of his fingers into my wet center. I can only moan in response."However," he kisses my neck possessively, finding the right spot to drive me crazy. "I need to build you up to that." He pushes his fingers in and out of me, hitting deeper and deeper as his strokes become longer and harder and faster. "You feel that? My fingers deep in your pussy that's dripping for me?" He licks the side of my neck as my breaths come out in short pants."My dick is going to stretch you out so much more. When I finally fuck you, you're going to be sore for days. And you're going to love it."----------Thea Brooks, an 18-year-old college student, lives her life by a schedule. She has school, homework, her job at the Coffee shop where she drinks way too much caffeine to be healthy, and the rest of the time she is watching her little sister while her mother is at work. She thinks that everything will remain the same as she starts her college classes, but that all changes when a new friend of hers introduces her to an attractive guy that she can't seem to get out of her head.Grayson Dark, a 22-year-old Alpha of his pack, has been searching for his mate since he turned 16. All hope is lost until one of his pack mates strolls into his home with the most magnificent scent- his mate's scent. After only slightly maiming his pack mate, it is revealed that his mate is close by- and human. Without understanding the supernatural world existing around her, Thea will have to learn to look past Grayson's faults- mainly his possessiveness and anger issues- while staying out of danger from unknown threats and learning her place at Grayson's side. Oh... and keeping her grades up. How hard can that be?
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The Bracelet
"Our heart is like a bracelet, it can be gifted or stolen, shown or hidden, scattered or together, kept or thrown away, preserved or destroyed..." he said while walking with each word rhythmically fitting his steps. "You should have just be specific, my heart is like a bracelet, it can be gifted or stolen, shown or hidden, scattered or together, kept or thrown away, preserved or destroyed... Your's entirely..... Yeong Su. " "So what are you going to do with it? " his eyes fixed on his mansion a few feet away. "I was thinking about throwing it away but I think I'd rather display it since it was gifted.... " I clinged to him like my legs depended on it. "Stolen... " he whispered enough for me to hear "What?! " I looked at him not knowing what to say. "You stole it" he looked at my face for a moment like I was the greatest achievement before kissing my temple with happiness so visible in his eyes ...Editing each chapter.... So read with love.
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Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!
~STORY COMPLETED! just in process of editing~ Lexi Walker has 12 brothers. Twelve irritating, annoying, bossy and protective brothers. The only female contact she has in her life is her mom and has to cope with all the pranks, arguments and play fighting between the two of them. Having to move suddenly to another state for her mother's new job, Lexi's life isn't all just about her brothers' anymore, especially when she meets her new neighbours. More specifically, Noah Dean, the boy that storms into her life and creates havoc. New people, new feelings and a new place. Will it all be the same? Or will Lexi finally grow up and learn to protect herself instead of her brother's doing that for her?Romance. Friendships. Enemies. Family. Love. Everything that's needed to create a roller coaster of feelings for this girl.Family means everything. Let's just hope it stays that way.
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Very Happy
--This is not mine for my offline reading purposes only, PLEASE DON'T VOTE.--Li Zhao is a poor, 20-year-old actor who only thinks of where his next meal is coming from. After growing up in a child only facility, Li Zhao has taken on a very optimistic personality even while raising money for those he sees as family.On the other hand, 28-year-old rich businessman Yan Ting is super pessimistic.Yan Ting: Life is no fun. What is the difference between life and death?Li Zhao: Life is very happy.The world in Yan Ting's heart was very grey until he met Li Zhao. He thought, this must be the liveliest person in the world. Otherwise, how could Li Zhao be so lively in his heart every day?Associated Names美滋滋--Credits to:--Authors: Butterfly's Shadow Beneath the MoonYue Xia Die Ying月下蝶影Sources: https://chrysanthemumgarden.com/
8 81 - In Serial28 Chapters
Badass Alpha Loves Curves
Mature Content (Abuse, Sex etc)"Sorry princess, I'll buy you new ones." I felt him smirk against my skin as he kisses wet trails down my neck. I played in his hair and rub his length through his torturous jeans. He was rock hard and you could see his bulge from a mile away at this point and all I want to go was pull it out and suck it until I can't feel my mouth. (Excerpt)Ever felt disowned by your family? Maybe because of your looks? Well, so have Diamond Flair Harris. At only sixteen, she deals the rollecoster she calls her life. Crying her self to sleep at night is the way she gets over it. With a drunkard father, a depressed mother and three preferred prefect sisters and a twisted past, it is extremely hard for her to over come the pain. Being overweight is not easy for a teen girl. Yet dont worry, the Badass Alpha Loves Curves.Diamond HarrisAge :17Height: 5"7Body Type :More2LoveEthnicity: Italian-AfricanEyes: BrownHair: BlackAwesome: YesHighest Rank #64In editing
8 83