《Tender in the Night | A Lizkook AU》14.
"Baby, we're here," Jungkook squeezed Lisa's hand, trying to wake her up from the short nap since they got in the cab. It must've been an exhausting day for her – running on a full-day schedule then rushing to the airport to catch their flight to Los Angeles.
"Yahh Lali!! Wake up!" Jisoo shouts from the front seat, making Jungkook jump slightly in his seat. Lisa growled in tiny for a bit before opening her eyes. Jungkook laughed a little, amused at how adorable his girlfriend is when she's sleeping. My girlfriend is so cute! "She's like this when she sleeps. You have to be loud enough to wake her up," Jisoo winks at him.
"Thanks for the tip!" Jungkook bowed his head slightly. It's awkward having Jisoo around for this trip, but he can't complain. He'll take anything – or in this case, anyone – to be able to spend some time with Lisa. Both their agencies have agreed to give them this one week off to spend time together, understanding that they're a new couple and how excited they could get to see each other.
Her agency's worried that they might sneak out by themselves to meet and end up getting caught by the media, so both agreed to let them be with each other this time to make up for their 'honeymoon period'. Once the week is done, he'll be so busy that they won't get much time to meet. He knew his agency set his schedule that way on purpose. But he's thankful nevertheless.
Both parties have agreed on a few arrangements to hide them from any possible snoop. One of it being in creating a diversion as they noticed how the fans have started shipping them both since Blackpink's debut – to which he's still very much happy with! So they're gonna create a few random accounts to 'stir the ship'. As much as Jungkook hates the idea of it, he can't say no. He'd do anything to protect her. Even if they'd send Jisoo here with them as a disguise.
So here they are, at Casa Del Mar, Santa Monica. He already had a couple of plans for the coming days, but other than that, he'll leave it up to Lisa. Wherever she wants to go or do, he'll ride along with it. He's just over the moon about having her beside him this week!
"So you'll be on fourth floor, I'll be on fifth. If you need anything, just give me a call, okay? They'll send your luggage up in a minute,"
"Thanks," Jisoo nods, taking the key card from Jungkook. "I think we'll just sleep in tonight. Look at her, she's barely standing!" She laughs at her maknae, who's busy rubbing her eyes. Jungkook smiles as the elevator stops on the fourth floor. Jisoo got out first, and Jungkook managed to sneak a kiss on Lisa's head before whispering to her 'Goodnight'.
As the elevator door closes, Jungkook breathed in the scent left by his girlfriend. He grabs his chest, suddenly overwhelmed with emotions. He likes her so much, it's starting to scare him a little. It's not the first time he has a girlfriend, but it is the first time a girl had made him feel this way.
He hoped Lisa will like him as much too. What's even more special about this trip, is that he'll be celebrating his 21st birthday in the next four days. Lisa will be here with him for his birthday! Over and over, Jungkook thanked his lucky star that he'd found her at the staircase that night.
Isit even real to be this happy? Lisa wondered as she stared at the profile ofthe guy buying hotdogs at the street stall. She felt like slapping herselfwhenever she thought about it, like it had all been a dream that Jeon Jungkookis now her boyfriend. And an amazing one at that too! He'd been nothing butsweet and kind since they got here two days ago. Clingy, yes, but Lisa didn'tmind one bit about it.
They had gotten closer and closer each day – talking,teasing, laughing and doing everything together. He would hold her hands at anychance he gets - that is, when Jisoo's not looking. It's cute that he's scaredof her, even when Lisa had repeatedly reminded him that Jisoo couldn't careless. It's kind of endearing that he has that kind of respect for her members,knowing that they're like Lisa's big sisters.
As innocent as they've been though, she wasn't completely naïve about the progress of their relationship. Up until now, he still hadn't done anything more than just holding her hands and the quick goodnight kiss on her forehead. She had to force herself to snap out of it every time she felt like wanting more. She didn't know much about a couple's intimacy, but every time their skin touched, she felt shivers in her body and some what an electric current pulling her close to him. She didn't want it to end and she found herself longing for him at night before she sleeps.
They had gone swimming yesterday and as they were teasing each other – with her splashing water to Jungkook's face – he'd grabbed her by the waist to stop her. God knows how hard her heart beat was, trying to ignore the tension she felt in her body as Jungkook stared at her, with their faces only inches away from each other. She was honestly ready, thinking she was going to have her first kiss at that point, but had to hide her disappointment – or flushing face for that matter - when Jungkook lets go of her awkwardly. Now she's beginning to wonder if she's not attractive enough for him.
"One for the lady!" Jungkook came back with two hotdogs in his hands, giving one to her. He then proceeded to sit by her side on the bench.
Lisa takes one bite and rolled her eyes at how delicious it is. She always wanted to try the street food in the States as how she'd seen in the movies. Never in a million years she would thought she'd be having all these 'firsts' with Jungkook.
"Is it good?" Jungkook asked. She nodded with a big smile and he returned it with the same. "I had one in New York, it's my favourite so far. I'll bring you there one day,"
"One day!" She laughed off the funny feeling that creeps up in her stomach. Of course, she hoped that the day would come when they could easily travel here and there without worries. But that 'one day' seemed so out of reach. BTS is getting bigger and bigger by the day, while Blackpink's getting more and more hate each day.
Just a day ago, they saw news that suddenly went viral about how Jennie's manager parked at the wrong space in front of a restaurant. It had nothing to do with them, of course – but netizens had been so quick at relating it to her unnie and Blackpink. Of course, they've been trained to not mind much about gossips and verbal attacks, but some comments could go overboard and it hurts to read mean accusations thrown at them for no apparent reason.
That's just about a parking space! Imagine the implications of finding out Lisa – who's a foreigner and had always been a target of backlash and criticism – is dating Jeon Jungkook, the much-loved golden boy of Korea? I'd probably be thrown out of the country! Or worse, what if his fans get upset at him? What if they say mean things to him and hurt him?
The thought depresses her. 'One day' feels so out of reach...perhaps he's better off with someone who isn't as foreign as her, someone who's more lovable by his home. Yeri's face came into her mind and she suddenly feel out of place. It's no surprise that Jungkook doesn't make any further move with her, now that she thought about it. His ex-girlfriend is too pretty! I wonder if he treated Yeri the same way as how he's with me. How could she ever let him go?
"You okay? Something in your mind?"
Lisa looked up to Jungkook wide-eyed, quickly shaking her head. He paused from eating and stare at her, still waiting for an answer.
"It's nothing, really," She laughed and took another bite of the hotdog. Jungkook sighed and puts his food aside.
"Do you know," He leaned closer to Lisa and whispered. "That when you really like someone, you'll automatically pay attention to every little detail you could find about the person. Even the things the other person might not even realize," His hand reached up and a finger drew a line across her cheek, right below her left eye. "Like when you're so happy, and you smile so big – you'll have a crease here, which doesn't appear when you smile normally. And when you're thinking about something that upsets you, you'll have a small 'V' here and a small pout, did you realize that?" He lightly tapped on her bottom lip.
Lisa blinked a couple of times, thinking of how to respond to that. Of course she hadn't realised it!
"And when you try to lie or dodge a question, you'd look down one time, then look around you before answering," He smirks at her.
"Wow, you're very observant...you must 'really' like me then, huh?" She breathed. Being so near his face is giving her the butterflies again, making it hard for her to think properly. Especially when Jungkook is now staring at her lips.
"More than 'really' I think," He muttered. Lisa can't take her eyes off him. His twinkling brown eyes are colourful under the streetlights, dancing along to the bustling energy that surrounds them. Slowly she felt heat rising up her cheeks. Is it just her or is he moving closer? Her heart beats fast and she's mesmerised by his intense stare. How can he be this dreamy while they're here in public, eating hotdogs from a street vendor? Hotdogs!
Lisa immediately leans back. No way this will be our first kiss! My first kiss!
"Thirsty!" Why are you shrieking, you weirdo?! She leaned back and cleared her throat, looking down to the food in her hand. "Let's go get drinks after this?"
Her awkwardness is not lost on Jungkook, who's now frowning at her.
"Hmm?" She sits up.
"Don't change the subject," He pleaded softly.
"It's nothing, really. My mind was just jumping at random things," She gave an assuring smile and nods. "I'm really thirsty,"
Jungkook had been walking on air. It had only been the third day since they got here, but it was the best three days he'd ever experience so far.
Everything about Lisa – her little smile that somehow reflects a hint of gratitude whenever he bought her something, the silly expressions she puts on and how her laugh sounded more like a shriek every time they joked around with each other, how her brows scrunches whenever she's focusing or thinking about something or how her cheeks would blush pink every time Jungkook face ended up a few inches away from hers. Her awkward excuses and how she'd hop – yes, hop – cutely away from him when she feels embarrassed. He noticed every little thing about her and it's wonderful. It's still too early to tell, but he already knew that there's no way he could ever move on from these feelings he has for her.
I hope you'll never get tired of me.
Lisa looked up to him, wondering on the little squeeze on her hand. He just gave a small, embarrassed smile as they continued the walk by the beachside.
"Are you seriously not gonna tell me what's on your mind?" Jungkook's smile is polite and sad as he stopped walking, tugging Lisa's hand a little to turn to him. "You've been so quiet since earlier,"
Lisa lets out a small smile. "You worry too much about me. It doesn't fit your cute Kookie character at all!" She turned back to continue the walk but Jungkook refused to let her. When she looked back to Jungkook, his face is serious.
"This is only a little," He tilted his head to a side, then grabbed both her hands in his. "I noticed that you do that a lot – you know, keeping things by yourself. I think you're used to it, correct me if I'm wrong," He paused, waiting for her reaction. Lisa only looks down to their intertwined fingers.
"I wanna share everything with you - the good and the bad – and I can only hope you'd stay with me through it. But I also wanna know everything about you,"
"You can't know everything about a person," Lisa laughed a little, looking nervous as his body is getting closer and closer to hers, his fingers playing in between hers.
"I know. Not all at once. But I'd like to get to know you every day," He whispers. They're only a few inches away from each other now and he could tell how she's scared of looking up. Which makes him even more scared, to be honest! Scared to find her face so close to his. Scared of losing control and just kiss her right here and there. "So you need to start getting used to sharing things with me cus I'm not gonna stop asking –"
"I feel like I'm not good enough for you..." She blurted out. Jungkook stepped back.
"What? Why would you think that?" Jungkook's frown is apparent, mimicking his confused tone.
"I don't know..." Lisa tugged her hand back and turned away, not wanting to go into details.
"No, no," Jungkook ran to her front, effectively blocking her path. "We're not dropping this. Why?"
"Forget it, it was dumb anyways," She forced a laugh, which didn't convince Jungkook at all. Instead, he crossed his arms and waited for her to explain. "It's not a big deal, I was probably just overthinking it," She tried again. Still, Jungkook didn't move.
She fidgets and play with her fingers. "Don't laugh at me, okay?"
"Why would I laugh –"
"You haven't kissed me yet," And with that, Jungkook's mouth dropped open a little and his arms fell on his sides. He looks around, obviously surprised at how she could just mutter it out. Thank God I'm not eating or drinking anything, otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd choked!
"Like I said, it was dumb. Let's go," She quickly walked past him and doubled her pace. It took him a moment to recover and when he looks back at her, she's already far ahead from him.
"Lisa, wait!" Jungkook ran to catch up with his girlfriend. "Baby," He finally reached behind her and grabs her hand, forcing her to stop and face him - to which she failed. "Why are you running?" Jungkook chuckled in between deep breaths.
"I wasn't – I - I was walking, you know, like, normal people –" She looks flustered and Jungkook supressed his urge to laugh.
"Really? It looked like you were hopping,"
"I did not hop!" Even as she's looking down, he can see the slight pout she made. Aigoo, how did I got so lucky to have you?
"You did. It's cute,"
"No, I didn't!" She pushed Jungkook on the chestbut he didn't move a bit. In a swift, his palm reached her face and forced herto look up to him.
"Fine, you didn't," He breathed just as his lips meet hers. They are warm and soft. It took her by surprise at first, but after a few seconds, she parted her lips and that's all it takes. She tastes like the caramel sweet she gave him earlier this evening. His tongue slides along hers, stroking and teasing it as he uses his grip to pull her tighter to him.
He felt her hand on his chest, grabbing his shirt. The fingers of his free hand work their way into her hair as he deepened the kiss. Finally, I get to taste you! She's so sweet, he can't get enough! Oh God, had the temperature dropped all of a sudden?
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Fighting for Rose
-Blake-Rose stands not too far in front of the ring looking at me, her face is pale and my gut twists in ways it never has.She shouldn't be here, why the hell is she here? My hands drop to my side, the victorious feeling once flowing through me is replaced with one of dread. She saw me fighting.--------Rose-"Alright. Time for you to go." He says. I feel the pull on my arm as he tries to take me away but my feet feel like they are glued to the ground as I continue to look at Blake. He has a little smirk on his face as he looks over the crowd. A look so completely different than any of the ones I saw the other day.Then our eyes meet, and his smirk drops.He drops his hands that were just held high in victory and looks at me like he's seeing a ghost. The guard pulls harder on my arm and I go flying back into his chest. "Listen here, I don't want to manhandle you, so do as I fucking say. Move." He growls as he pushes me into the crowd of celebrating people.I do what he says and start walking towards the exit, but I look over my shoulder one last time before I'm too far in the crowd to see anything. Blake's hands are fisted by his side and his face is red with anger, his eyes are focused on the hands that are on me pushing me away from him.----- I am the original owner of this book, please do not copy. Strong language and themes of abuse, mental disorders and violence.I don't own any of the pictures used in this story.#1 in alone 11/23/21#1 in strong 11/30/21#2 in boxing 4/19/22#1 in goodgirl 5/8/22#1 in fighting 5/19/22
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