《put you head on my shoulder (lizkook )》ch 12 wishful thinking


As I was going to his house ...he called me back...

Lisa-hey jungkook ..I want to say u sor...

(He cut my lines by his)

Jungkook-Lisa I want to meet you right now in the "meet you cafe " .I'll be waiting there for you ...

Lisa- jungkook wait...

He hung up...

I got ready and went outside...

I already booked a cab...so it was waiting for me outside..

I went inside...and it drove to the cafe..

Why would jungkook call me here ...I am her neighbor he could just come to my house....is he really angry at me....oh no is he going to beat me...

Don't be stupid Lisa he is not that kind of person...

Is he going to propose me !! Oh my God what will I reply...no he can't ..I pushed him out of my house.... He would be really mad at me...why am I so stupid..I should have asked him the reason first...

While thinking this stuff we reached at the cafe ..I paid to the cab driver...and he left...

I went inside the cafe....

I saw jungkook...my heart started beating very fast as it was going to bast out....why am I feeling like this ...am I in love with him..no I can't ..I promised myself that I will not be in a relationship anymore...

I looked at him ...he had no expression...he was drinking his coffee...oh no I know his is going to beat me....

I went to him with a weird smile...

Hey jungkook...I want to say you sorry ....about what just happened.in the morning..

I am sorry I didn't knew anything...but rose told me that you send me home ....

I am so sorry jungkook for not to listening you... Pls forgive me ...I was about to cry....


It's ok Lisa... I forgive you..

thank you jungkook .....you are so good..

I just want to ask you a question ..

Pls seat down..

Lisa POV,

He forgave me ....

Thank you jungkook you are so good, i said to him...

"Lisa I wanted to ask you a question"...,he said

I agreed....

"Lisa do you like me" , he said

I was in a shocked.... I blushes Soo hard...that my faced became red like tomato...I was really shy ...

I Put my head down ....I was so shy that I didn't want to show my face to him...

"Lisa you don't need to answer me right now you can take your time ...."

He smiled...

He came closer to me and put his finger on my chin and out my face up....

His face was really close to me...

Suddenly I kissed him.....( Oh Lisa is what have you done... Didn't you promised yourself that you will.not do relationship any more...but you kissed him...you are such an bitch, I said to myself )

We aparted our lips ...I could see him blushing too... He chuckled...

Lisa can I accept it as yess... I nodded my head ....

He came closer to my ears ..I could feel his warm breath...

So now you are officially my girlfriend..., He whispered in my ears...

Jungkook you baster!! I screamed with anger ....

He ran out of the cafe ...I followed him....

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