《cinderella ━━ euphoria》𝟎𝟗. 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞
[no silent readers pls 🥺]
and Mia fully involved in her costume her problems and worries drifted away. Halloween was easily one of her favorite days, she enjoyed dressing up as someone or something else— but then again who didn't?
Mia and Fez hadn't seen each other but it wasn't bad, usually when they didn't see each other before things ended badly but not this time. They regularly called each other to check in and constantly texted and snapped.
"Hey Kiddo." Mia heard her dad say from the kitchen as she walked into her house.
"Yoooo!" Mia responded walking into the kitchen to reveal her dad and mom cooking while music blasted.
"Hi babygirl, how was school?" her mom asked as she swayed around to the music while chopping stuff up.
The brunette looked at her mom and dad skeptically, "Good I guess, same old same old." Mia shrugged. "Why are you both home?"
Her dad laughed, "Can't we just be home, in the house we bought? Is that too bad?"
Mia shook her head smiling, "Nope! I really like you two being here."
"Okay well hurry than and put your stuff away so you can help us." Her mother hurried her.
"Okay! Okay!" Mia laughed.
As she walked upstairs to her room she heard Let's Stay Together start up, she smiled and walked back down slowly to spy on her parents. This was their song and whenever it came on it reassured Mia that her parents were in fact still in love. She watched as huge grins covered their faces and how her dad wrapped his arms around her mother as they swayed.
She walked back up to her room putting her stuff down and checked her phone. She had a few missed texts from Rue, Cassie, Jules, Lexi, and Kat in their Halloween group chat nothing major. She checked all her apps and saw that she was tagged in a photo by Fez.
Her heart fluttered as she opened up the post
fezco has just tagged you in a post
I miss my wifey and her all up in my sink 🖤
🥺 so cute
⤷thank u bae
ok so when are you going to get me pregnant? 🤨
⤷ I'm with whatever baby you already know that!
⤷ saaaaay less boo 😋
this is the cutest thing i've ever seen
⤷i luv u
After all that Mia felt her heart swell not only at the post but at the picture, she didn't even notice him take that picture. She was for sure wrapped around his finger and this time she was more than okay with it.
is kind of a big deal not only to Mia but basically every teenager in East Highland. If it's something suburban kids know how to do it's definitely throw a party. So on Saturday Mia was at Cassie and Lexie's house.
The girls were getting ready and talking about how their lives. Cassie filled in Mia about her party issue with McKay the other night as Mia helped Lexie apply her beard on. She was dressing up as Bob Ross for Halloween which Mia thought was the cutest costume ever.
"Is McKay insecure or something because if you were my girl I would be so proud to have the girl with thee hottest costume at my side." Mia ranted.
Cassie groaned, "That was literally what I thought he was going to think too but nope, he wanted me to change. It made me insanely mad so I'm just excited to have fun tonight."
"Same." Mia smiled applying the last bit of beard to Lexie's face. "Okay done! I love it Lex."
Lexie got up and went straight to the mirror, "Yup. Just as I thought, best costume ever."
Mia got up and started up on her makeup and costume looking over at Lexie and Cassie, "I feel so basic with my costume compared to both of yours."
"I saw your Halloween costume mood board trust me your costume is going to look great." Cassie smiled.
"What's Maddy going to be? Is she even going to go?" Lexie asked which made Mia stop her makeup.
"Uh... Don't know haven't really spoken to her." Mia answered truthfully continuing her makeup. Mia and Maddy passed by each other in hallway like they never knew one another to begin with which people were starting to pick up on.
"Oh so it's true you two aren't friends anymore." Lexie responded.
"Lex." Cassie warned.
"It's okay Cass. Um yeah we aren't friends anymore but things obviously happen for a reason and I'm happy with were I'm at right now. It sucks but I'm not going to let it keep me down." Mia smiled.
"Good, because you are glowing." Lexie smiled.
"It's that prescription that Fez gives her if you know what I mean." Cassie smirked.
"I cannot lie, he does hit different in every single way." Mia smiled at herself in the mirror making the girls laugh.
The girls continued to joke around as they got ready, Mia had forgotten how much she loved the Howard sisters.
"Okay I think I'm done." Mia smiled at herself in the mirror.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Cassie exclaimed.
"You look insane dude." Lexie agreed.
"Okay they're downstairs so I'm gonna go open the door. Don't take too long." Lexie warned the girls.
Mia took a quick mirror picture and followed Lexie down.
"Don't mind the satanic star on my chest it's all for show." Mia laughed as she saw her friends.
All the girls complimented each other's costumes and as soon as Cassie was downstairs the girls left.
They all could've taken Mia's car but it was decided that it was best to just walk since it wasn't that far and they didn't want Mia driving back under the influence or leaving her car somewhere random.
As they walked the group made some conversation which led to Nate being brought up. Mia rolled her eyes at his name and sped up, Jules was the only one who noticed and walked faster with her too. The girls looked at each other and smiled. They didn't know it but they were going through it together.
When the girls got to the party Mia and Kat decided to take some shots, Jules also joined in which made Mia feel bad for Rue and how hard it must be to watch everyone have fun and be the only sober one so she decided on not doing it in front of her out of respect. Plus Mia had a Four Loko that she was going to drink later and didn't really want to mix her drinks.
"Okay, I'm going to find Fez text me if any of you leave please!" Mia ordered walking away.
Mia moved through the crowd looking for her man. She smiled when she saw the back of his head sitting down on a sofa next to the pool.
She plopped himself on her lap startling him. "Hi baby."
Fez's startled eyes softened at the sight of Mia. "You scared me mama, had me thinking you was some random."
Mia laughed standing up, "You like?" She twirled around.
Fez licked his lips, "I like it a lot." He wrapped his arms around her waist looking down at his girlfriend. "My little demon."
Mia sat Fez back down and climbed onto his lap, he was quick to rewrap his arms around her waist. He wasn't mad at her costume and how revealing it was, hell she could walk around naked as long as she was his.
"You look fine as hell too, I'm digging the mob ties vibe." Mia smirked pushing her head back against his chest and into his neck giving him a little kiss.
"Didn't really know what I was going for but that idea is dope so imma go with it." Fez laughed.
The two sat in a comfortable silence for a bit, enjoying the music while Mia sipped her Four Loko and Fez smoked his blunt.
Mia sighed, "I think I'm done with the party scene."
"I think I've been done with it too, a long ass time ago but you know how it is baby."
Mia nodded, "I know, I know. I just wanted you to know that I don't really care about all this other shit only me and you."
Fez smiled, "Me and you till the wheels fall off."
Mia and Fez sat on the sofa for a couple minutes, she drank her drink and watched as Fez did what he did. She was honestly so content with him and it may be annoying because she reminded everyone and herself everyday but she couldn't help it she was madly and deeply in love with him.
Mia looked up when she heard someone cough. Rue stood by the couch awkwardly, looking at Fez while messing with her hands.
"Hey, what's up kid?" Fez acknowledged Rue.
"Hey Rue." Mia smiled.
Rue smiled back at Mia, "Hey man, uh. Look I owe you an apology."
Mia stood up when Rue taking that as a sign that the two needed to have a talk not involving the girl so with that she leaned over to kiss Fez, "I'll give you two a minute," she whispered in his ear.
Fez had told Mia what had happened between them. He felt awful for the first couple of days especially because him and Rue stopped talking all together and that was like his little sister, but he'd rather lose her temporarily than permanently. Mia was happy that the two were finally hashing things out.
Mia walked back into the house bumping into Cassie in the corner drinking straight out of a vodka bottle.
"Hey Cass, what's wrong?" Mia asked the blonde who was visibly upset.
"McKay, he's being annoying." Cassie rolled her eyes taking another drink.
"He's an asshole he will realize that you are a gem and that you should be treated the right way, c'mon let's dance I really like this song." Mia giggled which made Cassie smile and follow her on the makeshift dance floor that was set up.
The two girls were a sight for sore eyes. You see Cassie and Mia were easily one of the top 5 prettiest girls at East Highland and every guy wanted them. The two didn't really hang out a lot due to Mia and Maddy hanging out but when they did all eyes were on them.
So to see the two hottest girls at school practically grinding on each other was definitely one of the highlights for the horny boys at that party. Especially Daniel the person that was throwing the party he enjoyed it, very much.
As the girls danced Daniel made his way towards them trying to move in on both of them which Mia was not feeling at all, she however couldn't say the same thing for Cassie who was obviously loving the attention she was getting. As Mia began to back up, she bumped into a sturdy body and felt arms steady her.
The girl jumped and quickly turned around taking several steps back. Luckily it wasn't some random drunk guy trying to cop a feel, it was Fez although he didn't look too happy to see Daniel trying to make a move on his girl.
"You good baby?" Fez looked down at Mia and back at Daniel who wasn't even paying attention to Mia anymore and had all his attention on Cassie.
"Yeah, it's fine. Dance with me." Mia smiled grabbing his arms and placing them back on her hips as she turned her back to him trying to get his mind off the boy.
Fezco wasn't the type of person to dance but with this girl right in front of him it was very hard to say no, especially cause he had the girl that everyone wanted. He was always reminded why Mia was for sure the love of his life because when YG and Nipsey Hussle's song You Broke started to play she got so hype and rapped word for word except the one word she wouldn't say. What more could a guy ask for?
After about 10 minutes of dancing well kinda, Fez had to do some business outside Mia still wanted to dance so she let him know she would be fine and that he could go do his shit and just come back and find her. So while Mia continued to dance she didn't notice Rue passing her soaking wet and crying not until she had passed her again to leave.
"Rue?" Mia heard Lexi yell from the stairs. Mia looked between them both and followed them outside.
"Rue, what's going on?" Mia asked worried.
"Um. I'm a burden." Rue hesitated.
Mia's heart dropped at Rue's statement.
"Yeah. Um, I'm sor— I'm just, I'm a burden and it is what it is and it's embarrassing, and it's stupid, but um it's true. So I'm sorry." Rue stuttered
"Rue don't say that, you aren't a burden why would you even think that." Mia frowned.
"Yeah please Rue don't say that." Lexi said bringing Rue into a hug which Mia joined.
"Rue! What's wrong?" Jules lazily smiled obviously drunk off her ass.
"I think we're gonna head out." Lexi answered, while Mia nodded along.
"No, No it's just cause you're not dancing with me." Jules hugged Rue.
Mia rolled her eyes at Jules. She wasn't a hateful person but Mia was also pretty drunk and mad that Jules was probably the reason Rue was feeling the way she did and Mia didn't like when people made people she loved and cared about feel bad.
"Jules, you're soaking wet and really drunk." Lexi tried to reason with the blonde.
"You're dry and dressed like Bob Ross." Jules responded laughing which made Mia even more mad but she stood as calm as she could.
"Okay, I think we're gonna go." Lexi frowned as she grabbed Rue's hand.
"Don't be fucking boring. This whole town is so fucking boring, I don't care." Jules rolled her eyes which made Mia snap.
"Don't be a fucking bitch Jules, don't forget that you're talking to my friends and just because you're drunk doesn't mean I won't slap some sense into you." Mia clenched her fists.
Rue put her hand on Mia's shoulder trying to calm her, "Would you like to go with us Jules?" Rue asked which Jules responded with a shake of the head. "Okay well then how are you going to get home?"
"I don't know and I don't care." Jules shrugged walking back into the party.
"Let's go Rue before I do something I regret." Mia responded.
"I can't-- I can't fucking leave her." Rue looked up tears in her eyes. Lexi and Mia exchanged look before nodding and walking back inside with Rue.
"I think I'm going to leave, that whole thing just killed my vibe." Mia told Lexi who she knew would pass on the message incase anyone got worried.
"Are you okay, is Fez going to take you home? Is he good to drive?" Lexi asked making sure everything was good.
"Yeah he was sobering up so he could drive and I'll just pick up my car from your house tomorrow." Mia smiled hugging Lexi,
"Okay, text me when you're home." Lexi hugged back.
Mia walked away moving her way to the back of the party looking for Fez, she immediately spotted him in a corner with a group of guys. She walked up to the ginger tugging on his arm.
"Hi guys." Mia smiled at the boys she recognized, "Can we go now? I don't want to be here anymore." She whispered looking at Fez who nodded.
"Aight, imma head out." Fez dapped up the boys saying goodbye.
Fez interlinked his fingers with Mia and led her out the party and while they were leaving everything seemed to go in slow motion when she saw Maddy and Nate walk in and the whole party start to chant his name. She watched as him and Maddy acted like nothing happened.
She had to keep reminding herself that it wasn't her business and while she was reminding herself of that Maddy was hoping the girl would turn around and catch her regretful stare so that she would know she was sorry.
ok so i know i said i was going to start updating more but wtf online school hits so different and like not in a good way, but i think i got the hang of it so i will probably be updating again within the week i PROMISE! soz for shitty chapter i decided to put the whole episode in one chapter bc it was only one day in that episode. also jules and mia do be beefing doe and maddy does feel bad, but who knows if mi and maddy could ever be friends again... also mez is really happy would be a shame if they weren't MWHAHAHAHAH
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