《cinderella ━━ euphoria》𝟎𝟕. 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
[no silent readers pls 🥺]
with Fez took a toll on her, a toll she had never expected.
Mia wasn't a person to get attached easily, especially not with people she was just fucking around with, but she knew Fez was different she just could never admit it to herself.
So in a very dramatic teen way Mia shut out the whole world out all weekend. She had thrown her phone to a random corner when she got home and cried until she had given her self a headache and passed out. She woke up the next morning feeling shittier than ever and her parents being totally oblivious to everything just thought their daughter was sick.
She had stood in bed the remainder of the weekend drifting in and out of sleep, crying, and only getting up to use the restroom. Not once had she eaten, she knew that was a bad thing especially for a tiny girl like her but she couldn't help it.
Monday rolled around and Mia didn't go to school same thing with Tuesday, not until Wednesday when her parents had forced her to go because she couldn't miss anymore days. Mia knew that they were right, she got annoyed at the thought of all the homework, ASB, dance, and every other extracurricular things she had to catch up on.
Mia had to force herself in the shower. She stood under the water for the longest, thinking about Fez again. She hated that he thought she had cheated on him. She was even madder because he had the nerve to get mad about someone who he had not even asked to be his girlfriend.
With the rage of energy she had discovered, she quickly took the rest of her shower and did all her necessities. She threw on a cute outfit and did some basic makeup wanting to look as normal as possible and not like she had been crying in her bed for basically five days.
Mia looked in every corner before finding her phone wishing she hadn't looked at her notifications, she had to over 200 missed calls and text messages from all her friends yelling at her for going MIA and saying they hoped she felt better. She sighed shoving her phone in her back pocket walking out of her room.
into the school and automatically wished she was home. She felt a little bit better when she felt someone rush her into a hug instantly knowing it was Maddy.
"What happened bitch? I came over because you went ghost and your mom said you were sick but I know that wasn't the case because you weren't answering anybody." Maddy said. That was one thing Mia loved and hated about Maddy, she always knew when something was up.
"It's nothing I'm over it already." Mia lied smiling.
Maddy raised her eyebrow, "I don't believe you."
"Fez and I broke up or stopped talking I guess, I really don't want to talk about it. Can we please go to class?" Mia asked not wanting to really get into that conversation knowing she would want to start crying.
The Latina frowned, "Ok M, when you're ready to talk I'm here."
Mia smiled at her best friend holding her hand out to link hands while they walked to class.
The rest of the week went by faster than Mia thought they would, then again she had only went to school for three days.
Mia had slowly started to feel better, especially after she had told Maddy everything. It felt good to get her feelings off her chest. Maddy had insisted that the carnival would be a fun way to get back on track and Mia agreed. She loved the carnival.
So after school on Friday the two girls had gone over to Maddy's house to get ready and head over to the carnival. The two were feeling pretty good and looking even better. Maddy went for the full baddie look with an I AM GIA two piece and a slicked pony, while Mia was still going for the baddie look it was more casual. She wore a blue and white Dior top with some white pants and her docs. She felt a lot better all dolled up.
When they got to the carnival Maddy realized that she had to meet up with Nate.
Mia rolled her eyes, she had forgotten about Maddy's piece of shit boyfriend.
"Meet at the Ferris wheel in thirty!" Maddy yelled walking off to find her boyfriend.
Mia sighed, this is not what she had planned. The girl aimlessly walked around looking for a place that was selling ice cream, she had been craving it and what better place to get some at then the carnival. While searching for her ice cream she saw Fez standing against a pole. She hadn't seen him in a week and even though he looked finer than ever and she just wanted to go up and kiss him she didn't because she was angry at him for what he assumed.
"There you are bitch, I was looking for you." Mia heard Maddy's voice from behind.
"What happened with Nate?" Mia asked turning away from looking at Fez.
"He was being an asshole like usual and said I looked like a hooker basically and that his family already hates me. Anyways, fuck him." Maddy ranted.
"Yeah babes, fuck him because you totally look hot." Mia smiled.
"Okay don't hate me but your ex man is the only one who is selling what I need right now and he's over there, do you mind?" Maddy asked.
"No, I need something too. See he totally just fucked up my emotions." Mia rolled her eyes.
"Perfect! Be right back." Maddy smiled walking over to Fez who looked caught off guard by Maddy walking up to him.
Mia watched the short conversation and him hand her a ticket. While Maddy was walking back over to Mia. They both made eye contact. With all the anger that was built up Mia flipped off Fez mouthing "Fuck you."
Maddy saw what had happened and jumped up and down with pride, "Yes bitch! Fuck him!"
The two girls giggled walking down to the pretzel stand. They had stopped when they saw Cassie sitting alone.
"Hey." The two girls said in unison.
"Hey." Cassie responded back obviously upset.
"You're not having fun?" Maddy asked.
Cassie shook her head, "No."
Maddy and Mia looked at each other, "Yeah, us neither."
"You wanna do Molly?" Maddy asked casually.
Cassie shrugged nodding her head and following the girls to the pretzel stand where Ashtray was working.
The three girls stood in front of the stand listening as Ashtray welcomed them to what was called Pretzlemania.
"Can I take your order?"
Maddy pulled out the ticket giving it the boy.
"How many pretzels do you want?" Ash asked.
"We don't eat carbs." Maddy scoffed.
Mia giggled at Maddy's comment.
"Three please." Cassie said.
"Sorry, we only have two pretzels left." Ashtray said clearly lying. Mia knew Fezco had texted him when he had saw her walk away with Maddy.
"How are you going to only have two pretzels left the the carnival only started like 30 minutes ago?" Maddy asked.
"Yeah that doesn't even make sense." Cassie said.
"It's because Fezco told him not to sell to me, listen Ash I don't know what your brother told you but I want my pretzel and if I don't get it I'll burn this shit down now don't play with me." Mia threatened him. She didn't like doing that at all but she was angry that Fez thought he could control what she could or couldn't do.
Ashtray rolled his eyes, "You're so fucking dramatic. That will be 60 then."
The girls all pulled out a 20 giving it him while he went to the back.
"So you think Nates cheating on you?" Cassie asked Maddy.
"I don't know he's just been acting super weird lately." Maddy responded
"Have you gone through his phone maybe?" Mia asked earning a look from Maddy.
"I've never not gone through someone's phone." Cassie responded.
"Same." Mia agreed. That was how she found out Brandon was fucking other girls.
"I think you bitches are my soulmates." Maddy smiled at her two friends.
Ashtray handed the girl there pretzels earning a thank you from the three of them at the same time.
"So what's going on with you and McKay?" Mia asked Cassie as the three girls walked away stuffing the Molly from the pretzel into their bras.
"What happened with you and Fez?" Cassie asked back.
"Nuh uh, I asked you first." Mia pointed at the blonde.
"C'mon Cass, I thought you two were in love?" Maddy asked.
Cassie scoffed, "Nate asked McKay if we were in a relationship and McKay said were just chilling."
The two brunettes looked at the blonde, "What?"
"Yeah. What about Fezco?" Cassie asked.
Mia groaned, "He thinks I cheated on him because I went to go pick up my jacket from Brandons house and all the comments he made on my post. He thought I was playing him. God! He makes me so angry."
"Honestly, fuck all three of them!" Maddy said throwing her pretzel in the trash.
"You can say that again." Mia rolled her eyes throwing her pretzel in the trash, Cassie doing the same.
"Okay so I was going to tell you something this weekend Mia but you went MIA but you have to swear on your fucking life you won't say a word. You too Cass!" Maddy said seriously.
Mia looked at the girl curiously nodding along with Cassie, "What is it?"
Maddy stopped the girls, "I went through Nate's phone. And it was weird."
the details on Nate and Maddy's situation, sniffing a good amount of the molly, and riding the ferris wheel the girls found themselves in the House of Mirrors, high as fuck.
"Honestly, fuck that whole family."
"For real."
The girls jumped into conversation about how they were truly those bitches and as those bitches they deserved the respect of it, and if they weren't going to get it they should do something about it.
"We should just pick the hottest, most confident, bad bitch version of ourselves and be that for the rest of the year." Cassie said circling around the two girls.
"Yo." Maddy said making them all laugh.
"Honestly, I'm too fucking cute and too fucking off limits for guys to be acting like I'm one of those basic ass bitches from school. It's like I can get any guy I want so why should I be fucking upset over one guy." Mia said while touching her body in the mirror.
"Yeah, every guy has wanted to fuck you since middle school you truly are that bitch." Maddy smirked.
"Guys, this molly really hits different though." Mia giggled making the other two girls giggle.
So with all three girls having totally different plans while on their molly high they separated ready to fuck shit up and by fuck shit up they all really fucked shit up.
With the molly taking over her body she found herself really horny and in the need of a certain guy. She knew that she couldn't just go up to Fez because she was a little bitch and wanted to make him jealous and just her luck Brandon Taylor stood right in front of Fezco with his group of friends.
Mia smirked walking up to Brandon, "Hey B."
Brandon smiled down at the girl, "What's up Mia?"
Mia pulled him away from his group of friends sitting him down on the bench in front of Fez. "Look you fucked up my relationship with Fezco and so now he isn't talking to me or I'm not talking to him? I don't really know but all I know is that I'm high as fuck right now and insanely horny so you wanna go somewhere?"
Brandon watched as Mia sat on his lap but instantly took her off when he saw Fezco walking towards the pair. "Yeah, you see I would but the drug dealer is walking over here, he looks pissed as fuck, and I'm pretty sure he has a gun so I'm going to pass."
Mia threw her hands up in annoyance and she watched Brandon walk away. "What the fuck?"
"Why haven't you responded to my texts Mia?" She heard the voice she hadn't heard from in a week say behind her.
She slowly turned around facing Fezco, "I'm not talking to you."
"Nah, nah. You can't turn this shit back on me." Fez said.
"Actually, yes I can because you think I fucked around with Brandon while I was talking to you which wasn't the case at all and you would know that if you would have let me explained." Mia waved her hand around Fezco's face.
Fez grabbed her hand, "Don't put your hand in my face."
Mia smirked wrapping her arms around Fezco's waist, "Or what?"
Fez closed his eyes trying to regain his composure.
"I miss you." Mia brought her hands up to his neck her tone doing a whole 180, her acrylic nails scratched along his neck up to the bottom of his buzzcut knowing the effect she had on him.
"Mia." Fez breathed.
"Do you really think I actually fucked Brandon? Fezco I like you a lot like so much, fuck." Mia looked up into his eyes.
"Mia, I know that you-"
"I love you." Mia cut him off.
"What?" Fez looked at her not believing what came out of her mouth.
"I'm in love with you." Mia smiled.
Fez shook his head, "No. No, you're not."
Mia stood straight, "Yes, yes I am. I've been in love with you for a while but I was too scared to say anything because I'm so fucked up in the head more than you know. But right now, I'm telling you that I do love you and maybe its the molly but I could scream that shit so loud because I really do love you."
Fez smiled, "Say it again."
"I. Love. You."
Fez's smile grew even bigger, that was all he ever wanted from the girl standing in front of him since forever and now that she had finally said it he felt whole, like what he had been missing was finally here.
"Are you going to tell me you love me back or are you just going to smile at me?" Mia asked a smile dancing on her lips.
Fez cupped Mia's face bringing her eyes up to his, "I love you too Mama. More than you'll ever know or understand."
"So does that mean you believe me and we can be together again like officially?" Mia asked.
"I'm sorry for not believing you baby, I promise I won't be dumb as fuck like that ever again."
"Ok, now kiss me."
With that being said Fez brought his head down and kissed the girl he loved, and Mia being in love, on drugs, and horny kissed him back with so much passion. So much passion that she couldn't help herself and jumped on him wrapping her legs around his waist.
"Ma, I can't do this right here baby. I got work to do."
"Sorry, I'm just really, really horny." Mia whispered into his ear.
Fez felt his dick twitch, "Its the molly baby, give me one more hour and I promise once we get home I'll give you all the dick you want."
Mia smiled jumping off his waist, "Really? Okay call me when you're done. Im going to find Maddy." And with that being said Mia pecked Fez on the lips and walked off.
herself at the Jacobs chili booth, she had a short conversation with Aaron who she only knew because his family and her family had dinner together once in a while. She had asked him where Maddy was and he explained what had happened and that Nate and Maddy walked towards the back of the Carnival.
The Italian girl took his directions and moved toward the back where all the trailers were. She wish she was shocked when she saw Nate with his hands around Maddy's neck and not in a kinky way. Mia's voice was stuck in her throat but what made her even more sick to her stomach as she watched was Maddy act like nothing happened as she continued a conversation with him and eventually hug him.
Mia had no idea what to do, it was all too much for her that she ran off puking into the nearest trashcan. Her trauma was catching up to her.
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