《missed calls | fezco》dad


after hearing his heartbeat a couple days ago i've been more than excited to be a dad. i was watching a few youtube videos on how to take care of a baby when i notice ryder finally woke up from her nap.

"morning, ry." i greeted her with a smile and kiss on the forehead. "what?! it's morning?" she begin freaking out looking for her phone.

"no, i was just joking." i faked laughed.

"since when do you joke?" she laid back against the headboard.

it's true i don't really joke, but i'm trying to change for ryder.

i really love her.

"what're you watching?" she asked opening and closing her hands for me to hand over my phone.

i blushed, "nothing, just some youtube." i locked it before she had a chance to see any more. she grabbed my hands placing them on her belly.

he's so active already.

"ryder, do you still love me?" i looked directly into her eyes. "yes, of course fez. you're the father of my child." she responded right away without any doubt.

"no, ry. i mean, despite me being the father of your child. do you love, love me still?" i asked.

my hands trembled out of nervousness so i took them off of her stomach so she wouldn't feel it, but she just looked at them then back at me.

"fez, i don't wanna get int-"

"ryder, just answer the question. please."

"yes, fezco. i still love you and i'm still in love with you. i always will be. despite you fucking up i love you. that's why i haven't went out on a stupid date with axel and that's why i continue to have sex with you." she finally answered, but i couldn't help but hear her disappointment.


i looked away for a little bit.

her hands met my shoulder.

"do you still love me?" she whispered into my ear softly. without thinking i turned to kiss her passionately feeling more than just love for her.

ryder tugged at my hoodie begging for more kisses.

"please just be mine again?" i asked between our lips meeting one another's. she hesitate on speaking, but resumed kissing.

i forcefully pulled away, "please ryder." i begged.

i knew i was going to lose all control if she says no.

"fez-" she started, "i'm scared."

she had all the reason to be, but i was not ever going to hurt her anymore. i wish she knew that, but i couldn't blame her.

before i made any sudden movement she spoke, "i want to be yours again. just promise me, please fezco."

i saw a couple tears rolled down ry's eyes i knew that had to be only time i'd ever do something like that to her.

all i could do was smile and embrace her into a hug.

after that was talked for hours about how things were and how things were supposed to go with the baby.

i almost felt complete that was until there was a knock on the doorbell.

"fez, what the fuck did you do?" ryder yelled at me coming into conclusion of my behavior that something had went wrong.

"i tol- i told you i'd kill him. he should of stopped while he could." i reminded her.

she just looked at me quietly, "so that means threaten him?" ryder's voice was a lot more calm, but i was still nervous she was pissed.

"baby," she begin as she placed her arm around my shoulder, "this has to stop. you're going to be a dad, we can't do things like that anymore, okay?"

ry's hand soothed my face leaving me smiling.

"promise me you'll stop?" she asked.

i repeatedly shook my head in agreement willingly to do just about anything for her.

"the cops will come, we need to go now fez."

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