《missed calls | fezco》take care


"nice of you to join us." ashtray said pissed off at fezco when he walked in. we were both worried sick after he left.

he looked terrible.

"i was too tired to drive back home so i stayed with rue. she was fucked up anyways."

he sounded terrible too.

i believed him, i also trusted him. i just wished he could of let me know or something. "ryder, we need to talk." fez was being serious and it was scaring me.

"yeah, sure." i said lightly watching him carry his backpack on one side of his shoulder to the room. i followed him and closed the door behind us.

"you good?" he asked politely, but still very serious.

"yes baby, of course." and gave a weak smile.

he placed the backpack right in front of me, "ima need you leave the country. please take ashtray with you."

rushing to unzip the backpack that was full of money in rubber bands.

"no." i told him. i didn't know what was going on, but i wasn't leaving especially after all this that i've done for him.

"that wasn't a question, ryder. i got some shit i have to handle and things are going to get bad. if something does happen i don't want it to fall back on you and ashtray." fezco had never acted this way.

i couldn't even process things before he started packing literally everything i owned.

"fezco stop! why are you doing this? at least just tell me why." i begged.

"i can't right now until i get the go that it's actually him." he left the room calling for ashtray to come. my heart was in panic mode.

"w-what?" i stopped fezco and pulled him in the room. "fez, i can't do this by myself. is this about michael? if so, i'll handle it. i promise jus-" "no, it's not about him." he shouted out of frustration.


not meaning to, i cried like hell.

i tried stopping him from gathering my things but he just pushed me back. "fezco, please stop!" i sobbed even though it was no use.

once ashtray appeared in the doorway fez walked up to him whispering in his ear. he patted him on the shoulder a few times before ashtray left.

fez cupped my face tight.

"ryder, please take care of him for me okay? he loves you just like i do. i need to take care of some stuff that's all? i didn't want this to happen, or at least not this soon." he confessed to me.

i continued crying because of all of the untold lies that i figured he had been hiding. i knew things were too good to be true, but i didn't want to believe that.

after things finally calmed down i refuses to say anything to him. he had striped me of my life twice already.

"the plane leaves in in a few hours i need to get y'all there." fezco spoke from the other side of the door. i had locked myself up the past two hours to get away from him.

before we left ashtray promised to me he would explain. i mean, of course it has to be a good reason because he's not making a big deal out of it but damn it's that bad where he couldn't tell me?

he drove to the airport in silence unlike the small conversations about the 'new life' we would have to live and how he would contact us.

i didn't think this would hour car ride would feel like two seconds now that leaves another hour of waiting.

i'm not really sure what i thought was going on maybe like a prank for him to say he was joking, but he was dead ass serious.


they called for us to board the plane after only waiting half an hour.

i panicked only because it was supposed to be an hour. i let my pride get the best of me now it was too late.

"fez, please we don't have to do this. i really can't do this on my own." i pleaded one last time thinking something would change.

he shook his head no.

i handed him a blank white gift bag that i had bought him last night.

"what's this?" he asked.

"it's not important anymore." were my last words before me and ashtray left.

as soon as we sat down in our seats he asked me what that was all about.

"turns out i'm pregnant."

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