《missed calls | fezco》so in love


fezco continuously called, texted and knocked until i gave in.

"what?" i asked.

he made his way into my room giving me the opportunity to look at him without him seeing me.

fez had on a plain white t-shirt, black basketball shorts, and socks. nothing special but it was cute on him. i noticed a few small cuts on his arm. hm.

"what do you want?" i interrupted his thinking. "i'm sorry about yesterday and this morning." fez laid in my bed with his arm out.

i uncrossed my arms and made myself comfortable in his touch.

"i hate the life that i live, ryder. i honestly don't even blame you for not wanting to bring anyone else in this life." he admitted giving me a little satisfaction.

i rubbed his face while he looked at me.

fez kept eyeing the gift bag that nate had brought over. i hadn't opened anything yet, but fezco didn't know about me and nate's history.

"can i give you something?" his words were sweet and loving. i shook my head yes thinking that he had bought me something.

fez pulled me in closer leaning for a kiss.

he played in my hair as we continued to keep the silence going.

"sorry to interrupt y'all lil cute couples activity, but here ryder. happy birthday." ashtray placed a box on my dresser. "how'd you know?" i went over to hug him.

he placed his head on my chest and didn't want to let go. "she's mine, back off." fezco pulled him away laughing.

"i overheard you and michael talking this morning." ashtray gave me a look then walked away. the talk me and michael had wasn't the best, now this put me back into a mood.


"you sure you don't wanna go visit mike? i can buy plane tickets." fez offered for like the billionth time. "i'm okay i promise. i don't want to talk about him."

we both sat on my balcony listening to music and smoking a blunt.

fezco was bothering me about making today supee special, but there was no use. i just wanted it to be another day, there's nothing wrong with that.

"so how do you know nate?" he asked. "let it go." i simply replied not wanting to go any further knowing i was going to explode.

"ry, what's wrong? it's yo-"

that's it.

i had enough.

"you wanna know why i don't wanna see mike? he told me to not get 'involved' with you because you are nothing good. you wouldn't even know how to treat me right. apparently if you hurt me he would have to kill one of his best workers aka you."

i took a deep breath.

"i lost my virginity to nate, and we occasionally fuck."

i looked away because i knew if i would to look at him i'd probably start crying from all of my emotions. michael had no fucking right in telling me how to live my life.

"ryder i-" he begin, but i cut him off again. "did you hurt anyone yesterday because the guy who tried to get with me the other day when i called mike went missing and was found dead. was that you?"

he was quiet, so i assumed he did.

"look, i didn't kill him bu-"

"but you beat the fuck out of him, right?"

before i made my way back into my room i kneeled in front of him. "i took up for you whenever mike told me all of that. you're acting like this and i'm not even yours. please don't be playing me or i'll fucking kill you myself."


i was bluffing, but he didn't know that.

he grabbed me before i was fully inside, "get dressed." was all he said before leaving. my stomach had a few butterflies because he made me nervous.

i decided to open my gifts before getting dressed. i opened the one from nate first. it was a diamond necklace and a key.

i knew the key was for a hotel, but i wasn't going to be needing it.

i rolled my eyes then opened ashtray's gift.

it was a shirt with an ashtray on it. i giggled, "umm okay?" as i lifted the shirt out of the box it was a few more things.

i opened the card that he had written in: before my grandma passed away fez talked about liking someone but never said who. i think he was talking about you because he's already so in love. it's fucking gross. just know he will do anything for you even if you don't ask for it. be careful. happy bday and thanks for letting us live here.

it was a picture of him and fez as babies with their grandmother, a mood ring and a gift card for 'my fav food place'.

i smiled so hard this has probably been the cutest birthday gift i've had since my mom passed.

i took a quick shower and got dressed in something simple since i didn't have time fez was already complaining.

"what did he get you?" fezco asked me. "just small stuff i said i wanted the other day. it was really cute." i admired my mood ring.

fez tried snatching the ring off while driving. "nate gave you that fucking ring and you're wearing it?"

"what? no! ashtray gave this to me."

he playfully rolled his eyes, "oh, cus i was about to say. wait, why ashtray giving you rings and shit?" he mugged.

all i could do was laugh.

fezco was the absolute cutest, but i think he might be more dangerous than your typical drug dealer. i liked it though.

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