《Searching For You Episode 2》Chapter 7: Slip


Rey's POV:

I woke up to someone softly shaking my shoulder before I could panic. I saw it was just Finn. "Were you up late studying last night?" He asks. "Yes, I got a new assignment of sorts," I answered as I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I noticed a blanket over my shoulders that was not there before. "Well, I haven't seen you in the mess hall since you arrived. Rey, please go eat something." His voice is full of worry. I nodded my head and he left my quarters. I get up from my small desk, silently thanking Ben for putting the blanket over me. I get dressed and ready to head out to go eat breakfast with Finn and Poe.

When I get my food of mystery meat and I guess vegetables, I head over to my friends. I get to their table and take a seat. "Where's BB-8?" I ask. "Who knows," Poe asked. Each of them takes turns staring at me with concern. They continue to stare at me even when I try to make light conversations, I could tell they were sitting on a question for me so I just give in, "Ok what is it? I can't take your stares anymore." I say raising an eyebrow at them. "Us staring, no way we were just ... um ... um..." Finn rambles on. "You just seem different and I can't put my finger on it." Poe butts in. "What do you mean?" I ask. I'm starting to feel a little light-headed. "All I have seen you do since you got here is meditate and study. Rey, I know being a Jedi is important to you but you need to take a break." Finn's voice is full of worry again. "The War is over, for the most part. You can relax for a change." Poe adds in. I know that they mean well but they just don't know what I'm going through and they can't. Yes, they lost people in the war, their dear friends but no one they truly loved. Annoyance and anger rose within me, I know I'm being selfish but the sooner I can get Ben back the sooner I can start to live my own life. "You don't understand what I need to do," I say as I get up from the table and to throw away my half-eaten food when Finn grabs my arm. "Then help us understand Ray." Finn's eyes are filled with worry and frustration. I'm starting to feel extremely dizzy and there are little black dots at the edge of my vision. 'I just need to lay down.' I think to myself. "You are no Jedi," I say through gritted teeth. Finn lets go of my arm and I turn to leave. I'm halfway to the door when I drop my tray and fall onto my knees and wrench out the little contents I have of my stomach. I can hear panic voices around me but I hear Ben's the clearest. "REY." His panic voice is the last thing I hear as the world goes black around me.


Ben's POV:

All I can do is watch as her friends rush her to the infirmary. When we get there, people and droids are yelling at one another about things I can't comprehend. All I can understand is emergency and urgent which I am already well aware of. I'm by her side the whole time as they push an IV tube in her arm and numerous other needles for force knows what else. It's breaking my heart to see my girl like this but there is literally nothing I can do. So I start pacing back and forth in the large room and watch them work on Rey. I see my mom in the corner of my eye as she tries to explain to everyone what's going on. She knows when I'm like this I am not in the mood for talking, let alone explaining things. After some time, Rey is announced to be in the all-clear. I breathe a sigh of relief, letting the feeling flow through me and bring me comfort. They wheel her to a smaller room full of old machines and I stand by her, try to take her hand but fail. "I'm here for you Rey, don't ever forget that." I think, pushing my thoughts into her mind. She nods her head yes and since we are the only ones in her room at the moment, I take it she heard me.

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