《Slugterra Episode 2》Round One of the tournament


My name is Eli Shane. And yesterday, I took a drop down to Slugterra. That turned out to be the part.

Host: DUEL!!

Down here, we need to sling slugs to survive. Some new friends got me into a tournament where I can get the slugs I need.

Host: You better get a move on. Round One starts tonight in Scorched Sparks Cavern.

Now, all I got to do, is win.


Eli and Pronto were climbing the walls of a lava pit. Eli reached for the next handhold, but fell when it broke off. He passed Pronto and grabbed Pronto's blaster, which was slung on Pronto's shoulder, and swung over to the right where there were more handholds. Pronto looked down to check if Eli was alright.

They had reached the top and were looking over the surface at the tournament. Mecha beasts were being driven around and slugs were fired all over the place. In the background, the host was speaking through the megaphones.

Eli lifted himself up and got onto flat ground.

Eli looked to the left and saw competitions arriving on the mechas.

Eli looked over at other competitors who were practising and professionally swirling their blasters. John Bull fired a Thresher at a practice robot and cut off the head, which rolled over to Eli's feet.

Eli was scared when he heard Kord say that. He and Pronto then walked towards the area where most competitors were gathered.

The lava lake beside them exploded and showered lava at them. Pronto screamed and the two of them managed to dodge in time.

They had reached the gathering area.

Pronto started walking a few steps forward.

Pronto walked back to the group and waved for them to lean in.

Pronto bowed, not knowing that the everyone could hear the announcement from the megaphone.



Eli and his opponent, Cajun, stood on two platforms opposite each other, above molten lava, getting ready to fire.

Cajun quickly fired an Aquabeek, which sprayed a gust of water at Eli, causing him to fall backwards. He slid across the platform and the barrel he held, containing Burpy, flew out of his hand. Burpy squealed and fell into the lava.

To try to save Burpy, he did not stop sliding, but when he fell of the edge, he quickly grabbed on to a handhold with one hand. He was quite close to the lava as the platform was low.

Burpy popped its head out of the lava unharmed.

Cajun jumped over and looked over the edge.

He pushed a Thresher into the blaster and aimed at Eli. Burpy hopped into Eli's blaster, which was pointing downwards at the lava, and Eli fired it at Cajun. Burpy hit him backwards and caused him to fall, allowing time for Eli to climb up. Burpy then dropped into a barrel that Eli held and Eli pushed it into the blaster, and aimed at Cajun.

Cajun quickly raised his hands in surrender.

*stands up*

He held out his Thresher slug sadly.

Cajun was surprised and he put down his hand. Eli bent down and spoke to one of the slugs on Cajun's belt.

*straightens up*

The Armashelt then jumped out of its barrel and onto Eli's hand. It chirped and Joules responded to it. Both Joules and Burpy were glad it joined them.

Banger pretended to be unimpressed at first, but it then gave a slow, sly grin.

*walks away*

He looked around but Pronto was nowhere in sight.

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