《Pathetic || Seth Clearwater》Twenty three
Seth's room was much the same as any teen boy's. The walls were painted a cream white and the floor was smooth wood. Both the bedspread and the curtains were green, the bed messy and the covers strewn haphazardly over the mattress. The occasional piece of clothing littered the floor and school books were piled on the desk. Ellis took note of the large easily opened window, perfect for when Seth needs to get out in a hurry.
Seth scratches his head sheepishly as he took in the mess. "Sorry it's a wreck".
"No, I don't mind", Ellis muttered. He team his hand across the bedsheets. "It smells like you. And besides, it's not the worse I've seen". He gave Seth a smile.
He returned it and flopped back onto his mattress with a huff. Ellis chuckled as the bed squeaked under the sudden weight. Seth turned his head, hair adorably ruffled to gaze up at where Ellis was standing over him. His eyes were fond and he gently took Ellis' cold hand in his.
"Are you okay?"
Ellis chuckled. "You mean, apart from struggling with being a teen vampire, joining a new family and dealing with the general supernatural drama that seems to follow Bella. I'm great. What about you?"
Seth wriggled their intertwined fingers. Ellis let him. The tanned boy seemed to be thinking about something. His eyes were focused on nothing. Ellis did not speak, content with silently letting Seth ponder. He sat down in the edge at the bed. Leaning back on his arm, he turned his head to look at Seth.
Time passed as Ellis let his eyes trail the well worn route down Seth's figure. Once again taking in his golden tanned skin, the honey tone in his brown eyes. There was small line in the corners of his mouth, unseen to human eyes, that marked the shape of his smile across his face. Ellis lay back next to him, enjoying the body heat. His spare hand trailed itself through the black strands of Seth's hair and he nuzzled closer to Ellis, enjoying the feeling.
After a few minutes of calmness, Ellis watched Seth's eyes become more aware. The honey brown blinked and Seth smiled at him, raising their joined hands to press the back of Ellis' hand to his lips. "Hey", he whispered.
"Hey", Seth replied, equally as soft.
"What were you thinking about?"
"You. Me. Us".
Seth turned his body to fully face Ellis, who remained on his back. He raised himself up on one elbow to look down on Ellis on the bed. "I was thinking about that question you asked me before the wedding. About what we were. And with everything going on, I wanted to answer you properly".
Ellis could feel Seth's pulse, which was always faster than the normal human rate, speed up. He stayed completely still, not daring to move as Seth's gaze scanned his face.
"I want us to be together", Seth spoke. "I know that my answer was that we could be whatever you wanted us to be, that all I wanted was for you to be mine and for me to be yours. I still want that. I'm just greedy".
"How so?" Ellis quirked and eyebrow at him.
"I want to date you. Be boyfriends". If Ellis was human, then Seth's confession would had left him blushing. But instead he froze in surprise.
"You do know that we can never have a normal relationship right?" Ellis joked nervously.
Seth sighed and rolled his eyes. "Well duh. But I wasn't talking about a normal relationship. I just want to be able to call you my boyfriend if someone asks".
Ellis blinked before grinning. "Oh of course you can. You can definitely call me your boyfriend".
Seth's face lit up. "Great. Then I can do this".
He lent forward. Ellis stopped breathing as Seth's face drew closer. He could feel the warm air of his breath on his cheeks. Seth's lips parted and he swallowed anxiously before pressing his mouth to Ellis'. He was warm, hot over Ellis' body. Seth's elbows had come to rest on either side of Ellis' head as moved closer. Ellis responded by placing his hands on the other boy's chest as their mouths moved slowly.
When they parted, the absence of heat was almost painful for Ellis. Seth has tasted warm and natural. Ellis could smell his chilli dinner on his breath. He grinned at the other boy, chasing his face to rub their noses together in an Eskimo kiss. Seth laughed at the gesture, pulling away further in surprise.
"I'm going to have to get used to how cold you are", Seth commented. He grinned wider, dropping a peck on Ellis' lip. "Not that its bad. It's refreshing actually".
"Well you're warm enough for both of us", Ellis commented. He paused as Seth yawned. "Come on, you need to sleep. Up you get".
Seth whined like a kicked puppy and cling To Ellis like an overgrown teddy bear. Ellis huffed and sat up, Seth sat in his lap like a barnacle, arms and legs wrapped around his torso. "Come on Seth", Ellis huffed playfully. "It's late. And you need your sleep. I'm sure Sue will agree with me".
"No. Not moving".
Ellis laughed as Seth hurried his head in the crook of his neck. He could feel the vibrations of Seth's chuckles in his shoulders as they both giggled. "Come on Seth", Ellis laughed. He glanced at the alarm clock next to the bed. "It's eleven thirty. Come on, you're exhausted".
"Just a few more minutes", Seth muttered against Ellis' collar bones. "I missed you the last few days".
Ellis felt guilty. He had been being selfish, not taking into account how much his actions affected Seth. He sighed softly and nuzzled into Seth's hair. "I'm sorry".
Ellis waited for a response but all that came was a grumbling snore. With a silent grin, wrapped his hands around Seth's legs and stood up. He turned around and carried the bigger boy round the bed. Seth's hold had loosened on him in sleep so Ellis was able to pry him away and lay him gently down. Luckily, Seth was just wearing a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt so Ellis did not feel the need to undress him. (He wasn't sure he would be able to handle it). As he was covering him with the duvet, a knock came at the door.
Ellis turned as it opened, smiling as Sue peeked her head in. She took one look at the two of them before smiling. She mouthed good night before retreating and slowly closing the door behind her. Left in Seth's room, Ellis sighed. He glanced down at his snoring boyfriend fondly as he trailed his hand through his hair.
He raised his head and glanced around the space slightly hopelessly. What was he going to do now?
It was eight in the morning the next day when Seth snorted. He made a huffing sound and rolled over, blinking slightly. His arms, which had wrapped around Ellis' waist durning the night, came loose but still maintained a closeness. Ellis watched in amusement as it took several half asleep mutters and fluttering eyelids before Seth fully returned to consciousness. When he did, he gazed around the partially dark room. The weak sunlight was shining through one half of the window. One curtain was still covering the glass, shading the bed.
Seth yawned, instinctively rolling back over and nuzzling into Ellis' thigh. He inhaled deeply. "I could get used to this", he muttered with his eyes closed. Ellis loved how his voice was husky and choked from the residue of sleep. He laughed lightly and ran his hand through Seth's hair.
"Morning", Ellis grinned. He placed the book that he had been reading on the huge pile on Seth's floor. During the night, he had silently combed the Clearwater bookshelves for any interesting material. The pile of read books started on the floor and was now taller than the bed. After discarding his jacket, socks and jeans, Ellis had climbed into bed with a sleeping Seth and leaned back against the headboard. It was good that Seth had woken up when he did, as Ellis had run out of books and was currently rereading through a few passages.
Seth turned his head and winced at Ellis' blinding grin. He blinked a few times, eyes obviously still adjusting, before his lips parted into a equally big smile. "Morning", he repeated as he rolled onto his back. He left one hand on the bare skin of Ellis' thigh, thumb stroking patterns across his cold skin.
Ellis was finding new awoken Seth very adorable. Gently, he reached down and brushed at the dryness around the other boy's eyes. "You know you snore right?" He joked.
Seth pouted. "Only lightly".
Ellis laughed again. "Don't worry, it's very soothing", he reassured. "Almost as cute as your sleep hugging".
Seth shrugged at that. "I'm not apologising for hugging my boyfriend", he smiled cheekily, his hand squeezing at the flesh of Ellis' thigh. Although vampire skin as akin to the strength of marble and was near indestructible, they still had layers of fat and blood beneath the surfaces which gives them the texture and elasticity of normal human skin despite the coldness. This was something which Seth was currently taking joy in.
"Aww, did you undress for me?" Seth grinned. He sat up and pulled back the blankets to reveal more of Ellis' legs. "I don't think think I've seen so much of your legs", he exclaimed.
Ellis rolled his eyes and pushed Seth face first off the bed. He hit the floor with a satisfying thud. "Get your mind out of the gutter wolf boy. I just didn't want to spend all night lounging around in the jeans that I've just spent three days in".
Seth's head stuck up over the side of the mattress, hair sticking up comically. "Not fair, why can't I look at my boyfriend's legs?" He whined, projecting the image of a kicked puppy.
"No", Ellis said sternly before he caved. "I need a shower. Can I borrow yours?"
Seth's face lit up. "Great! So do I. Maybe we could"-
"Finish that sentence and I'm throwing you out of the window", Ellis threatened. "What happened? You were so embarrassed about this stuff before. Now you're just thinking about one thing". He got up and strolled over to Seth's wardrobe, ignoring the other boy's pointed gaze on his bare skin. Opening it, he snatched a few things then turned towards the door. "Now", he put a hand on his hip and stared pointedly at the tanned boy still sitting on the floor. "I'm going to borrow your clothes and have a shower. I'll meet you downstairs afterwards. You'd better be clean and ready when you're done". With those pointed instructions, Ellis walked out of the bedroom.
Once he had showered in lukewarm water, which felt quite warm against his cold skin (he didn't want to use up all of the hot water), Ellis made his way into the warm kitchen. Sue and Leah were already awake, both seated at the dining table with cups of coffee. As he walked through the door, she smiled at him.
"Morning Ellis", she said softly. She seemed tired still, more fragile than the previous night. A large black fuzzy dressing gown was tied tightly around her. Ellis could pick up the faded faint scent of the rest of the house, the scent which had come to realise was the one having belonged to Harry Clearwater.
"Morning Sue", Ellis returned. He took a seat beside Leah, who looked him up and down. Her eyes lingered on his clothing. Ellis had taken one of Seth's film T-shirt's, a white one with Star Wars emblazoned across the front, and pair of black sweatpants. The T-shirt hung off him, way too big for his skinny frame and stray drip of water from his damp curls littered the neckline. It was good that the sweatpants were elastic around the waist and ankles otherwise they would easily fall off.
Ellis watched as Leah looked him up and down, her gaze as calculating as it was last night. "I could hear your conversation upstairs", she said. Ellis jerked in surprise. Leah had only spoken to him a few times before and that had been when surrounded by the rest of the pack.
"Oh, you did?" It came out as a question.
Leah nodded and took another gulp of her coffee. "Don't worry", she continued, voice as stoic as ever. "My brother has no filter or manners in the mornings. He should be fine after a cup of coffee or some breakfast".
"Oh". So that was why Seth was being more expressive than usual. Ellis found his gaze cantering on the surface of the table in front of him.
Leah watched him. "I guess you're not too bad", she muttered. Ellis' eyes widened. "Of course I would prefer it if you were human. But at lest as a bloodsucker you can protect him. Besides, you're not half bad". With that as a parting comment, Leah rose and placed her empty mug in the sink. She gave her mum a kiss on the cheek before leaving the house, shutting the front door with a rattle.
Ellis watched her go in surprise, barely able to believe that Leah had said that. It was almost a compliment. Sue sighed helplessly. "She's a tough nut my daughter. That's the best you're going to get out of her". She stood up and made her way towards the kettle, turning it on.
"I feel bad not being able to give you any food", she lamented as she opened the fridge. "Maybe I could as Dr Carlisle if I could have some blood abs to keep here for you".
"You would do that? Wouldn't it make the wolves uncomfortable?"
She waved as hand dismissively as she pulled out a plate holding a roll full of bacon. "If you're going to be my Seth's imprint then you're going to damn well stay. I don't care if people protest. You boys are literally connected by the spirits".
"Um, well thank you then".
"It's good dear. Just don't try to snack on me". Sue smiled at him to let him know that she was joking.
Ellis laughed at that. "It's not like I'd ever find you appetising enough. The smell of wet dog is so ingrained into your clothing and general being that it doesn't affect my appetite at all".
Seth, who had been walking downstairs whilst they had been speaking, chose that moment to wrap his arms around Ellis's shoulders, pressing the boy's damp curls into his stomach. "That's good", he commented. Ellis could feel the rumble of his speech. "Wouldn't want you to put yourself in pain whilst your here".
Ellis tilted his head back to look up at him. Seth was bare chested, clothed only in his jeans. While Ellis had seen Seth bare chested many times, even when soaking wet, he doubted that he had ever been so acutely aware of it before. Seth was mostly dry but the occasional stray drop of water still decorated his skin, trailing lines of moisture down his muscles. Ellis was secretly praising the fact that he could not blush.
He smiled up at Seth. "Hey".
"Hey. Morning Mom, is that breakfast?" Seth let go of Ellis and took Leah vacated seat as Sue passed him the bacon roll. Within seconds it was devoured and Seth was licking his fingers. Once done, he placed the plate in the dishwasher.
"Oh mom. Ellis and I are dating now". Ellis paused at the easy admission.
"Oh?" Sue lifted her gaze from a morning magazine. "I though you already were".
"Yeah but now it's official", Seth replied. "I've got to go now mom, walk Ellis home and all that. Get him something to eat. I'll be seeing you later". He, like Leah, also leaned down to give Sue a kiss on the cheek. Ellis stood up as Seth took his hand, walking with him towards the door.
"By Sue", he waved. "Thank you for having me".
They left the house. The day was almost sunny by forks standards, which meant that it was light grey and cloudy. Perfectly fine for Ellis to walk around uncovered. The two of them walked in silence at a leisurely pace, hand in hand, when Seth froze as the sound of a howl cut through the air.
Ellis also froze, mind whirling. His first thought had been Victoria, before remembering that Victoria was dead and could not hurt them anymore. What had happened then? Him and Seth shared panicked looks. Was it possible that the wolves had somehow found out about Bella's pregnancy? How? Ellis had not even told Seth.
"I've got to go", Seth muttered. He gave Ellis an apologetic look. "I'll come and see you later okay?"
"Okay". Ellis pressed a kiss to Seth's cheek. "See you later". And with that, Seth was off running towards the sound of the howl, leaving Ellis standing alone on the edge of the forest.
- In Serial158 Chapters
Nero Zero
Monsters plagued the lands for too long. No matter if one had fangs, beak, teeth, skin, fur, or feather, or was tall, stout, or diminutive, the people suffered. Until the Gadgeteers came with a device that could allow people to fight back. Powered by one's own magical power, feeding off of monster Essence, the Arbitrium bracer turned the tables. It also changed society. Strength of one's level cap was all that mattered. The strongest were Kings and Emperors. The weak or those too poor to afford the marvelous device, destitute. And so it has been for millennia. All that mattered was one's level cap. High, low, a fate decided the moment the strange contraption came alive. Too high and you were a threat to those interested in keeping the status quo, a weed to be nipped before it could grow and take root. Too low and you were nobody, fated to be a bit more than a simple farmer. What if someone, somewhere, came up with a zero for their level cap? Unable to use Essence, unable to level up. On all of recorded history, it never happened. Until it did. In a small village of fur-less and tail-less ape-beastkin, a boy found out he was uniquely handicapped. Nero's level cap was Zero. But he'd never let that stop him from reaching his goals. ------------------------------------------------ All stories have already been told. We merely reuse elements from them. From Joseph Campbell's Monomith to Stephen King's advice, and that encyclopedia of tropes you've visited, fiction has been dissected and reassembled countless times. One will surely find elements inspired on other works here. Just like cooking from basic ingredients, the recipe and presentation is what really matter. This is a fantasy adventure, of someone that goes from a zero to a slightly bigger zero. It will have romance but no harem. Cruelty but with hope dimly shining ahead. Lightweight where it can be, heavy where it must. Thanks for reading. Cover Credits (The cover is CC-BY-NC-SA): Steampunk Spider Bracer, by Daniel Proulx. CC-BY-NC-SA Picture Frame, @anaterate, Pixabay license. Some odds and bits from here and there.
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