《The Love That Binds Us》Twenty


Two days later and I'm pacing the floor of Lennon's bedroom, desperately trying to distract myself from the burning sensation taking over my body.

"I fucking told you," Lennon smirks knowingly at me from where she's laying on her bed.

"You tell me a lot of things, but thankfully I've gotten pretty good at tuning you out."

She throws her bottle of water at the back of my head and I laugh in response. It's a good distraction, even if it only lasts a moment.

"Did I tell you what my brothers-"

"No. Nope. Absolutely not. You're not going to avoid this anymore, Poppy," she interrupts me as she sits up and turns her full attention to me. "You're in heat."

I groan and throw myself dramatically onto the bed next to her.

"I am not," I respond, my voice muffled by the pillows.

"You are and there's no use fighting it anymore. Sounds like the perfect time to put that lingerie to use."

She nudges me and I can hear the salacious undertones in her voice. I have to resist the urge to reach up and smack her, even though I know she has a good point.

"I don't know what to do," I moan, trying, and failing, to push my face further into the bed. "Maddox is always working."

"So go interrupt one of his meetings. Make him make time for you."

I turn my head to peek up at her. She's looking back down at me as if it was the simplest solution in the world. Just interrupt him. I scrunch my face, trying to fully process her words. She lays back down so that we're face to face and tries to offer me comfort by pushing a few wild locks of hair off my forehead.

"Look, Poppy. Your mate bond can't survive the way it is now. It's supposed to be getting stronger every day, not weaker. I know you two care a lot about each other, so it's time for you to both stop with the bullshit excuses. You have a need, and he's the only one who can... attend to it."


I nod with a soft, hesitant smile and lean in to hug her before hopping up from the bed.

"You said you wanted to help me get ready. Work your magic on me."

Within an hour, Lennon has transformed me into someone almost unrecognizable. My pin straight locks are tousled into perfectly messy waves. She went darker with my makeup than I'm used to- my eyes are lined with bold, black wings and my cheekbones are immaculately chiseled. She even added a little blush and highlight, which I don't really think was necessary with how much I know I'll be blushing tonight, but it looks amazing anyways.

She finishes off the look with a dark, wine-colored lip that makes me feel sexy and dangerous. It makes me feel like someone who actually belongs with an Alpha.

I go into the bathroom to change into the lingerie set we bought a few days ago, and of course, it fits like a glove. When I step out, Lennon is holding out a black suede trench coat and stilettos that I'm certain will kill me.

I quirk my eyebrows and take the trenchtoat hesitantly.

"What's this for?"

"I'm sure Maddox will have company in his office. That's to cover you up until you can get him alone."

"And the shoes? You know I won't be able to walk in those without hurting myself and potentially a few innocent bystanders."

Lennon rolls her eyes at me.

"You need to have faith in yourself. Walk with a little confidence and remind yourself that you're a sexy bitch. You won't trip," she winks.

I mumble a sheepish thank you as I slide the soft material of the coat over my shoulders. Lennon helps me strap the shoes on as I lean against the dresser for support.

"You. Look. Incredible," she beams at me.

Her eyes start to tear up and I take that as my cue to leave.


"Okay, I'm going now before the hysterics start," I tell her as I walk out the door.

I hug the coat closer to me self-consciously, even though the hallway is empty. It's going to be a long walk down to his office, but I convince myself not to think about it or talk myself out of it.

"Good. Go get some dick," she says as she hugs me one last time.

"Text me and tell me how it was when you're done!" She calls down the hallway.

I blush an even deeper shade of red than the powder Lennon put on me and I flip her off without looking back to her. I can only hope no one heard her.

My body becomes increasingly more tense as I reach the hallway Maddox's office is down. I take a deep breath and square my shoulders. I can do this. He's my mate and I should be allowed to see him when I want. I should be allowed to demand his attention. I have a need that only he can attend to.

I strut confidently to his door, impressed that my steps don't falter even a little bit. I hesitate briefly when I hear multiple voices arguing on the other side. Maybe I should knock? I shake the idea instantly.

"Demand his attention, Poppy," I whisper to myself as I take another deep breath.

I twist the handle and push the door open.

Conversation comes to a grinding halt and everyone turns their heads to face me. Maddox, August, and six other men I don't recognize seemed to be having a very heated discussion before I interrupted them, but none of them look mad at me.

Maddox's eyes darken to pure black as he takes in my appearance. One of the other men coughs uncomfortably, and that's when I realize- any unmated male in the room can probably smell that I'm in heat.

Maddox seems to realize this at the same time I do and his face twists in anger.

"Everyone, get the fuck out. Now," he snarls, his nostrils flared.

I step away from the door as they all get up to leave, all of them with their heads down. I can't tell if they're too embarrassed to look at me, or just too scared of their Alpha to even dare. Either way, my pulse skyrockets as the last one leaves, leaving Maddox and I completely alone.


"What do you think you're doing?" He says with a low, guttural growl.

I shrug, causing my coat to slip a little off my shoulder, exposing my bra strap.

"I need you," I respond coolly, emboldened by my newfound confidence.

Admittedly, it's fun to watch him squirm. It does something to me, knowing I have this power over him.

"And what is it you need from me, love?"

He's regained some of his composure by the time he speaks again, but he's still breathing heavily and his eyes are still dark and full of the same need I feel. My heart skips when he calls me "love," but I try to keep my expression neutral. I have to maintain the upper hand here.

"I told you," I say softly, not daring to raise my voice any louder.

I slowly undo the tie that's keeping my coat together and let it fall lazily to the floor.

Maddox's jaw slackens and I smirk when I see him adjust the front of his pants.

I walk slowly, deliberately over to him, enjoying the way his eyes follow my every movement hungrily, and sit on the edge of his desk. I lean over until our noses touch, but I don't let him close the gap to kiss me.

"I told you, I need you."

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