《The Love That Binds Us》Seventeen


I march back to the house, determined to finally get my answers. The entire way back, I have to remind myself to not get distracted, to not let Maddox make me forget why I'm pissed at him in the first place.

He's sitting in the living room in the same spot I left him, staring dejectedly at the carpet. I almost feel bad for him, until I remember he did this to himself. He perks up and his head snaps towards me when I clear my throat, letting him know I'm there.

My brothers are too busy arguing about which Call of Duty is better to even notice I'm here.

"We need to talk," I tell him bluntly.

He stands up without hesitation. As I begin to lead the way upstairs to our bedroom, he tugs gently at my hand to stop me.

"There's something I've been wanting to show you. It'll be a quiet place for us to talk and no one will be there to bother us."

"Why should I trust you? Is this just another distraction to get you out of talking to me again?"

I have to admit, I'm curious, but I will myself to hold strong.

"I promise. I'll tell you everything, but I'd rather not say it where everyone in the pack house can hear it, too."

I eye him wearily, but begrudgingly let him pull me back outside. As we make our way down a winding brick walkway off to the side of the house, I realize how little I've seen of the pack property. I've only really ventured into the back yard, but haven't gone far enough to lose sight of the house.

The walkway itself is beautiful. It's covered in arching trees on both sides and the bricks are lined with fairy lights, illuminating the trail ahead. I'm a little in awe and briefly wish we were taking this stroll under more romantic circumstances.


The greenhouse at the end of it is almost enough to weaken my resolve though. It's massive, twice as large as my mom's own, humble greenhouse at least, and assembled with hundreds of different colored stained glass panels. It's breathtaking.

"Wow," I whisper, taking a timid step towards it.

Wordlessly, he pulls me inside. It's even more beautiful as I step in, walking around and examining every flower, every leaf with childlike wonder. It's a nature witch's dream. There are countless plants and herbs in all growth stages hanging from the ceiling, stacked on tables, and artfully placed along the floor. It's almost enough to make me forget why we're here.

"I could spend all day in here," I shake my head in amazement.

Maddox watches me curiously as I work my way around the room.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to show you this. The other nature witches in the pack use this place for their spell work, you're welcome in here any time. I've been planning on bringing you here, but work has just been so... hectic," he shrugs helplessly.

His mention of work snaps me out of my trance I turn around to face him, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Work. I'm assuming it has a lot to do with your brother."

He closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose as I sneer the word.

"Some of it, yes. Look, I'm sorry I didn't say anything. The situation with him is really difficult right now, it just seemed easier to keep you out of it."

"You didn't just leave something out though, Maddox, you straight up lied. You told me you were an only child. I know we haven't known each other long, but what the fuck? We're mates! We can't start an eternity together if we're already keeping secrets."


His expression softens and he takes a few long strides towards me. He places his hands gently on my cheeks, pulling my face up to meet his.

"I know," he says quietly. "It's never been my intention to keep things from you, or to lie, but I hope you trust that I've been keeping things quiet to keep the pack safe. Especially you."

His eyes are pleading with me to understand, but I need more.

"I want to trust you, but that's not enough. I need you to tell me everything."

We spend at least an hour in the greenhouse as Maddox explains everything, and by the end of it, I'm leaning against one of the tables for support. Of all the things I expected, this had never crossed my mind.

"You should sit," Maddox tells me.

He grips the top of my arm to stabilize me as he pulls a stool up and sits me on it.

"I don't think I heard you right," I mutter shakily, looking up at him in the hopes that I'll see something on his face that tells me this is all a joke.

His eyes are grim, the hard line of his mouth shows no sign of amusement.

"I know it's a lot to take in," hey says sincerely. "Fuck."

My breathing starts to quicken until I can no longer control it. I try to calm myself, to take deep, even breaths, but they continue harsh and shallow until I'm dizzy.

"Hey, Poppy," Maddox tries to pull my attention back to him. "Hey, it's okay. Fuck, this is why I didn't want to say anything!"

I'm pretty sure he swears under his breath a few more times, but it all sounds far away at this point.

"Just breathe, Poppy," he pleads.

I don't know I'm shaking until his arms wrap around me, hugging me against him until the trembling stops. He sinks slowly to the ground with me still in his arms. I curl into him and push my face in his chest as I start sobbing uncontrollably.

"I think I'm going to pass out," I manage out a strangled cry.

The dizziness keeps coming full force until the edge of my vision starts to blacken.

"Goddammit," I hear him yell.

I think he says something else, but I can't make out the words before the darkness takes over.

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