《The Love That Binds Us》Fifteen


"I-I think I'm ready," I stutter.

My head is laying on his chest, his arm wrapped around my waist. It's easier to talk about these things when I don't have to make eye contact with him.

"For what?" He murmurs back.

His thumb rubs mindless circles across the bare skin between my shirt and my pants. The sensation it creates almost causes me to lose my train of thought.

"You know, to... to mate fully."

The thumb on my waist freezes and he flips over so that he's leaning over me.


I shrug my shoulders, feeling embarrassed under his gaze.

"We're bound to anyways, and if your pack is in as much trouble as you say it is, maybe us mating will be a good thing. Our bond will be stronger, which would make you stronger. Maybe your dad would feel more comfortable with handing over the Alpha title to you completely."

"So are you saying this because you want to, or because you feel obligated to for the good of my pack and my reputation?"

He almost sounds angry and a little hurt. This is definitely not how I expected this to go and his reaction is making me lose my nerve.

"Of course I want to. I wouldn't ask if I didn't," I say nervously, biting my lip.


He pulls away from me and hops out of the bed.


My throat closes up at his rejection. I try my best to hold back tears, not wanting him to see how badly one little word hurt me.

"No. You're not really ready for that. It's not the right time. I'm going to go for a run."

He plants a kiss on my forehead like it'll take the sting out of his words and puts on some sweatpants and a t-shirt before leaving. I stare at the door he just left through in shock.


He was being so sweet ten minutes ago. He was the one practically dragging me up the stairs. I refuse to cry, even though I really want to. I know there's something else going on that he's not telling me about and I fully intend to find out.


Despite last night, I wake up excited. My family is coming today.

Maddox still isn't in bed when I wake up, but I don't bother thinking about it. I start to get ready and actually spend some time on my appearance.

My normally straight black hair is curled into loose waves that fall to the middle of my back. I put on some light makeup that accentuates my green eyes and a simple black midi dress with capped sleeves. Even my mom would be impressed with the effort I've made.

I run downstairs and out the front door, eagerly waiting for them to show up. When my dad's familiar SUV pulls up the driveway, I rush to meet them, practically ripping my dad's door open before he even has a chance to park.

It quickly turns into a group hug with me smushed in the middle.

"Who forgot to put on deodorant? Get off me, you all stink!" I cry.

They all respond by squeezing me tighter.

"We've missed you, darling," my mom says softly.

I break away from my dad to wrap my arms around her, inhaling deeply to take in her soothing scent.

"Me, too," I mumble into her neck.

I didn't realize how much of a relief it would be to have my family here. All the stress from last night falls to the back of my mind, and as we walk back up the driveway to the pack house, I find myself enjoying all the childish banter with my brothers and telling my parents all about my new pack.

They're relieved that Lennon ended up in the same pack as me and that I'd have someone to talk to when Maddox was busy. I leave out telling them that Lennon is equally busy in her own way.


Alpha Odin and Luna Eira are waiting at the front door to greet my family when we walk up. They look cheerful and at ease- they seem genuinely excited to meet everyone and it makes me smile.

"Alpha Roman, Luna Moira, it's so lovely to have you all here," Luna Eira greets them.

My dad and Alpha Odin nod and shake each other's hands while my mom pulls Luna Eira into a hug. I'd almost forgotten they've met before.

My brothers seem to be on their best behavior, politely introducing themselves to their hosts, but I continue to stare them down through the corner of my eye. I don't trust them to not embarrass me.

We make it to the kitchen where the table is lavishly set and prepared with our starter courses.

Alpha Odin notices me eyeing the two empty seats next to him and says, "You must excuse my son and his beta. I sent them to finish up some pack business for me and they seem to have lost track of time. Please, get started."

I have to giggle as I watch my brothers eating their salads, taking delicate, mindful bites to avoid looking like the ravished beasts they normally look like while eating. Luna Eira seems to notice as well and laughs at them.

"Don't let us slow you down, kids. I've raised boys, you can't fool me. Eat as much as you'd like."

Something about her words strikes me as odd, but I can't pinpoint it.

"Don't encourage them, they're animals!"I joke with her as they begin scarfing down their food.

She laughs again and shakes her head in a way that reminds me of my mom when she's trying to maintain her composure but finds us too funny.

"All young boys are animals, darling, it's up to us to tame them," she tells me.

"That's not true, I'm an absolute angel," Maddox chimes in as he walks through the door.

August, his beta, is following closely behind him and they both sit at the empty seats, digging in immediately.

I notice Basil across from me perking up at their entrance and he won't stop staring at August. I watch them both curiously and notice August peak up at him in between bites. Basil yelps when I kick him under the table to get his attention and tries to cover it with a cough.

"Later," he mouths to me before turning back to his food.

Everyone begins talking in small groups as we wait for the main course to be brought out. Maddox smiles hesitantly at me, very unlike him, and I return it before turning my attention away. I'm still hurt about last night and I won't let him try to charm me into forgiveness without an explanation.

I can't help but keep peeking up at him though as he jokes with August and Willow. He seems to blend in so easily with my family, it's hard to imagine there was a time that he wasn't part of it, and I find myself smiling every time he smiles or laughs. Looking at them, though, I realize why Luna Eira's statement earlier was so weird.

"Eira, you said you raised boys. Like, as in plural. I thought Maddox was an only child? Is it because August is like a son to you?"

I recall the night in the kitchen when we were getting to know each other. Maddox had definitely told me he was an only child. Luna Eira shoots Maddox an angry look before she turns to face me, her expression softening.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken, Poppy. While August is certainly like a son to me, Maddox has an older brother. In fact, I believe you've met him."

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