《The Love That Binds Us》Thirteen


I haven't seen Maddox in three days. I fell asleep on the couch, in his arms, and woke up in his bed hours later, very much alone. I asked around the pack if they'd seen any sign of him, but they'd give me some vague, non-answer about him being busy.

I'd go to sleep in his bed every night and try to stay up long enough to catch him, but I always end up passing out around midnight, and even though I'd wake up early in the morning, he'd already be gone.

If I was the paranoid type, I'd think he was avoiding me.

The shrill buzzing of my alarm wakes me promptly at 7am. I let out a soft moan as I stretch out like a cat, forcing myself to not hit the snooze button. Maddox's side of the bed is wrinkled and messy, evidence that he did in fact come to bed last night.

It's still warm when I stretch my hand out across the sheets.

Damn. I must have just missed him.

I hop out of bed and put on a simple dark green t-shirt dress and some boots and make my way downstairs, just in time for breakfast. The kitchen is swarming with pack members. Even though most of them live in houses of their own, they all come here for breakfast.

It's an important time for them to bond with each other, and from what I've quickly come to realize, Luna Eira is a fantastic cook.

I was surprised to hear at first that Luna Eira cooked for everyone- surely a pack this wealthy and prestigious could afford to hire a lower ranking wolf to do the cooking- but Lennon explained that is was Luna Eira's honor to do it.


A Luna served as a sort of mother to the pack. She nurtures them, cares for them, loves them all as if they were her own. Feeding all of them, even though there were a couple hundred, was her way of bonding with them and showing her love.

She was up at the crack of dawn, feeding the early morning guards and those who were just getting off duty first, and she'd still be there until around noon feeding the rest of the pack.

I wonder briefly if that will be me when Maddox becomes Alpha. If it is, my cooking skills will need some serious improvement to even compete with Luna Eira's food. I take my plate with a shy thank you- the woman still intimidates the hell out of me- and head out into the back yard.

It's a beautifully sunny day out and plenty of pack members are sprawled out across the lawn, eating and talking. I smile at the little kids chasing each other, pretending to be wolves since they haven't shifted into real ones yet.

I know Lennon won't be joining me for breakfast today since it's Thomas's day off, but I don't mind. It's kind of nice to have a moment alone to take everything in.

The grass rustles as someone takes a seat next to me and I look over in surprise. I wasn't expecting company.

The man looks a little younger than me, maybe eighteen or nineteen. He had broad shoulders, shaggy blonde hair, and the sweetest dimpled smile on his face. He's so adorable, it's hard to picture him as some ruthless warrior, but I recognize him instantly.

"Beta August," I smile softly at him.

"Not Beta yet. Your boy needs to get his shit together before Alpha Odin and my dad are willing to hand us their titles," he says cheekily.


"Speaking of 'my boy,' where has he been? I haven't seen him in a few days."

The easy-going grin on his face falters a little as he looks away, but he recovers quickly.

"Maddox has been... busy. Things are a little hectic in the werewolf world right now, and as usual, our pack is responsible for putting out the fires."

I nod and bite my lip.

"I can't imagine how difficult it is being in charge of cleaning up everyone else's messes. But if I'm being honest here, I'm starting to get tired of hearing the word 'busy.' Lennon and Thomas haven't been apart for more than two seconds. I've barely had five minutes with my mate since I've met him."

I have to admit to myself that I'm pouting, but the alternative is that Maddox is actively avoiding me, and I refuse to believe that's the case.

"That's the life of an Alpha's mate," August shrugs.

"Has he... has he told you anything about us?"

I blush, thinking Maddox might have spilled the beans about our night on the couch. August perks up and straightens his back. At first I think it's in response to my question, but when he stands up, I realize another person has joined us.

I stand up beside August and we both bow in respect to Luna Eira.

"Oh, please. You two are family, there's no need to bow."

August leans in to wrap her in a hug and kisses both of her cheeks while I stand awkwardly to the side.

"No matter how many times you say it, I'm still going to bow to you, Ma," he tells her.

She laughs as she looks up at him with the adoration of a mother staring at a child, still wrapped in his hold.

"Whatever you say," she responds. "August, could you give me a moment alone with Poppy here?"

My heart starts to beat rapidly as August nods and walks away. Whatever he came to talk to me about was clearly forgotten in the wake of Luna Eira's arrival.

"Goodmorning, Luna Eira. Thank you again for breakfast, it was delicious. You're really a fantastic cook," I manage to stutter out.

"Thank you, darling. I'd love to teach you, if you wish. And please, no more of that Luna nonsense. You can call me mom, or just Eira, if you'd prefer," she smiles warmly at me.

My nerves begin to ease slightly in her presence. She's been nothing but kind to me, but without Maddox here as my buffer, I'm terrified I might say something stupid to her.

"I'd really like that," I tell her honestly. "But I have to admit, I'm pretty limited in the kitchen. I fear my skills don't extend far past Maddox's grilled cheese making abilities."

She laughs melodically, a grin stretching from ear to ear. This is the most I've ever seen her smile- it was a stark contrast from the severe look on her face the night she and her husband caught us in the rain- and she looked radiant.

"You're a nature witch like your mother, correct? I myself am a kitchen witch, and I find that nature witches make excellent Lunas. I've no doubt you'll be a quick learner."

I nod eagerly. Eira seemed so in tune with the pack, so in her element surrounded by wolves. I forgot she was a witch, too.

"I'd love to learn from you."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. Now, I'd like to talk to you about bringing your family for dinner."

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