《The Love That Binds Us》Eight


I blink slowly a few times, trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes. My heart starts to race when I realize it's pitch black out and I'm in a bed, in a room I don't recognize.

A wave of calm washes over me though when I smell that comforting spicy scent- the arms that are wrapped around me are warm and inviting and I snuggle further into them as a large hand strokes my hair gently.

"It's about time you woke up," Maddox says quietly. "I was starting to get worried."

"How long was I out for?"

I pull my face out from the crook of his neck to get a better look at him, but I can only see the outline of his jaw, the only light coming from the moon through his open window. It's raining outside and there's a breeze that's blowing the curtains gently away from the window. It calms me further despite my current situation.

"Twelve hours or so. We got back to pack property about five hours ago," he shrugs.

Twelve hours? Christ. The last thing I remember was the sharp sting from his bite followed by the most intense pleasure I had ever felt.

"Why so long?" I ask weakly.

It's unnerving to think that twelve hours of my life have gone missing from me, unaccounted for by my memory.

"I'm not sure, entirely. My parents and your father think it's because I'm an Alpha, so my bite is more potent. I personally think it's because you weren't completely mentally ready to do the ritual, so all the commotion and excitement kind of just... wore you out."

I blush instantly, grateful that it's too dark in here to see.


"My dad saw me like this?" I ask mortified, noting that I was indeed still wearing my lingerie.

At least I could find solace in the fact that Maddox didn't try to undress me while I was out.

"I didn't get to say goodbye to him, or my brothers. I didn't get to say goodbye to Lennon!"

The hand in my hair finds its way under my chin as Maddox pulls my face up to look at him.

"I only saw your father briefly before we left, and he was much more concerned about you than he was about what you had on. But your family is welcome in our pack any time. In fact, I'd like for you to invite them over for dinner once you get settled in so our families can meet properly. And as for Lennon, I have a feeling you'll be seeing her a lot sooner than you think."

"You saw her, too?"

Fuck, was everyone I know a witness to my embarrassment?

"Yes, when I was carrying you out of the woods. I think she was about ready to stab me with her dagger when she saw you were unconscious."

I smile to myself knowing full well that Lennon would have gone toe to toe with an Alpha if she thought I was hurt.

I stretch my arms out above me, unable to contain the soft moan that escapes me at the action. The rain starts to pick up and a loud crack of thunder practically shakes the whole house. I lean forward eagerly, waiting for the lightning to follow as it rips through the air, illuminating the night sky.

I can feel the energy pulse through me as the air becomes more charged the worse the storm gets. I close my eyes and let myself bask in it.


Maddox shifts awkwardly behind me, so I finally turn around to face him.

"Not a fan of storms?" I grin at him.

"I don't hate them, but I definitely wouldn't want to be caught out there. They're so chaotic and unpredictable."

"That's the beauty of them. Not every moment of your life needs to be planned out, you know. Sometimes a little chaos can be a good thing."

He smiles back at me, a full, genuine smile and we sit in comfortable silence for a few more moments.

Until my stomach growls.

He laughs deeply and gets up from his side of the bed, turning on the lamp on the nightstand as he does. I notice he had changed into grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt- I can't help but to admire the view.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I forgot you must be starving. Let me make you something."

I nod enthusiastically at him and jump out of the bed, too.

"Can I use your bathroom first?"

"Of course, you don't have to ask. This is your home now, too. I'll just be in the kitchen, down the stairs and to your right. You can't miss it."

He brushes his fingers against mine, stoking the wildfire between us once again, and leaves the room. I head into the attached bathroom and eye the massive claw-foot tub longingly, but it will have to wait for another time.

I brush my teeth with Maddox's toothbrush- no point in being embarrassed or grossed out by it now- and take a quick shower. I don't know exactly where my clothes are, so I stick with putting my slip back on and make a mental note to ask Maddox for my duffle bag later.

The knot in my stomach grows painfully and I practically run down the stairs so Maddox can feed me like he promised. Thankfully no one seems to be awake to witness me making an ass of myself. When I round the corner, he's flipping something in a pan, humming quietly to himself.

"Smells amazing," I comment.

He places a plate in front of me as I sit on one of the stools at the edge of the kitchen island and sets one down next to me where he takes a seat.

"Grilled cheese?" I beam up at him.

"My specialty," he boasts back. "And by specialty, I mean the only thing I know how to make that isn't Ramen."

We sat and talked about anything and everything as the storm continues to rage violently outside. I'm surprised when I realize just how different our lives were growing up, and yet, we were fated for each other.

He's an only child. He never really wanted to be Alpha, but he's adapting to his duties well enough. He's fluent in seven languages, his favorite color is blue, and he falls asleep during movies every time, no matter the time of day.

"So you're saying you've never seen a single Star Wars movie?" I gasp.

I inhale the last bite of my sandwich as I stare up at Maddox in shock.

"I mean technically I sat down to watch them. I just don't get very far into them before I pass out."

"Are you sure you're not secretly an old man?"

He laughs at me, but it's cut short when lightning strikes again, right in the back yard this time.

I stand up from my chair slowly and hold my hand out to him- I have the perfect idea.

"Come on. We're going outside."

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