《The Chairman's Assitant》chapter 11


We finished the committee's meeting.

At this moment Andrea is sitting across my desk informing me about the new updates of the company.

"At what time do we need to be there so I can be ready, not like the last time‚," She asks once she finished what she had in her notebook.

"We." I correct her. "Look, Andrea. Now I have a girlfriend, we can't go together like every other time. Bailey would feel uneasy and people will start questioning our friendship"

Andrea freezes in her seat, her expressions blank. Her eyes were fixed on mine and when a glitter appears in the corner she smiles.

"You're right Gabriel." She glances at her notebook. "a lot of things should change. And I don't want rumors messing the company's reputation," She finishes, walking to the door with steady steps.

"Hey Andy, you're not mad. right? " I ask before she leaves. She looks back with a sweet smile on her face "why would I be?" Then leaves slamming the door.

"She's definitely mad," I sigh, going back to work.

I slam the door shut to give evidence that I'm totally fine.

How could he ditch me? It's a work party he can't take his girlfriend anyway, I'm the one expected to go. And why did I react like that? Was that jealousy? Nah, Andrea Martinez is never jealous. I'm giving this subject more than it needs.

I take a seat in my office, furrowing my eyebrows as I think of someone that can be my date. There is Blake, it's been a long time since we've met. When they closed the deal last week I didn't go to the office because I didn't want to meet him. He's one of the committee members too.

I shiver imagining myself spending the whole night with him. Blake isn't an option maybe Matia can come.

I dial his number and wait until he picks up. "Ciao caro (hello dear), how do you feel about being my date for tomorrow's gala?" I say the moment he picks up.


"Wow, is Andrea Martinez asking me on a date?" He teases, and I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Well yeah, you should feel special, that never happens," I remark.

"Well I'm flattered, " He says, then adds, "At what time do I pick you up?"

"7 will be good, and I'll text you my address," I inform him and share our goodbyes.


I check my make-up in the mirror once I'm done. I take my golden brown locks tickling my cheeks and put them gently behind my ear. I smile at my reflection, satisfied with my makeup that's looking on fleek.

I check the time and it's 6 pm. I hear a knock on my door so I open it.

"I wanted to check on you, and see if you want to accompany us to the gala?" Gabriel says, after few seconds of staring at my face.

The motherfucker is looking handsome in his dark blue suit and perfectly done hair. His blue eyes that are fixed on me are looking mesmerizing.

"It's okay. You guys can go. I'm waiting for my date," I say smiling. Gabriel looks at me while furrowing His eyebrows then His face drops to the floor and he leaves murmuring "right your date,"

I close the door thinking about his reaction. I could've sworn it was disappointment, what was he expecting? Me to be the third wheel? Hell no. I can't lie to myself, I would have loved to go with him but I understand, he has a girlfriend now. He's no longer Andrea's best friend, he'll be known as Bailey's boyfriend.

I put my black gown on and wait for my date.

I hear the bell ringing. I put my heels on and open the door for Matia.

"Damn Amor, you look belissima." He compliments once he's done checking me out. I didn't realize how much I missed the hot Italian accent until now.

He takes my hand in his and leads us to the elevator.


"You don't look bad too," I say checking his pale brown suit and smirk.

I stop at my tracks once we're out. A white roll Royce waiting outside and the driver is beside the door waiting for us, this night is going to be fun.

"Damn, I love your car," I say, as I follow him into the limo and get in when the driver opens the door.

"Glad you did princepessa " He smirks and takes a seat beside me.

Once we enter the large, noisy hall, everyone gets silent and all the eyes follow our movements as we get deeper into the crowd. My heart starts beating faster, the dress is too tight all of a sudden and the air in the room isn't enough anymore.

I straighten my back, bring my chin high and focus on my steps to give my appearance a bad bitch's touch.

"Wow, you're pretty famous," Whispers Matia making me chuckle.

"Yeah, My back hurts from carrying the whole company," I joke.

We stop once everybody is back to their business to find our table. I look around and spot Gabriel looking our way. My stomach clenches at how intense he's starring at me, even when I smile his expressions don't change.

I take Matia's hand and take him to Carter's table. He pulls my chair and I sit offering him a smile.

"You look beautiful, Andrea," Says bailey with her usual sweet smile.

"Thank you, darling, you look stunning yourself" I compliment her. She's wearing a tall, creamy, silky dress that fits her perfectly.

The gala is nice, couples are dancing while others are enjoying their food, the fairy lights giving a calm touch to the atmosphere.

I spend the night dancing with Matia and making jokes about the gala When Gabriel pats Matia's shoulder.

"Can I borrow your date for a dance?" He asks glancing my way.

"Sure, I'll be at our table," says Matia leaving.

Gaby takes a step toward me and rests his hands on my lower back steadily. I put my thin hands on his shoulders, his warm blue eyes never letting go of mine. And we swing calmly following the rhythm of the song.

"Look who finally decided that I exist," I tease, smirking.

"You Can say I was building courage the whole night to talk to the most beautiful girl in the room," He says with his silvery voice and that charming grin.

"Isn't that supposed to be your girlfriend?" I ask and he answers cockily "well, we can play on both tables,"

"seriously Andy, you look like a fallen angel," He says, I open my mouth to thank him but he adds "angel of death"

"I'm here to take everybody's soul, including yours," I laugh and he does the same, his wrinkles showing slightly at the sides of his eyes.

I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes. As we swing in silence, the background music fades away.

The only thing that's present is our light breathing and his heartbeats playing their symphony on my forehead through his chest. I don't know how much we stood there but I know for sure, this moment will be a painful memory to Remember.

I'm so lost in his presence that I got startled when I heard Bailey's annoyed voice "excuse me, but the music has stopped"

She takes his hand throwing a quick "see you home" And heads to the exit.

"We need to talk," Matia says. What does he want to talk about?

We walk to the car and sit like the last time.

He looks at me with a knowing smile and asks.

"You love him, don't you?"

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .

See ya next month guys!!

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