《Mcyt x Reader》𝒮𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐼𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓉 𝟤
Summary: you and Wilbur meet for your date, but Tommy's being Tommy.
A/n: Wow me actually updating? Sorry about being inactive but my s/o got covid then we went into lockdown and school work is kicking my ass right now so I've been a bit sad. But I'm finally releasing the chapter I've been promising for months yay!!!
This might be shit tbh I don't know I'm that tired,
Also if you guys could drop some George requests since he's one of my favourites but I can't think of any plots for him.
Warnings: swearing, kissing, and uh sand I guess for all the Star Wars fans
Word Count: 3451
~Not Proof Read~
"Tommy are you almost ready?!" I yelled up the staircase as I threw on my coat.
"Yeah chill out I'll just be a second!" He yelled back making me roll my eyes.
See at the begging of the week when Tommy accidentally leaked Wilburs awkward way of asking me out me and Will had been talking almost everyday.
It started off with him ranting out of embarrassment about how that clip is being reposted everywhere and then the conversations slowly became us talking about random shit until we were on face time from mid-day to the middle of the night.
Wilbur seemed like a cool guy and I'm overwhelming excited about meeting up with him now.
But then Tommy had to get involved.
Once he realised that we were actually meeting up and not just fucking with him he was adamant he should come.
He wanted more vlog content and to see Wilbur again, plus Tubbo's new house wasn't that far away from where we were meeting.
So to say the least I had Tommy going on non stop all week about how it's unfair that he's not going.
I tried to explain to him that it's extremely weird to take your little brother on a first date but he wasn't having any of it.
Soon enough he brought our parents into the conversation and they took his side. Claiming it'll be good for him to see his friends in real life for once.
In the end we came to an agreement. The day I drive down to meet Will I'll take him with me and drop him off at Tubbo's house. Then I'll go and meet Will, we'll have our date and I'll sleep at his place while Tommy stays with Tubbo that night. Then the next morning Tubbo's mum will drive them down to me and Wilbur.
I just really hoped this date went well because I have to stay at his place after and hang out with him the next day. I don't think I could deal with the awkwardness if it went wrong.
I threw my bag over my shoulder and lent against the living room wall as I waited for Tommy.
Soon enough he came running down the stairs, barley keeping his bag on his shoulder.
"Alright I'm ready!" He grinned at me and ran out to my car.
I laughed lightly and followed behind him, unlocking it so we could get in.
Before I even got out of our street he had his phone out to start filming.
"What up guys and welcome to another vlog! I am meeting Tubbo and then Wilbur with my sister! Who's going on a fucking date with him like what the fuck." He half whispered the last bit to his phone and laughed to himself.
"Tommy if you don't shut up your going to have a hospital vlog." I said not even glancing over at him since I was driving in a busy road.
He moved the camera to face me before flipping me off.
Soon enough he stopped filming and I decided to annoy him by playing Bruno Mars songs.
After an hour and a half long drive we'd reached Tubbo's house.
Tommy excitedly jumped out the car, grabbing his bag and opening the camera app on his phone.
I've never seen him move so fast this early in the morning.
I got out at a normal pace and followed behind him as he half jogged to the front door.
We knocked and waited for Tubbo's mother to open it.
"Hi Tubbo's mom!" Tommy said excitedly, looking over her shoulder. "Where's Tubbo?"
"He's on his way down now, he only just woke up."
As if on que a tired looking Tubbo walked into view, once he noticed Tommy his face lit up and they ran to one another.
I couldn't help but smile slightly as they hugged and started rambling about the stream they were planning.
I turned to Tubbo's mum and smiled at her. I quickly thanked her for taking care of Tommy and we made small talk for a second before I realised the time.
"Sorry but I have to be in Brighton in half an hour so I should probably get going, Tommy behave don't be too loud and annoying and don't break anything." I said looking at him sternly as he just stuttered in response.
"I'm not loud and annoying!"
"Proving my point bud. Call me if anything's wrong." I looked at both Tubbo's mum and Tommy on the last bit and gave him a quick hug before leaving.
Once I'd gotten into the car my phone started ringing.
I smiled when I read the contact name 'Wilby 🥰'
I put my phone on speaker and pulled out of the drive way.
"Hello!" I heard his excited voice say through the phone, making me smile slightly.
"Hello to you too, your energetic for eleven in the morning." I chuckled and got back onto the main road.
"Well obviously I'm seeing you in thirty minutes. I'm just leaving the house now." I blushed lightly and became extremely relived that he couldn't see me.
"I've just left Tubbo's house so I should be there soon too."
"Well then I can't wait to finally see you in person, you should be excited I've got a great day planned." I could practically hear his smile.
"I'm sure you do, I'm counting on it. Anyway I'm on a busy road so I should probably go, I'll see you in thirty."
"See ya!" He hung up and I smiled to myself
I was a little bit too exited for this, I just really hoped that I didn't get my expectations to high.
The thirty minute drive flew by and I soon found myself looking for a parking spot at the beach.
Once I'd parked my car I grabbed my phone before jumping out and looking around.
Wilbur had agreed to meet me at this car park and if he wasn't there he was either late or I'd gone to the wrong place.
That's when my eyes landed on an extremely tall brunette dude leaving over a wall and looking out to sea.
I wandered over and gently tapped in on the shoulder. I was like 90% sure it was him.
He turned around and looked down at me, his blank expression turning into an excited smile.
He lent down to pull me into a tight hug, causing me to giggle slightly.
"Hello to you too." I hugged him back and we held onto each other for a second before pulling away.
"So what's on today's agenda?" I asked looking up at him with a huge smile.
"Wanna start with coffee?" He smiled back and with a nod we started walking down the street.
Soon enough we came across a small coffee shop with little to no people in it.
Wilbur went to order drinks as I grabbed us the table at the window.
We sat and chatted for a while, just enjoying the coffee and each other's company.
Soon enough the barista was watching us because we'd finished our drinks but were still sat there.
We both seemed to get the hint from her because we both looked at each other and her before getting up.
After we left the cafe Wilbur grabbed my hand and dragged me down the street.
We came across a bunch of small family owned shops, we had a quick look around most of them. We bought basically nothing but Wilbur made sure to try on every oversized sun hat we came across to make me laugh.
After walking along back streets and the coastal line for a couple hours the sun started to set.
At this point we'd made it to a quieter part of the beach, both of us collectively deciding to stop walking so we could look at the sunset.
"Wow..." I muttered to myself with a smile, I'd forgotten how much I loved sunsets.
Suddenly I felt Wilbur shift next to me. I turn to look at him to be met with his throwing his shirt over his head.
"Will what the fuck are you doing?" I asked with a slight laugh, reverting my eyes away from him.
"Come on we're going swimming." He said smiling widely at me.
"It's gonna be freezing and-"
He cut me off by placing his hand on the side of my face.
"Who cares, we only live once."
I hesitated but the warmth from his hand and the grin on his face completely knocked all the common sense out of me.
In that moment I'd jump off a cliff if he asked me to.
I threw off my shirt as well, throwing it into the pile of clothes that was forming.
Soon enough the two of us were stood at the edge of the water in our underwear.
I looked forward at the orange sky and felt Wilbur take my hand.
"Ready?" I didn't even need to turn to know he was smiling.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
Suddenly he started running forward and I followed after, letting out a little yell as the cold water burned my skin.
I thought we were stopping when the water came up to my waist but he kept going.
Soon enough the water was up to his shoulders and I had to drop his hand so I could keep myself up.
"Will my feet aren't touching the fucking floor." I looked at him slightly panicked.
He took my hands and placed them on his shoulders before placing his own on my hips.
"There, I got you."
I smiled to myself and looked up at his eyes, our faces were inches apart.
I caught his eyes flickering down to the bottom of my face and my cheeks heated up despite how cold I was.
"Ready?" He asked giving me the same smile as earlier.
I quirked an eyebrow at him.
"Ready for wha-" I was cut off by getting pulled down into the freezing water.
At this point it was so cold that the adrenaline made it unnoticeable.
As me and Wilbur both came back up for air my arms subconsciously went to his shoulder to hold myself up.
"Will what the fuck." I couldn't bring myself to pretend to be angry so it came out more as a laugh.
He shook his head so the water droplets would leave his hair and it would stick up more.
He laughed lightly at me and brought a hand up to move a strand of hair from my face.
I froze as he brought his hand back to caress my cheek gently.
I opened my mouth slightly to say something else and ruin the moment but before I got the chance he moved forward and pressed his lips up against mine.
I closed my eyes and kissed back automatically, bringing my hand to cup the back of his neck so I could pull myself closer.
He gently kissed me, but the way he held on to me made me feel like he was scared I'd just disappear from his touch at any second.
I don't think I could've brought myself to pull away even if I wanted to.
Although much to my dismay soon enough Wilbur moved back slightly.
Staying close enough to rest his forehead on mine.
"Doesn't it all make you feel alive? The cold, the waves, the sun set, the feeling that your floating here away from everything. Doesn't it make you feel free?" He laughed gently and moved his thumb against my cheek bone.
"You make me feel alive." I smiled back at him for a second before pulling back towards me to kiss him again.
The taste of salt and strawberry chapstick took me out of reality for a second, he was right. It felt free.
We both pulled back with a little laugh and turned to watch the sunset together.
Once the sun had completely disappeared and the only light source around us was dangling fairy lights from the boardwalk and street lights we decided to start swimming back.
When we got back to shore our clothes were luckily still there. But the adrenaline had ran off, and that mixed with the wind and lack of sun light caused me to shiver.
I threw on my clothes that uncomfortably stuck to my wet skin that was covered in sand.
Wilbur seemed to be in the same situation and also looked uncomfortable.
"Wanna head back to my apartment?" He ruffled his hair as he talked in a failed attempt to fix it.
"Sure, my cars not that far." We smiled at each other before starting to walk off the beach.
His hand comfortably fitting into mine as we walked.
When we got to the car we both quickly got in and turned on all the heaters.
He hummed to himself and gave me directions back to his apartment. It was only a ten minute drive away so it didn't take long to get there.
When we got out the car we both ran inside since the cool air mixed with out wet hair and clothes was chilling.
We walked up a couple flights of stairs before Wilbur got out his keys and opened his front door.
He walked in and gestured for me to follow.
I walked after him and let my eyes travel around the room for a second before turning my attention back to him.
"You can shower first, you know to get all the sand and stuff off and warm up. I'll go find you some clothes and put it outside the door for you. That's the bathroom and everything you need should be in there."
He pointed to a door as he spoke and I gave him a little smile and a thanks before heading in there to warm up.
Hot water had never felt so nice on my skin before, and the pine body wash he had made everything seem more homey and warm.
Soon enough I got out and wrapped myself in a towel.
I headed to the doorway and prayed to god that there was going to be clothes there, luckily there was a pair of joggers and what seemed to be one of Wilburs jumpers lying on the floor.
I picked them up and got changed in the bathroom.
I quickly towel dried my hair to the best of my ability's before just putting it behind my ears and deciding to deal with it later.
The joggers fit fine and from what I could tell they must've been bought for this sort of situation or he'd just gotten them years ago and decided to hold onto them instead of throwing them out when he outgrew them.
The jumper on the other hand went past my hands and midway down my thighs it was that big on me.
I smiled to myself and cuddled into it slightly, enjoying the warmth and familiar smell.
I headed out of the bathroom soon though to go find Wilbur who was finishing a cup of tea in the kitchen.
"Hey." I said softly looking up at him with a smile.
"Hey, was everything alright?"
"Yeah, thanks for the clothes by the way." I went to pour the last of the boiled water into a mug for my own hot drink.
"It's fine, I'm gonna go have a quick shower as well, we can watch a film or something when I come out." I smiled and nodded at that.
He tipped out the last of the tea and lent down to kiss my forehead before walking into the bathroom.
I smiled to myself as I finished making my drink.
Once I was done I decided to wander the apartment.
He had a floor to ceiling book shelf in one corner and every booked seemed to have a cracked spine and a beat down exterior.
He also had a messy corner of the spare room which had all of his instruments and what looked to be lyrics scribbled on paper laying on the floor.
Expect for that though the house was surprisingly clean.
I sat on the sofa and debated turning on the tv, that's when my phone started buzzing.
I looked down to see that Tommy was face timing me.
I picked it up with a smile and was met with his face stupidly close to the screen.
"Y/n! Hello!" He yelled into the microphone making me move the phone further away from me.
"Hey Tommy, how's it going?" I sipped my drink and smiled at the camera.
"Good yeah, you? You didn't pick up my call earlier." He looked at the camera in a joking annoyance but I could tell that he was secretly concerned.
"Sorry I was swimming so I didn't have my phone."
"Ah okay, so Wilbur huh?!" He said in a weird accent, back to his normal weird self.
Sweet and concerned Tommy didn't last long.
"Tommy shut up or I'm hanging up." I rolled my eyes at him and laughed lightly.
"Okay okay okay okay chill. How did it go though? Because if it went bad I don't have to come tomorrow we can just go home."
I smiled at his concern and shook my head "no it went great, oh and by the way Wilbur told me to tell you that tomorrow if no one opens the door because we're sleeping that there's a second key under the door mat. You can just let yourself in."
We chatted for a little bit longer and I said hi to Tubbo before I heard the bathroom door open.
"Anyway Wilburs back so I'm gonna go. I'll see you both tomorrow!"
They both yelled bye and waved at the camera as I hung up and laughed to myself.
"Was that Tommy and Tubbo?" Wilbur asked taking the seat next to me
"Yeah, Tommy just wanted to check in."
He nodded and reached for the remote.
"So there's this new show on Netflix." Wilbur started rambling and turned on this new show that Phil was telling him about.
About half way through the first season I started to feel tired. I yawned to myself and that caught Wilbur's attention.
"You tired?" He asked lightly, brushing some hair out of my face before letting his hand rest on my cheek.
I lent into his touch and shook my head slightly "no I'm fine."
He rolled his eyes at me and pulled me into his chest.
"Yeah you sure look fine, go to sleep I'll fill you in on the show tomorrow."
I was going to argue but his warmth and the comforting smell of his Cologne and shampoo argued against that and I found myself cuddling into him and falling asleep soon after.
~ Time Skip To The Next Morning ~
I woke up to the sound of Tommy yelling, nothing new there but as I came too I remembered where I was and who's hands were running through my hair
"Wilbur hands off her waist!" Tommy yelled and I could hear him walking over.
"Tommy shut up she's asleep. I swear I will kill you if this ends up in the vlog." Wilbur said in a threatening whisper.
"Oh this is going in the vlog. Oh god Wilbur this must me so awkward for you."
I could hear Tubbo laughing in the background and I looked up to see an iPhone camera being thrown in my face.
"Tommy I swear to god if you don't move that fucking phone out of my face I'm leaving you on the side of the motorway on the way home."
I said sticking up my middle finger before cuddling into Wilbur again.
"Wow Wilbur really the best girl you could get has anger issues and is related to me. I'm disappointed."
"Alright that's it!" I climbed out of Wilburs arms and started running towards Tommy who shrieked and ran away from me.
"Pussy!" Tubbo yelled at Tommy as I chased him though the kitchen in attempt to get his phone.
As I was about to jump at him I felt someone wrap there hands around my middle and hold me back.
"Wilbur what the fuck I was about to kill him." I frowned up at him and he just laughed at me.
Tommy thanked Wilbur and continued to film us.
"Y/n there better ways to annoy him. Like this."
He lent down to kiss me and I smiled to myself and pulled back before it turned into a proper kiss, since my brother was right there.
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