《Sold to my Mate (COMPLETED)》Chapter 12


Kai's POV

The moment she came back I knew what was happening. I told her to lie down and she did. That's when the pain started. I told her it was heat. She was sweating and she kept wincing in pain. She snuggled up to me and she relaxed. She started to go back to normal

"Sleep Princess. I'll protect you", I whispered

Instantly after that she fell asleep, she looked so innocent. I slowly got out of bed and went downstairs. I had to move quick because she will wake up soon and she will be in pain again, I have to be there.

"I'm going to be out for a few days. Amara's going through heat", I said to everybody in the dinning room

I grabbed some food and went back upstairs. I shut and locked the door. I put the food on the night stand and got back in bed. Almost in an instant she snuggled back up. I turned the TV on and watched The Flash.

She woke up at 12:00am

She got out of bed and went towards our bathroom. She winced and I started to get up

"Relax, I'm just going to take a shower", she smiled and I layed back down


Amara's POV

I walked to the shower. I loved how concerned Kai was, I never felt that loved before.

I stripped out of my wet sweaty clothes and turned the shower on, I was so hot , I decided to be brave and I turned it on cold. I got in and I automatically relaxed. I could stay in here and I wouldn't need Kai

"I heard that, and that offends me", a voice says in my head

What in the hell

"I marked you remember. I can tune in your head", Kai linked


"Damn", I whisper

I hurry up and shower then wrap myself in a soft black towel. I go to the closet and change into some clothes. (Up above), and walk back out to Kai.

"I don't want you in my head all the time", I say

"OK princess", He laughed

I layed down on the bed and snuggled in the pillows. I decided to see if he was really telling the truth when he promised he would stay out of my head

The pillows are so much more comfortable then Kai's chest

"Hey, That's offensive", He linked

I cleared my throat and he looked down at me

"I'm sorry, I can't help it", he lied

I roll my eyes, and snuggle up to him. He pulls me in and puts his arm over my side and we fell asleep.

Sorry this chapter is so short. I have a bunch of stuff tomorrow and I have to practice my piano after this. Plus school....There's this guy in my Spanish....He makes me wanna throw up, literally. He makes my stomach all jumpy and it feels yucky cuz well feeling....anyway bye

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