《Kyra (Completed)》21
An hour later we pulled into the driveway of a huge house.
Kyra got out and led me up the walk way opening the door. "Papa! Noni!"
After a few moments a girl appeared at the top of the stairs and screamed before vastly making her way down the steps. She looked like a darker version of Kyra, but not really.
They kissed and hugged before a man , who I assumed was her dad appeared from a side hallway.
Kyra ran and gave him a hug. "What a nice surprise. My girl is back."
She smiled. "Yep."
Her sister was staring at me and I stared back. I wasn't scared of eye contact and I knew what she was doing. I did the same thing when Ariel brought boys home.
"I'm Cameron." I said looking at her. She nodded. "I'm Noni, Kyra's little big sister."
Kyra kissed her teeth. "Shut the hell up!"
Kyra wrapped her arms around my torso and smiled up at me. "Cam this is my sister Noni and my dad Michael. Guys this is Cameron, my boyfriend."
"Bout time I met you son. Kyra goes on and on about you when we talk. You must be treating her well." I nodded.
"I try my best to keep her happy."
"I would expect nothing less from you." He said seriously. "Take a seat, how long are you guys staying?"
"Just a few hours."
"What, why?"
"Cam is from Richmond and his moms birthday is tomorrow. That's why we flew up here. I wanted him to meet you."
He frowned and nodded. "Well it's good to see you Ky."
I smiled. "You too papa."
"So you're in the NBA huh?"
I nodded. "Yeah."
"What position."
"Shooting Guard."
Michael nodded. "I heard y'all are heading for the playoffs but I haven't seen much of you."
"I was injured sir, but I'm healed and ready to get back on the court."
"So how long have you two been seeing each other exactly?"
"Around six/seven months."
He nodded. "How did you meet?"
I looked and Kyra and she smirked as I panicked. I wasn't exactly the nicest person in the world when we met.
*end flashback*
"Hallway of our apartment building, she lives a few doors down. I was on crutches and dropped my keys. She picked them up and pranced back down the hallway eating her mcdonalds."
We started laughing. "I'm happy I chose to help you that day." I said with a smile. He leaned down and connected his lips to mine lightly. "Me too beautiful."
"You guys are so pretty together!" Noni squealed.
I blushed and hid my face against Cam's side as he laughed.
I opened the door to my childhood bedroom and smiled. Freckles laughed at the fact that everything in my room was purple.
"This is almost rediculous."
I laughed. "Whatever. I loved purple growing up." He nodded. "Clearly."
"Shut up." I said with a small smile.
"You and Noni don't look too much alike."
"We have different mothers. My mother is half Dominican and our father is half white. She's not Dominican. I look somewhat Hispanic, she doesn't."
"I thought you never met your mother."
"I haven't, but that doesn't mean I've never asked questions. That's why when you asked me what I was, I told you I couldn't speak Spanish. She was never there to teach me."
"Noni's mom around?"
I nodded. "She's basically my mom."
He nodded. "But she's not light as you and Michael."
"She's black and Indian so she's a little darker than me and her hair is super thick. My sister is pretty still, don't play."
He chuckled. "She is."
I sat in my bed and my eyes traced the outline of his body as he wandered around my room, looking at things and smiling at pictures of me when I was younger.
"You know, staring is rude as fuck." He mumbled. I didn't reply, I just got up and stood next to him as he asked me questions.
He pointed to a picture on the wall and frowned. "Who is this?" He questioned.
I glanced at the picture he was looking at to figure out who he was referring to.
It was a picture of me and Rashad when we were eighteen. We were friends before we started to grow interest in each other. To be completely honest, I had always had a small crush on Rashad regardless. He was polished, smart, and an utter gentleman. Girls always wanted him, but he wanted me. I till this day never understood why he wanted me..
He was swinging me around in his arms as I screamed although I was having fun. I remember that day.. Kaylen was with us and she was so obsessed with us being together. She liked catching us in moments and this was one of my favorite pictures. I was so happy with him.
I bit my lip and studied the picture a little longer. "My ex." I said walking away to sit on my bed.
"Why you still got this up there? I mean you look the same. This recent?"
I shook my head no. "It's three years old. I was eighteen in that picture." He nodded. "You look happy."
I peeked up at him. "I was."
Freckles stayed quiet and then turned around leaned back against my dresser. "What about me?"
I sat up and gave him a curious gaze. "What about you?"
"Are you happy with me?"
I sighed and rose from my bed. I motioned him to me and he met me in the middle of the room. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. Me being so short he just lifted me up into his arms. I stared into his eyes and nodded before I connected my lips to his.
I loved kissing Cameron. He gave me this feeling and I couldn't explain it. It was just right and it formed butterflies in the out of my stomach every time like he was kissing me for the first time all over again. "I'm so happy.."
"Mama, stop!" Cam moaned as she fixed his collar. "No, Sydney is coming over and I want you to look like something." She licked her thumb and raised it to his eyebrow and he backed away. "Okay, stop. Pop!" He shouted.
She kissed her teeth. "Really Cameron?"
I was laughing at the scene in front of me. "Anna.." Clinton said annoyed, walking in the room.
"What? Do you see his pants? He doesn't iron!"
"Leave him alone and go downstairs." She huffed. "You get on my nerves Clinton Johnson." She said walking out.
"You love me anyway Anna Johnson." He yelled following her out.
I chuckled. "Your parents are perfection."
Camchuckled and look down at his pants. "They ain't even wrinkled."
"They are."
He kissed his teeth. "Man, hell naw. Not you too?!"
"Hand them over." I mumbled.
He unbuckled his belt and pulled his tan cargo pants off, handing then to me.
I quickly ironed them and handed them back to him. "That's better?"
I nodded and went to finish curling my hair. He came behind me and kissed my neck just as I finished. My arms were tired now. They felt like jello.
"Long ass hair." I mumbled.
He laughed. "I like it."
I nodded. "What if I was to cut it?"
"I'll kill you." I laughed. "Why?" I said smoothing out my white dress. I felt so pretty today.
"Cause I like it." He said cupping my face in his hands. I smiled and he mirrored me before kissing my lips.
He grabbed my hand and lead me down stairs where Anna's party was in full swing. People where everywhere in the huge house as music boomed through the walls. Mostly old school but they threw in some new songs every once in a while. I think the Dj was Cameron's cousin or something.
"Aye, Minnie." Cody said pulling me into a hug. I ruffled his freshly cut hair and smiled. Cody was so handsome. I swear it was something about these Johnsons. "Cam, I swear if you fuck up I'm stealing her beautiful ass."
I laughed and pushed him off me. Cam just waved him off and pulled me through the house.
I met his aunts and uncles and he had so many cousins around his age and younger. They wore similar traits and some of them but not many had freckles like Cam did. Nevertheless, you knew they were related just by looking at them.
Anna seemed so happy as she walked around kissing and hugging everybody. Clinton just sat in the corner with his brothers and talked. Camwas a clone of his father. They were both so strong and relaxed. Firm, and loving. They gave you opposites and it drew you to them.
The door opened and a lady walked in. She was bright as Anna and they looked similar. This had to be her mother.
Everybody who was in her presence smiled as Ariel helped her to the couch. People instantly started to hug and kiss her and ask her if she needed anything.
I looked up at Cam who was smiling. "She's family famous." He said laughing.
"Who is she?"
"My grandmother." She looked around for something and when her eyes landed on Cam it was like they completely lit up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along as he made his way to her.
She seemed so elegant and poised. She was so pretty and perfect. I wanted to look like her when I'm her age.
"Cameron!" He sat next to her and pulled her into a long hug. He kissed all over her face and she laughed. "How you been grandma?"
"I'm alive if that's what you're asking." He laughed and nodded. "I wasn't but thats good too. Grandma you know you still look twenty seven." She laughed and patted his leg. "Nice try."
He shrugged. "I see your still destroying your skin." She said running her hands over his many tattoos.
"How do you always notice when I get new tattoos?" She smiled. "I always remember and notice changes in my own children."
He nodded. "Of course."
She glanced up at me and Cam followed. "Oh, damn. My bad. Grandma this is my girlfriend Kyra."
She nodded and smiled up at me. "Have a seat young lady."
Cam scooted back and I sat next to her as he sat closely behind me. "Such a pretty name. How old are you?"
"21." She nodded. "So, you like my Cameron huh?"
I nodded and smiled up at him. He kissed my temple and smiled. "I remember when I was in love like that. Richard was so sweet. When we had each child, he wanted to hold them every waking minute. he was a protector. If you ever decide to take it there, Cam will be there for you. I would love to see you two in the future. You've built a bond. I see it. It's beautiful. Don't let her go Cam"
"I won't."
She nodded. "She so pretty, how'd you pull that off?" Cam faked offended. "I'm sexy grandma, Kyra fell puddy in my hands."
I scoffed. "You definitely liked me first. You told me." He shrugged. "Man, whatever." I just laughed.
We sat and talked to his grandmother for while before enjoying the rest of the party. After they sung Anna happy birthday her mother had to leave. I guess she doesn't like staying out late but I felt so honered to have met her. I see why everyone loves her so much but I also noticed that her and Cam were extremely close.
I was walking around helping clean up as the party began to clear out. Anna opened so many gifts and Cam bought her diamond bracelet that she gawked over once the box was opened.
"Mama. Go to bed, we got it."
She shook her head no. "Mama." Cody said sternly, reaching out his had for the garbage bag she was holding. She sighed and handed it to him.
"Ari can you take her up stairs and make sure she's in bed before you leave?" Ariel nodded.
"Leave? Why? Why not tomarrow?" Anna said sadly.
"Mama, the flight to Texas is a long one and I have class later tomarrow. I'll visit soon..." She said as they walked off.
"Austin, you got the rest of this?" I questioned as I threw a garbage bag into the can.
"Yeah.. Go head."
I nodded and walked back in the house looking for Kyra. I found her in the kitchen just finishing up some dishes. She dried her hands and turned around startled that I was behind her.
"Shit, Cam!" She said placing a hand over her chest. "What's wrong with you?"
I chuckled. "Watch yo surroundings then nigga."
She laughed. "Watch it."
I smiled. "Nah, come take a walk with me." She frowned. "It's cold outside."
"You ain't gone die in fifteen minutes." She rolled her eyes. "Fine, can you get my coat?" She bent down and fixed her calf high, brown leather boots.
I jogged to get her pea coat from the coat rack by the door and opened it as she slid her arms into the sleeves.
I opened the door and we made our way down the street.
"This is so random. Whats up?" I laughed and shook my head.
"I just wanted to be alone with you. We been around people all day, I ain't been able to just chill." She nodded as she dug her hands into her pockets.
"I know I had a game on valentines day and It slipped my mind." She looked at me confused. "Valentines day was last month."
I nodded. "I know girl." She laughed and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder.
"So, why you bringing this up now?"
"I got you something to make up for us not being able to spend that day together." We stopped walking and I turned to face her as I reached In my pocket.
I handed her the box and she smiled. She hesitantly opened the box and then gasped at the inside. "Cameron..."
I chuckled. "You like it?"
"No, I love it."
I grabbed the box and pulled the necklace out. I brushed her hair to the side and clipped the back. She grabbed it and smiled.
"It's so pretty." She said as she examined it. "I'd hope you thought that." She laughed. "Well I do."
Dug my hands into my pockets and looked down the street. We stayed silent for a while and I put my head down.
"Babe, what's wrong?"
I bit my lip and took a deep breathe. "I had been thinking about how I was going to tell you this. I didn't know if I was gone wait till we got back and do it over dinner? In your room at your house? I didn't know. I ain't no nigga who been good at explaining how I feel and this shit hard. I just know, you came into my life at a hard time and even when I did you wrong and disrespected you, you didn't give up on me. You never give up on me..."
"Man, I don't deserve you Ky. I don't deserve someone with a heart as big as yours. You could find a nigga that can listen to you and who wouldn't have done you like I did. Who doesn't carry so much shit with him like I do and sometimes I think I'll wake up one day without you laying next to me. I know sometimes you put up with me and I don't want to lose you. Man, don't leave me Kyra..."
She wrapped her arms around me and I buried my head into her neck. "We're not perfect Cameron. You made mistakes and you made up for them. I'm not holding anything against you. You've changed, you've changed for me and I know you care about me. I'm not leaving you babe. I'm never going to leave you..."
I pulled away from her hug and she stood on her toes, kissing me hard. She opened her mouth and my tongue explored her mouth as we stood in the middle of the side walk sharing a kiss I wanted to last forever.
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