《Kyra (Completed)》16
"Kyra, you my homie!" Austin yelled draping an arm around my shoulder. He was funny and loud and I liked him, surprisingly, but I could tell he was trying Cam's patience.
Austin was Cam's Kaylen in a sense because I think everyone has that one out spoken, loud person in their family. Never knew when to shut up at the right time.
Cody had given him a beer and he had a little buzz that was causing him to become talkative. He was only twenty years old and he didn't drink, only when he was slipped something.
Cam sent a glare his way and I chuckled. "Austin, shut the fuck up already damn."
"Cam, it's okay." I said laughing. "It's okay nigga!" Austin yelled loudly.
Cam looked at him like he was stupid and raised from his seat. "I'm about two seconds away from punching you in the face." He gritted out.
"Yo, Jason!" Cody yelled waving at a guy that was walking by. He made his way over to us and slapped hands with Chris and his brothers. "What's good?"
"Take this nigga and find him some water Ja. Cam about to kill his ass." Cody mumbled pushing Austin towards Jason. He chuckled and nudged Austin to follow him.
"Im tired." Cam mumbled scratching his head. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me into him kissing my lips. We had been sitting here talking to his brothers and I was introduced to Austin who looked like a younger version of Cam. He just acted nothing like them.
Cody and Cameron were clones of each other and Cam acted a lot like his father so I figured that's where they got it from. They say you learn from what your around and their father wasn't exactly a hard ass, but he wasn't nothing to play around with at the same time.
"You want to leave?" He nodded. "If you want to stay we can but a nigga gone fall asleep in this chair and leave you to chill with Austin." He said jokingly.
I giggled and wrapped my arms around Cam's waist. "You wouldn't!" I yelled.
He chuckled. "Test it then."
I sighed. "We can go, but we need to visit soon. I like your brothers, they're really cool and nicer than you!" He laughed. "You wanna date them then?"
I shook my head no. "I want my mean ass dude."
He kissed his teeth. "Stop calling me mean."
"What if I don't?" I argued back with a smirk as my top row of teeth sunk into my bottom lip.
"Why you biting your lip? That's the 'I wanna get fucked' face." I fell into a fit of giggles and pushed his shoulder lightly.
"Let me use the bathroom and we can go."
I walked to the bathroom and there was a line leading up to it. A pretty girl with shoulder length black hair was standing in front of me and she kept checking her phone every few minutes like she was waiting for a call or message.
She turned around and looked through the party before her eyes landed on mine. She sent me a small smile that I returned before turning back around.
My phone vibrated and I pulled it from my pocket noticing a text message from Cam asking what was taking so long. I quickly replied, informing him that there was a line before sliding my phone back into my shorts.
"Hey.. Can I ask you something?" The girl turned back around and I nodded, still slightly confused but curious to see what she wanted. "Sure."
"You're like gorgeous, and I bet you have no problems getting guys, so I wanted some advice."
I was taken back. Was she serious right now? This chick seriously didn't have girlfriends? And why did she need help? She was pretty as hell.
"Okay shoot."
"So I went out to dinner with my friend yesterday and met this guy. He invited me and my friend to this party and then I saw him once and then he disappeared." I frowned. "Aww, he's an asshole. You should still enjoy yourself. There are plenty of guys here."
She nodded. "I know, but it was something about him that demanded my attention. I know he's fine and everything but this was more than that." I smiled and nodded.
"Is he still here? You should him find him and talk to him. Tell him that you like him. Sometimes you have you make the first move." She shrugged. "I think he left, but I do have his number."
"You should text him then girl! You only live once and if he's a mistake, learn from that and improve yourself."
She nodded. "Thank you so much."
I nodded. "No problem. Soo, what does this guy look like. I'm so curious to know what drew you in."
She blushed. "He's tall as hell, like six four and he's gorgeous. He has a few tattoos and the most adorable freckles splattered across his cheeks. He's really cute. I heard this girls say he plays for the NBA." I furrowed my eyebrows.
This mystery guy was starting to resemble Cameron a little too much. The height and freckles told me it was definitely a possibility but I don't get why he would approach her if he's with me?
"What's his name?"
She said giggling.
My heart dropped to my stomach. This girl was talking about Cam. My Cameron, I don't get it. I don't get why he would lead me on if he wanted to flirt with other girls?
"He's really sexy and it just fits him right?" I nodded. "This line is really long and not worth it, but it was nice meeting you - ?"
"Leah." I nodded. "Yeah."
I walked back down the steps and walked out of the front door, texting Cam that I was outside. I was irritated and tired of being played with.
I think deep down I knew this had to be too good to be true, but damn Cam is such a good actor. Everything felt real, my feelings for him were growing everyday and it makes me sick to my stomach to know I was nothing worth a stranger he met at a restaurant.
I leaned against his car and dropped my face into my hands fighting not to break down. I usually wouldnt have gotten so upset because we haven't been together long but with everything happening around me I felt vulnerable.
"Did you use the bathroom?"
I shook my head no and opened the car door, causing it to raise from the car diagonally. He closed the door md jogged to his side getting in.
I was tired of fighting with Cam over what's wrong and right and I was tired of yelling at him. He was like beating a dead horse, stuck in his ways and I was stupid to think that I could change that.
I felt his hand palm my bare thigh and I flenched before relaxing my body against the seat.
"You cool?" I nodded, never looking in his direction. I didn't feel like listening to him pester me but I knew better.
"I don't feel great." I fibbed. "Must have been the food."
I met his eyes and he held my stare but not for long because he had to avert his attention to the road as well. I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes, pretending that for a second that didn't happen. This Leah chick didn't have my boyfriend's number in her phone after a probably five minute conversation.
Cam slowly pulled his car into the parking spot and I opened my door, steping out of the car before he could get all the way to my side. I guess it surprised him but he brushed it off. I stayed behind as he walked in front of me and I replied to a text from Kaylen.
I prayed it wasn't him cause I saw no intendment in inviting her. I could fathom inviting her if I wasn't with him but I was and he was with me the entire night even if he had a two minute conversation with her in the kitchen. He still came back to me.
Your telling me he invited this chick to this party and didn't intend on speaking to her? What type of fucking sense does that make at all?
It didn't and that told me it was no way in hell it was my Cam. The pieces didn't fit together and the puzzle was all over the place. I needed to trust him. He hasn't given me a reason not to and I won't choose a stranger over my boyfriend.
"Babe.." I caught up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He chuckled and stopped in his stride to turn around. "You feel better?"
I nodded and smiled. "I think I just need to use the bathroom bad and holding it is making my stomach ache."
"Well lets get you to a bathroom.. My house or yours?"
"Yours, you have a better bed than me." He chuckled. "Aight, don't be using me for my bed." I let out a soft giggle. "It's not anything, without you next to me."
He bit his lip and bent down pecking my lips a few times as we entered the elevator. I backed him into a wall, and pressed my hands flat against a his torso, sliding my hands underneath his shirt. Something about his abs turned me on.
I was happy the elevator was vacant. People tend to judge about publicly groping but I didn't care. I had a touching problem when it came to Cam. The feel of his skin against my fingertips was my addiction. His skin was smooth and unlike many men, he knew what lotion was.
He licked his pink pigmented lips and easily lifted my body from the ground, pressing my back against the wall of the elevator. His lips connected to my neck, sucking slow and gently, most likely constituting a hickey.
I let out a soft moan as my fingernails dragged against the material behind me.
"Cam..." I let out, against my will, but he needed to stop. "Hmm?"
"I really have to use the bathroom and this is doing nothing but worsening it." He laughed and let me down as the elevator opened.
"Carry me." I giggled as he crouched down so I could get on his back. He walked us down to his apartment and unlocked the door pushing it open and sitting me on my feet. I darted to the restroom almost instantly and relieved myself before washing my hands and walking out.
Cam was just walking into the room as I came out. He lifted his shirt off and tossed it in a basket before unbuttoning his jeans and sliding them down, leaving him in a pair of red basketball shorts and his socks.
He opened a random drawer and handed me a tshirt. I slipped my shirt over my head leaving me in my bra and pulled the shirt over my head before pulling my shorts off.
"What are you doing?" I questioned looking over at Cam. His face was into his phone and I was confused. What was that damn interesting?
I heard the click from him turning his screen off as I climbed into his bed. I snuggled into his side as he turned the TV on. The Fresh Prince of Belair was on and I love this show.
"Nothing, just a text message." I nodded.
I laid there watching the marathon for about an hour before I heard Cameron's light snores. I kissed his chin and chuckled a bit. He said he was tired and he wasn't joking.
His phone buzzed on the table and I ignored it until it buzzed again, the screen bright in the dark room. I sighed and reached over him picking it up, to put it on silent.
What happened to seeing me later?
I kissed my teeth and refrained from smacking Cameron in the face. I was vexed and tired of his bullshit. This whole fucking relationship is a joke.
So it was indeed my Cam. No need to convince myelf other wise cause its no way that's a just a coincidence.
I sat his phone back down and crawled to the lone side of his huge bed and curled myself into a ball. I didn't want to be anywhere near Cameron at the moment, but I wasn't moving.
I got up early to head to the gym, taking a shower and pulling out a pair of running shoes. I walked out of my closet, pulling my shirt on. Kyra hasn't said more than two words to me this morning and those two words were 'Good morning'.
Something was wrong and I knew because she was never this introverted. Kyra was never a loud person to begin with but she isn't exactly quiet either. She'd usually be messing with me right now but she was sitting in the bed, Indian style playing Candy Crush on her phone.
"You ready?" She stood from the bed and sat her keys in the inside of my drawer before following me out.
The ride to the recreational facility for the Heat was quiet and I was getting annoyed by her silence. I hated that about her; she was a person to tell you when you did something she didn't like, but she could act like you don't exist.
I opened the backseat and pulled out my bag lifting it across my body.
She went to reach for the door to the building but I slammed my palm hard against the door, causing it to immediately close. She turned around with a bored expression on her face. Her hair was pulled back, her features full on display and she looked beautiful.
"What's your problem?"
She bit her lip and shifted her weight to her right leg, looking at everything but me. "I met a girl named Leah yesterday. You're giving out your number at dinner now?" I chuckled.
She must have seen me with Kyra cause I wasn't hiding her at all and I didn't plan to. Only reason I invited her was to get her attention off of me. She obviously took it for more than it was but that's definitely not my fault. I never said anything that made it seem like I was interested in her and if she took it the wrong way that's on her. I ain't have no problem being her friend though, I thought that's what I was showing her but if Kyra was mad, it was because Leah said something that didn't make us platonic.
"I ain't pick her up. I just met her." I muttered. "When did you meet?"
"I went to the bathroom and she was standing in front of me checking her phone every two seconds. She turned around and asked me for advice on this guy she liked." She shook her head. "Little did I know, she likes you. I basically gave her the go to go after my boyfriend. Do you know how stupid I feel? Cameron, what the hell are we doing?! "
I rubbed my hands over my face. "Well first I ain't cheating on you, cause I see where you going with this and that ain't what's happening." She crossed her arms. "So what is happening?"
"Nothing, Cody and I went out to eat and I guess she was watching me and shit and sent her friend over. Why would I invite her to the party and then ask you to come after if I wanted her?"
"I don't know. Maybe your stupid as hell."
I laughed. "Naw, I'm with you baby and I don't want nobody else. I thought we could be friends, that's all."
"How well do you think that will go? She likes you! Did you even tell her about me? I know you've been texting, so did you?"
I licked my lips and sighed. She scoffed. "Asshole." She said before turning around and opening the door to the building, walking in.
"I forgot!"
"You forgot about your girlfriend?! The one that you were lying next to when you where texting this bitch?" She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Okay, Cameron. Feel guilty as you should, cry a river and drown yourself in it, but don't lie to my face! You didn't tell her! You ain't forget shit!"
"It's only been two days.."
She scoffed. "Fuck is that supposed to say to me? You been texting her those whole two days about god knows what and for what? Fuck do you need a new friend for? Where the fuck are Devin and Tj?"
"You sound insecure as fuck and your not. Why are you tripping?"
"Cause I'm trying to believe you but your so unbelievable right now!"
"I'm not lying to you, Kyra, just chill."
"Cameron, you chill! If you would have told her you had a fucking girlfriend, we wouldn't be having this conversation. It's as easy as one, two, three. 'I have a girlfriend.' You didn't tell her cause you didn't want her to know!"
"I'm not cheat - "
"Kyra!" We turned around and Devin was jogging up to us. He bent down and hugged her before dapping me up.
"Y'all good?" He asked looking between us. She nodded. "Cams just being obnoxious and I got a little annoyed with him." He laughed and nodded. "We'll coach wants us on weights in ten so hurry up bro." He said before walking off.
I opened my mouth to speak but she cut me off before I could get a word out. "Just save it." She mumbled. "I don't want you to be late." She said before turning down the hall way we watched Devin walk down.
We walked in the weight room and Kyra started coughing. "Nope, too many guys."
"Jamie is here." Tj offered her as she received hugs from some of the guys. She looked at him and curiously.
"Who is Jamie?" Kyra questioned, confused. "Chris's girlfriend. She's on the track, she'll run with you. Just tell her your my girlfriend." Kyra nodded and leaned up kissing my lips.
"Am I forgiven?" I whispered in her ear.
"No, when we get back I'm leaving. I'd just never embarrass you in a public place." She mumbled before walking out waving at all of the guys. "Bye, big, tall people!" The guys all started laughing and waved.
I sighed and dropping my bag, walking over to the bench. "How many?"
"15 20 15, lunges, repeat." I nodded and laid back against the bench waiting for the spotter."
The whole time I was exercising, I was thinking about Kyra and how I was going to stop her from leaving. I had an idea but knowing how stubborn she can be, it may be hard to do.
The only reason I invited her is so I could get her away from the table. I know how Cody can be, he's the friend that doesn't always know what's best for you. I don't know why I even called her over knowing I had a girlfriend but I just got a positive vibe from her. My intentions were never to hook up with this girl and Cody was stupid to think I would, I should have never put myself in this situation.
Chris was waiting by the door as I grabbed my duffle bag. That shower I just took felt good after working my muscles for a few hours. Now I needed to find Kyra. I was hoping she had cooled, I swear Kyra has a mean poker face.
"She still around? How long you been kicking it with her?" He asked as we turned the corner jogging down the steps. "Almost a month."
He nodded. "That's good for you. I swear I ain't seen you with nobody consistently since the beginning of your rookie season and after that you were light way moody so it's good to see you happy." I really appreciated his words. Chris could give a mean ass speech I tell you. "So why she mad at you? She real good at hiding it but I know that look. Jamie gives it to me when I really fuck up."
I proceeded to tell him the story about Leah and he started laughing. "She seem cool. Kyra not having that though. You're her boyfriend. How would you feel if she went out with her girls and let a random nigga start texting her. Nigga you'd lose yo shit."
I scoffed. "Me?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Naw we been cool though. She's a good girl." He chuckled. "You are one mean nigga. How she put up with that shit?"
I shrugged. "You're the reason I'm mean."
He looked at me and disbelief. "That horrible ass pass made me break my ankle." He scoffed. "Yo horrible ass. basketball technique made you break your ankle. Don't put that shit on me."
We both started laughing as he pushed the door to the track open. They came to the indoor track. They had hurdles and shit in here like we use those and we don't. The track was huge and in the summer, coach made us run a mile every three weeks.
"Come here trick!" Chris yelled.
Jamie, stopped walking and gave him the finger before laughing.
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How do I get more reads, votes, and comments?If you find yourself asking that question, then I have some answers for you. What can you do to reach out to readers and potential readers? How can you encourage readers to comment and vote? What are all the different ways you can promote your stories?This #1 ranking guide is written by a Wattpad ambassador and especially geared for new Wattpad authors. Lots of tips, advice, and personal opinions await you - including everything thing I've done to promote my own Watty's finalist and winning stories - but only if you turn the page.Reader testimonial by @AyushiPandey-- 'I read your guide for Wattpad success when I first started writing my story last year in August, and now it has been an entire year when I stumbled upon it again. I just have to say, I loved reading it again, it has the best tips one can find (take it from me, I have read many, many guides here). Thank you so much for taking out your time to compile such an amazing book!' Reader testimonial by @suspishfishy-- 'I have to thank you again! As soon as I wrote a book that focused on what I wanted to write, instantly people started to read my books and give me feedback!'**THIS IS NOT A PLACE TO ADVERTISE YOUR STORY. This is where you'll find detailed instructions for the proper places to advertise and find readers. If you ask people to read your story here, your comment will be removed.**Thanks to @EnjxiiBlxck for the cover.
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