《Unexpected Text Messages : Stu Macher x reader》Chapter 12: Not My Fault You're A Bottom


Hannibal's POV:


Through the doors stepped none other than Jason Dean. I grab y/n by the shoulder gently, and pull them behind one of the isles.

" Uhh, Hannibal?"

" Sorry, I just wanted to say thank you for taking me out for slushies, it was very kind of you, unfortunately I must be off, care to walk me to the bus stop?"

Their eyebrows furrowed, staring at me in utter confusion.

" Yeah...is everything alright though?"

" Everything's perfect. " I replied, swiftly leading them out the door. Luckily for me, it seemed Jason Dean didn't notice.

Y/n's POV:

Why's he acting so weird?

Hannibal abruptly hurries me out the door, and we start walking towards his bus stop. We make small talk, talking about my classes, and jobs that involve psychology. His bus finally arrives, and he bids me farewell.

I look at my phone, seeing that it's getting late.

I suppose I should be getting back.

I decide to text JD on the way, sending him a photo of my slushie, leaving my face out of course.

Sent (1) image

JD: is that what I think it is

Me: hell yeah it is

Me: I got a slushie

JD: and you didn't invite me?

JD: i'm wounded

Me: next time i'll invite u

JD: you better >:(

Me: oh quit pouting

JD: no

I approach my apartment, luckily for me, I only live on the 3rd floor. I slowly make my way up the stairs. I get to my door, room 42, and unlock the door. I practically melt onto the couch, and decide to notify the group chat.

Me: JD won't stop pouting and it's getting annoying

JD: uncalled for phantom

Ghost: @/JD lmao what are you, 3?


(had to put the / there sorry - Talon )

JD: this isn't discord that doesn't work dumbass

Me: lol

Angry Incel: what's with all the notifications?

Billy: billy is confused...why is Billy here

Me: idk, I can remove u if u want

Billy: no, Billy likes it here....

Me: alrighty then

Me: anyyyywayyyys

Hannibal: I see you got home well phantom

Me: well that doesn't seem totally creepy at all

JD: what do u mean ' got home well'? have you met each other?

Me: yessir

Hannibal: yes, we did

Ghost: how have u two met and I still haven't met phantom :((((

Me: don't be sad bbg, we'll meet soon

Ghost: stop calling me that oml

Me: not my fault ur a bottom 💪🥶

Ghost: wtf no i'm not

Me: prove it 😏😏😏

Ghost: you wish

JD: this is making me uncomfortable

Me: I can flirt with u as well if you'd like

JD: not where I was going with that

Hannibal: can we switch the conversation topic please?

Me: only for u bae

Me: actually wait ew no u were my teacher today

Me: I aint into that



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