《Unexpected Text Messages : Stu Macher x reader》Chapter 8: Nuisance


Ghost: I agree, quite sad

Hannibal: I suppose I would be open to trying one, if the opportunity ever presented itself

Me: currently making that my life goal

Chucky: what's up bitches

I roll my eyes, preparing for more insults.

Chucky: you know, I was told there were gonna be people in this group chat that could rival me, where are they??

Michael: nice to know you've finally realized you're weaker than all of us

Chucky: what??

Michael: you were correct none of us could rival you

Michael: because we're all above your level, it wouldn't be fair

Chucky: that's not what I meant asshloe

Me: asshole*

Hannibal: asshole*

Me: hehe we're the unstoppable mistake fixing duo

Michael: then take Chucky out, he's the biggest mistake of them all

I start wheezing, covering my mouth with my hand. Through all the laughing, I type out a response.


Chucky: kiss my ass

Michael: ew no

Me: ew no

Hannibal: ew no

Ghost: ew no

Angry Incel: ew no

Bo: ew no

Vincent: ew no

Chucky: I was talking to micahel idots

Me: Michael*

Hannibal: idiots*

Me: lmao suck it chuck

Chucky: you absolute bitch

Me: careful now, it's dangerous to use all ur vocabulary in one sentence

Chucky: shut it

Ghost: stop being mean midget

Me: oop

Me: wait is he really a midget 👀

Hannibal: he is quite small for the average human, yes

Me: well that was a formal response

Ghost: hE iS qUiTe SmAlL fOr ThE aVeRaGe HuMaN, yEs

Hannibal: I would advise you to stop mocking me

Ghost: I wOuLd AdVisE yOu To StOp MoCkInG me

Ghost has been kicked from 'gore convention'


Me: nooooooo ghost he was so youngggg

Hannibal: he was being quite the nuisance

Phantom added Ghost to 'gore convention'

Me: there we go

Me: how you feeling ghost?


Me: cry about it

Hannibal: yes indeed

Hannibal: cry about it

Me: oh my gosh I'm so proud of you for using modern English Hannibal 🥹

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