《'Cause it's like you're my mirror (A Justin Timberlake Fan Fiction)》Chapter Thirty
*Ava's POV*
I'm four months pregnant! Justin and I are sitting in the doctors office waiting to find out what the sex of our baby is.
"Well your baby looks to be a girl!" The doctor smiled. Justin and I smiled at eachother. We then kissed and looked at the monitor.
"There she is." Justin smiled.
"Our little girl." I smiled. The doctor then left to go get the ultrasound pictures.
"I'm so happy." Justin smiled.
"So am I." I smiled.
"We're having a baby girl." He smiled. I smiled at the thought that we are going to have a daughter.
"I can't wait to tell everybody." I smiled.
"It's a good thing they all are at our house." Justin smiled. We wanted to tell them in person what our baby is. The doctor then came back and gave us the pictures and we left. On the way home Justin called Randall and told him we were on our way. I looked over at him,he seemed nervous.
"Justin are you alright?" I asked him.
"I'm fine." He smiled.
"No you aren't. What's wrong?" I said.
"I keep on thinking about what you said yesterday about how your twin died at birth and how something could happen." He sighed.
"Justin nothing is going to happen." I said.
"How can you be so sure?" He asked me.
"I'm not sure,but I know that nothing is going to happen." I said. Justin sighed and nodded. I held his hand and looked at him.
"Everything is going to be okay." I smiled. He smiled and nodded. We then pulled into the driveway.
"I love you." He smiled.
"I love you too." I smiled. We then kissed and walked into the house.
"They're here!" Jamie cheered. We the walked into the living room and everyone ran into the room.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" Lynn asked.
"Tell us!" Mom smiled.
"Alright everyone sit down!" Justin laughed. He then looked at me and smiled.
"Our daughter is probably sleeping." Justin smiled. Everyone stopped moving and looked at us.
"Did you just say daughter?" Randall asked. Justin and I looked at them all and smiled.
"We're having a girl!" Justin and I cheered. Everyone cheered and hugged us.
"Oh my gosh we have to go shopping!" Lynn smiled.
"Yes! We'll go tomorrow!" Lisa smiled.
"This is going to be so much fun!" My mom smiled.
"Let's go now!" Nancy smiled. All of the girls cheered.
"Ava let's go!" Grace smiled.
"Can I come?" Winnie smiled.
"Alright let's go!" I laughed. They all cheered and ran out of the house.
"Bye babe." I smiled at Justin. I was at the door ready to leave.
"Wait!" He smiled. He then ran over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Good luck with all of those crazy people." He laughed.
"We heard that!" Grace yelled from the car.
"You were supposed to!" Justin yelled back.
"I love you." I smiled.
"I love you more." He smiled. I then smiled and went to the car.
*Justin's POV*
I waved at the car as they drove away. I then went back inside the house and went back to all of the guys.
"So what should we do?" I asked them all as I sat on a couch.
"Well first off what is your daughter going to call me?" Stephen asked me.
"Uncle Stephen of course." I smiled.
"So I'm uncle Jonathan?" Jonathan asked.
"Yes." I laughed.
"What is she going to call me?" Dad asked.
"I don't know.What do you want to be called?" I said.
"Paps." He smiled.
"Paps?" I laughed.
"Yeah. Paps. When I was younger that's what I called my grandpa." Dad smiled.
"What about me?" Jamie asked.
"She can call you Gramps." I suggested.
"I like it." He smiled.
"Now we need one for Paul." I said.
"Wait you want me to be one of the baby's grandpas?" Paul smiled.
"Yeah of course. You've been in my life since I was fifteen. You're like my second dad. Well I guess you kind of are since you're my step dad." I smiled.
"Thanks Justin." He smiled.
"You're welcome." I smiled.
"So I think she should call me pawpaw." He smiled.
"Okay! We have Uncle Stephen,Uncle Jonathan, Paps,Gramps and Pawpaw!" I smiled. We all laughed.
"Wait what about me!" Jimmy said.
"You're uncle Jimmy of course!" I laughed.
"I am the Godfather right?" He smiled.
"You and Nancy already called dibs." I laughed.
"Oh yeah!" He laughed.
"So you only have a little while before the baby is here and then you are married." Dad Said.
"So basically you only have a few more months of freedom." Stephen said. I laughed and shook my head.
"No I only have a few more months till my life is complete." I smiled.
"Nice move Timberlake." Jamie laughed.
"Thank you." I laughed.
"So what about a name?" Dad asked me.
"Ava and I have two ideas and we're going to let you all decide." I said.
"What are they?" Stephen asked.
"That I can't tell you." I said.
"Why?" They all sighed.
"Because Ava would kill me!" I laughed. They all looked at eachother and then back at me.
"And?" They all asked.
"Do you guys really want me dead?" I asked.
"Maybe." They all answered. I shook my head and sighed.
"I'm not tell you." I laughed.
"Well guys it looks like we have some work to do." Jamie smiled.
Oh God.
*Ava's POV*
"Oh my gosh Ava! That is so cute!" Lynn smiled. She was pointing to a small shirt that said 'I'm daddy's little star'. I smiled and went to go get it.
"It's so cute!" I smiled. I put it in the cart we had that was already full of baby clothes.
"So Ava what are you and Justin going to name the baby?" Lynn asked me.
"Justin and I have two ideas but we're going to have you all vote to see which one will be it." I smiled.
"So what are the choices?" Mom asked me.
"You'll just have to wait and see." I smiled.
"Please tell us!" Lisa said.
"Nope." I smiled.
"Please Ava!" Grace said.
"You guys will just have to wait till we get back to the house!" I laughed. They all sighed,but they accepted that they would have to wait.
"So I'm thinking the baby should call me Mimi." Lynn said.
"Okay. What about you mom?" I said.
"I like Gram." She smiled.
"Okay. What about you Lisa?" I said.
"I have no idea." She laughed.
"We'll see what Paul wants to he called and then we'll base it off of that." I smiled.
"Hey you can't forget Aunt Grace and Aunt Nancy!" Grace said.
"Yeah! Jimmy and I are the godparents right?" Nancy smiled.
"Yes you and Jimmy are the godparents, but we want Grace to be another godmother and Johnny is going to be another godfather." I said.
A couple weeks Justin and I talked about this and decided that Jimmy,Nancy, Grace and Johnny will be godparents. Johnny already knows but Grace didn't know till now.
"I'm a godmother?" Grace smiled.
"Yes." I smiled. She then cheered and hugged me.
"Thank you so much." She smiled.
"You're welcome." I smiled.
"Let's shop girls!" Lynn smiled. I wonder what the guys are doing?
*Justin's POV*
This is torture. They tied me to a chair and they are making me look at pictures of me when I was in Nsync. My Nsync days weren't the best for me. The frosted tips and the clothing. Oh God. My nightmares are going to start coming back.
"Are you going to tell us?" Jamie laughed.
"No! I'm pretty sure this is illegal!" I said.
"It won't have to be if you tell us." Dad laughed. They've been doing this to me for at least a hour. I can't take it anymore.
"The first choice is Annie Marie Timberlake. The second choice is Annie Lynn Timberlake." I Said. They all cheered and untied me.
"Good choices." Dad smiled.
"You guys are crazy." I sighed as I rubbed my wrist. They didn't tie me that tight but it still hurt my wrist.
"But we love you." Paul smiled as he messed up my hair.
"Don't touch the hair." I said. Dad then messed up my hair. Then they all were messing with my hair.
"Stop!" I yelled as I ran away.
"Justin!" They all laughed as they chased after me.
"You guys are crazy!" I said as I grabbed my car keys. I then ran to the garage and jumped into my black Cadillac SUV.
"Justin!" They all said.
"I'll be back!" I laughed. I then drove out of the garage. I pulled out my phone and called Ava.
"Hey Justin." She answered.
"Hey babe." I said.
"What are you doing?" She asked. I then explained what happened.
"You told them!" She sighed.
"They were torturing me Ava!" I said.
"What am I going to do with you?" She sighed.
"You can do many things. Anything you want actually." I smiled.
"Justin Randall Timberlake!" I heard mom say.
"Mom?" I gasped.
"Justin you're on speaker!" Ava sighed.
"This is just great." I sighed.
"We'll be home in about five minutes so get you butt back there so they can help us pick the name." Ava laughed.
"Alright I'm going. Love you." I laughed.
"Love you too." She laughed. I then hung up and drove back to the house. When I got there,Ava and everyone just pulled into the driveway.
"Hey." I smiled at her.
"Hey." She smiled. We then hugged and kissed.
"You can do many things. Anything you want actually." Grace said in a deep voice. Nancy and Grace laughed and high fived.
"Be quiet Grace." I said.
"Make me Timberlake." Grace said.
"You two stop so we can go inside and figure out what this baby is going to be named." Ava laughed. We all then walked inside.
"So what's this I hear you were torturing Justin?" Lynn asked the guys.
"We just wanted to know the names!" Randall said.
"We'll you got them." Ava said.
"We're sorry Ava." Stephen said. They all ran over to her and hugged her.
"What? I don't get a apology." I said. Jimmy smiled and walked over to me.
"We're sorry Justin." He said. He then messed up my hair.
"Jimmy!" I groaned. He laughed and hugged me tightly.
"Alright who wants to vote for the name?" Ava asked. Everyone cheered and we went to the living room.
"Alright the first choice is Annie Marie Timberlake." I said.
"The second choice is Annie Lynn Timberlake." Ava said. Everyone thought about what they wanted and wrote it down on a piece of paper. I then counted the totals and showed Ava.
"Alright it looks like our daughter will be Annie Marie Timberlake!" I smiled. The people who voted for that name all cheered.
"Yes!" Jimmy cheered. Stephen then sighed and gave Jimmy a five dollar bill.
"Why did you just give him a five dollar bill?" Ava asked Stephen.
"We made a bet on what the name would be." Stephen sighed.
"I just became five dollars richer." Jimmy smiled. We all laughed at him.
"What are you going to do with the five dollars?" I asked him.
"Maybe I'll buy some ice cream or some pizza." He answered.
"You could get a pint of your Ben and Jerry's ice cream." Ava suggested. Jimmy smiled and stood up.
"I'll be back in like ten minutes!" He said as he ran to the door.
"Get me some!" I yelled.
"I will!" He yelled back. We all laughed and soon he came back with two pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.
"Thanks man." I smiled. He gave me the pint and a spoon.
"Sure thing man." He smiled. We sat and ate our ice cream.
"You want some?" I asked Ava.
"Sure." She smiled. I then fed her some ice cream and we heard a camera click. We turned and saw our mom's with their cameras out.
"What are you doing?" I asked them.
"We took a picture." Mom smiled.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because it was a cute moment!" My mom, Alexis and Lisa answered. I looked at Ava and we both started laughing.
"Well we are pretty cute." Ava smiled.
"You got that right." I smiled.
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