《A Tale of Two - Beeduo》First Friend


Tubbo's POV:

I thought touring would be super boring, but I was completely wrong. Ranboo was so silent and comforting to be around.

I was happy to have him as my first friend at my new school. I knew school would be amazing as long as he was with me.

One thing that I really liked about him was his laugh. It was high pitched compared to his voice and I loved it. I purposly kept making aweful jokes because they seemed funny to him.

I also noticed he was wearing a mask and I wanted to know why.

"I have a question if you don't mind me asking." I spoke quietly and nervously looked up at him.

"Hm? I don't mind." He looked down and I could tell that he was smiling.

"Uhm.. Why do you wear a mask?" I really didn't want to make him uncomfterable. We still had only just met.

"Oh-" his eyes widened a bit. "I- uhm.. I guess you could say I'm a little insecure. It's really not a big deal, though٫ I've accepted it already."

"Accepted what?" I stared at him, wondering if he was referring to the way he looked.

"Uh.." he paused and looked down. "That I'm not perfect, I guess." He looked disappointed. It made me sad, to be honest.

"I'm not one to judge. People have insecurities. I may not see your face٫ but I know you're not ugly."

I became more serious, then. I didn't want to make a bad impression.

He already seemed sad. I probably shouldn't have even said anything.

"Thanks.." He finally spoke up.

There was a pause that felt like ten minutes in between our conversation. I decided to break the silence to apologize.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up. Now you probably just feel even worse." I muttered, regretting my words.

"What? No, don't be sorry! I'm not upset at all." He tried to reassure me, but I wasn't convinced.

"No٫ I'm being serious. You need to tell me when I say too much. Sometimes I say things without thinking."

"Tubbo٫ I'm being just as serious as you are. You haven't messed up anything, I promise. In my opinion٫ you've made a great impression." I could see his smile through the mask at this point. I wondered why he kept it hidden.


"..Really?" I stopped and looked up at him. He stopped beside me.

"Mhm." He was smiling big enough that his eyes were closed. He sounded so joyful and calm. I didn't know why٫ but my face started to feel quite warm. I looked down in embarrassment. He giggled quietly٫ and we continued walking.

**Lunch Time**

Some kids ate inside٫ some outside. Ranboo agreed to eating outside with me. He said he never did it often٫ because that's where most of the students eat.

He looked nervous as we approached the outside doors. I stood in front of the door and turned around to face him.

"Why are you afraid of people? I'm right here if anything happens٫ I swear."

He seemed to feel a lot better after that. He opened the door for me to walk out and quickly followed close behind me.

We decided to sit in an open area by a cute water fountain surrounded by pretty flowers.

We both pulled out our lunch and began eating. He kept looking around nervously as we were munching. I honestly felt bad. I didn't know people were this big of an issue.

I heard footsteps behind me٫ so I turned around to see a fellow student walking towards me.

He was tall٫ not as tall as Ranboo٫ though. He was quite attractive, too. Not that I was interested.

"Hey! You're the new kid, right?" He spoke loud and clear. He even caught some other students' attention, too.

"Uhm, yes, that would be me." I smiled a bit.

"Why don't come have lunch with me and a few of my other friends?" He pointed towards his friends and a few waved.

At this point, everyone was looking at us. I didn't want this attention on my first day. It felt strange.

It offended me that they asked me to sit by them when I was clearly accompanied by someone. They didn't even invite Ranboo to come.

"O-Only if Ranboo can come٫ too." I moved my head slightly so that they could see him better.

"Why would anyone want to hang out with that loser?"

My eyes went wide. How could he say that so carelessly? He sounded so blunt about it. I was mad, so I stood up.


"You wanna say that again?" I became serious. I wasn't going to let people talk about Ranboo that way.

"He's a loser! And look at him٫ he doesn't even look good."

I became infuriated by the fact that they would lie about the tall man's face like that. I hadn't seen Ranboo's face yet, but he was gorgeous to me either way.

I shoved him and he almost tripped.

"Are you sure you wanna fight me?" I laughed.

"You're feisty for how small you are." He smirked at me. "It's kinda cute." I looked at Ranboo from the corner of my eye and he looked scared.

The boy spoke up again. "Aweee. Is someone scared? Should I go call your mommy?"

I punched him in the mouth٫ and his lip began bleeding. He slowly wiped the blood off of his face and glared at me.

He threw a punch but before he could hit me٫ I kicked him in the shin. He fell to the ground panting.

"Are you seriously already tired? That's weak." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

He limped trying to stand up٫ but he managed. Just as he was getting ready to hit me٫ the bell rang.

Everyone turned their attention away from the fight and started walking towards the inside doors٫ except for Ranboo.

"What's your name?" The boy in pain looked down at me.


"Listen here, Tubbo." He pointed a finger. "I'm Oscar, and everyone in this school fears me. You will, too. I will make your life Hell, if it's the last thing I do. Same goes for that tall loser."

"Yeah, good luck with that." I waved at Oscar, annoyed, and he walked away, limping.

I reached out my hand to help Ranboo up. He looked terrified. He grabbed my hand but he was shaking. I could feel it as I touched him.

"Ranboo٫ I am so sorry. You should not have to deal with people like that. He's clearly jealous or hasn't seen your full face because I already know you're gorgeous." I tried to smile.

"Thanks, Tubbo, but it's not that.. I-I..." He stuttered, clearly having trouble getting his words out."I'm sorry for being the reason you got into a fight on your first day.."

I froze solid. There was no way, after all that, he felt bad for me.

"Wha- Ranboo, what? You can't feel bad for me٫ I'm perfectly fine! He was saying aweful things about you٫ of course I hit him! I told you, I'm not gonna let anyone bother you." I looked straight up at him٫ in his beautiful eyes.

"But if I weren't such a loser, you wouldn't of had to fight at all! I'm used to this. You don't need to h-help.. I'll be ok.." He got quiet at that last part٫ and looked down.

I was ashamed of him for acting like that. He knew he shouldn't have been picked on for so long.

"Look at me, Ranboo!" I continued to stare up at him. He slowly looked lifted his head up to look at me. I could see the handsome top half of his face as the sunlight reflected off of him. "I don't want to you go ever say that again. Do you hear me? I don't care how long it takes for those jerks to leave you alone. I'm gonna help, and we'll deal with it together. You can't change my mind."

He paused and looked back down٫ then slowly nodded.

There was another short pause before he reached out his arms and pulled me into a hug.

My eyes opened wide as I felt the warmth of his breath on my shoulder. I think my face got a little warm, too.

I put my arms around his waist and hugged him back. I also layed my head down on his shoulder. This was one of٫ if not the best feeling I've ever felt. I didn't want to move.

"Shouldn't we head to class, now?" He said٫ muffled in my shoulder.

"Probably.." I lifted my head٫ and the hug ended. I felt upset that our grip on each other left so soon.

We smiled at each other for a second before walking to class.

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