《The Mafia "bride" (Yoonmin) *Completed*》Chapter 6


I made it to Jin's house right on time. Actually... I just followed the loud ass music that you can hear from China. "He could have told me he moved". I rolled my eyes and went to the door, which was flung open.

"Welco...". Jin looked down at me.

Jin stares at the dress and slams the door in my face. I was in tears and I opened the door for myself.

"How in the fuck!?!". I yelled, looking at all the people. "I can't breath". I said and bypassed everyone and went to the backyard.

I sighed and rubbed my head. There weren't a lot of people out here but seeing someone drink pool water made me want to get up on society. "The hell am I thinking? I been gave up on society". I giggled and went back inside. I walked to the bar and ordered a ordered some shots for myself. I saw Jin and waved at him.

Jin didn't even glance back at me before he starts talking to Taemin and some other people. "The fuck he mad for?". I tilted my head. "He ain't even wearing pink and his hair is still that boring ass black color". I said. "It looks faded even though that's his real hair color". I giggled and gulped down a shot. "Mmm... Tasty". I said.

"It's caramel". The bartender said. "Give me like ten more". I said and he laughs. "Coming right up". He says and leaves. "I'm so lonely". I sing. "I want somebody to hold me". I fake sniff and downed another shot. "I'm going to break your fucking spine". Someone whispered in my ear. 'It's too early for this shit'. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think you can". I scoffed. "If I said that I'm going to break something on your body, then that's what the fuck I'm going to do". He said. "You sure talk big". I said. "Got to since that's how much I'm carrying". He said. Not gonna lie, that shit turned me on. "You can deny it but you're turned on, aren't you puppy?". He asked.


"And why would I deny what my body is feeling?". I say. "Is that so?". The man laughed and I tapped the seat next to me. "Don't be a creep standing behind me". I told him and he seats down and I glanced at the stranger.

'FUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!'. I turned my face away and he laughed at me. "What's wrong Princess?". He asked. "I didn't say anything was wrong". I said. "Hmm?". His eyes trail my body and I got goosebumps. 'Who does this man think he is?!? Owning me like this!'. I rubbed my neck and realized he was super close to me.

"Ge-get away from me". I told him. "Please, your words don't mean shit to me". He scoffed. "However...". I saw his hand tried to reach my thigh and I shivered. "Your body tells a different story". He smirked. "And I didn't even touch you and look at that weak reaction you gave me". He grins and moves away from me. "What's your name Princess?".

It took me a minute to process what he asked me. 'The fuck was my name again?'. I pounder to myself. "I-it's Jimin". I finally said and he laughs. "Took you a minute". He said. "And yours?". I asked. "You may call me daddy, Oppa or Alpha". He said. "Alpha? What are you, a wolf?". I giggled.

"No, cause you're the one that's going to be howling". He says and I choked. He chuckled and stands from his seat and held out his hand towards me. "Let me prove it". He says, then stares at me. His eyes are controlling me... And I like it. I took his hand and he smiles. "Good and he's your warning...". He leans into my ear.

"I'm the only one you're going to think about til the end of time".

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