《Torin the dragon rider》Quite a character...
Amon was visiting the academy to monitor the progress and military potential of the new recruits.
The discussions were always courteous. Gamblin was also a high level nobleman, he didn't say it but he was a Duke while Amon was "only" a Marquis. But very influential.
"Master Gamblin, as every year, since its founding by our dear late Lord British..., the academy has always played an undeniable role in the development of our kingdom as well as securing the main inhabited areas."
"Yes, this year we have some excellent recruits from Cove and Britannia City. Blood must have something to do with it, but these are the children of the old heroes... The gods supported the parents but now it's the next generation."
"It's true that the same causes produce the same effects."
Then he took back some candy from the desk without asking and Lords Gamblin poured him some coffee.
"It's excellent, this coffee..."
"Yes, Lord Amon, it comes from an overseas production. His supply once a month, as crossing the dungeons is still too perilous."
"Yes, you are correct. But did your studies on the cause of the reactivation of active labyrinths and dungeons teach you anything?"
Gamblin reflected and took notes again.
"The data we have is insufficient. The only progress is that the dragons are no longer influenced by these dungeons. They are no longer monsters but excellent companions..."
Yes, but the official view and yours differ. For the kingdom, they are servile creatures who must serve Britannia and the kingdom. They are devoid of human intelligence. The only one who could claim to be intelligent was the monster Exodus. Here, aside from a probable telepathic link between a rider and his mount, I see nothing that contradicts the official version."
"You are certainly right, but we should not underestimate these creatures. They are different from us and their interests are very different and the collars of submission certainly hinder their intellectual potential.
But we should not also put the population at unnecessary risk with such weapons of war."
"Master Gamblin, you know as well as I do Lord Blackthorne's objectives..: Freeing the dungeons one by one to establish a permanent passage to the other side of the earth, and the dragons allied with the knights are the best solution so far."
"The penetration of the dungeons with the dragons is undeniable."
"You have a point, Lord. But these creatures are as noble as we are in nature and also in their value, rarity and let's put it bluntly, they are irreplaceable as for Exodus. "
"You talk about Exodus all the time but he was a bloodthirsty monster..."
"I don't mean to offend you, Master Amon, but I'm talking about their writing, any translation of the few works of their race that have reached us is impossible. It is a real part of our civilization that is missing."
"It is not ours but theirs..."
"I was talking about the Alcheringue and the megafauna. They were writing and building temples when we were not even apes yet... They knew the trenches, the mega elk, the furry mammoths, and many other things.
They had a unique knowledge of the stars. A view from their world to ours. But all that is lost...."
Amon: "Ahhh. the politician and the scientist... Two worlds apart..."
Gamblin smiled.
Amon put down his cup, finished and resumed:
"To change the subject...
According to our information network, we are a bit chagrined at the lack of support offered to our regent Lord Blackthorne by the soldiers of the previous generation. The nobility does not understand.
Yet we provided the logistics and war effort to hold and keep the tactical advantages that the heroes had brought us.
And also, our Lord Regent was Prime Minister and supported Lord British throughout our trials. "
"I'm sorry about that, Lord Amon, but what does that have to do with the academy?"
"I know you make no distinction between nobility and non-nobility among your students, which is a worthy cause in itself as we are under the watchful eye of the Gods, however, I would like to emphasize that we value the hard work and excellence of noble houses and families and that order and hierarchy are part of the very respect and foundation of our kingdom."
"Don't see what you're getting at..."
"I want to say that respect for tradition and order are a priority in the education of young recruits. They are the elite in a way, and they must act in good conscience. They must remind the world by their actions that the nobility is the foundation of the kingdom, which would be nothing without it. Without it, there would be chaos and humanity would end up as cattle or game for demons."
Gamblin gritted his teeth. The message was courteous but like a piece of iron in a leather glove. It was a warning that the heroes were under close scrutiny and that any deviation or rebellion would be judged and put down.
Amon: "I heard that one of your students disrupted the sacred calling ceremony and that some dragons were disturbed."
Gamblin: "Yes, it was the entire team that was chosen by the dragons and the eggs. The heroes had blessings from the gods as well as their children. This means that the gods had something to do with it. The dragons being very sensitive to the sacred and the virtues, some wanted to try their luck. Humans also have this kind of behavior in case of competition."
Amon: "At least I learned something..."
Gamblin: "That's why the academy obeys its divine system and is an institution independent of politics or human movements. Basically, the students are under the protection of the Ankh symbolizing the 8 virtues.
No law or order can derogate from this. Not even from our Lord Blackthorne.
Amon: "But by talking like that, don't you fear a conflict with our Regent?"
The Rector laughed. That is why our good King Lord British made certain institutions untouchable. We have our own code of law and they are above the codex legit of Britannia.
Besides, being a duke myself and a high nobleman, only a king could remove me. Not a regent.
Amon had a murderous rage but hid it well.
"Master Gamblin, I'm sorry to have pressed you with these mundane matters but, I didn't expect any justifications from you, but, behind me, there are a significant number of people asking me questions and it goes without saying that due to my position, I must be accountable."
The regent of the academy sensed the snake in Amon... Yet he would have lowered his guard in the face of so much understanding and candor, but all he could see was an executioner dancing with his axe, hoping to try it out as soon as possible.
After an exchange of courtesies, the night began to settle in and my friends had taken their new companions and eggs back with them to the dormitory.
I was lying on my back in my bed in a new, much larger room.
In this room there were several beds, several desks, a library and a bathroom for washing ourselves and our things, as well as a stall.
The room was communal and connected by a long hallway to the stables downstairs.
The goal was to solidify our bonds with each other and with our new friends.
Jim had a little black dragonet. When he was very small, we had put a little pen next to the bed and straw, but in the first few weeks, it was a newborn's job to keep him going. He would be specialized as a "Tank" warrior. Strong, wearing heavy armor and carrying a large shield.
Saphie had her dragonette sleeping in her arms, her head resting on her shoulder. She would hone her skills as a ranger or scout. A tracker warrior specializing in small arms, daggers and bows.
Henry also had his dragonette, and a leather scabbard was placed on the end of her tail. Although sweet and adorable, the stinger was a formidable weapon and even more dangerous than an adult's.
Indeed, as snakes like young cobras, they are the most dangerous because they do not know yet how to dose the injection, the quality and especially the quantity of venom. An adult snake will always keep its venom in case of vital danger and will generally inject only a small part of it or not at all when biting in defense or intimidation.
A youngster will not make this distinction. All or nothing and it is sometimes fatal!
Henri will specialize in negotiations, messaging and defusing traps and infiltration. To avoid saying burglar, we'll say ninja. He has a dragon's egg, which will certainly be like him. Slender and built for stealth. A dragon of darkness.
Manu, not surprisingly, will develop his skills to become a cleric, even though he is already level. We don't know what his dragon will be but it will be metallic.
Cedric loves books and anything to do with magic, an elementalist, as does Beth but a summoner, calling upon spirits.
Their skills as well as Manu's would be essential to hit or eliminate spectral monsters.
And me... Warrior of course, but I also needed healing and offense spells. I wanted to become a Warlord! To be able to summon magical beasts to fight by my side...
Slowly the words gave way to whispers and the candles were extinguished one after the other.
I thought about the future adventures that awaited us and also prayed to my friend Voltrax. She was a nice dragoness and I already missed her after 2 days...
All these emotions made me tired and the next day would be a hard one. The official start of the school year, the distribution of classes.
But the dragonnerie had priority on the rest.
For my friends, chosen by dragons, it was now logical that they follow the courses at the dragonnerie.
Of course, the days without classes, they had to spend in their respective classes.
But that night, something slithered like a snake into our section. Silently, the shadow was very careful not to touch anything or make any noise to accomplish its feat.
In the dark, just lit by a small candle left as a night light, the shadow spotted my bed and slithered over it, silently.
I didn't know but I was suddenly very hot and my breathing was a bit difficult but I could sleep comfortably.
I dreamed of mom tucking me in and then, like a nightmare, I remembered the red dragon...
It was 5 o'clock in the morning and the sun was slowly starting to shine.
And my attention was drawn by guards and caretakers with howling dogs.
"She must have run this way. The dogs spotted her trail!"
"Yes, the orb indicates that the rosse is here!"
I wanted to get up but it was impossible.
I had in front of me beautiful eyes of fire that implored me...
It took me a long time to realize that the dragoness who had kissed me had crept in through the window and had slipped onto my bed,
She had slept against me, her front paw on my chest and her head against mine.
She woke me up from my torpor by licking my face again and rubbing her cheeks against mine...
I straightened up without violence and she moaned and grabbed my arm with her 2 front paws to put it against her heart.
I caressed her crest with my other hand.
"You are nice, you... Why do you want to stay near me?"
She tried to grumble something... "Torrrrrrrinnnnssssss"
"A talking dragon!!!" cried Cedric...!
Me : "You are the famous Rubix!!!... I like your nerve and your frankness .... Would you like to become my friend?"
The others said "Their" dragon as if to possess them, as if to possess a mount that was trained, but I respected their difference, as for Milo... who was first a friend.
The door was magically forced open and a mage with a guard rushed into our chambers.
The guard had a staff with a lasso.
"Animals don't belong here except for eggs and dragons!
This is your last escape you Rosse!... you're going to see the nice Amon and his mines in the other world!... come on without making a fuss."
The dragoness sat behind me. She was a bit smaller than me when she wasn't standing up...
The mage sadistically pressed the orb and she writhed in pain.
"wIIIIII WIIIIIIIWIIIIIIII" And lightning bolts shot out from her neck. It must have been some kind of ultra-painful taser.
Rage rose in me.
I ripped the collar of submission from her neck and it opened in two and I put it back around the mage's neck and he let go of the orb and I shot it.
The mage was knocked out by a ball of lightning.
While the guard had already put the rope around the neck of the dragoness and thought to push me aside. A child wouldn't be a match for them, but my muscleman stature decided otherwise.
I gave them a terrible right that lifted them up and propelled them through the door and they stopped smashed against the opposite wall
"Go say hello to Wilmet for me!"
The dragoness was still squealing with pain in her neck.
A second guard entered and was kicked and went to meet the first.
Two more arrived and tasted my fists.
My comrades treated the men on the ground and also the dragoness who was screaming in fear and terror, then she stood up on her hind legs and took the same posture as me, fists clenched with her front legs.
2 other guards rushed in and Rubix did the same and another volley of guards were knocked out.
Hot crescents!
Then, looking at the dragoness, I made a check.!!!
"You're a quick study!"
With the commotion, all the guards had been knocked out.
Gamblin arrived...
and saw the carnage.
I was with Rubix side by side...
Gamblin : "What's this racket! And what is the ross doing here?"
Me "It's not the ross! She is my friend! Rubix!"
Gamblin: "This is no place for a dragon. They must be in the stable and this one must go to the mines. She is untamable... buts.... But be careful!!! SHE DOESN'T HAVE HER COLLAR SHE WILL KILL US ALL!!!"
The mage was starting to throw shields at the students.
I took the dragoness style. And I showed my back to the rector to shield the creature with my body.
"Rubix is a student!!! She walks on 2 legs!
"Show him, Rubix!!!"
I put her down and,, She was shaking but managed to stand on her 2 big legs.
"She is my friend and my dragon obviously she wants to stay close to me. If I have to pay, I'll pay from my salary but Rubix stays here."
Against all odds, she growled "TORrrrrrinnnnn!!!"
The rector was seized...
But Rubix poured out his heart in tears and fear...
"Yes... I promise... no one will be mean to you anymore! I know I can trust you..."
Gamblin did not know what to say. This was beyond his knowledge. A dragon showing signs of intelligence. Or maybe the dragoness was motivated but seemed to like me unnaturally.
"Rubix will sleep with us..."
My other classmates were shocked and terrified to sleep with a dragon without security...but they were my friends and they supported me.
Gamblin: "Good thing you took care of the guards...what a crazy story..."
Then he slammed the door shut and lifted those still protesting on the floor from the ground.
"OH. Shut up or I'll have your names published in the kingdom for being pummeled by a 13 year old..."
"But, lord..."
"They practice... and you drink!!!! that's the result! You should be fired for incompetence"
Rubix got down on his knees and licked my feet.
"That's it Rubix... It's over. No one will hurt you anymore! This is your home!"
She looked at me and suddenly jumped on my neck.
She wanted to make me fall on the bed and climb on me!
"RUBIX!" shouted Saphie and Beth! You are a dragoness and Torin is a human! Then the dragoness put her paw in front of her face and started to cry like a little baby.
She was still very young and human-sized on her hind legs.
I picked her up and held her by her front paws.
"Listen... Rubix... I know how you feel but if you want to keep your freedom and stay with us you'll have to do exactly as we say... ok?"
The dragoness stopped crying and she nodded her head.
"Do you understand everything we say?"
She nodded.
"Good. Then, in human society, if you want to be considered half-human, we'll dress you up. "
Beth and Saphie then picked out fabrics and gave Rubix a poncho and a little skirt.
Then they put gaiters on her legs and some jewelry on her horns.
Immediately, the dragoness looked more human.
Me : "So, rule number one: You don't blow and you NEVER hurt a human being. Especially you! This will be an excuse to put you back in the stables.
Then, the needs...It's not in the middle of the room...but in the latrine...
Do you understand?"
She was still crying and reached out her arms to wrap around my neck. she had a serious lack of affection...
The day was filled with preparing the dragoness for a human life.
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