《Legend to God Restart》Chapter Three: Part Seven
Uniting the tribes
Ecstelsiana, the gorgon queen, asked three questions of me.
What am I really?
Estimated, how much of my power did I use in our duel?
Do I plan to join the minotaur tribe?
“I’m off demon descent, sort of god descent as well. I believe I used around 0.027% of my current power. I do not have any plans to join any minotaur tribe.”
“You really are special, having found a way to dodge my questions is to be expected of any demon really, but I sense you have the potential to lie but choose not to.”
I shrugged my shoulders in response.
“Very well, you may ask your other questions now.”
“Good. Where can I find your father, what is your father, and what relationship do you share with that mercenary?”
To my knowledge, there had never been any discovery of male gorgons, so my curiosity was understandably peaked.
“Straight to the point, I like that. To find my father is simple but I can have someone lead you there if you wish.”
“That would be swell.”
“Alright. My father is a giant, a frost giant.”
“I see you want more information and I doubt that my father would tell you. Apparently, he was left for dead by his people after a war some thousands of years back and captured by the dwarves. I don’t know too much about that so I’m not going to add anything. The mercenary is a pain in the side, a member of the minotaur tribe so killing him could start a war again. That’s all if I’m not mistaken.”
“Yes it is. After your questions have been answered, I’ll need the escort.”
“…very well. Would you consider giving a hand to the gorgons? We may need your help to subdue the minotaur tribe. Before you ask, yes you will be compensated. I know your kind very well.”
“Depending on the compensation, sure. I would like…”
We went on to negotiate our terms for some time, before settling on ten pouches of the gorgon venom extract. She taught me the basics on how to use it and the dosage. Apparently, as long as I take some once a day, I should have heightened healing abilities of any of the weaker gorgons in the ditch within a month or two.
“All I have to do to get it is kill the minotaur king, sounds easy enough. I’ll just wake Vorn up and have a nice chat with the mercenary over there.”
“We will call on you when we mobilize our forces. So prepare yourselves or whatever you do.”
“What about your last two questions?”
“I already have the answer to the second. So that leaves only one question.”
“Which is?”
“I’ll ask after the battle.”
She left after answering so, with the gorgons in the room in tow.
“Sigh, get up you big lug.”
“Waah!” –Thud, I dropped Vorn on Park and woke them both up at once.
As soon as Park woke up, he started rambling on about his past and some people he found interesting. I would have shut him up but then he mentioned a familiar name: Yume. The same Yume I was summoned with, the one who killed that Kell guy.
“Wait, was that her chosen name?”
“Huh? No, not at all. T’ was definitely pre chosen. I gave it to her pretty good, okay, she kicked me silly haha. But she wouln’dnt last a minute with me now. Okay, another lie, she’d kill me for sure.”
Hmm, so it is her. That can only mean that she is mastering or has already mastered {Enlightenment Series: Time Temperance}. This could be problematic, since she’s one of the few people who would know about {Persistence}.
“Where did you meet her again? Here?”
“Hmm, I should’ve known you’d know her. You have a similar aura to hers so that’s a connection. Erm…let me think, yeah…I met her near the Holy Kingdom. I was hired to take her out, but you know, sh…i…oot shoot happens. Dude, censoring is so boring.”
“I have no idea who you’re talking to…but at least now I have another quest. {Evaluate Self}.”
I pulled up my stats screen and checked my current quests, I had only five but with the addition of the new quest, it went up to six.
Find dad(Pride) and save mom(Zaire/Zeros).
Unlock my chosen weapon and unlock full power.
Defeat The Last First and save Seven to get a wish.
Find Genesis Gems.
Challenge The Dark Lord DarkLord.
Find Yume.
Those were my main quests I had given myself. The other quests were automatically sent to ‘side quests’.
While I was lost in thought, Park and Vorn were discussing things I was unfamiliar with. They conversed like old friends or rivals who hadn’t seen each other in a long time.
“Well you know how it is, the strong are stronger when paired wit each other.” (Vorn)
“Don’t give me that bull, I know you, remember? You mooch!”(Park)
“Aah, don’t tell me my brother got to you too.”
“Of course not, outcast’s bond.”
“Outcast’s bond.”
“I take it that the two of you know each other. What’s this outcast’s bond?”
“Huh, oh that’s just—”
“Warrior Rank Adventurer! We call upon you in our time of need!” A gorgon clad in full plate armor announced.
“Sigh, Vorn take care of ypur friend over there, we’ll be right back.”
“Another duel?”
“Don’t worry about it, just hold down the fort.”
I left with the gorgon, who after looking over, I determined to be Ecstelsia—the same gorgon I left unconscious with a spear near her heart. She had changed her armor and spear and her wound seemed to have healed perfectly.
Still using a spear huh? Sigh…
“Is there a problem?”
“No…” I answered tiredly “not at all. Let’s do this!”
The gorgon army, comprised of about seventy of the estimated three hundred gorgons, had assembled behind Ecstelsiana.
“You can choose to lead the charge, stay in the middle or cower in the back. We shall not judge you…too much.”
“Look Ecstelsiana, don’t think I’m gullible enough to be controlled that easily. I am technically a demon of the pride faction, but I’m not so full of pride that I rush into every situation without thinking.”
“Hmm, as expected of a halfling. It seems your human half keeps your ego in check. Very well, you will march by my side. I do hope that’s acceptable.”
“Sure, whatever.”
With our conversation at an end, the queen and I marched toward the minotaur caves with the army following close behind. While we marched, I had the queen create one of their healing boost potions so I could verify it’s validity and test whether it would be dangerous for me.
According to appraisal, this should be safe for consumption. The thing is, since time here is so unstable, I could just take all the potions right here. Best-case scenario, it boosts my healing capabilities. Worst-case scenario, it poisons me. I have almost every kind of poison immunity so I’m a little uncertain whether to try it.
“You’re probably wondering what my second question was right? Or you have a general idea but want to confirm?”
“Hm? Oh, the latter.”
“I see. The question was: do you think you’ll be able to defeat my father with your current strength?, but I figured you’re the cautious type. The type that prefers to be completely prepared before battle.”
“Guess you were right. Gaining extra levels should help in the long run. How do you know I’m not planning to betray you? You know, aside from the whole pride faction thing.”
“Well unlike we gorgons, the minotaurs aren’t smart enough to farm their own health potions source or even resize the armor to fit their large bodies. Their king is the only minotaur that wields a magic axe, or a weapon for that matter.”
I’m doing this now.
I took out the first pouch, then using the method they taught me, applied it to some of the buecho leaves they gave me and ate the leaves.
“Taking it here? Smart or dumb, I can’t tell though.”
Ignoring her, I repeated the procedure and ingested the second buecho leaves venom pouch potion.
“Two? Okay, I take it you love to gamble but we need you to win the upcoming battle. Don’t overdose or something.”
“Don’t worry, just focus on yourself and army.”
Again I created a potion and ate it. The potions were created differently since time was unstable. In real time, the potion would be fully liquid about six hours after creation. The raw potion was a greener than normal buecho leaf that dissolved over time.
I repeated the procedure five more times before we reached our destination.
“I expected to find bones and a nasty environment but it is just as clean as your domain. You described them as stupid oafs, I should have known that it was your superiority complex.”
“Well they are barbarians, but they’re not too stupid.” She answered arrogantly.
Obviously, the minotaurs were aware of our invasion because soon after we stopped, a large number of them appeared. They numbered at about a hundred and twelve with no leader in sight.
“Do not fret, their leader always stays hidden until the last moment. That’s when he charges in to turn the tide, but not this time.”
“Do you think it’s a requirement of his magic axe?”
“Maybe, why don’t you ask him when you get some time with him.”
The queen turned to her army, turned back to the minotaurs, then to me.
She charged into battle. I followed a second later with the whole army on my heels.
The original plan was for me to slip past the minotaurs so I could challenge the Minotaur King, but the queen judged that my main reason for helping was to level up so she threw out the plan. I guess she figured I wouldn’t listen to her anyway so she gave me free roam.
Immediately when the battle commenced, I activated dad’s spell [Life Sync] and my skill {Blur}, then killed a few minotaurs. Due to the [Life Sync], many more minotaurs died in that instant. In that moment, I had killed about half the total minotaurs.
The moment the minotaurs dropped, all forces on the battlefield froze. The minotaurs had fear etched on their trembling bodies while the gorgons had mixed feelings. Most of them were afraid, the few remaining were terrified.
“What the heck?! How the funk did you…sigh, just go kill their leader. I’m pretty sure these guys won’t try anything since you’ve shown them your power.” Ecstelsiana told me.
I tipped my hat—no real hat, it’s metaphorical—at her and went deeper into the minotaur domain. The corridors on their side were far wider than those of the gorgons. I followed the corridor into a room, much like Ecstelsiana’s throne room but without the throne or guards. In the center, sat a huge minotaur with an axe—a glowing axe—on his back.
“As I expected, Ecstelsiana did bring extra help this time. I suppose I’ll have to fight you seriously if you were fast enough to enter my throne room unscathed.”
“I suppose you’ll have to. Of all the minotaurs I managed to kill, I only went up two levels. I need a little more to go up another level so come help me out.”
I readied my sword and equipped my best mask from my personal space.
“I’ll verify your story after I kill you.”
“Huh? That’s brave of you, I honestly thought you’d turn tail by n—”
At that moment, the minotaur king had appeared behind me and knocked me into the nearest wall.
“What the—”
He followed up by smashing my head through the wall with his hand.
“Crap, now I see why Ecstelsiana didn’t want to face you.”
“Still alive, you are quite strong. She slows down the perception of others while moving quickly to strike, but she can’t hit what she can’t slow down. Nevertheless it’s time to get serious.”
“I agree. Blitz!”
I activated my demon form. Technically speaking, blitz was a skill that I didn’t have and shouting the word did nothing, but I liked to be careful. In case the guy managed to escape, misinformation was better than no information.
Both my pupils glowed a fiery red unlike all my previous transformations. It was definitely the {Persistence} energy boosting my demon form. My hair changed color from it’s dark blue one to a far lighter blue and the tips, from black to white. My body felt lighter and bonded with my clothes, which also changed color to white with light blue edges. From shirt, gloves and even adventurer’s badge, to pants, boots and sword sheath, every piece of clothing changed form as it was imbued with my demonic aura. The chainmail, my sword and mask however, didn’t get any visible changes but I knew they were more durable than before.
In the form I was in, I felt like I could take on eight minotaur kings at once. The minotaur king didn’t get startled when I changed forms, meaning either he had fought a half demon before or he was stupid enough to not know that he was outclassed. The third and most stupid option was that he still believed he was stronger than I was.
“Interesting…” He said in his low voice as he withdrew his axe. The equipped axe started glowing a light blue color along with his horns, then the already dark red fur on his back glowed a light red, then his furless chest and abs had a circular glow appear. Some black markings appeared like tattoos which glowed white.
“Huh? Also interesting…” I said in a mocking tone.
“You dare make fun of me, Arkolg, servant of the mighty Lord GameBreak, king of the minotaurs and protector of the Dwarven-Jura State?!”
“Haha, protector huh? Let’s see how well you can protect yourself from me.”
I jumped straight into a wall, the jumped into another from there, then I kept ricocheting of the walls till I landed behind him. I punched him straight into the ground, then let loose a flurry of blows. After taking quite a lot of my blows, he reached out a hand to grab me but I grabbed him by the elbow and smashed him into the most eastern wall from the entrance.
“Come on protector, you’re boring me.”
“Guah! You are too strong to be a normal being, are you a god?”
“Hey hey hey, don’t dodge the matter. You’ll die here, might as well make this fun for me.”
With heavy breaths, the minotaur got up and raised his axe.
“If you manage to kill me, then my job will be yours. You will have to keep the giant restrained and under your watch. You may have this axe, which was entrusted to me by my creator, Lord GameBreak to kill frost giants.”
“Hey! Shut up and fight!” I lunged forward and grabbed him by the throat then dragged his body through the walls. His broken arm, flailing about and bleeding everywhere, was making a mess of the place. Eventually, he fell unconscious and released his grip on the axe.
“Awe, you boring, boring not minotaur. Don’t worry though, I was gonna kill the giant anyway.”
I returned to my human form—still with the {Persistence} energy boost on me—and took the axe. My left eye changed back to its yellow color and my hair, it’s dark blue color.
“An axe made by a previous challenged one, for killing one of the highest ranked beings in the world no less, Christmas and my birthday had a baby haha.” I tried appraising the axe but it was too high in level to measure. “I’m taking this.”
With that, I chopped of the minotaur king’s head with his own axe, then proceeded to the exit with it. While I was walking, I started thinking about some things Arkolg said that I ignored in my demon form.
He was created, was that a skill unique to GameBreak or a spell? I hope that’s something I can learn, but first I’ll need a Genesis Gem. Sigh, this is kind of fun.
I reached the previous battlefield, where I was expecting some form of violence but was utterly disappointed. When I arrived, I found the minotaurs bunched into a corner and the gorgons also bunched into a corner. Both sides seemed to be chatting and conversing but upon seeing me, they all sprung up.
“I won…” I said as I threw Arkolg’s head in a sluggish manner, “I’m going back to get Vorn…sigh, and Park. Both sides should meet and discuss how you’ll all cooperate in the future because I’ll be coming back, and if I come back to find discord here, I’ll wipe out both races.”
They’ll probably end up killing each other anyway…
With that, I set off in the direction we came from.
Ecstelsiana and the new minotaur leader, slowly walked into the previous minotaur king’s cave to check how things ended and upon seeing the terrible state he was in, they negotiated and formed an alliance then and there.
“if he could kill Arkolg, the strongest being in the ditch, imagine what he’ll do to my father…”
“And if he killed so many of my kind in the blink of an eye, imagine what he would do if any of us started a war…”
“I guess we’re the most powerful beings in the ditch now.”
“I guess we are…”
The two leaders looked at each other then laughed awkwardly for some time.
From that day on, there was never a challenger of the ditch who even escaped. The unity between races, strengthened the ditch significantly but of course…I knew nothing about it.
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