《Ex-Crown Prince favors the Villainess》Chapter-3


Two weeks have come and gone. Yet the whole in my heart only deepens. Each day feels dreadfully long with no one to lean-to.

Father was weirdly busy for the past few days. I figured the nobles would leave him alone for a few weeks but he was even busier than he usually was. The last time he appeared before my eyes was a week ago when grandparents left.

Currently, I am staring at the necklace in my hand by the window. Mother loves to have matching things with me. So, she exclusively ordered a necklace. It was designed in such a way that each one of us would have one half of the wing. The necklace is completely covered in black emphasizing our hair, with streaks of red and green lines running through it highlighting our eye color.

I had little resemblance to father but I am proud to say that I am ditto of mother. Tears once again started to collect in front of the eyes.

Ah, I feel worse…


“Your Highness, may I enter?”

“Ah...Yes, you can.”

I swiftly wore the necklace and allowed Sebastian to enter.

“His majesty is calling for you, your highness.”

“Eh?... He is calling for me?”

“Yes, he is. Alice, dress His Highness up.”

Alice is the maid that fed me during that day.

“What’s the matter, Sebastian? You look conflicted.”, Sebastian’s usually gentle face had a dark cloud over it.

Uh oh, not good...I feel something unwanted is gonna happen again.

“Your Highness, it’s better if you harden your heart right now. This meeting is not going to be a pleasant one for you.”

“I’m sorry, Sebastian. But I doubt anything would surprise me anymore.”

Though I joked about it, Sebastian’s eyebrows wrinkled even more.


Did father get sick? Is he going to die? Is he going to leave me too??

With such thoughts, I made my way to the garden.

Something is out of place. Though I am glad father is alright.

Is the thought that popped up in my brain. Father’s face is grim, devoid of any emotion.

Does he wish to say something to me?

This face has been seen by mother for a countless number of times. Whenever he has to speak something outrageous, this is the expression he makes.

“Father, do you have something you want to say to me?...If you do, feel free to speak.”

After taking a long breath, he slowly opened his mouth,

“Arthur, please listen to me carefully...but before all of that, I want you to meet them. Please come out.”

Sebastian, no matter how prepared I was...I could have never expected this.

Three individuals stood in front of me.

I instantly sprung up to my feet. Father too followed me. The eldest, the mother, I think had long, silky purple hair that highlights her purple eyes. One of the other is a young girl who is considerably younger than me. About 5 years I think. The other, though, is a boy of my age, a little shorter than me but still considerably tall for a boy of his age.

What completely blew my understanding was that both of them have shining GOLDEN HAIR. A trait that is unique to the Imperial family. Something that I didn’t have.

Anger and rage had completely clouded my head.

Haah...I never thought I was capable of such extreme emotions.

I glared at the Emperor for an explanation. Noticing my look, he started to introduce them,

“This is Camilla, your step-mother. These two are your step-siblings.”


“Your Royal Highness, my name is Camilla Zemira, I am a princess from the fallen kingdom, Aragon.”

“Greetings to the Crown Prince of Zemira Empire, I am William Zemira, your younger brother of age 9.”

“He...Hello, I am Diana, my age is 5”

Did they practice?

“I see, I am pleased to meet you. Now, why don’t you two go and play inside the palace? Sebastian, do what has to be done.”

“With pleasure, your highness”

Once I made sure that the kids are gone. I look back at the awkwardly standing Emperor.


I sat on the chair in a manner that should not be done in front of an Emperor.

Let’s see if he dares to ask for manners.

“Now then, start explaining.”

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