《"I Am The Hero"》Chapter 1
A deadland where life cease to exist. The skies as black and crimson red combine. A land full of ruins, as far as the eyes can see, there are remains of what used to be a living being litter at the land. But there’s one building that still stands, it appears to be an abandoned castle. A castle that most of its exteriors are broken. Cracks around the outer wall, some even have some parts missing.
A group of what seems to be adventurers stands in front of the castle door. As they approach the castle door closer, it opens slowly as if they are being welcome. The inside of the castle is dark there seems to be no light to illuminate the area.
As the group steps inside the castle ground.
A loud bang came from the back of the group.
Its the castle door that shut close behind them.
The dark room that they were in, suddenly lights up by the candles on the wall. One after the other the candles light up illuminating the area.
As the room’s candles slowly light up. It seems that there is a huge throne outline at the other end of the room.
As the light slowly approach the end of the other room.
“So, it seems you have come.”
A voice came from the throne.
“Who are you?!” shouted by one person in the group
“Guess I’ll give you my name to take with you on your afterlife.” A humanoid figure stands in front of the throne, but the humanoid seems to have some features that are not from a human. “The name is Rastronoz!! remember it well in the afterlife!” as soon as he finishes saying that the area around him lights up showing him. A dark grey skin, long silver hair reaching from head to waist, a sturdy muscular physique, and two horns similar to a minotaur sticking out on each end of his forehead.
“It really is you. The foul beast that killed anyone on his path. Leaving nothing behind, but ruins. The demons that call him their king. Rastronoz the Demon King. You are the one who killed Darius!!”
“Darius. Never heard of it. I don’t ask the name of a corpse”
“He was my father. YOU KILLED MY FATHER!!!”
“I don’t care who your father is”
“SHUT UP! YOU MONSTER!” he angrily shouted as a bright aura cover around him.
“Oh ho, so you are what the humans called a hero”
“I said shut up!” The hero dashes towards Rastronoz with a sword in hand aiming for Rastronoz's neck.
As the sword’s blade gets near Rastronoz's neck, it would seem that the hero can’t move the forward blade anymore.
The hero looks at his blade and sees Rastronoz's pinky fingernail stopping the blade from reaching his neck.
“And here I thought I have met my match, but a huge disappointment appeared instead”
Rastronoz uses his other hand and touches the hero on the middle of his chest with his index finger. The hero flings on the other side of the room as if he were hit by a speeding truck. The healer on the hero’s group hurriedly cast recovery spells on the hero.
The other people in his group tried to cast a battle spell but to no avail for it was dispelled immediately by Rastronoz.
“Such weak spells won’t even hurt me. Let me show you the true power of a spell”
Rastronoz points his finger at the group of mages. A small flame appears at the end of his index fingers and slowly approaches the group of mages.
“Huh, what does this feeble fire will do to us, leave a burn mark? hahaha” jokingly said by one of the mages
As the small flames made contact with one of the mages. A huge flame burst forth as it touches the mage burning the whole group of mages.
“You-you monster,” the hero weakly said as he wobbles around and can’t even stand up properly, as he just recovery from the damaged he took.
Rastronoz look at him and menacingly smiled then disappear from where he was standing.
With just a brief second Rastronoz suddenly appears right in front of the hero. “YES, I AM!” Rastronoz exclaims then punching the hero in the abdomen.
The hero flings once more. The power of that punch is as if it was a bullet train that hit him.
He landed on a wall leaving a huge impact. It cracks even the nearest wall outside the area of the impact and huge chunks of the ceiling started to fall off showing the dark crimson red skies.
“Time to die” Rastronoz said as he approaches the dying hero.
What will happen to the dying Hero as he is being approach by Rastronoz, Next time on Dragon Ball-…Tune in next time on the next volume.
“Urgh!! What the hell that’s it?! I hate this cliffhanger!! I really want the next volume. I have been rereading this for ages waiting for the next volume to arrive!”
My name is Gabriel. Let’s just say I am just an "Average" teenager...…ok maybe not that average. Anyway, I am into reading light novels and I just wish that I was one of the main characters in there.
As of now, I am reading all of the light novels I have, nonstop.
It’s already late at night, but I am out of light novels to read!!
Well, guess I am going to buy one at a convenience store.
I need to prepare myself before going out, ah yes, this mirror reflects an example of a sad waste of spac-… I meant a handsome and beautiful man. I think I need to get a haircut I am starting to become the other kind of anime protagonist (hentai protagonist).
As I open the door and take a look outside there is no one at sight, not even a vehicle.
Who am I kidding, it is already this late at night of course there’s going to be no one outside. Maybe a few cars or trucks might pass by.
Looking at the convenience store nearby it's open… well it did say it’s open 24/7 in a huge billboard in front of it.
It’s just across this road. I just need to walk over there and I’ll be there in no time.
After crossing the road. I open the door in the convenience store and look around.
Then a something caught my eyes.
It can’t be… how could have I missed such a thing; I can’t believe it... It’s here!!!
The latest volume of my most favorite novel that I had been rereading since its initial release, it’s here!!
It’s a story about a young man transported to another world who gets a cheat-like ability and becomes the hero and went on a quest to save the world against the demon race.
I can’t believe it. In the previous volume, it left on a huge ass cliffhanger.
I was waiting for this volume to come out and it's finally here!
A droplet of water touches the book.
Hmm, am I crying? Of course, I am I’ve been waiting for so long for it to come out, that I can’t stop these joyous tears of mine.
A voice that has a boredom tone speaks behind me.
“Uh sir, are you going to buy that book or not? because you are damaging the product “
I look around and saw the man that may be in his thirties. He looks like he wants to stop working.
The man spoke once more
“Sir? “
“uh...yes I’ll like to buy this book”
As I show the book I was holding and then proceed to go to the cashier
“that will be eight dollars”
I reach for my pocket to get my wallet; I look inside the wallet.
Thank goodness I have money; I then proceed to give him the payment.
He then proceeds to take a plastic bag to put the novel inside it and hands it over to me.
“Thanks for your patronage” He said after I take the plastic bag off his hand
I awkwardly smile and nod as a response.
I finally walk outside the convenience store take out the light novel on the plastic bag, as I walk towards the road with the book in hand. I really just can’t wait to read it.
I opened the book and read what’s written on it
“Time to die” Rastronoz said as he approaches the dying hero.
As Rastronoz approaches the hero a bright light suddenly descends from the heavens it fills the entire area blinding Rastronoz…
Wait when did this get so high-tech an intense light seems to be focusing on one side of my face and a loud honking sound can be heard too…wait a loud honking sound?!
I soon realize that I was so focused on reading the light novel that I didn’t notice a truck was coming towards me.
The last thing I saw was the truck's headlight…so this is the end of my life…FFFFUUCCK I didn’t even finish reading the latest volume damn it all!!
Now that I look around, the bright light is not fading at all... is this what they were saying I can see the light in those movies.
Am I going to heaven? Well, I did feed one stray cat as I was on my way home back then. maybe that can be classified as my good deed.
Heaven, here I come!!
As I head towards the brightest spot
A roaring voice filled the space.
It sends shivers down my spines, stopping me on my track.
The voice was so loud that I think my ears are bleeding and that I am going to be deaf.
Who would have thought the dead can still feel pain.
The voice doesn’t make any sense and continues to speak in gibberish, and the voice suddenly stops. It seems to be clearing its throat and once again start to speak.
“Ah, Mortal of earth “
I can now understand what the voice is saying and it also seems to have lower its volume.
I asked the voice.
“Who are you?”
“I have no name, but some call me a celestial being, others call me God”
“I see, what should I call you”
“I do not mind what you call me, mortal of earth”
“Then, I shall call you being XXX”
The voice didn’t answer back and proceed.
“Where was I, ah yes”
Being XXX clears his throat and started to speak in a tone that seems like what a powerful being would sound like, just like in the movies.
“I have chosen you to be reincarnated to another world. It is a different world with a different era. A world that is filled with mana, a world with sword and magic your goal is to...”
Being XXX continues to talk, but as soon as I heard that I am going to be reincarnated to another world a rush of thoughts came to my mind.
I can’t believe it, I will go to another world just like in the light novel, I guess I am going to be a hero. I will be the main character just like in that novel. The main character is going to be me!!
I can’t stop my face from smiling so much.
Seems like Being XXX didn’t notice me getting work up from the excitement for Being XXX still continues talking.
After getting a hold of myself I started to listen to him
“Blah blah blah…so that means demons on this world got so much mana that the world balance is unstable you mortal of earth will be the one who will balan-“
“Yes, I know I will be the hero of that world!!!”
“Were you even listening to what I said earlier mortal of earth?”
“Crystal Clear”
A screen pops up in front of me just like a game interface.
Ultimate Magic
Mana Overdrive
Fire Magic
Ice Magic
Water Magic
Earth Magic
Wind Magic
Lightning Magic
Light Magic
Dark Magic
Space Magic
Superhuman Strength
Ultimate Defense
Ultimate Resistance
Rapid Regeneration
Sword Mastery
Axe Mastery
Bow Mastery
Halberd Mastery
Crossbow Mastery
Spear Mastery
Staff Mastery
Shield Mastery
Martial Arts
Parallel Thinking
Beast Tamer
Faster Than Light
Language Barrier Begone
Jack Of All Trades
Fus Ro Dah
Titan Shifter
Ultra Instinct
Za Warudo
All Seeing Eye
Shadow Clone Justu
Breathing Styles
One for All
Serious Punch
Master Baiter
Shadow Realm
Mind Control
Growth Speed
Dimension Split
I was totally not listening to what he was saying so what the hell is this?!
I look up at the bright light and ask Being XXX “What is this??”
Being XXX answered with an exhausted tone
“As I said before I shall grant you any ability you like, you can pick anything that piqued your interest “
“Oh yes I remember now”
There are so many abilities I can get and there are some that are like in the light novel. The cheat abilities, but if I am the hero of this other world. I will just instantly going to get it anyway so might as well get a weak one that the hero will not get.
Well before I choose, I need to see what the descriptions has to say about the skills so I can understand how the skill work of the skill I will choose. But I don’t see the description anywhere. Perhaps I should ask Being XXX for the description.
I look up again in the blinding light and ask Being XXX “Is it possible to see the description on each skill?”
“A what?” Being XXX replied
“A description, it’s to see what the skill are and use of that specific skill”
“Are you saying that you don’t understand what the skills are from its name?”
He’s actually right the skills name are simple and from its name that’s probably what its use for, but I don’t think it’s that simple perhaps his testing me or perhaps it has some hidden abilities that can’t be know from the name alone. Perhaps if I said yes, he will reveal any hidden secrets with the use of description.
Once again, I look up at the bright blinding light and say “Yes if it is possible”
“Are you SURE you don’t understand from its name alone?”
“Yes, Sir Being XXX”
The interface expands and shows every skill description next to that specific skill.
Ultimate Magic
Magic that is Ultimate
Mana Overdrive
Overdriving the Mana
Space Magic
Its Magic but with Space
Fire Magic
Its Magic but with Fire
Ice Magic
Its Magic but with Ice
Water Magic
Its Magic but with Water
Earth Magic
Its Magic but with Earth
Lightning Magic
Its Magic but with Lightning
Wind Magic
Its Magic but with Wind
Dark Magic
Its Magic but with Dark
Light Magic
Its Magic but with Light
Inspect some Stuff
Create some Stuff
Superhuman Strength
A Strength of a Superhuman
Ultimate Defense
Defense that is Ultimate
Ultimate Resistance
Resistance that is Ultimate
Rapid Regeneration
Rapidly Regen
Sword Mastery
Master of the Sword
Axe Mastery
Master of the Axe
Bow Mastery
Master of the Bow
Halberd Mastery
Master of the Halberd
Spear Mastery
Master of the Spear
Crossbow Mastery
Master of the Crossbow
Staff Mastery
Master of the Staff
Shield Mastery
Master of the Shield
Martial Arts
Martial the Arts
Advance Healing
Heal that is Advance
On the Third Day you rise Again
Yo, this shit tripping
You Pervert
You not a Pervert
Beast Tamer
You can tame my beast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Faster Than Light
The problem of being faster than light is that you can only live in darkness.
Woah a Ninja
Detect Something
Language Barrier Begone
It is to understand every language of every creature. (sometimes activates on its own)
Jack of all Trades
Hey Jack got any trade?
Not a Mortal.
Fus Ro Dah
In their tongue, he is Dovahkiin Dragonborn.
Titan Shifter
Ultra Instinct
Got any Scobby Snacks?
Za Warudo
Kono Dio Da!!
Flash is a ground-targeted summoner spell that causes your champion to blink a short distance in the direction of the cursor.
All Seeing Eye
X-Files Theme
Shadow Clone Justu
Nanimo nani yo waraerusa
Breathing Style
Muzan go Hee-Hee
One for All
Serious Punch
Killer Move! Serious Series...Serious Punch.
Master Baiter
You are the master at baiter.
Shadow Realm
Looks like you’re going to the Shadow Realm, Jimbo.
*brings out Uno Reverse Card
Mind Control
I have seen enough off brand anime to see where this is going.
Growth Speed
Ara, you’re already this Big.
OwO *Notices your Bulge*
Dimension Split
This skill let the user split the existing dimension into two separate dimensions.
Wow, these descriptions are… unique.
Hmm, this skill looks good it’s called ‘language barrier be gone’.
Being XXX spoke
“Really mortal of earth of all the abilities in this interface you pick that one…”
“Yes, I would like to get this ability”
Being XXX was speechless cause of the choice and once more speaks with an exhausted tone.
“Pick one more, that will be a freebie”
“Really I may? Thank you so much!”
“Please pick a decent one” Being XXX mumbles
“Did you say something? Being XXX”
“No, I was just talking to myself”
“Oh ok”
My eyes were all over the interface even if I was going to get a weak ability there are still so much but one stand out of all of them its name is ‘???’ it’s the first time I see it, not even in all of the light novel I have read there’s no skill called like this. I decided that I will pick this one.
My hands were about to touch the interface to pick this ability
Then being XXX shouted
I was speechless because I was shocked by that shout.
Being XXX lower his voice and said
“Sorry about that I was just thinking about something that had angered me”
“Oh, I see”
Being XXX once again clear his throat and say
“Now mortal of earth I shall reincarnate you to another world I wish you to have a good life on this world”
A wind surrounded me lifted me into the air and then soon darkness filled my eyes.
Somewhere, where being XXX resides
That boy picked the worse ability the interface could offer, he even thought he was the hero even though the hero will be born almost the same time he will be reincarnated. He even doesn’t understand what the skill can do from its name alone and for me to do a description all of a sudden that I didn’t give much thought to it.
He's only there to block the mana, for people from another world like his does not possess mana so it creates like some kind of barrier that interferes with the overflowing mana of the demons.
The skill ‘???’ an ability I made when I was bored is of no use or is it, that I don't remember.
“You there”
He pointed to a water spirit and say to it
“Watch over that boy”
The water spirit went out, to do the task it was given.
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