
It's been over a week since I got home from the hospital.

News of the fire that burned more than twenty houses, killed up to forty people was still spreading in both print and digital media. The autopsy is still in progress but it can be confirmed that this was a premeditated mass murder.

Too many question marks as to why the government still hasn't acted, like they are hiding something from everyone. But I don't really care about that anymore.

Irregular eating, sleep deprivation, and trying a few bad things that I've never done in my life. For all of that, now I feel something burning right in my stomach. Like something bad… Really really bad.

But I already know that this will happen, even before I decided to eat everything that isn’t any good for my own health. After all, this is what I’ve been expecting in the first place.

Walking slowly on this lonely midnight road, seeking for something...

More than a month after the fire incident, the police haven't even moved at all to find who the culprits really are. But I still remember their outfits that felt so familiar.

They are the same thugs that I met in the internet cafe a few weeks ago. Not just me, but everyone including the police themselves already know about that fact... Where that’s not the only thing that comes into their mind.

They know that their opponents are some carriers who don't even hesitate to kill anyone.

Either because they are too careful or because they are afraid to die just to catch them…

Whatever it is, everyone can easily guess and find out where their base actually is. No need for investigation, or anything that is time-consuming and costly. they must be here... At the far end of town, unfinished buildings that have been abandoned by its owner for years due to construction errors and lack of funds.

After all, these people had no intention of hiding themselves. Maybe after you turn into a carrier, your brain will be half eaten in return, or they are just too confident like that random guy who died because of the same thing.

Whatever that is, it's an advantage for me.

I walk around from the outside of the building. Looking for any other way to get in without anyone noticing, where there are about twenty of them in total. Enjoying their time at the many bonfires in separate places.

Gladly, most of them have fallen asleep after drinking so much liquor. So sneaking around finding a specific person is not that complicated.



And there they are… I found both of them sleeping so calmly after killing some parents and children. I walk closer and even closer. Taking one out of two items from under my jacket, an old machete that was left behind in our old house kitchen.

“At least before I die… One of you is coming with me…” Whispered while swinging this machete high into the air, I slashed the neck of one of them…

Or so I thought…

Instead of spitting out blood, there are sparks that splash as the iron machete is split in two pieces. Bouncing myself away until I fall, my face is full of surprise while waiting for them to stand and see me.

I have no intention of running away. it will only prolong my death and suffering. Or rather, I just felt too shocked at what I had just witnessed…

“What the fuck was that?!”

Several thugs from different places shouted while running to find the source of the sound of the metal clanking on the steel floor.

They are asking about who the hell am I, where did I come from and do I really want to die here with their glowing heat swords? Or do I have any suggestions for other methods.

Surrounding me from all sides, the guy who killed my father stopped them while stepping right in the middle of the crowd. He was a little confused, asking us to wait before he finally came to his own senses.

“Hah? Wait… You? I know you… Yeah! I know you! Ah… I see. Now I understand…” He walked even closer. Squatting right in front of me, he grabbed my hair, trying to look at this face more carefully. Then continue talking.

“One of you managed to survive… So that’s the reason why my friend over there is not as strong as me even until now. What a lucky bastard. I almost forgot about you... Oh yeah, you got stabbed didn’t you? Where… Where’s the wound?”

His other hand then came to search around my stomach. When it’s actually not that long before he touches the scar that was still bleeding, until my face is showing him the feel of an intense pain.

“Buddy… What the fuck are you doing all this time, huh? Why’s your wound still wide open like this, yo? You're such a person who doesn't care about pain, huh?”

“So what? Are you afraid of it?” I asked him with arrogance.

“If I punch you right now, you'll just die in an instant.”


“Try me…”

Hearing what I just said, everyone laughs while making fun of me.

That’s where I asked him the question. “Back there… Why did you have to kill my parents, huh? Do you think you are the strongest? Or do you just want to show off your strength?”

“What? I think you already noticed…”

Then he was silent as if waiting for me to take a guess.

“Just tell me already….”

Hearing my answer, he threw this body at a lot of people who also pushed me hard enough to hit the ground. Even though I didn't show that expression, I looked around my jacket, as I did fear that I'd broken the other thing. The thing that I hid in some kind of bag on my back.

Then this guy stands up, walking in a circle… Back to the middle, then he prepares to do something.

Fist in the air, flying straight to the ground. By doing so, the earth rumbled with lots of gravel bouncing off at high speed. His super punch just now had created an invisible force of some kind. Similar to the time when he kicked me back then, but this feels two or even three times stronger.

“You get it now?”

I didn’t answer his question, so he went back to explaining. “It’s not about the sword… Or the strength… Or how can a carrier regenerate its own lost limbs. But it's about how many souls we've collected so far.”


“The more we kill, the stronger we become!”

“So you want to become stronger…”


“Means that you just contradicted your own first sentence, you idiot.” I replied.

“Yeah that actually makes sense.” Everyone agreed with me.

“Shut the fuck up.” He said that while kicking me lightly right in the face. Whereas for myself, it already feels really painful.

“Maybe you ever wondered why the police didn't want to come to face us… Don’t you think ? It’s because we’re already stronger than all of em. They don’t want to kill, they don't want to accept how this power actually works. But here you are…”

His gaze while remaining silent for a while felt a little disgusting. Which he also didn't see the main point of what he just said…

That if what he said was true, the more they killed the stronger they became, meaning the police weren't really afraid of how strong they were right now.

But how strong will they become because they don't care if they have to kill anyone. Maybe the authorities are up to something? But… To hell with it.

It's not like I had high expectations for them anyway…

“You are different from them. If only you were a carrier, maybe we could be friends and rule the world together… Kid… At least I'm quite amazed by your courage. The way you stare also looks like you're such a cunning person.”

“Yeah… I mean no. I choose death instead. Or whatever… I just wanted to say that you guys left this one unburnt trash that jumped out of the bin…”

Well… Maybe my words are a little too much…

“I see… Indeed we also do not mean to leave anything. So... Thanks for coming.”

“Sorry I tried to kill you just now…” I said it while laughing kindly.

“It’s okay. After all, it's impossible for you to hurt me even if it's just a little. Now then… I’ll let you die in peace...”

He pulled out his sword with the tip that pointed right at the center of my chest.

“I don’t need that…”

I don't need a peaceful death…

I took something out from my back without appearing to be doing anything dangerous…

Just a bottle full of alcohol that is still a lot left in my house.

“What are you…!?” Before he finished his sentence, I slapped his cheek with this glass bottle until it broke. My movement, which initially looked very weak, then suddenly swung even much faster than he ever thought, managed to surprise him.

The alcoholic liquid spread to both of us… That's when I gripped his sword tightly, I stabbed myself right in the chest without waiting for him to do anything.

I guess I was raised well enough to be able to kill myself quickly without the slightest bit of fear, rather than dying after being tortured by them as a living toy…

The flames that spewed from the surface of this superheated sword, burned the two of us in the middle of the crowd.

“You psycho!” Those were the last words I could hear before the short of breath and the smoldering feeling in my chest forced me to stop moving...

Fuck… I will regret this…

Pffft… Regret?

Daniel, you idiot… We’re dead already!


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