《Earth's Administrator》Ch5 - Progenitor
In the morning...
Behind a certain apothecary shop, there were two two young men, they both wore light clothes and held a wooden sword.
"Here i come." Said one of them, he had a very disheveled black hair as his only defining characteristic, he held his wooden sword tightly with both of his hands and closed the distance between him and the other man at a reasonable speed, he swung his sword left and right trying to get a hit in, but...all his attacks were swiftly avoided.
"Too slow." Said the other man, he had Brown hair, black eyes and was as tall as the black haired one.
"Take this." Said the black haired man...no...boy, the boy who don't know the concept of a surprise attack.
The boy swung his sword diagonally from the left with surprisingly good footwork for someone who has been training with a sword for only 2 days.
The brown haired man yawned while defending all his attacks.
The fact that the brown haired man was using his sword one handed and yawning as he proceeded to shrug all attacks showed the skill difference between the two.
"You said you can use both the sword and wield magic didn't you? Come at me with everything." Said the brown haired man.
"You asked for it." Said the black haired one, grinning. He changed his posture and held his sword on his left hand.
"[Create Water], [Fireball]." The boy shouted, extending his right hand up. Two balls formed, one of fire and one of very clear water, the waterball slowly gained altitude while the fire on was already high up in the air.
The fireball collided with the water, creating a explosion of water vapor which descended from the sky to cover the whole yard.
The boy then proceeded to chant something, then put his right hand on the ground. After that he ran on the direction that the brown haired was and swung his sword with all his might...
"!?" He hit something... something that was not soft as he expected it to be.
"Not bad." He heard the man speak with a calm tone.
"!?" Their swords pressed against each other.
The Brown haired man was stuck, stuck in a small quagmire created by the boy. He was surprised that he didn't see this coming, he expected the vapor to be just a veil for a Slash or a fireball.
*Booom.* there was a small explosion inside the quagmire that shot mud everywhere, the boy reflexively closed his eyes, when he opened them again the man was nowhere to be seen.
"!?" He looked behind him and...the last thing he saw was a high speed fist to his face.
"Shouldn't you go easy on him?" Asked a young lady....
"He's the one who asked for this." He said carrying the boy on his back.
"Mmm." I woke up, looking at a unfamiliar ceiling again.
Sword mastery lv.2. As useful as i thought.
Yesterday was my first day working here, it was... interesting, i washed dishes, made 3 low healing potions and trained a little with john before going...home? The chief's place.
There's actually a inn here but....i think that it'll be rude to move when the chief....When Geld allowed me to stay at his place.
I'm not actively trying to hide my skills here, healing Potions are just hard to make. Unlike antidote potions, healing ones are more...magical.
I got out of the bed and left the living quarters of the building, i was still on the shop.
"Veni!" I heard a female voice calling.
"That's...Andy." She calls me Veni now for some reason.
I hid under the counter in the shop.
"Hm...maybe he's outside?" She muttered.
She probably wants me to clean her tools, Sorry Lady, this guy hates mediaval cleaning.
There aren't any recipes for detergents or a better type of soap in the library so i just have to deal with this.
She left, we'll open soon so...eh.
I began searching for good recipes on my unique skill, there were some interesting ones but nothing that i could make with the ingredients that Andy allowed me to use.
Hm...i got all the ingredients except for one.
<...Red boar's essence...>
Hm... i didn't meet my savior yet... guess this is a good time to go.
I read on the library about the process of monster essence extraction, summarizing...
1.Put the monster's still warm blood on a glass container.
2. Simulate the monster's mana concentration.
3.Pass that mana through a small mithril dome(with the container inside).
After some minutes of exposure there will be a separation between the blood and a light brown liquid, the essence.
I decided that i would visit Bill, the hunter.
When my shift ended i asked John to accompany me, but he said "Sorry man, I'm busy right now." he told me where Bill's house was so it's no big deal, it's a small village.
I walked aimlessly taking the time to know the layout of the place.
"Hey!" Said a bearded guy, waving his hands, i waved back.
"Oh, you're the new guy at Rose's right?" Asked an old lady.
"Yes, my name is Venir, nice to meet you."
"Oh, a polite young man, name's Agnes but everyone calls me grandma, here..." She said then took something from a basket she was holding "Take this." It was a small figurine carved from light brown wood.
"It's so beautiful, thank you." I said while taking it.
Was it her who made this? It's so well made.
"!?" I sensed something, something like mana but more...complex, like a weird and unfamiliar flow of mana, and it was coming from the doll, it was faint but certainly there.
「Appraise lv.3」:
Name : Enchanted object.
Class : Low grade
Material : wood
Quality : Medium
Durability : 40/40
Hm...i should stop using appraise.
「Identify lv.4」:
Name : Amy
Type : Enchanted object(Self-Repair lv.2)
Description : A Carefully crafted and enchanted wooden figurine named Amy.
Durability : 30/30
Oh... let's ignore that she just gave me a enchanted thing.
I asked for directions, just to make sure, and she pointed me in the direction i was already going.
Cool, i didn't wander off the right way.
"hello" "hey" "Sup?" "Hello mister" "Good afternoon" "hi" "how're doing?"
Huh? I feel like living here for a long time. Everyone is so welcoming.
I now stood before a wooden door with a sign. "€¥₱₱" was written on it.
Hm... I don't know how to read this language.
Thinking back on it, am i speaking English? I mean, I'm hearing it...but are they hearing English? Probably some translation function or magic, not going to think about it.
*Knock* *knock*
*Knock* *knock*
*Knock* *knock*
"Hm, maybe he's not home?" I said, turning around.
"!!!!!!!!?" I froze and clenched my teeth, there was a massive bear in front of me.
"Hello, have you been looking for me?" He asked with a kind smile.
He's smiling and yet... I'm still afraid.
"Y-Yez, i-i'm Venir." I said... stumbling .
"Ah, right, you're that young man."
This fear is... unnatural, i feel like he's going to attack me at anytime.
I remember reading about a Skill with this effect which skill was it...?
"Y-Yes, i-i came he.."
"Don't need to force yourself, people get intimidated the first time they see me, I'm used to it."
Intimidated?...oh, it's 「Intimidate」,great skill.
"Oh, isn't t-that from a skill?" I asked, forcing my words out.
"Yes, it is..." He said with a pained expression.
He was holding a big leather bag with his left hand.
"Want to get in..." He paused
"Let's sit there." He said pointing at a wooden desk in his small yard.
"Ok." I said. He left his bag inside the house and came to sit opposite to me.
I stood and bowed deeply ", Thank you for saving me." I said "if it wasn't for you.."
"Lift your head..." he said "Y-You don't need to bow that much" he stammered, standing.
Weird seeing a man like him this flustered.
I sat down and tried to hand him a couple potions but he refused.
I am not exaggerating, i mean he saved my life, right? Would the system really let me die there?
"Hm...i have to thank you somehow."
"Don't need to." He said smiling kindly.
"Hm." I began thinking "Isn't it a passive skill?"
"I think so, yes."
"Can't you disable it?"
"I don't know how"
My chance.
Yesterday when i went home, i tried practicing with my mana manipulation and sense, and some harmless skill.
I during my practice i discovered that i could feel certain skills being activated and if i focused hard...i could cancel their effect.
After some investigating, i discovered what was responsible for that:
「Detect Magic lv.3」- Grants ability to detect a magic phenomena.
Lv.1 - Spell.
Lv.2 - Enchantment.
Lv.3 - Magic skill.
「Dispel Magic lv.3」- Grants ability to disturb or dispel magic phenomena.
Lv.1 - Disturb Spell.
Lv.2 - Disturb Skill.
Lv.3 - Disturb Enchantment.
Certainly useful skills but, there isn't dispel skill... maybe at a higher level?
"I've got. An. Idea." I said...doing my best to keep calm.
"??" He looked at me quizzically.
This fear is not something i can't handle.
"Just stand still and concentrate on your body for a while." He nodded.
Now let me activate this Skill.
Focusing on my surroundings i felt a slow and weird flow of mana hitting me from the direction where Bill was seated.
That's it.
I focused some mana on my right hand and tried to make the inverse of that weird mana flow.
It shouldn't be hard, i have the mana manipulation and the dispel skill.
After a couple seconds, i covered my entire arm with the resulting mana flow and activated my skill.
"「Dispel Magic」" Mana gushed out of my arm and...
Ohh, it worked, i was no longer feeling that unnatural fear.
"!?" It....returned?
What? How? Oh... I get it, i'm disturbing not dispeling. You probably can't dispel a passive skill, i mean... it's always active, you would have to be constantly dispeling it....unless, maybe if you had a dispeling aura or something like that.
I looked at Bill, he had an uncomfortable expression on his face.
"That feeling you had... p-please focus on that." I said, now i really wanted to leave, i had enough.
"!?" The fear vanished.
"!!!!!" His eyes widened a lot, his eyes were practically out of their sockets, then he looked at me, probably for confirmation.
"It's gone." I said, Satisfied, i helped in something, this can be my thanks.
"Thank you, thank you." He said getting emotional "How can i possibly repay you?" He continued with a wide relieved smile, he was almost tearing up.
Guess that skill really haunted him.
"You saved my life remember? Let's just be friends."
I just gave him a little push, he did the rest.
"Hahaha, Sure pal, you can be my friend." He said laughing.
"「Entimidate」can really be a bother huh?"
"Ah? My skill's name is 「Warrior's Aura」, not「Intimidate」, that's would be too hardcore even for me."
Warrior's Aura? Hm... unfortunately i can't Analyze that.
Analyze 4 only analyses things, not people or their stats, well, at least not on the level mine is.
A quick one:
That's all. The name only appears after the person has told me theirs.
The first time i saw Mavis this was the result:
Appraise displays:
"Oh ok." I said "can you tell me more about When you found me in the forest?"
He told me what had happened, and he didn't say anything about a device or weird bag.
They probably weren't brought here with me.
How am i supposed to live without my phone?
He then asked me about how i got there and i told him the same i told to Geld.
"So, Mister Bill..."
"Drop that, we're friends now." He said cheerfully.
"Ok, so Bill..."
"That's right." He gave me a thumbs up.
"How hard would it be for you to capture a living red boar?" I asked.
"Hm..." He began pondering "It wouldn't be too hard."
"I see, and how much would it cost to hire you to capture one?" He looked at me in the eyes.
"10 silver coins." He said.
Of course, I don't have that much money.
『Let's talk about coins! Yay!』
In this Kingdom they use: copper, iron, silver and gold coins.
Coins from this Kingdom are named [shima coins].
Here's some simple stuff:
1 copper - with 2 you can buy a small loaf of bread.
1 iron - 50 copper - 1 night at the inn here.
1 silver - 100 copper / 2 iron
1 gold - 100 silver / 50 iron
Less used:
1 large gold - 4 gold(200 silver)
1 Large silver - 4 Iron(200copper)
Andy pays me 1 silver per week, she allowed me to sell my Potions in her shop ( and she will obviously take a big share of the profit if i use her materials)
.. But i still didn't make anything yet, so...no money for this dude.
"I see." I said, well, i can sell some Potions "ok then." i was ready to leave, there was nothing more to talk about.
"Not gonna ask me to lower my price?" He asked.
"Of course not, you'll be risking your life there."
He smiled " haha, you're working for Andy right? So i assume you want the boar's blood right?"
"You can take some from the boar i just hunted."
"Hm, i kinda need the blood to be freshly extracted from a living one."
"Hm..." He put his hand on his beard and began thinking.
Now that i look at him without that skill warping my perception, he's not bad looking, gentle Chestnut eyes, tan skin, small brown beard and hair, well defined muscles and...still a mean face, but from the way he talks and carries himself, he seems just like one of those kid loving muscle mans.
"The rabbit extermination quest was delayed for tomorow so... tomorrow When the sun is high up in the sky i'll bring you one."
"Cool, and i give you a part of what i make." He smiled.
"Deal." He said.
"So, I'm leaving now." I said, standing up.
"Ok, see you tomorrow." He said.
I decided to go train on a river nearby.
10 minutes away from the village was a beautiful flowing body of water reflecting the blue sky.
I didn't normally see rivers as clear as this.
I could see... butterflies darting about, fish with all kinds of color variations. My amazed gaze stopped upon a particular rock in the margin.
Name: Marin
Type: Magic Stone
Description: a magic stone compatible with the element of water.
Durability: 20/20.
A magic stone? Here? What the? Wait... it's more fragile than this figurine? i thought, holding the wooden representation of a female...deity? It was beautiful, the facial features were well defined, it looked like a beautiful young lady. It had six eyes and four arms, all extended as preaching.
I retrieved the stone and examined it. It seemed ordinary at first sight but, you could feel the mana flowing or not since it was flowing so faintly.
Useful senses i got.
Turning it around, i saw that it was cracked... The cracks were filled with a crystalline substance.
Hmm...i wonder.
I inserted some mana into it....besides glowing, it did nothing much.
I again focused a good amount of mana in it and nothing...it just started to glow even brighter.
No water?
"I'll ask Andy about this later."
Putting the stone in my left pocket, i began training.
Let's start with that mana flow that i inverted from Bill.
I focused some mana on my right hand and imagined the flow that was coming from bill...it was more like a stream with waves at regular intervals...
After 3 minutes trying to recreate and synchronize, i managed to alter the mana flow in my hand, it now had a fast flow but not exactly what i would call a stream of mana, plus some small pulses that i had not idea how i made...
Right, now...the opposite.
Then i tried to reverse that...quite difficult.
But after 10 minutes of trial and error i managed to make something similar to what i had done.
The mana returns to it's original state after a while.
How did i managed to easily do that in the first time and not now?
My right hand was now radiating a calming aura.
Let's do this!
I was now slowly envoloping my right hand with that Aura....
Next level...Total aura.
The moment i tried to extend that aura past my shoulder i was struck with a very strong headache.
"Ahh." I groaned, with my right hand on my face and was ready to shout bloody murder when...
"Is this?..."
I calmed down, my head was still hurting but not as much as before, i stood there for about 5 minutes recovering my mana.
I think i used to much mana in a small amount of time...
[Status] :
「Mana」: 400/1000
...and i guess my NPE pathway1 isn't ready to something like that yet.
To test if that effect wasn't just something from my head i recreated the aura on my right hand again and put it in the water.
A calming effects...so in theory they shouldn't run away.
Nothing special happened...they feld.
Hm... Let me try once more.
I imagined the mana leaking out of my hand and put my hand in the water again.
The result...
My eyes widened, all the fishes that were in the river slowly got closer and acted as if i wasn't there.
I touched a fish that looked like a black sea bass, to my complete bafflement it just turned around and slowly swum away as if in annoyance.
No way. You're kidding me? Right?
I tried to touch others and...same thing, some didn't even bother to move away.
Magic truly is amazing.
Hehe, what if? i thought, smiling mischievously, i stopped the aura.
It didn't even take a second, all the the fishes ran away at an terrifying speed.
Instincts huh?
I decided to test that magic on the butterflies nearby.
I lifted my right hand and activated the calming hand...
Seconds later my hand could no longer be seen, it was completely covered with butterflies, some even landed on my forearm.
Then they began covering the entirety of my arm...
"!!" A small, compact, Cute and faintly glowing butterfly landed on my nose.
I closed my left eye to look at it with my right..
"!?" This butterfly was less insect-like than the others and more cute like the white poodle moth.
I wanted to stay like that for a little more but, I felt my mana leaving me at a fast rate.
「Mana」: 200/1000.
I canceled the Aura.
"!!!" They stood in my arm for a couple seconds before they took flight...the white one was the last.
"??" They didn't fly away. They made a circle around me.
"??" A minute later they flew away.
I won't think too hard about what just happened.
Then i heard it... the system's voice.
A System window appeared.
My picture on the left side with Venir displayed below it.
On the right side was a transparent cube, there was was a hand inside that appeared to be made of marble, the hand was smooth and feminine, it was faintly glowing yellow and it was extended as if trying to grab something.
Below the cube, there was a long rectangle with a bar blinking inside it...
A text cursor?
At the bottom of the window was a alert sign ( (!) ) With the following information below it:
[Individual Venir has developed a new magic ability.]
[Please submit a name for the skill. Inappropriate names will be rejected]
the system said again.
"I see."
It took a while to understand what happened.
First, i made a reverse of the flow Bill was emitting, then i covered my arm with it and chanted my skill's name and that disturbed Bill's skill.
Here, i did the same but without chanting, so the difference is in the purpose that that mana takes.
For first time it was the simple fact that opposites cancel each other out, and now because there isn't anything to cancel it has a calming effect or something.
Now, if you don't mind, let me name this skill i 'developed'.
Ah, I'm so happy, i did something awesome, wooooooo.
"Hm, what about calming hand?" I said making a cool pose.
"Calming aura?"
"God hand?"
"Serene hand"
"[Literally the Best name ever]?"
"Come ooonnn."
Let's see, a practical name is a no go, so maybe something like...yeah that's cool if she reject that, well, nothing.
"What about a name that comes from a ancient Greek goddess? Something like...."
Drums please!
"Eirene hands?"
"Yeeess, new title, new skill, I'm the man." I boasted cheerfully.
The sun was starting to set, i would love to see the sunset reflected in this river but, it isn't safe to stay outside late so, i decided to go home.
As i walked home i found a...
「Race」: Goblin
「Gender」: male
「VIT」: 100「STR」: 50 「AGI」 : 120「DEF」: 40「Mana」: 30 「INT」: 15
Huh? I can see his status?
Also noticing me the goblin took a stance.
"Uman! Qill!" He said.
I could just run away...but, he's a Goblin and you how goblins reproduce, we're close to a village.
He held a rusted knife on his left hand and a type of fruit on his right, he wore a tattered loincloth that was enough for me not to see his genitals, appearance wise he wasn't as ugly as i expected a goblin to be, but still ugly, he looked like ' a hairless green monkey' .
I see, so he's just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I thought.
I obviously never killed a monster before, nor any animal at the soze of that goblin, only just some cockroaches, lizards and spiders.
I really don't want to kill him.
I decided to just wait and see what would happen, i was far enough from him that i would be able to see him coming, he has a low agility so he probably can't run fast enough to surprise me.
I'll use self defense as an excuse to my conscience if he tries to attack me first.
"!?" He didn't even consider running away, he had a hateful expression as he run at me.
Too bad. I thought with a sorrowful expression.
You die here.
"!?" I... i couldn't activate my magic.
"Raaah." Roared the goblin as he got closer
Well... No pride.
I immediately started to run.
"??" The goblin seemed confused that i was running away.
Dude! I am afraid of roaches, what do you think i would do if i saw a naked green monkey running at me with a KNIFE.
"My stats are superior, so in theory, he should never catch up."
"Cawrd!* The monkey screamed, i could hear him in the distance.
I have no pride so i continued running towards the village.
After what appeared to be several minutes of running non-stop, i could see some houses.
"I'm saved."I collapsed on my knees.
To make sure, i looked behind me.
"!!!" The dude was still running towards me.
The Frick?
I could see a small figure in the distance slowly getting closer.
He's not going to stop, is he?
"Well, if you want to die that much..."
In order to stay calm i just used 「Eirene's hands」with my left hand and after i calmed down, i used my right hand to form a [Fireball].
I wish i could do multicasting.
The retarded monkey got closer enough that he could now see the oversized fire ball above my right hand.
He turned to run away but...
"[FIREBALL]." I shouted, releasing the unnecessarily big fireball at him.
*BOOM*. On contact the fire ball exploded into a something akin to a dome of fire, making a lot of noise.
"Beautiful." The explosion was mesmerising, the ground where the goblin once stood was replaced with a deep hole, and everything around it was charred black.
"Maybe i overdid it a little." I said, after the excitement had died down a little.
After confirming that there wasn't any piece of Goblin left, i went home.
"Good afternoon ma'am." i greeted Mr. Geld's wife, Rinnete, she was drinking some tea with some of the villagers which i also greeted.
"Good afternoon dear." She greeted back with comforting smile.
"Sup, Venir?" I also greeted some of the servants i happened to pass by.
"Fine, i think. I fought a goblin close to the river."
"Wow, really?"
"Yeah." I said, grinning.
"Cool." Said Benjamin, one of the servants, he is in his late teens like me.
I went looking for Mavis, the Chief had told me that i could pass messages through Mavis if he wasn't here.
"Hey Rosa."
"Oh, hey, is everything okay? You smell like smoke." This is Rosa, 16 years old, she didn't hesitate in talking to me the first time she saw me, she is 'that' type of person, the one that is Friends with everyone.
Today in the morning, Rosa and Benjamin were the ones to accompany me to Rose's apothecary, they are both from this village and like everyone in here, very socia,l and i got infected with this 'social virus' after just one day.
"Yeah kinda, what about you?"
"So, do you know where Mavis is?"
"Oh rose? She's in the kitchen, and by the way, we're low on water so a little help there is appreciated." She said snapping her fingers and pointing at me.
"Sure thing, leaving now." I said.
"See you later."
I went to the kitchen and found Mavis there, washing the dishes.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey." she said.
"How are you doing?"
"Fine, what about you?" She asked.
"Fine too." i didn't want to interrupt her in her task so i just told her about the goblin at asked her to report that to Mr. Geld.
"Ok, i'll tell him that as soon as he gets home from work."
"Right." You never know, there must be a goblin nest nearby.
"I heard that you need some water."
"Yes, we're low on that, can you please fill that one?" She said, pointing at a wooden water tank on one corner of the kitchen.
"Sure." I said while conjuring some water into the tank.
"[Create water], [Create water], [Create water], [Create water], [Create water]."
In the morning Rosa asked me if i could use magic, i answered yes, she then proceeded to shower me with questions, i used the 'technically the truth' technique to answer all of her questions. Then she complained about...
"Man, i wish i could use water magic, if i had it i wouldn't have to carry heavy buckets from the river to here." Rosa had said.
"Well, that's tough, if you need me to use some water magic just tell me."
"Really? You would help me?"
"Sure, like you said, we're friends now."
And that's how i became the water boy.
After filling the tanks, i headed towards the yard, where i trained my mana control until dinnertime.
I had dinner with both the chief and his wife, the dinner was...
Ohh, i didn't expect something like this...
On my plate was a 'perfect dish' , some pasta on a greasy sauce, 2 mesmerising eggs. How did they fried them so perfectly? The yolks were slightly runny, they way i like them. 2 over medium fried eggs... perfection, and some small orange meat pieces on top of the pasta. The scent of that sauce was amazing and the taste even more, a rich flavor that made me want more.
"Tastes great." I said.
"Doesn't it?" Said the chief, slurping it all up.
"You think so?" Asked Rinnete, flashing me a grin.
"Yes, it tastes really good." I said, Mr.Geld gave me a hidden thumbs up.
Oh, she's the one that cooked this? Interesting, i had enough so i hope she doesn't serve me mor-
"Here, try this..." She said sliding bowl of soup at me...
Of course.
"Delicious..." It was rich and spicy.
Spices for just a normal meal? Weren't they were too expensive?
They probably produce all sorts of things here, spices may have been one of them...
"Eat this." She slid more food my way.
"..and this." "Have some more." "More soup?"
"So, could you tell me more about the goblin you found?" Mr.Geld questioned, after his wife was done with me.
I told him everything i could remember, i don't really pay much attention to details, so i gave him a simple description of what happened, he then said that he would send people to investigate.
"Thanks for bringing it to my attention."
After dinner I went to my bedroom.
"Long day." I muttered, lazily taking my shoes off.
My belly is going to burst. I thought while i carefully laid down on the hard bed.
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Songs of Legacies: Cavaron [Complete Draft]
Cavaron follows the story of a man as he travels worlds* or gets kidna-- er, summoned against his will on multiple occasions. As Cavaron travels or gets kidna-- summoned, we will see his fairly chaotic life. *Yes, WORLDS. As in many and not just one. Ever wonder what would happen if a summoned """"hero"""" gets kid-- summoned multiple times? Will they ever get tired of it? ***I re-read the first 16 chapters and figured I should rewrite it when I get a new PC. Yes, I'm not writing this on a PC, but on my mobile. Everything on mobile, so pardon the quality since my thumbs are bigger than the keys, and will be bound to have quite a lot of mistakes. ***Getting lazy to fix the first 16. If you want to PR them, PM me with your edits. ------------------ KaosChild is my previous name. I now go as, Gyfera.
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