《“Idol” Is The Strongest Job In This World! – Reincarnated as an Idol!》Chapter 13 – The Goddess and confrontation with father


Chapter 13 – The Goddess and confrontation with father


Mage Princess – An exclusive title only given to those truly worthy of being called a mage. Gives ∞ MP to the owner of this title.


Flight (Level 1/6) – Able to fly around while using MP

Level 1 – Hover

Level 2 – Hover with control

Level 3 – Limited control flight

Level 4 – Flight

Level 5 – Fast Flight

Level 6 – Supersonic Flight

“What the…”

I was shocked at how overpowered these skills and titles were. The “Mage Princess” title was never recorded ever like my other titles and it gave me infinite mana values…

The flight skill was also OP. I heard that only 1 in 1,000,000 have this skill and most of the time, they’re only in level 2.

“I’m scared at how overpowered my skills are…”

After checking my skills, I finally decided to teleport back home. Of course not before I fixed my clothes with creation magic and healed my scratches with light magic. Seriously though, magic is super convenient!

After the light that surrounded me as I teleport finally went away, I looked around to check if someone saw me teleport. Thankfully, there was no one out here right now. So I sneaked to my room and laid down on my bed.

Pfffff (Bed sfx?)

“sigh Why did the goddess decide to make me this op…”

A familiar voice said

“EH?! WHO?” I asked as I looked towards the direction the voice came from. However, I saw nothing.

“Eh? Megumi-sama?”

“Neighbour? What? I’m so confused right now…”

“nod nod”

“Hmm? Yes I have. It’s actually my favourite novel.”

“Huh? So you mean you’re similar to them?”

“Heh… so why did you do that?” I asked with a blank face.


“Are you sure about that? Are you sure you’re not just doing this because you’re bored?”


“…don’t you have any duties?” I asked

“… what is this? A Mi*****ft modpack? Also, how did you even know about that Isekai novel?”

“…I’m sure you’re busy.”

“An easy life?” I tilted my head.

“What’s with that stupid logic?”

“Fine…So I should be the only one hearing you, right?”


After this, we talked more about what she can do. Apparently, she’ll be able to provide me with information as long as it’s not too important or private. Basically, I can ask her about magic spells, location of places but not the theory of everything, or personal information of a person.

Knock knock

“Yuki-sama, your father is calling you into his office.”

“Hm? Sebastian? Sure I’m coming.”

That’s quite unusual. I thought. My father barely calls me in to his office. I wonder what happened… they didn’t find out that I teleported away right?!

Huh? Sure. Goodbye I guess.

After this, I opened the door to my room and Sebastian led me to my father’s office. As I entered the room, I noticed that both my mom and Mika-san were in there too. I also noticed Mika-san staring at me oddly, as if she noticed something different…

They then told me to seat in the chair in front of my father… Why am I getting a bad feeling from this.

I then sat down the chair and took a serious pose.

“Thank you for coming here, Yuki.” Hearing this, I cleared my throat and got ready for a serious conversation

“Of course father. So why was I called upon here?” I asked.

“Do you still remember the performance you did a few years ago? You know, In your debut?”

“Of course I do.”

“Well, you see… A lot of people wants to see it again. Specially the commoners.”


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