《“Idol” Is The Strongest Job In This World! – Reincarnated as an Idol!》Chapter 4 – Magic


Chapter 4 – Magic

“Today is finally the day! I’m finally gonna learn other magic attributes!”

I got off my bed, quickly ate breakfast and rushed out to the garden. I’ve been waiting for this since I got reincarnated! After going to the garden, I see a figure of a little girl. No, It’s the figure of my teacher!

“Good morning, Teacher!” I said while running up to her. Of course she greeted me back.

“Yes, Good morning princess-sama” She said. After that I asked her what she’s gonna teach me today.

“Yes, Princess-sama. Today we’re gonna check your aptitude with other magic elements using the manual method. By using each magic instead of seeing it in your status!” She said, very exited. Although, I still don’t understand what a status is. But I guess it’s important?

Anyways, I asked her what magic we’ll be testing out today. And she told me that we’d be testing out all 4 basic attributes, 2 advanced attributes and 1 special attribute. But since she already knew that I can use water magic. She just explain me the other uses of it.

“Water magic is very easy to use. It is also very flexible as it can be used with many situations. Water magic also has a healing ability. It’s nothing crazy but it can heal light wounds so it’s really useful even for normal people.” As she said that. A bird came to us. It appears that it’s wings were damaged so it came to us to ask for help.

Seeing this as an perfect opportunity, my teacher used water magic to the bird. She started to chant. Then, bits of water came out of teacher’s hands and went to the damaged part of the bird’s wings. It healed slowly and shined brightly. And I just stood there, Impressed by the demonstration.

After getting it’s wings healed. The bird finally flew away. Seeing me just standing there. My teacher talked to me once again.

“As you saw, water magic has healing properties. It can be used by most mages. As it is a cheap way of getting healed.”

Ohhh I see!

“Anyways, the next magic I’m going to teach you is earth magic. Earth magic can be used to either manipulate soil or make it. Manipulating soil in a small scale can use up 5 mp. While creating the soil costs much more.” Then, my teacher started to demonstrate


“Oh goddess, please give me power to control the soil, Earth Spike!” After that, spikes of soil came from the land rapidly.

Oh yeah, apparently people here chant magic. But some people can use no chant. However mo no chant magician can only use basic magic. They can’t use no chant for stronger spells

“So as you can see, I can use both earth and water magic. I won’t be able to use the other elements from now on so good luck okay! Anyways, try using earth magic now! If you pass out, Ill be here!”

Oh yeah I forgot to mention. It appears that teacher is actually quite energetic when she’s comfortable with speaking with someone. Anyways, now I have to use earth magic huh… I hope I don’t pass out hehehe…

I touched the soil and started to imagine. Imagine gaining control over soil, Try moving it like it’s part of my magic. And finally…

“Earth Spike!” Spikes quick began to rise up from the ground. It seems like I had the attribute for it as I didn’t pass out

“Okay, Looks like you have the aptitude for them huh… well, now try out the other 2 okay?”

After that she explained to me what fire and wind magic does. Fire magic can make fire (of course) and can increase the temperature of an object you touch. And winf magic is an invisible force.

I then tested them both and…

“Fire Ball” A ball of fire materializes from my hands and devoured the target

“Wind Shot!” I feel like something came out from my hands and sue enough, not even a second later the target broke

“A-Amazing… to think that you can use all 4 basic magic elements… and to be able to use chantless with all of them..”

“hehehe thank you for the compliment” I said flattered, but for some reason after that my teacher became embarrassed..

“W-Well, anyways now we should test out your advanced magic ability”

She the started explaining what dark and white magic does. Apparently dark magic is the strongest type of magic and is also known as the destruction magic. And Light magic is basically a combination of a fire magic an the healing attributes of water magic. Both cost 30 mp if you have the aptitude for them. After her explanation, I tried using dark magic.


Imagine a lot of destructive mana in my palms…

“Dark Strike!” Dark particles then came from my hands and-


A massive explosion happened, obliterated the target. I then heard a noise from my back… It was my teacher


“Quick! Lets try out light magic!” She then cuts herself without hesitation.


“Don’t worry about it, i-it doesn’t hurt at all… AHHHHHHHH! IT DOES HURT! PLEASE HEAL IT!”

I quickly ran towards her, held the wound and prayed. Please megumi-sama, please heal her wound!

“Heal!” After that, white blue light shine from my palms. Healing the cut I felt relieved afterwards

“You’re amazing princess-sama! You can use 6 magic attributes!

“hehehe you flatter me… So! What’s the next attribute?”

“Umm it’s space magic”

After that she explained that space magic only has 1 known spell and it is called item box. Apparently for every kilogram that is stored, it uses up 10 mp. Every mp you have is an extra kilogram for the item box. The mana still regenerates though, After putting it in your inventory, the mana used up can still regenerate. Basically, the max mp is my storage capacity and every kilogram stored uses 10 mp but it can still regenerate after the kilogram is stored.

“So I’m a little worried about mana consumption…”

Ahhh, she’s worried about my safety huh… well-

“I’m not worried myself, Because I have an awesome teacher that will help me in case of emergency, right?”

After all we’ve been talking to each other a lot and got a lot closer. So my trust with her is pretty high now

In response to what I just said she smiled and said “Leave it to me!” made an “ok” pose with her thumbs

I guess I’ll just store the dirt from the explosion here left behind by dark magic then. Imagining all dirt being stored in a storage.

“Storage!” After that lots of dirt came to my hands and got sucked in. I fell to my knees as tons of dirt came to my storage. Behind me I heard my teacher yelling… Well I guess I overdid it huh. I said as I closed my eyes


I opened my eyes and see that my teacher is giving me a lap pillow. Realizing that I woke up, My teacher looked down at me and said “You slept for so long, The sun is about to set”

“Well I didn’t expect that there was gonna be tons of dirt that’s gonna get sucked”

My teacher laughed awkwardly and said “Well at least you didn’t die”

“Well that’s because I have an awesome teacher that helped me!” I said, there was silence for a while and my teacher said “Hey?” I said “What?”. She replied “Why don’t you call me by name?”

“EHHH?” I was surprised, I didn’t expect her to say that…

“I mean, I’m gonna be teaching you for a long time so I think the sooner we get to know each other, the better”

“Well you’re certainly right… w-well umm… mika-san…” I said quietly, while she replied happily with “YES!”

“W-well if you’re gonna make me call you by your name… Call me by my first name too!”

“EHHHH?! But you’re a princess?!” She said surprised, well I guess anybody would feel weird about calling a princess by her first name. But-

“That doesn’t matter, I just want to get along with you!”

“O-Okay… Y-Yuki-sama” She said nervously…

“Good!” I replied with a smile, stood up and sat besides her

“I hope I can get along with you, Mika-san”

“Same here! Yuki-sama!”

We then sat besides each other in a bench, and quietly watch the beautiful sunset together.

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