《Shades Of The Lion City》Episode 2 Chapter 7
Senior Staff Sergeant Leong and his partner, the police medic Sergeant Jackie, had went down to MedaPharm Works to pick Hekkal up, only to be told that he had apparent decided to skive work and swing by later. The two decided to wait around a corner, but when Hekkal’s vehicle arrived, it stopped a few metres away from the gates, then suddenly flipped a bitch and took off, with both officers very certain that Hekkal had not seen them. The only conclusion was that someone at MedaPharm had tipped him off, and that instead of bringing Hekkal in for questioning, they now have to arrest him.
While other officers began to investigate who in MedaPharm was responsible, Jason led the rest of Grey Team to Hekkal’s last known location, the malls located at Jurong East. Still lacking in two more officers for Grey Team, Jason had called in Ajibade, who was currently assigned a rookie officer and a xiezhi surnamed Zhou as a temporary partner while Lucas was stuck with front desk duties. And speaking of xiezhis…
“Zhou is, like, the twentieth xiezhi to join the police this year, from what I heard,” Roderick commented as the two stopped near an elevator after fifteen minutes of searching.
“I’m not surprised. Xiezhis are literally the embodiments of righteousness and justice. You can find a lot of them working as police officers in East Asian countries. Now that a lot of them have recently been moving to Southeast Asia, the first job they’re gunning for is the police, of course. Although, given Singapore’s strict code of conduct, they might find that beating up suspects is very much frowned upon unless justifiable, and by justifiable I mean if the suspect in question is skilled in combat and pretty much kicking everyone’s arse like he’s the second coming of Bruce Lee.”
“Speaking of that, I still can’t really figure out your fighting style. You know, the one you employed back at that office building with those giant bug monsters?”
“Huh, I thought I already mentioned it… Parkour combined with dirty fighting and cheap shots, throw in a bit of 洪家拳, Việt Võ Đạo, wrestling moves and Pencak Silat, stir and mix well. It’s technically a very nasty street version of mixed martial arts.”
“You did silat? They have it in Scotland or you learnt it while in Singapore?”
“Back in the 2020s, I was travelling around quite a bit. Got drunk in Indonesia, cursed my existence as a half-demon, caused havoc in a wee town in the southern regions and got beaten upside down by a famous silat practitioner who lived there. Knocked me out cold so solid that his family ended up having to nurse me for the night. Then he became my teacher. He didn’t just teach me how to fight, though. He noticed I was losing faith in life itself because of so many things happening and because of what I am, so he also kind of set me back on the right path.”
“You were depressed?”
“I guess so. Best friend fell ill and passed away, first boyfriend ran off with a sparkle-faced vampire, my mother and I were at loggerheads at that time and I ended up wandering around the world not knowing what to do…”
“And what happened after Indonesia?”
“Went back to the UK, reconciled with my ma, spent a stint as a magician’s assistant and then joined the army in the year 2036. Royal Regiment of Scotland’s newly established 8th Battalion, comprising of only creatures of the night, part of the British Army’s non-mortal military program. Worked my arse off, got promoted for each successful mission, then WW3 started and I ended up with the SRR. Then the war ended, my ma gets murdered by some woke roaster of a politician, I chased him all the way here to Singapore and the moment I decided not to kill him and turn myself in, I ended up killing him. Ironic, eh?”
“So you really were convicted for culpable homicide... Honestly, I thought it was manslaughter and the others were exaggerating.”
“What’s the difference? I lost my temper and made an irreversible mistake. Even got literally disowned by the UK government. Then I get the impossible second chance. Now I’m just working to pay back what I took from the world- Wait, you don’t really sound surprised, though,” Xiaoye asked as she stared at Roderick with a bit of suspicion.
“Well, see, Weijin, Ajibade, Leong, Inspector Farhan, pretty much everyone in the office made sure to remind us rookies and new transfers about your history. Weijin told me later that they were actually trying to root out which one of us would give you problems in the future.”
“Oh, really? And did they find anyone?”
“Nah. I think the last thing any of us want is a personal visit from your father. I heard he showed up around the station a few times to check on you.”
“Huh, well, I guess that’s one good perk about being a cambion with a responsible father,” Xiaoye replied.
“You know, there’s something else I’ve been meaning to ask.”
“How old is Inspector Farhan, really? I heard people talking about his seventy-ninth birthday coming soon…”
“Oh, why the sudden interest? I don’t see you talking to him much.”
“Well, a couple of days ago, we were playing chess during our break and he suddenly mentioned something about hoping that you won’t start calling him an old man like you do your father. I asked why you will say something like that to him when he’s in his prime and he just laughed and said he has already gone past his prime. That was about an hour or two before I heard about the birthday.”
“Right, I forgot you’re new to all this. Since Farhan is a therianthrope, he has a lifespan of a hundred and fifty years, thus his body ages slower than humans and orcs. I know he looks forty-something but he’s actually seventy-eight. He was supposed to retire three years ago, but then the Shades lost seventeen officers to death and twenty-three more to permanent injury while foiling a terrorist attack at Suntec. It kind of goosed his retirement plan, so he’s sticking it out until the Shades are back to full strength.”
“Yeah, I heard about that incident. Crimson Shadows, was it? Mastermind of the bombing attempt is the leader of one of the Crimson Shadows’ cells in Northern China. He fled to the USA, got caught there and tried pleading to the US government not to be sent back to Singapore because he didn’t want to face the death penalty?”
“Aye, same damn terror-cult as the ones that turned Zhang Meng into a vessel during the last SRE. Anyways, once the folks at the Capitol Building saw the casualty list from the bombing attempt, they immediately handed him over to Singapore authorities without a discussion. Chinese government was after his arse too since he was responsible for fifteen terror attacks back in Beijing and Guangzhou. They even arranged for a Chinese judge to come to Singapore to sentence him separately. He’s currently on death row, they’re going to hang him next year.”
“I guess Farhan wasn’t too happy about it.”
“That’s an understatement. Five of his friends, two of whom were his former rookies, were among the seventeen Shades KIA-ed during the attack. His human cousin lost a leg as well. Charged at that bastard when he was escorted out the airport in chains. Hell, you remember Lao Jun, that Chinese agent? His entire team had to help seven of us hold Farhan back.”
“Shit, I didn’t know he could be that pissed. I mean, he’s always in a relaxed mood…”
“Oh, he’s stressed out right now. His wife and sons aren’t too happy about Farhan having to footer about his retirement, even though they understand why. Hell, he’s more worried about his sons: One is a firefighter, the other is in Narcotics. Both jobs equally dangerous even for a were-tiger. Third one’s preparing for National Service, and he’s hoping not to end up having to work overtime this coming Sunday so he can see his youngest son off when that kid goes to Tekong.”
Roderick nodded when, for some reason, he decided to turn and look up just in time to see Hekkal Bailor coming down the elevator, with the elf’s eyes bulging the moment he laid sight on the two officers, and he was not alone: Standing right behind him was another elf with a striking facial tattoo of a cluster of vines.
Immediately, Hekkal and his companion jumped from the steps of the elevator and began fleeing, with Xiaoye and Roderick running after them.
“Tango spotted fleeing! In pursuit heading out Westport Mall’s east entrance! Secondary target, unknown male elf with facial tattoo of vines!”
“Roger! Stay on them, we’re coming!” Jason replied through the radio just as Weijin and Amirah showed up, nearly missing Hekkal by a few inches as Weijin lunged at the elf.
“He definitely has something to hide if he’s running so hard,” Roderick commented as the four continued to give chase.
“Let’s just get him first, we’ll decide the rest later.”
As the pursuit finally exits the mall, Hekkal and his companion turned their heads to see if they were still being chased, which proves to be a costly mistake as a line of shopping carts was suddenly pushed in front of them, causing both elves to collide into the carts. The tattooed elf, who was running much faster than Hekkal, ended up sprawling over the carts and landing on the other side while Hekkal stumbled backwards clutching his stomach and knee in pain right before Amirah pounced on him, followed by Weijin and Xiaoye.
Coming to a halt, Roderick saw Farhan, Ajibade and the new rookie picking up the tattooed elf and slapping handcuffs on him while Jason, dusting his hands, motioned for both elves to be made to sit on a kerb.
“Nice move with the shopping carts, Jason,” Farhan commented as the two struggling elves were forced down on their bums.
“Yeah, it wouldn’t have worked if they had split up… So, we know Hekkal Bailor, but who is this?” Jason asked as he gestured at the tattooed elf who refused to reply and gave them a defiant sneer.
“Sir, I’ve just done a facial scan. His name is Raal Besove, a lieutenant from Scorpio-45 currently wanted by both Narcotics and Violent Crimes,” Amirah said as she showed the others a holo-projection of the tattooed elf’s profile from her wrist-mounted tablet.
“Raal Besove? Very interesting. Mr Bailor, why are you hanging out with a wanted criminal?”
“Damn, I have to get one of those myself,” Xiaoye commented as she stared at Amirah’s tablet.
“I don’t think the police give them out like Christmas gifts, though. The wrist-mounted tablet’s dimensions are custom designed to fit onto one’s arms without looking like an undersized shield and costs six-thousand dollars. Only officers who are technologically fluent are given one,” Roderick replied before turning back to Jason’s field interrogation of Hekkal.
“Mr Bailor, I don’t think you’re aware of the situation you’re in. Why are you with a wanted criminal?”
“I was just meeting a friend. Is it an arrestable offence to meet a friend?” Hekkal replied.
“If you know he’s a wanted man and your purpose for meeting him is to harbour or help him leave the country, then yes.”
“I did not know he was a wanted man!”
“Then why did you run?”
“Sir, look,” the rookie suddenly spoke up as he and Ajibade showed Jason the contents of the bag Hekkal had been carrying.
“What is this? What are all this pills for?” Jason asked as he took out a box of pills and waved it in front of the two elves.
When neither of them answered, Jason had them escorted to the car park, knowing that Hekkal had a car which was most likely there. Fishing out Hekkal’s car keys, the Shades were able to identify which vehicle belonged to the elf. Opening the boot of the car, the Shades found more boxes of pills, some of which even bore MedaPharm’s logo on it.
“Mr Bailor, explain yourself,” Jason said to Hekkal, who kept quiet but lowered his head.
Jason stared at the pills, then at the two elves before making his decision.
“Bring them back to the station. Contact Narcotics and Violent Crimes. Tell them we have one suspect in custody that they’ll be very interested in talking to.”
“Wait, what are we being arrested for?” Hekkal protested as he and his companion were escorted back to the Shades’ patrol vehicles.
“For now, escaping lawful apprehension. And once we’re done, we’ll see if more charges are to be added to your record by other departments,” Xiaoye replied as she placed Hekkal into the back of the hatchback she and Roderick were using.
Narcotics and Violent Crimes were elated to learn that one of their most elusive targets had been caught. Investigators from both departments were already waiting in the Shades’ office when Hekkal Bailor and Raal Besove were brought back, processed and placed in separate cells. Once the paperwork was done, Jason arranged for the front desk to contact MedaPharm regarding possible stolen goods before having Hekkal brought to an interrogation room with Xiaoye and Roderick standing guard outside.
“You think he murdered Peterson?” Roderick asked his senior partner, who merely shrugged.
“I doubt it, but we need to make certain.”
Roderick peeked into the interrogation room, where Jason and Farhan were busy grilling Hekkal about his whereabouts during the time of Peterson’s murder.
“Man, I’m curious to know what’s going on in there.”
“That’s easy.”
Removing a small pencil from one of her pockets, Xiaoye traced a small, unusual symbol on the door, pressed one finger on it and snapped her fingers on the other hand right next to Roderick’s left ear, and in an instant, he could hear the entire interrogation despite being outside the soundproof room.
“What was that? One of your Black Arts?”
“Nah, just a simple eavesdropping spell I learnt in the past,” Xiaoye replied as the two went back to position while listening to the whole interrogation.
“I swear, I did not murder anyone!”
“Then what were you doing at Carpenter Street on the night of Ronald Peterson’s murder?” Jason asked Hekkal as Farhan prowled around the room, occasionally letting out a low growl to intimidate the elf.
“It was personal business!”
“Personal business? Like peddling your company’s products to your former gang member? Did Ronald Peterson walk in on one of your trades so you silenced him?”
“No! No! I was alone, I never saw him!”
“Then what were you doing there? You better be honest, because you’re in big enough trouble without a charge of murder being added to it!”
“All right, I’ll squeal! I don’t know anything about Mr Peterson’s death, okay? I was at Carpenter Street to hand some products from my company to my old friends!” Hekkal finally admitted.
“Stealing from your own company?” Farhan asked.
“Yes… Clifford and I accidently discovered that MedaPharm’s Glyter brand of slimming pills, when powdered and mixed with certain spices and chemicals, acts like cocaine. I saw an opportunity and informed my old friends in Scorpio-45 about it, but Clifford, he wanted to play safe and went to inform the board of directors about our discovery-”
“So that’s why MedaPharm issued a mass recall of Glyter last month.”
“Yes, but I managed to steal several boxes of the recalled pills and have been giving them to my old gang…”
“And Peterson?”
“I don’t know anything about him. I did not even know he was going to be at Carpenter Street! I was waiting there, but I left because my contacts changed their location to Sembawang at the last minute.”
“What time did you leave Carpenter Street on the day Mr Peterson died?”
“Around seven, seven-thirty?”
From outside, Roderick saw Jason sighing and Farhan shaking his head. Xiaoye, meanwhile, cancelled the spell and hissed in frustration.
"Dead end. Hekkal’s not our guy at all, we’re back to square one," she muttered when Roderick felt someone tapping his shoulders, turning around and having a slight jolt at the sight of Lucas standing behind him.
“Are they done?” Lucas asked.
“Yeah, why?” Roderick asked.
“Noel van Schilt from MedaPharm is here with the director of Singapore’s Medapharm branch.”
“Great, we’re either going to get thanked or tanked,” Xiaoye grumbled, and Roderick found himself sighing this time round.
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