《Ceon World Wanders》O Starry Sky


The song O Starry Sky is one of the oldest known traditional Virenyan rhymes. It remains popular among Rashari sailors to this day, where it serves a mnemonic device to recall the constellations and their attributes, which the seafarers make extensive use of during their voyages. No previous records are known, for lullabies, rhymes and songs were primarily transmitted orally. Thus, the lyrics to O Starry Sky come in many variations, the best known of which I transcribed below.

By Aviana Starscry, bard and adventurer

O Starry Sky

O light of night, help us tonight

As we set sail for Port Home

Guide us now the Shadow is out

to show us which way is the right.

O starry sky, so far so nigh, please guide us home tonight!

O let us fight, and when we die

A heroes’ death at the helm

The Blade shall shine, justice divine

Peace shall we find so don’t you cry.

O starry sky, so high and bright, please guide us home tonight!

O let us drink, a mug or two

From the Shell that gives us life

Without judgement, without favour

It heals all our ails, fair and true.

O starry sky, so far yet nigh, please guide us home tonight!

O tall and proud, and capped in white

The Mountain**s rise from the shore

And in the sky, it stands us by

A beacon, stead-fast, there to guide.

O starry sky, your light so bright, please guide us home tonight!

O sands of time, tell us your tales

Of days past and future’s course

When the time comes, the Hourglass

Will tell us when to hoist the sails.

O starry sky, a brilliant sight, please guide us home tonight!

O let us wear, the Ring with pride

Embrace what destiny holds

Trust in her will, the band of fate


Fits all, never errs, ever right.

O starry sky, o cloudless night, please guide us home tonight!

O wind and gale, spare us we plea

To the Staff**, and God of Storms

As clouds run in, the vast blue sky

We skim the white caps of the sea.

O starry sky, where comets fly, please guide us home tonight!

O hold it high, the Axe of war

Grip tight the heft overhead

It guides us all, to victory

Roars of triumph sound wide and far.

O starry sky, where birds fly high, please guide us home tonight!

O twist and turns, of fickle fate

We sway along, back and from

While the Sigil**, keeps the balance

Feed us hope from your endless cate.

O starry sky, lights we live by, please guide us home tonight!

O within us all, roars a fire

Passion so strong, it burns hot

Learns us to not ever give up

The Serpent burns fear on a pyre.

O starry sky, grow wings and fly, please guide us home tonight!

O Tree and Roots**, let me climb high

To see further, what’s beyond

Show me what is hidden beneath

The mind’s soil: wisdoms, truth and lie.

O starry sky, so vast and wide, please guide us home tonight!

O hear my words, I beg for aid

For protection, for your care

Mighty Pillars**, bearing the sky

Covering, guiding all who’ve strayed.

O starry sky, light of my life, please guide us home tonight!

O fight the urge, to wave the flag

To give quarter, to give up

Keep the Spirit**, courage and pride

The power of will to fight back.

O starry sky, o twinkling lights, please guide us home tonight!

O when we sigh, and sob and cry

A loss, a gain or a cost

The Belt sure has your poison fresh

A gamble worth taking, just try.

O starry sky, don’t tell us why, just guide us home tonight!

O here we go, trip’s end is nigh

There gazing up to the Torch

That lights the ways that fate may take

Decide! Fate’s but a blank, clear sky.

O starry sky, we wave good bye, you got us home tonight!

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