《The Runestones》The Traitor's Verdict


In the magistrate court, there was a man on his knees with his hands and legs cuffed and surrounded by other people and guards in the court.

"Yes! I was the one who did it. I am the one who stole the fourth piece and traded it to the dark race. Now my dear Revna will come back and lead this country back to its former glory which it has lost now because of you incompetent leaders. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" said Jezebel laughing like a maniac

Looking down at this manic was the magistrate. Their eyes had a disgusted look in them while staring at the traitor who thinks he was some kind of a hero doing such a thing. Not realizing just how foolish his actions were.

"Fool! You don't realize the fact that what you did was a grave crime. You gave away the power which had helped us remain at peace. It was the sole reason we were in a treaty among the six races. But now we grew weaker because of your selfish greed you insolent bastard."

"Your wife Revna, the commander of the second battalion and the strongest user of shadow died fighting against those dark forces. You foolishly fell in the trap of the dark race and they invaded us. We were barely able to push them back. They have "THE FOURTH AND THE SIXTH PIECE" now because of you."

"The only reason why we are still alive is because of the help from dwarf machinery and the artifact bestowed upon us by the elder of elves," he said with his voice getting louder and louder due to sheer anger and his hate towards Jezebel.

"We lost thousands of people because of you. You say Revna will come back and lead the country? But this country will cease to exist if we continue to do such foolish deeds. What will she lead even if she comes back? You made a deal with the dark race who are known to be deceptive and caused the death of our dear comrades and now I'll sentence you to life imprisonment and torture in the deepest prisons of the dwarves."


He stopped for a moment to look at the man but Jezebel showed no signs of regret or grief, rather he looked prideful. Still being deluded by his own thoughts and the mere sight of it was enough for him to slit his throat then and there.

"Guards!! Take him away," he said. "Also Jezebel, before you go, I ensure your son Freyre will live a normal life. Don't think I'm being nice to a piece of shit like you but it's what I promised Revna, you late wife."

His words, in the end, were filled with pity and warmth for a second but he reverted back to the cold look he had on his face, and Jezebel got dragged out of the court...

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