《Pleiadian Guidance Written By Travis Willier copyright 2022》Chapter 003


Cross looked at the woman in her fish eyes and smiled. “You're all good to go back to your home world!”

“Our home world, but I'm staying here on the ship.” The fish lady replied to him.

“Huh?” Cross was confused. Bii then explained. “All the patients you worked on are all from your home earth.”

Cross turned to the blue alien Bii. “ Did they come through a portal?”

“Yes, actually they are transfers, to this ship. Here to stay and work aboard this craft.”

The Fish lady was helped out by the medical Emerther staff.

“You mean there are other types of aliens on earth?” Cross questioned Bii.

“Yes there are quite a few in fact. The first two came from a Deep underground base located on earth.”

“What?” Cross was shocked.

“Yes, your people have many deep underground bases with many different types of aliens.”

“What about the fish lady?”

“She's from your ocean.” Bii explained Cross wiped his eyes.

“Were the fish people there the whole time?”

“Yes, many of these other beings evolved naturally amongst you on the planet.”

“The reptilian rule over earth had many of you Blinded to the fact there were these other beings.”

“Reptilians?” Cross questioned. “Yes, they had rule over your planet, and everyone was brainwashed and dumbed down to not believe in life in the cosmos.”

“We gotta save earth!” Cross said out loud worried for his homeworld.

“Don’t worry, we're already taking care of the problem, The deep underground bases are being cleared and a lot of the captives and laboratory experiments, are being transferred off-world to healing ships like ours.”

“By who?” Cross was curious to know.

Bii walked with Cross out of the medical examination rooms.

“We have light armies out there cleaning up the bad ones off earth.”

“Oh ok, that makes me feel alot better.” Cross released a deep sigh.

“Family still on earth?” Bii smiled. “They will be ok.”

Bii and Cross walked out to the main medical office. Where they met a Chinese lady working the front desk.

“Hi, wow, I didn’t think I would meet another human medical staff aboard this craft, My name Is Joy!”

The Chinese lady was super excited and jumped around the desk to hug Cross, She wore her blue hair into pigtails. And the standard medical staff, silver and white outfit.

She was 5,4 and she jumped and hugged Cross leaving him no choice but to catch her.

“Cross is my name and I'm here to assist with the medical procedures, missions and will be joining this craft traveling along the voyage.”

“WOW, Yes! Cross ME and you will be Great friends, where are you two going now?”

“We are done in here for today, I think it Best if Cross relaxes and regain his energy.”

Cross nodded. “Yeah I'm really hungry now thinking about it.”


“Ooohhh there’s many places to eat aboard the mothership, We should go together I will show you some of the best places to eat!” Joy said to Cross and Bii.

“Yes, that sounds wonderful.” Cross replied to Joy. Bii continued to walk with joy and Cross back to the meeting halls. Cross was amazed by the vast size of the structure; it was a huge massive ship complex with many different domes and biomes.

When they got to the meeting halls there was a conglomeration of different Aliens from all over the Galaxy.

Dressed in various suits and colors. Then Cross spotted Jessi Who threw her hands in the air when she saw her lover. “Cross!” Jessi Ran to hug him. After she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight for a short amount of time. They kissed.

Jessi looked into his Brown eyes and spoke telepathically. “My lover, can you hear me!”

Cross opened his eyes a little wider. Then said in his head he replied. “Yes, I Can.”

And Jessi Smiled and Kissed him again. “I see you found a little friend, she’s from your home world, awe thats so cute!”

“Yes, Joy is her name. She works front desk of the medical office.”

Jessi smiles. “It’s only natural you two would feel comfortable together.”

Cross looked at the Chinese lady and nodded.”Joy this is my lover Jessi.”

The blue haired lady smiled a big smile and hugged Jessi. “ Jessi, will you be coming along with us to grab food in the mothership city?”

“Oh yes this would be a great opportunity to even dine at my place in the city!” Jessi suggested.

“You have a Place in the City!” Joy was ecstatic.

“Yes I have a sky rise apartment, if you wanna eat there we can order in?” Jessi put a hand on her hip and brought up her Data pad and started to ready her space from her pad.

“Things look like they will be ready for us when we arrive!”

“Splendid, I will go change and pick up something for myself and will meet you all in the portal halls.” Joy threw a little wave and quickly made her way through the crowd.

Cross said in his head to Jessi. “She seems quite happy.”

“She's very happy to meet someone from earth.” Jessi replied to him.

“To be honest i'm excited to see your apartment.”

“Oh yes the place is beautiful, it was a gift.”

“ Oh really that's interesting?”

“Yes, I was part of a peacekeeping mission in a different galaxy. It was a gift from the people I saved.” Jessi explained.

Valkeen walked up and spoke with Cross. “ Congratulations, your downloads were successfully encoded.”

“Yes, Valkeen, It was amazing thankyou!”

“ You're quite interesting Cross, I see Why My sister Loves you.”

Valkeen then said to Cross.

“Your welcome aboard this vessel anytime you can portal here. I will have you collect a Data pad before you leave, once you have your Data pad you can start collecting data for yourself, the Data pad will have a Portal key in the Storage, you may collect and store more portal keys.”


“Will I be able to portal to earth anytime?” Cross looked at Valkeen.

Who nodded. “Yes, We The Pleiadians Have bases now on earth Now which could portal you anywhere you need to once you are there.”

“This is great! News, My concern was the Bad Reptilians were ruling over my planet.”

“They were, The drakos Reptilians were in control for thousands of years, Ruling over pockets of humanity till as of most Recently since we've showed up they have started to lose their hypnotic grip over humanity.”

“What will happen to them?” Cross asked Valkeen. “Well most are captured and brought to the dimensional Trials, Would you like to see?”

“Yes.” Cross said to Valkeen. “Well here's what I could show you.” Valkeen moved his right hand up to his right blonde eyebrow and started to gaze into Crosses eyes and both their energy connected and Cross began to vision what Valkeen saw.

Millions of blue ethereal stairways leading every direction, till one path led above a golden Pyramid that had a purple ethereal flaming cube floating above the pyramid. The Reptilians were being led by other Guardians with gold bird heads and staffs. There were millions of Reptilians in golden handcuffs, all in a line following one another to the Flaming purple ethereal cube.

Valkeen watched as Thoth was raising his staff and giving them fair trial and judgment before they made their last steps to the dimensional cube. Being prodded along by the bird guardians with gold spears.

There was some reptilians that would try to jump into the dimensional abyss and they would be caught by the bird guardians and brought straight to the top and tossed into the dimensional cube.

Cross came back to the main meeting hall and was abit dizzy from the effect.

“Woah, that was Thoth.”

“Yes, Guardian of our dimensional realities, the Reptilians had no right to do the things they had done to your human kind.”

“Makes sense. Thank you for sharing that with me.” Cross did a little bow to Valkeen.

Who smiled and copied the movement.

Jessi was happy they were getting along. She grabbed onto Cross’s Left arm.

“Let's go, we got a dinner Date with our new Friend Joy. Love you Brother We shall see eachother again.”

“Yes, enjoy the Meals on me.” Valkeen walked away.

Jessi bounced around and pulled Cross along the ship's hallway to the ship’s office sign.

Cross and Jessi walked up to the desk and there was a Pleiadian man sitting at the desk.

He was slim fit and tall with tan brown hair. He wore his blue shining dimensional suit.

“Welcome back Jessi how have you been, I see you have a Human now.”

“Yes, I have been great! this is my human Love, Cross.”

“Pleasure to meet you Cross, I'm Jarol Kef im in charge of sign in aboard this ship.”

“Val keen sent me here.” Cross mentioned and was cut short by Jessi. “He needs a Data Pad with the portal Key to the ship, just to get him started. Ooooo Also give him extra back up were gonna go around the galaxies a lot.”

“Okay jessi, Done annnnn Done!” Here you go Cross your very own Data pad.”

Cross reached over and held the Data pad in his hands and was amazed at the light weight and advanced metals and lights. You will find many useful things in it and it will help with keeping track of the to do list when you're out there.”

“Thank you Jarol Kef.” Cross was pleased and very grateful. “ You're gonna do great I can only see great things Cross, Come back anytime for upgrades or repairs.”

Jessi smiles then says. “Thanks again, you will see us around Jarol Kef.”

And they both walked out the office back into the hallway path to the portal halls.

“Alright, Nice you got a Data Pad let's Connect!” Joy was standing there in a nice tight brightly colored dress and her dimensional orbs and cubes belted around her waist.she had large hoop earrings that had lights on them. They were shining bright neon colors. Her hair was straight and silver.

Joy stopped in front of them and pulled her data pad out from her dimensional cube.

“Woah nice color change.” Jessi said to Joy. “It gets even cooler, the dye has a programmable color, watch.” Joy started up a tab on the data pad and selected the settings on her hair color and started to move it around the wheel and the hair started to change from color to color.

Jessi and Joy both started to scream. Cross was amazed and just as excited.

Cross pulled up his data pad, and Joy was able to remotely connect to his tablet by sending his tablet a connection encryption.

“There we go all done.”

“Oh sweet, there I even see both your icons on the mini map.”

“Yes, We won't lose each other very easily.”

Jessi walked up to the portal key, she entered the key for the mother ship and a portal began to appear. “Well it's open and are we ready to go?” Jessi turned around.

Cross looked at the Emether Bii who walked into the halls with Gray.

“Looks like we have a dinner Party to Crash Bii.” “you said it Gray.”

The Emerther and Gray aliens both walked up and followed the group into the portal to the mothership.

End of Chapter 003

Pleiadian Guidance Written by Travis W copyright2022

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