《Unipsi, lovely entity》chapter 12: prophecy
Unipsi, lovely entity
chapter 12: prophecy
It has been a long day so after dinner Scilla decide to go to bed and relax a bit before sleeping. Idra followed her, but when she reached her room she stopped and said good night to Scilla.
“I thought you were coming to my room?”
“not really. I will be going. I have a lot to process from today and I prefer to be alone while processing data”
“sure, then good night Idra”
“good night Scilla”
It was strange.
Did something happened? She is always glued to my butt but now she wants to be alone. Did I do something wrong? Was she just faking being happy but in reality my hobby scared her? Maybe meeting my sister was the problem. I don’t know…
Scilla was still standing in front of Idra’s door. She was having a hard time thinking about all possible things that may have been a problem for Idra then Idra popped out of her room.
“I know what you are thinking. There were no problems. I really need some time to think, to process the contract and my new course of action from now on. I was happy today, never been this happy in years. I like you collection of scale models, not a massive fan of spaceships, I prefer weapons, but I like them, I hope you will teach me more about them. Night Scilla”
then Idra closed the door again.
How the fuck did she know… well fuck it, don’t even bother to try any more.
Scilla lied down on her bed. The white covered book in hands and a cup of a relaxing infusion on her bedside table. It was time to read a bit of that damn book to see how different it was. She started reading. The book, as predicted, was written in leanir. It was adapting to be read without losing information. Page after page the book started to reveal its secrets. It was the same story as Idra said, but this one had a different point of view. In contrast to ‘screaming whispers’, ‘silent whispers’ at first sight is less grotesque but it was only hide away using euphemism. Underneath it was way worse. Extreme cruelty, torture and pain. Scilla felt uncomfortable just by imaging who could have written such things but then it got worst.
In this book there are some original extras and those where really problematic. In this book Iris tortured a pair of noblemen. Torture was not new, the problem was how it was executed. It was the same as Idra’s interrogation of the traitors. The same way of moving, the same focus on cutting the cheeks and then burning the fresh cut to stop the bleeding.
What the fuck. Did she know, is she imitating the book or is this wicked thing foreseeing the future. It is the same way of torture, are more of those even going to happen? But how.
She kept on reading the book all night long. Only 2 other part caught hers attention, they where never depicted in ‘screaming whispers’. Those two scenes were incredibly detailed. The first one was a noble dance party. Iris arrived late and explained some work she had done. She then brought in the heads of hundreds of men and women that where preparing a revolt. All brutally killed, while she was explaining why she killed them she was happy and dancing around.
If this is true I have to keep Idra away from any dance event, but I don’t think I will have to do anything. Leans don’t really make balls to celebrate things and I won’t be bringing her for obvious reasons anyway. I don’t think she would even go to one if she could, never heard of a dancing esterinan. So maybe it was just a fluke or Idra was pranking me and imitated the book.
The last one scene was a bit different. In both books before hearing the whispers Iris had to go through some shit. In ‘silent whispers’ Iris is impaled by a pike but the wound doesn’t kill her thanks to her powers. After her recovery she started to hear the whispers.
I don’t want to find out about this one. I don’t think you can penetrate Idra’s armour with a pike. But this 2 scenes plus the torture one are the only event that are different and big enough to be considered important or relevant. Are all of those things going to happen? If so how can I stop them and are the whispers even real. Are Idra and Iris the same? In those books Iris is way different from Idra. She isn’t stubborn nor extremely loyal as Idra. Iris doesn’t keep her promises it’s quite the opposite she keeps lying to everyone and she had never had an ally beside her. The wise dude always disappear and he is there to guide her not to be beside her like I am. I suppose its all a coincidence.
Nothing make sense and considering that Idra had read ‘silent whispers’ as well she could easily mimic its events. However Scilla didn’t know that those books where now a prophecy, written in ancient time and damage by it. Their content was almost unreadable making it look like a fantasy story rather then a series of instructions, they were a warning and a solution. The white one state how the problem manifest, the black one was supposed to explain how to stop the problem. They were created to stop the return of the Whispers, a power older than all known lifeform and banished long before humans were even a thing. Entire species had gone extinct trying to stop the Whispers’ users. Creature driven by madness and pain, blinded by their suffering they destroyed even their own kind. Pure luck saved the universe from them, an artefact left by unknown was discovered. That strange object sealed the Whispers away in the depth of the Unipsi or so they thought. All old species agreed that such destructive power should never be free again. They had no idea where it came from nor they discovered how it worked. To such advanced creature the Whispers were still magic. The Whispers were a hideous weapon that must be forgotten. All their traces were sealed inside billions of machines. They had only one order, prevent the Whispers to come back. Scattered everywhere in the space they should work forever and track possible users but it didn’t go well. In them they should had enough knowledge to help the new species identify a Whispers’ holder. All electronics bow before the Whispers’ holder, all creature instinctively fear them and when they use their power you could hear the Whispers all around them.
However time had damaged the two books that now were unable to tell their knowledge as they should. They became just a cryptic tale but they knew, they had to stop the Whispers at all cost. So far they where able to reach the same person, Scilla. They just need her to kill Idra before it is too late.
Scilla’s night was not pleasant. Nightmare after nightmare kept her agitated an anxious. She kept on thinking about the book, and why are the whispers seen as a strange power when they basically do nothing in both books. Something wasn’t right, she knew it. The best way to find out was leaving both books to Idra and see if her smart brain is able to get some information.
The next morning she was up early, a thunderstorm was approaching, she moved to Idra’s room to wake her up but to her surprise the room was empty.
What the fuck? Where is she?
She checked all corner, all the closets, everything but there where no traces except the non made bed. She started looking in all rooms, one after the other and then she saw her. Outside in the rain, looking up in the sky. Thunders echoed through the city and lighting sparked in the sky.
“IDRA! The fuck are you doing!?”
Idra turned around to reply, she looked different. She looked lost as if she was absorbed in her own thoughts.
“I’m waiting”
a thunderbolt struck the lightning rod, a flash of blinding light followed by deafening thunder.
“I’m fine, I’m recharging”
as Idra said so she tossed and object in the sky, it flew higher then the lightning rod. then tens of lightning struck the object. It shined like a sun during a hot summer day. A small cable connecting it to Idra’s armour started to glow as well. Idra was motionless for a bit, then she retrieve the flying object and walked toward Scilla as if nothing happened.
“are you ok? Nothing burned right?”
“why should I be burned? I just recharged the suit.”
“you recharge consuming lightnings? Is it safe?”
“safe? Sort of. Not my favourite way to charge the suit but it is ok. I won’t kill me don’t worry”
“fucking hell if I worry. Next time tell me and I bringing you to the HQ for rechange”
“I didn’t want to wake you up, you looked tired, that Is also a reason why I let you slept alone”
“you can be considerate about not waking me up, but can understand that you will worry me to death if you jump in a thunderstorm?”
Idra’s voice and posture became timid, she looked as a child that is being lectured after doing some stupid shit.
“I.. I didn’t think it was a big deal. I used lightning recharge multiple times so I…”
“you thought wrong, keep it in mind from now on to not do or at least ask before doing something that can put you in danger”
“ok, but lightning change didn’t put me…
“no but little girl, one more and I will punish you”
Scilla was going in sister full protection mode while Idra was incapable to understand what was happening. Never been punished in her life, she always followed her orders and never put herself in danger so she wasn’t really getting what was happening.
“what you mean by punish”
“I mean things like no snack for the day, no video games or going out. Things like that”
“video games? What is a video game?”
“are you telling me you never played one?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know what they are how can I know if a have played one”
“I will have to teach you a lot of things. But before that let have some breakfast”
The rest of the day passed without mayor problems. Scilla parents avoided even showing up thanks to Idra’s terrifying presence while Wiola became more and more curious about her. They spoke for a couple of hours then Scilla and Wiola prepared lunch for the three of them.
“so big sis, what do you thing of Idra?”
“what do you mean Wiola?”
“I mean, she is really smart, and she is different.”
“define that different, I don’t want to create any misunderstanding between us”
“she asked about my job, what I studied and so on. She was really paying attention then she started asking questions. I spoke about the genetic research that I’m doing and she was keeping up. At some point I was already speaking in details as if she was one of my co-researcher. Genetic expression regulation, environmental hazard and mutations probability. She understood all and then reply with really interesting opinions that could even work. Never thought you will bring home a geneticist. If you could let her work with me it would be amazing. Maybe with her help we could find a way to make more males.”
“she signed a contract, after that I don’t know what she will do. However I have to say, she is no geneticist. She never studied”
“what you mean she never studied?”
“I mean that she never been in school nor homeschooled. She learned how to use a pen while coming here”
Wiola face changed from a happy face to a concerned one, she was staring to feel scared. Idra demonstrated knowledge that goes beyond most researcher yet she never had gone to school. How could she know so much, how could she reply with possible solutions and why didn’t she ask about the F3S virus like everybody does? Does she know something that they don’t?
“don’t worry Wiola, she isn’t evil, for now”
“her alignment is not the problem. How can she know so much if she wasn’t schooled?”
“I suppose it’s the AI in the suit.”
“have you ever spoke to it? Do you really believe that she has all that information on her or her ship and just ask the AI? She is to far to connect to her information network so she must have a copy or something else.”
Wiola is being paranoid as always. If you are connected to a machine you should know a bit of everything and considering her species being the most advanced…. Wait a minute. If she know everything why even bothering asking and speaking, and why does she ask for the meaning of words. Now that I recall it, she knew nothing about the spacecraft that she spoke about. She can’t just understanding the things as we speak and making hypothesis right. I must ask her.
“I will ask her this evening. We have some work to do so I will take the opportunity to find out.”
The day had come to an end and now Scilla was taking Idra to her room. Time to look into that books and asking about her knowledge. Once inside Scilla pulled out both books and then started speaking.
“so I read it last night. I have to say, this book is mess up. You didn’t tell me about the 3 extra scenes but I...”
“wait what extra scenes?”
“the torture one, the ball one and the impale one?”
“I never read of such scenes. So not only the language is able to change but also the information”
Scilla was petrified by Idra’s word.
If she didn’t read it, then how could she mimic it?
“wait wait wait! If… if.. you didn’t read it then how is it possible that you have done the same things”
“what do you mean? Explain it a bit I’m not following. Is the book predicting some of may actions?”
“yes, sort of. There is a torture scene where Iris torture 2 noblemen and it was the same as the one you did on the traitors, you behaved in a really similar way. I thought you were mimicking this thing trying to scare me doing a really fuck up joke.”
“I… I never did such thing. So the book is foreseeing the future, my future. Or at least its what you believe right?”
“well yeah, it was basically the same, just swap with a sci-fi look of things.”
“give me the books”
Scilla was going to do such, but before she could pass the books they emitted a flash of purplish light and dropped on the ground. Scilla was taken aback but Idra was in combat mode. SMG in hands pointing at the books. The books opened on their own, immediately Idra shot a series of burst but non reached the books. A purple and glue almost gas like entity surrounded the books dissolving incoming bullets. Then they spoke. A creepy broken voice like an old man that was dying.
“Don’t… Scilla… Kill the lying monster. Kill her... save all, can’t… touch… you beast”
“SHUT UP!” shouted Idra.
“it is lying to you. Destroy it Scilla before it does something we can’t know!”
“Iris…. You wicked…. Being. We won’t… you destroy… the world.”
Scilla was still shocked and processing what was happening. Both entity where shouting at her. The only one that could do something.
“Who the fuck are you calling Iris!? I’m Idra.”
“monster… as all Fermi….you Iris Fermi…. Are no exception… you want to rule… alone…. With force”
“I don’t care about ruling. Scilla destroy it!”
Then Scilla snapped out of her confusion and start speaking, against Idra. The name Fermi was enough to convince her not to kill Idra, but to question her.
“what do they mean by Iris Fermi. Is that your name. Have you lied to me”
“yes… she lied… she… evil… “
“shut the fuck up book!. I’m not speaking to you. Did you lie to me”
Fuck fuck fuck!. Fucking books. What the hell do they want. Why are they getting in my way. If i tell her will she takes the books side?. I can kill them but what then?
“I didn’t lie! I never told you all the story”
“then what is the story. Tell me.!” Scilla was angry really angry, but even so she didn’t want to side with the books. She was sure that there was a good reason. After all Fermi was the surname of the esterian’s Founder.
“I’m technically the Founder granddaughter. More like a clone to be correct. It’s a long story but in short I didn’t want to scare you. With such name there are a lot of problem that follows so I…”
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