《Unipsi, lovely entity》chapter 3: Idra
Unipsi, lovely entity
chapter 3: Idra
After about 2 hours Lis comeback walking toward the platform, her squad could finally let out a sign of relief, but right behind her a black figure was following. The esterian was walking with the boss for some strange reason and the two seems to be talking to each other.
“I forgot to present myself, I’m Scilla Lis, commander of the L.F Sheridan, may I know your name?”
“they call me Idra 511 weeping sky, before you ask weeping sky is not my surname, just a title”
“you sure have really strange title in the esterian domain”
“it’s not a political nor military title, just a title that I have”
Ok that’s strange but it’s not as if the rest is normal. Now the real challenge is to please the Oxalis so they think we arrested her and keep her under control during the flight back home. If she goes nut during the space jump we are dead.
“So you are gonna follow me around till you meet my boss?”
“I suppose.”
“woman of few words?”
No comeback? Really, I guess she doesn’t want to chat. Now that I can take a closer look, her armour is a bit off. A thick black adherent layer with hexagonal patterns cover all of her body. It would enhance her figure if tons of extra armour and gadget weren’t built on it. Not gonna lie I kinda want to see what is underneath. The armour seems light but really tough I wonder what it’s made of. Her helmet looks terrifying. No eyes hole or smooth circular parts, is all hard angles and sharp edges. It’s doesn’t look like its attached to the suit, more like it’s part of the suit. How does she get in and out of it? Can’t see any hinge. The rest of her body is covered in extra armour plate that change shape as she move, clever solution. But I don’t really see the point of the left shoulder cloak and the smaller one that covers her butt and her groin dropping down to her knees.
“what you looking at?”
“nothing just observing your weapons, why did you carry 3 of them?”
“why not. You should have one for every eventuality”
So that is why she has a pistol, a sub-machine-gun and a rifle. All bull-pup but they are not short at all. Probably the armour reduce their recoil. Both the SMG and the rifle looks like electromagnetic weapons. Can’t see a cartridge ejection port. The pistol is a mystery, the base shape looks like an ancient pirate one shot pistol, but why. Such a shape is extremely inefficient for everything.
They reached the rest of the squad while followed by the little army of robots. They where all astonished, they had never seen an esterian if not in photo and not so armed.
“well, I will tell you all later, know let’s move out so the rest of us don’t think we are dead”
The journey back to the ship was all but pleasant. All the other leans where highly alerted by the esterian presence. Lis reassurances fall on deaf ears, they where too intimidated and the disappearance of the robots army scared them even more. She probably sent them back to her ship, is she going to ask me if she could bring it in my Sheridan or is she just going to send it away?. Back in the ship the new crew member was not met with happy faces. Form most of the crew, Idra was an enemy that attacked their people. Lis intention was to explain the situation once they reach the main deck, but things were going to escalate quickly.
Looking at her again, she is really small. I could probably put her in my room, I have a spare bed. I know we are the biggest species around but her figure seems kinda fragile. it’s been some time since a met some humans but I don’t remember seeing such slim figure, 180cm when inside the suit, without it she is probably so small can I can fit her in a suitcase, maybe if I ask...nope, definitely not a good idea.
Idra saw the gazing Lis once again, as if she could tell somehow that someone was staring at her.
“what are you looking at tits giant?!”
“tits what?”
“you heard me walking airbag, can you dive underwater with those or the Archimedes force is to strong for you?. ”
This little fucker is really trying to drive me crazy. But I have to resist. Her collaboration could have a huge impact on all leans.
“what you angry for? I just stated the truth.” Before Lis could replay, Morea had jumped in the conversation putting herself in front of the esterian.
“who the fuck you think you are!?, just by looking at the situation someone can guess that the commander is helping you!. So you better be grateful to her”
obviously it didn’t sit well with the proud esterian.
“I don’t recognize your structural profile in my database, so shut you sewer droxi’s slave!” Leans had a really terrible past with the droxi, so such insult was probably one of the worst you could use to a lean.
“I’ll break you fucking skull...” in a fraction of second Idra punched Morea in the chest. The sound of the punch, the esterian power suit adjusting it’s mobile parts emitting visible pressured gas and mechanical sound. Morea’s armour shattered under the pure force as her body was sent flying back a couple of meters.
“like I just said, I don’t remember to ever authorize you to even address me. But we can solve it” she moved her hand a little forward letting it fall like a branch of a weeping tree.
“kiss my hand like a true knight and I will accept your will to speak to me” strangely enough, the kissing hand procedure was fairly common to peace an esterian. However the as well proud lean Morea would never do such thing, never bow before a non lean, and she was also to busy vomiting the hell out of her body. The others crew member rushed to rescue their friend while others put themselves in between ready for a fist fight.
“what are you waiting, a written invite? Are you too busy vomiting out you guts. Such low….” Idra couldn't finish that Lis took her with a smooth move, makes her lose her balance and then grabs her waist, like in a formal dance. She then proceed opening her helmet and kissed her hand with a proud smile.
You had what you wanted so stop messing with my crew.
Idra was taken aback by the gesture for a moment she couldn't look strait at Lis, then she cleared her throat.
That’s unexpected, I thought esterian were like machine with no emotion, did I embarrassed her? If so I should mark this day as a massive success and use this opportunity.
“such bold move, for such a bold person. I will let this slide due to such indecent behaviour, but I will not tolerate other misbehave. I’m no friend of yours, we just have a contract to honour nothing more. If you want to speak to me show respect.”
“ja ja ja, now stop nagging and sit on that damn chair” Lis pointed at an isolated chair, away from everything that she could touch and break. It was time for an explanation.
While Morea was being moved to the medical bay, Lis started her explanation.
“now, I will say this only once. We have a new ally. This esterian here is Idra. She will be with us probably for a long time. I see you concerns, let me finish. She technically didn’t attack the patrol unit. She is a scavenger, so she was there for some ruins. The patrol interacted with her robot that stops people from going near her if they are armed. I have experienced this first hand. If you don’t drop your weapons and try to go further they shoot you. And that is exactly what happened. However Idra instructed them not to kill. Me and the team that went out could confirm that if they wanted to kill there would be no more patrol unit to rescue. Speaking with her I found out that we could work together to improve our success rate. For now we have a temporary contract, we are going home to have Hakavor’s final decision. I’m not suggesting to live peacefully and all friendly with her. The contract puts her as my peer so I will try to find a way to make her see you all as comrades, but for now it’s what it’s. I know I’m asking a lot. She just attacked Morea and this won’t be let unpunished as the contract says…”
“wait, so those being are your crew, all of them?. Fuck!” Apparently something wasn’t clear in Idra’s mind. Maybe she thought that only the man with me where my crew. So I can punish her for the own impulsivity.
“like I was saying I will find a way to make your collaboration possible. Esterian usually don’t break contract so rest assure that this event wont repeat, right IDRA?”
“how could I know she was one of yours, she stood in my face, she is fortunate that I decided not to kill her”
“as you can see, we have a long way to go.” the crew members started laughing loudly and the mood started to set down. “I suggest to not interact with her and let me handle all the things she does. So now if excuse me I will contact the Oxalis to put an end to all of this.”
It took an hour for Lis to convince the Oxalis from the patrol unit that everything was ok and they had arrested the esterian.
“now that you have finished speaking with the underling”
“they are not my underlings, but my colleagues, sort of.”
“whatever, just start this ship, I’m tired of waiting”
At your orders your majesty, I will make her pay for all of this.
Idra was still there on the chair, her intense glare toward Lis was almost visible. She was waiting to depart.
“don’t you need to bring your ship with you?”
“no need for that. It will follow us without problem”
“if you say so, don’t come crying later that you lost your ship in the emptiness of space.”
“I won’t and I don’t cry. If I ever would have to cry I won’t come to you I would just sit in my ship trying to fix myself.” So I do remember correctly. Esterians don’t want feelings and emotion influence their life and if they ever emerge they try to fix them. So embarrassing her was like hitting the jackpot.
While distracted by the new entity on her ship, her crew had already started to move the ship that had already left the planet’s moon.
“pilot, trace the jump route, destination Icar 3°” the pilot started working and soon after the ship was entering the interdimensional space.
“so Scilla, my supreme commander, how long do I have to wait on this flying tin can?”
Lis took a deep breath, remember she is trying to pick a fight because she is crazy and bored. If you stay calm hopefully she won’t create more problems.
“Sheridan is a really fast ship so around 20 days. Are you impressed?” a smirk of victory on her face.
“what! 20 days!. I could move faster trying to swim in space. And if you don’t remember it’s empty you can’t swim in it!.”
“don’t lie to me about jumps speed, you think you can do better with you plastic horseshoe shaped ship?”
“it’s not made of plastic and this closer to a U that a fucking horseshoe.”
irritate her gives me such a sweet aftertaste that I can’t stop.
“U are thinner than yours ship, so its a horseshoe”
“well al least my horseshoe run faster that this tuna can with thruster. 20 days, I could reach your planet in 4 days”
20 light years in 4 days? Such stupid lie. Sheridan is one of the faster ship around and can go up to 1 light year per day. To just make it in 4 days her ship must go at 5 ly/day that just impossible. You can have all the tech you want but you need just to much energy for such jump.
“next time find a more convincing lie, 4 days. Ha, ha, haha. Even kids want believe it”
Idra snorted and was clearly angry. She moved threateningly a little forward Lis, then stopped tuned around probably to rethink and so on till she decide to sit on the floor. I knew it, esterian don’t broke contract or promises, so she probably wanted to kill me or show me her ship but she can’t. Oh god I want to laugh in her face so bad. She obviously deserve all of this, she hit Morea so bad that she is now in the medical bay.
“fuck you won this one Scilla, but it’s not over”
“it’s commander Lis even for you, I won’t let it slide”
“like hell I will call you commander. I have no superior. I’m free from all civilization bullshit, yours included”
“then you are also free to sleep around on the floor”
“nope, you have to at least give me a bed, a toilet, food, water and oxygen. That’s what the contract says”
“but you already broke the contract by hitting my vice.”
“how was I supposed to know? You didn’t tell me. Fuck it. Best I can do is commander Scilla, take of leave.
“close enough. “
“So can you please forgive me supreme commander of the flying tuna can Scilla?”
I can feel your laughing in that fucking helmet of your. I want to break her so much.
“follow me before I eject you out, you will stay in my room. We don’t have extra room for you that are not prison cells.”
“I guess I have to accept, I hope you don’t snore or I will hit you in your sleep”
“thrust me, you are the one who should watch your back.”
after that they walked in silence until they reach the commander cabin.
“be my guest I guess. Don’t do as if you were at home, I don’t want you staff around”
“fear not my lady, I have no possession other than my armour and the weapons with me, even If a would I can’t trash you empty room.”
“I’m no lady of yours, I’m a Femari and if you will excuse myself I would like to change”
Femari are a third sex present in the lean species. For non disclosed reasons Leans had always had problem in giving birth to male child. The decline of the male population was driving the Leans to extinction until they reach their now home planet Leanira 2. On their new home a native virus called F3S changed their DNA creating a new sex, the Femari. Basically a female creature with also male reproductive organs and a little smaller. Generally speaking Leans biology is the opposite of the human’s one. Female leans are stronger, bigger but less intelligent than the way smaller and fragile male. The reason of such difference is unknown since lean’s history is mostly unknown to outsiders. Femaris are the new half of the total lean population while males are around 1 each 10.000 leans. Femaris are a bit weaker than normal females but a lot more intelligent. Due to their cleverness femaris are usually in some sort of power position. Also due to their nature femaris are considered females because they are closed to the standard female entity. Nowadays the F3S is no longer around in its pure form so leans no longer evolve super fast to new environment.
“oh, so you are one of those. Knowing so I hope we have separated bed right.”
“I won’t touch you even if you pay me and yes different bed”
Lis pointed out a corned of the square room. On the two side the walls had a recess with the beds built-in. The bed on the side with the door to the corridor was Lis’s bed, the one on the other side Idra’s one. No blanked on the bed, just a pillow and a mattress built-in the floor. On the side in front of Idra’s bed there was a wall of closets to put all kind of stuff. The side in front of Lis’s bed had two more doors, one leading to the private bathroom and the other to Lis’s private office.
“I want a blanket”
“we don’t use them, the temperature outside if always set to allow a comfortable sleep with no covers. Plus you probably will stay all the time inside you suit, so you don’t need a blanket”
“I want one, I don’t care about your logic, I want my blanket”
“and I don’t care about your blanket neither, now if you want to watch me changing you are welcome, otherwise turn away.
Idra was not happy, she wants a blanket and she will have one, but her angry thoughts were soon replaced by embarrassment.
“what are you doing!!”
“changing I told you”
“you can’t change in front of me! Go use the bathroom”
“don’t wanna. You see, being a dickhead works both way. So if you want respect, you have to give me some too”
Idra was shocked, nobody has ever speak to her like that, well she spoke with only 11 people others than her sisters but even so it was new and enraging. She wanted to be angry but Scilla was right, she was being a pain in the ass all this time even if she was the one that accepted the temporary contract. She wanted to think of a comeback but her mind focussed on Scilla’s body.
230cm of blood red hairless skin. Probably 100kg or more of muscle and a couple of bullet scars on the abs. Her skin was thick from all her training and previous missions. Dark purple underwear enclosed a nicely defined ass and a massive breast. Well in human prospective everything was massive, but her breast was probably bigger then the average lean. No bulge from her dick, but it was no surprise, leans penis retract inside their body. On her shoulders the classic metallic scale like formation that, in her case, looked like a dragon claw with the 3 finger looking up and 1 down. As predictable with red skin comes red eye and red hair. Leans have no body hairs. Her haircut was short, it’s common for those who stays a lot in space. Putting on and of the space suit, especially the helmet is way easier and faster with short hair. At last her focus shifted toward Lis mouth. Her cheeks cut by what appear to be a long scar but it’s just how leans are. The scar looking thing are their openable cheeks closed with a triangular patter of small skin tentacles. When open all the lean teeth become exposed leading to a not so good to watch moment. On one hand she wanted to look more, leans keeps their chastity until marriage but they are not prude at all, so Scilla wouldn't mind. On the other hand she, as an esterian, was all expect open to show her skin and was just to embarrassed to even look at her.
“I.. I.. I will try to be less aggressive ok?” said Idra while turning and laying on her bed.
“how… however I would like to have a blanket. I.. I know it’s unnecessary but I need one. Commander Lis can I have one?”
what the hell just happened? A please would probably kill her but what the fuck. Did she hit her head somewhere while laying in bed?
“ok, I will go grab you one after I show you around the ship and you apologise to Morea. You will be there for 20 days so better start to change your attitude a little”.
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