《An Ode To Fallen Nemo - Tales from the UnderCurrent (Short Story Series)》An Ode To Fallen Nemo - Part 3 - Flying Fortress
Chapter 3
It would be some 30 hours later that Sabban finally found himself released from solitary confinement, this meant he had technically done longer then the designated 72 hours - Which at first he'd taught a deliberate insult, however the apologetic pleas of one of the ship's lesser officers convinced him that his elongated stay had actually not been of a malicious nature, but rather instead he had simply been forgotten.
A part of him contemplated if he would of preferred for his original insight to of been the truth of the matter.
Mere moments after getting free, the hollow clinging noise of the ship-wide alert alarm rang out, quickly followed by a message for all pilots to head to their machines.
Sabban internally cursed his bad luck's timing and quickly headed for the changing room.
Equipment on, he made it to the elevator just in time to see nonother than the rest of his squad about to head downwards, "Wait up!" He called out.
Shasha hearing this quickly pressed the control button and a brief moment later Sabban had arrived aboard the lift.
"So, what's happening?" He inquired once the lift had restarted it's journey.
"It's the Egypt again, apparently they have two transformable-Fortresses with them as well this time." Shasha responded gravely.
"Two Fortresses? I thought a single one of those was enough to destroy a whole fleet!?"
Ennya exclaimed, from his tone of voice it was clear this wasn't one of his usual poor taste jokes.
Zori outstretched a hand and affectionately patted Ennya lightly on the head, "Don't worry, Fortresses aren't as dangerous as they were back in the The First War, our Casnel type units can more then handle them!"
She said reassuringly and with somewhat uncharacteristic vigour.
Sabban glanced at Shasha, raising an eyebrow at Zori's surprising confidence, he expected her to still be broken-up over the loss of her long time friend.
Shasha for her part took the lead; "That's the attitude Zori, those fortresses won't stand a chance against the Casnel team... But umm, ahem. You sure you're ok?"
Zori abandoned her Ennya-head-patting (which conversely had caused the boy's face to turn bright red) to look up at Shasha. Pumping her fist in the air defiantly she spoke with enthusiasm;
"Ya I'm good now.. I'll make Mili glad she rescued me.. wherever she is!" Zori finished with a meek smile.
Sabban returned the smile then turned and punched Ennya softly in the shoulder;
"Hear that pal? Don't wanna let her get too much stronger then you, so you better not hold back ya hear!" He grinned.
Ennya's face had puffed up as a combined result of Zori's head patting and Sabban's teasing, glaring at his former upper-classmate; "And what are you meant to be, our boss? Don't forget you got demoted, Crewmen Vint!"
He said poking a finger back in Sabban's direction.
"Why you cheeky - Never hear about respecting your elders little boy?" Sabban shot back jokingly, Zori laughed happily observing the interaction, before finally Shasha clapped her hands together;
"Ahem. The lift has stopped if you hadn't noticed children".
True to her words they'd reached the 2nd hanger level. Looking around himself Sabban noted that the mechanical team had indeed succeeded in repaired Zori's Nemo 28, across from which stood an empty holding cell where Unit 30 might of once stood.
Looking at his own machine, unit 27, it was clear it had been maintained in his absence.
"I see that look Sabban, heh-heh, your old bud Ennya has ya covered, made sure your Nemo is in tip top shape."
Ennya interjected noticing Sabban's line of sight - His own previous embarrassment fading as he stuck out his chest proudly.
"Well just as long as you did the same for your own." Sabban replied feeling a little guilty.
In front of the group, already in his machine was the illustrious and somewhat aloof final member of the Nemo squad, Petty Officer Kolme Nilas.
Seeing them enter, he stepped out of the cock-pit and called to the rest of the group;
"You kids can 'ead out first if you want, gimme time to get my ol' bones comfy in this crappy seat. Cap'ain says were to launch from the leftmost catapult and intercept the enemy."
Ennya offered a thumbs up towards the man as he retreated back into his Nemo.
Sabban could see that the group seemed to be getting on slightly more amicably with Mr. Nilas, a possible result of the older man acting a little kinder, maybe even pitying them losing a comrade in their first ever battle.
"Alrigth then, I'll take point you three follow me out."
Shasha announced in her customary way.
"..Umm actually could I go first..Please" Zori said, an unbefitting look of determination in her face as though her eyes burned with passion.
"Oh? Well yes, why not, I guess I should go last and make sure that lazy Northerner doesn't try to slack off in here."
Shasha said back, trying to make it sound like that had always been her plan.
Launch order set the quartet headed to their individual machines and made way two by two up the large mecha elevator, then across to the leftmost launch deck.
Opposite them they could see the Casnel and Heavy-Duty-Vijaik teams already on their own way out.
"Hey Zori, has the Commander.Ceathair's machine already launched?"
Sabban said unable to spot the man's gold painted Casnel.
"..hmm? No the Lt.Commander had to go on one of his business trips to the moon I think.." Zori replied politely as she and Sabban edged closer to the launch rails.
"-Then who's in command?" Sabban asked aloud but Zori had already moved on, now that the recently repaired Nemo 28 had been properly secured in the foot shackles just outside the bay entranceway.
From his place standing in the hanger doorway, he watched as the impressive catapult of the Tradech lobbed Unit 28 forward at a ferocious speed before hitting the end of the track and firing the mech off towards the enemy.
Unlike the higher ranking pilots, those who controlled the 'Mighty Nemo's' had no obligation to announce their launch, so Sabban silently made his own way on to the launcher ready for the familiar sudden surge of G-Force, when all of a sudden his comm board lit up;
"Come in Nemo-squadron, this is the bridge. Do not launch, return to the ship and defend the port bow, two fortresses sighted and closing fast at 2 o'clock".
With a curt 'Roger' to the bridge staff, Sabban activated the release mechanism and repositioned his mech a little way up the deck manually, behind him Ennya too started making his way out the door in unit 29, Shasha and Kolme a little ways further behind that.
Zori likewise gave a small acknowledgement of the orders and began to slow her suit's momentum, Sabban watched as it began turning around to regroup with her squad.
In the distance he could also see the G-Type Casnel, along with Lieutenant Apolly's group who had engaged with the Mleue and Ogres that had survived from the previous battle.
Additionally some distance out in front of the Tradech he could see the looming shape of the enemy vessel -'Egypt'.
"Looks like reinforcements aren't coming any time soon, Zori hurry back, the 5 of us will use a staggered line formation and concentrate our energy fire on those fortresses, they won't know what hit 'em - As long as that's ok with you Leader Niju?"
Sabban stated over the radio link to the rest of his comrades.
While he awaited the replies of his team he rose up his weapon to take aim, the two Fortresses popped up on his display as 'Locus' types, currently moving towards the ship at a frightening clip.
It was a mud-brown machine with dark green highlights, two claws protruding from its underside and a large prominent cannon from its front section - Accompanied by two further shoulder mounted weapons - All amounting to something of a crawling metallic insect in appearance, befitting of it's name.
As he watched the usual distance calculator countdown - Aware of both Ennya and Shasha's machines now positioned as per his simplistic plan - He noticed the two enemy mecha break apart, one heading for the very front of the warship, the other staying on course to pass right over the bridge and themselves.
"Looks like one of them's trying to outflank us, Zori from where you are, you should have a clear sho--".
A cold hand ran down his back, his hair stood on end, his words refused to come.
Nemo 28, which had been making its way back to the ship had been, by coincidence or some cruel twist of faith, caught unaware straight in the new flight path of the enemy mech.
Sabban couldn't even be sure if Zori had known she was even in any imminent danger as the Locus let loose a flurry of powerful fire from it's trio of cannons.
The assault had clearly been aimed at the Tradech and indeed most of the energy glided past, ignoring the modest Nemo entirely, bar a single shot from the main canon.
This shot, haphazardly, lazily aimed, maybe because of a poor sensor or faulty equipment, had gone off course.
Soaring through the air it had stuck straight into Nemo 28, which recoiled in on itself, the sheer force of the impact alone causing the torso armour to buckle inwards like a sheet of crumpling paper.
A few moments later the machine filled the sky with an awe inspiring flash of fiery light.
One more moment the supposed technological pinnacle of Main-Battle-Type Vijaiks - The next a cloud of nothing more than smoke & debris before Sabban's eyes.
Sabban could hear the voices over his comms. Shasha was yelling something about him not being a fool, Ennya seemed to be on the verge of tears and the deck crew reported some form of damage having been taken from the encroaching Locus, mentioning something about 'a unit 28' being destroyed.
He could hear the voices but in a way it felt like he couldn't, like the thoughts racing through his own head overpowered the actual people talking, reducing their words to little more than white noise.
Like his own thoughts where yelling the loudest of all;
'How could it happen, what's even the point of these bolt buckets if they break so easily?
Why didn't I go in front?
Zori was always weaker than me in combat, why'd I let her go first - The fuck is this'.
'That Fortress didn't even stop to check he'd killed her, I don't think he even meant to hit her, was it just a passing explosion to him, just some fecked up accident?
Does he even care, is it no more then another flaming Nemo to him?
Are we all just nameless corpses waiting to die!?'
As the complex stream of thoughts continued to race through his mind, looping like a record, his mech drifted up towards the wreckage, surrounded all the while by stray streams of AA-fire from the Tradech.
Eventually a dull thud awakened Sabban to his senses.
The thud had been caused by his machine colliding with one of the many shards of debris from what had once been unit 28, which itself had been repaired using parts from unit 30.
As though to confirm this thought a piece of shattered shoulder armour floated past his main monitor - Its number had been scorched away leaving it to his imagination weather he looked at the only remains of either Zori or Mili - My friends, nothing left but scrap metal...
Sabban's throat wretched, as the sickening sensation of nausea that often permeates vomiting took hold of him.
Clutching at his stomach he held back the sensation before smashing a fist down against his chair's side rest;
"The hell is this? You can't be dead, you're going to avenge Mili aren't you? You can't die before you've even started that, before you've even tak'in a single shot! How.... th- t...The hell am I meant to explain this to your little sister?..."
He cried out, still oblivious to the cacophony of sound coming from his radio equipment.
Still yelling Sabban suddenly felt himself jolted forward and a faint voice abounding through his cockpit: "-ut of my way, Small-fry-".
Having been partially standing at the time, he fell forward slamming his helmet off the machine's consoles, and in turn his face off the thick glass of said helmet.
The impact finally caused the slew of complicated emotions coursing through his mind to subside for a moment, as he leaned back into his chair while rubbing at his temple.
Glancing around he quickly understood what this impact had been. His monitors all flashed red and a small holographic diagram revealed that he had lost his Nemo's left arm, rifle and a number of his cameras after the enemy machine had impacted straight into him.
The voice he'd heard had been that of the fortresses pilot, a temporary connection-contact-link had formed by the two machines momentarily locking paths and the fact that Sabban had absent-mindedly left his radio channels all open.
Now awake again he quickly took to assessing his surroundings, he had drifted out a decent way from the ship - Looking back in its direction he spotted his remaining three allies all still standing on the launching deck of the Tradech, desperately trying to shoot out at the two fortress which now circling overhead like hawks above the vessel.
His radio continued to buzz too;
"Sabban! Sabban, are you ok Sabban? Crewmen Sabban Vint come in!"
Called the voice of Shasha in Nemo 26.
Sabban lifted up his visor, did his best to clean up his face before pressing the unmute button on his mic;
"...ya I'm here, I'm here. I think my Nemo can still move, I'm coming to help."
His reply given he set his machine to head forwards, rapidly moving it back to be near the others.
Ennya drifted out a small ways to meet him halfway, firing his weapon the whole time at the Fortresses above.
As the distance between them closed the Locus-fortress, clearly feeling pestered by the rain of fire from below, suddenly changed course to swoop down at Ennya's Vijaik machine.
For his part Ennya looked as though he was about to draw his Arc-Staff to retaliate.
"Hey Ennya, stay as you are, I'll stop that asshole in his tracks, then you shoot, got it?"
Hearing a newfound bite in Sabban's voice, Ennya reluctantly agreed.
As discussed Sabban lowered himself into position, drawing his 'Arc-Staff' with his remaining right side arm, he held it out in front of the rest of his machine in the best sword stance as the battered mech could manage.
The fortress itself, now almost level with the two Nemo's, began transforming in-front of their eyes - Before long it was suddenly a hulking beast, two hands, two legs and an old fashioned sloping triangular head.
Still carried by it's momentum it took out its own Arc-Staff of nearly twice the height of the Nemo, and charged straight into Sabban's blade.
The impact was intense, even with his thruster set to max Sabban found himself being pushed back blocking Ennya's line of fire - Furthermore warning displays appeared all around the machine's monitors, informing him that the clash was causing such a great strain on the Nemo's hydraulic joints that before long the whole mech would no doubt fail as it desperately groaned to repel the force of an enemy nearly twice its mass.
Re-adjusting his suit's thrusters and posture to better take the brutal force of the Locus, Sabban turned on his contact-link mic:
"You can hear me right? You're the bastard who shot down Zori aren't you?!"
"Huh? who's this 'Zori'? Listen punk, I'm impressed you managed to even stop my machine in your pathetic excuse for a Vijaik but you should know this much; The names Varb Messa, States-Union-Special Ace and I've got one goal only, to destroy the G-Type Casnel!" Came the reply from 'Varb', his voice young but seemingly rage addled, a sort of determined naivety to it.
"The G-type? The hell's that got to do with it, don't we even matter to you? What are you even fighting for?!" Sabban shot back vehemently, his voice betraying his grief.
"Fighting for? What sort of stupid question is that? You dense or something soldier!
We're fighting to wipe out all Abhailen loyalist filth." Varb said proudly.
"But IAFS aren't an Abhailen force, we're just fighting you because of your tyrannical policies against the Nation-Satellites! So what you'll just crush anyone who disagrees with you?"
"Exactly, TSU-s will crush all those who oppose us!" Varb said, his voice hinting at him caring little for this debate of politics.
"But don't you see how ridiculous that sounds? We're only fighting because we disagree with your methods and your only fighting because you think we pose a threat.
Don't you see how pointless all this is? Who cares about the damn Casnels, what sort of a reason is that to kill people?!
How can you threat enemy pilots with so little respect that they just become stepping stones on your stupid murderous-path to the G-Type?!
What sort of motive to kill is that, aren't you even human?"
Sabban finished - Tears welling in his eyes as the words he uttered slowly hammered home with what shallow reasons for which the man in front of him had cut down his friend, and in turn for what half-baked reasons his friends had died in the name of.
All the while the enemy's machine continued to press forward, the two Arc-Staffs now so close to Sabban's Nemo that it's metal armour plating had begun to liquify, the head mounted cameras had gone first, each cracking and blistering.
Visible lines running through the Nemo's visor section, till finally shattering completely from the sheer heat of the the energy being produced by the two mechs.
Suddenly a strange sensation ran down Sabban's spine and what felt akin to 'Deja Vu' or even that sensation of a eureka light-bulb moment - When one remembers where they left something once though lost.
Cutting off his conversation with the enemy pilot he quickly shouted into the other comm feed;
"Ennya dodge right, quickly!"
With the words said Sabban followed his own advice and deactivated his staff, while ramming the control level forwards to push his whole suit rapidly downwards.
For it's part the enemy fortress was flung forward by the sudden lack of connection, its imposing Arc-Staff cutting across the outer layer of Sabban's torso armour, mere inches from cutting the whole cockpit open - Meanwhile the Nemo's arm, now freed burst into smoke and fell limply to unit 27's side, it's heroic efforts at last ended.
Concurrently to this the two shoulder canons of the Locus fired, all while Sabban heard Varb shout the words;
"I'm finished with this crap talk, where is Davrim hiding!!"
The cannon fire set outwards, with one blast gliding past where Ennya's unit 29 had been just moments before, the second shot hit non-lethally into his Nemo's waistline armour before the Locus moved by (ignoring Ennya's helpless attempts to fire his rifle at the hulking suit) which simple shrugged off any energy blasts that did hit it.
"That was one hell of a good call Sabban, how the heck did you know to dodge?" Ennya said excitedly, the adrenalin evident in his voice as he began moving his machine over next to Sabban's and grabbed on to it with a gentle thud.
The Locus now out of range having turned back into it's 'flight' form.
"I - I don't know, just instincts I guess..." Sabban murmured half-heartedly.
"Ha-ha, be careful saying stuff like that, people'll start callin' ya a Magi." Ennya laughed lightly, the grief he felt for Zori still apparent in his voice;
"Hello bridge? This is Crewmen Ennya in unit 29, looks like Nemo 27's cameras are caput, not to mention it's arms, permission to land Sabban back on deck?"
"Permission granted 29, get 27 back home".
With this short exchange complete Ennya began pushing both his and Sabban's units back over in the general direction of the bridge, as he did Shasha's voice cropped up;
"Looks like they hit the far launch deck pretty hard, I'm going to go stand guard there until the other mech teams can get back from assaulting the Egypt, Mr. Nilas follow after me once Sabban's secure.
Ennya you take his place guarding the portside bow, understood?"
Shasha's instructions were clear and delivered with a steadfast tone of voice, truly befitting of an up & coming field officer, showing no signs of letting her feelings for Zori cloud her judgement.
"No worries, boss" Kolme replied, clearly happy to take orders from the younger pilot.
"Roger that Shaser" replied Ennya, a tinge of relief creeping into his voice having survived the previous encounter with 'Varb'.
"Hey Sabban buddy, you sure that guy didn't score a hit on you, sure feels warm in here since I started carrying you.
I'd rather not risk something happening to you aswell.."
Ennya asked casually as he could manage.
"Warm? I mean I've got warning signs going off in all directions and alarms and weird smells but temperature control feels fine, how 'bout you?"
Sabban replied, his mind still focused on other matters.
"He scraped the outer waist of my armour but nothing major, guess he maybe hit my aircon unit, never realised how warm it would get so quickly without that thing." Ennya lackadaisical said with a small handwave and shrug of his lanky shoulders while he moped at his brow.
"What did you just say Kid?!" Intruded the static garbled voice of Kolme Nilas.
"Err- hit to the waist sir, looks like my AC is fried that's all Mr.Nilas, I can still fight so nothing to wor-"
"Get Out Of There Now Boy!" Kolme had borderline yelled the words at his mic.
"Huh, what's wrong I do-"
"I said get out, push Sabban's suit away, then pull the eject. Sun above I thought they fixed that fault back in the days of the old Casnel-MP's.
Hey Ennya-lad? Did you hear me kid? Eject now damn it, I'm not playin' around!"
Kolme barked, his voice growing ever more worried with each word.
"I- I can't Mr. Nilas, i-it-it's getting too hot to touch the instruments, it just keeps getting warmer! Oh shite the eject handle ain't working, it won't budge!"
Ennya responded, his voice raising to a disconcerting squeal indicative of his youth.
"Ennya? Just keep clam pal, grab the level with both hands and use your whole upper body strength, don't worry about moving me, right Mr.Nilas?" Sabban added, hearing the panic encroaching into Ennya's voice - However what he couldn't see, what with his broken cameras, was the situation outside.
Indeed he had no idea what had actually worried the old man so much about an apparently broken AC unit but he wasn't looking to take any more chances with the lives of his fellow squad-mates.
For his part Kolme's unit 3 had pushed away from the warship and started rapidly trying to catch up with, and help the two young men but more pressingly was Ennya's mech itself.
Flames now spewed out of it's mid-riff segment, as sparks began to emit from all across it's other joints, flaring like firework caught in a metallic façade before quenching just as fast from the lack of oxygen;
"Ah crap, it's, it's- the whole damn cockpits on fire! Oh God my clothes they're, they're melting!
It's friggin searing onto my skin!" Ennya cried out desperately.
Sabban reached out to open his own cockpit, with the intention of getting a better picture of the situation and trying to force open Ennya's machine from the outside, but as he reached out, he was once more thrown back into his chair when his Nemo was propelled backward - Having been pushed away from Unit 29, as Ennya made his final act.
"Ennya? Ennya! Come on pal, you got'ta keep trying, the eject, keep trying the eject for God's sake!"
In spite of his pleas, for a few moments at-least, no response was forthcoming.
Then two sounds finally made themselves known to Sabban, one the dull clink as his suit landed in the hands of unit 3 - Which had by now caught up to him - And two the sound of desperate coughing, choking even, over the comms.
The voice belonged to Ennya.
Standing up out of his chair, Sabban scrambled to get one of the cameras working, literally smacking at the screens in the hopes of one giving him an image.
Finally one sparked to life, showing him a grainy view full of score lines from the cracked glass of the lens.
The image only held for a few fleeting seconds before the camera finally gave its final breath, but it was long enough.
Staring at the low quality picture in front of him, Sabban observed a usually green Nemo, shrouded in an all consuming void of viscous flames. Pouring out from each and every joint and especially from around the cockpit door, creeping and swirling with vigour as thought trying to escape from every opening of the Nemo.
The radio link sounded one last cry of anguish from Ennya before his entire suit exploded into a magnificent ball of smoke, soot and fire, Sabban's camera cutting out part way through this gruelling process.
"Those damn bastards at Bayley, they've had years to fix that fault. Lad I'm so sorry..." Kolme muttered.
Sabban collapsed into his seat, staring up at the blank and static filled monitors surrounding him - The image of the flaming red Nemo with it's twisted, melting face against the pitch black sky filled with the shards of the fallen Nemo 28 - Seemingly imprinted into his eyes.
Aside from Kolme a second voice now sprung from his machine;
"This is the bridge, Casnel is inbound but the damage to the ship is severe, Nemo squadron, please move to cover the damage until Davrim and Callin have returned." The voice of Bull called out.
With her previous confidence shaken but still intact, Shasha did her best to issue new orders to the remains of her team;
"Sa-s.. Ahem- Crewman Vint, if Mr.Nilas pushes you in the right direction think you can make it back on your own? Then M--",
"Oh heck no, you think I'm gonna run away now? I'll kill those bastards, that dickhead didn't even try to kill Ennya, a friggin technical fault? What even is this God forsaken machine?!"
Sabban rallied, grabbing at his control sticks and trying to activate his suit's remaining thrusters, its limp arm failing to the side.
For it's part unit 3 held firm, it's superior-custom specifications preventing Sabban's escape;
"Calm your shite kid, what can you do without arms and camera's for crying out loud--" Kolme shouted back, partially having to talk over Sabban who continued to yell obscenities at his microphones.
"That's fine Petty Officer, I understand his feelings" Shasha interrupted, also talking over Sabban's pointless outrage;
"Your job now is to get him and yourself back to the ship in one piece, do I make myself clear Officer Nilas?" Shasha uttered, her voice now having somehow regained it's composure.
Kolme, a little taken aback, replied with a polite, "Y-Yes Ma'am... And Lass...Good luck."
Unit 3 continued to push the injured Nemo 27 back towards the hanger bay, paying little heed to Sabban's continued protests, the bridge now piped up once more - "The G-Casnel and the others are just 30 seconds out but it looks like one of those Locus is going to try make one last pass. Seems to be aiming straight for the pre-existing deck damage. You must buy us the time needed number 26, another direct hit could blow the whole ship open!"
From his place aboard unit 27, Sabban could of sworn he heard Shasha gulp hard, followed by a series of deep breaths over the still open comm link;
"Understood bridge, I'll get you the time you need."
Shasha confirmed diffidently.
Sabban, temporarily distracted from his ranting pressed at his physical comm link to unit 3;
"Kolme? Damn it old man, at least tell me what's going on out there. Please..." Sabban begged into the mic.
"I don't think you really want that Kid."
Kolme answered curtly.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sabban shot back venomously.
Sighing sympathetically Kolme looked out over his still operational screens;
" I guess you've got the Right to know - Right now she's put her unit 26 a few meters out in-front of that ruddy great hole the enemy made before, with her sword drawn in one h'nd and rifle in t'other".
"Wait, your not saying... She's trying to use her whole Nemo as one big shield for the ship? That's suicide!"
"Real optimist ain't ya, Tch the enemy stopped to fight you with 'is sword didn't he?
Real cocky fecker I'm guessing, like the sound of his own voice I'll bet - So if he stops to battle yer frei- ahem, I mean the petty officer, than that should buy time enough for the Casnels to come rescue us all.
It's a damn brave plan, I'll give her th- Oh Hell!"
Kolme sweared.
Sabban had some idea of what had made him stop, with his radio receiver now turned up to the max, he had heard it, the screeching sound of metal crunching into metal echoed across his cabin, followed successively by the hollow, low-pitched whining sound of an energy canon discharging.
"Sh-Shasha? Shasha you ok? Shasha....." Sabban partially whispered, his tone growing progressively delusional in response to a guttural, hollow, sickening coughing noise protruded from his receiver - With the wet, squelching sound of heavy pools blood splattering across a dashboard in great quantities.
"...Kolme what's happening out there..." Sabban muttered pleadingly.
"She, sh- that damn scumbag just rammed straight into her, didn't even change into his mech form, the cannon barrel just went straight through the damn cockpit like it was nothing. Bastard fired point-blank, Unit 26 got torn clean in h'lf!"
"Bu... but she's ok right? I can hear her..." Sabban whimpered ashe listened to Shasha's hacking sounding out across his own operating space, abounding around against the small enclosed walls of his claustrophobic cabin..
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