《Effigy Of Madness》Arc 1 A descent into madness :A First step


Tap tap tap tap

I paced back and forth , and back and forth again from inside the Thunderquill maximum security prison .The weighted worn chains connected to my hands, feet and neck weren't giving me much leverage to pace. Mhh this air in this prison stinks and my feathers were silky and dirty, i loved it.

Laying back first on the filthy prison floor i recalled what happened to lead me to this moment, not to repent or anything , ever since childhood i never had a empathetic feather in my body i was always wired differently then the other kids. Antisocial and sociopathic, yes. What i wanted to find out was how could someone as strong and intelligent as I get caught... oh right the bastards waited till i was doing my daily corpse lootings and worked together to corner me. I thought the ghostfeather and thunderquill factions were enemies but it looked like they would unite if they deemed someone a threat, the weaklings.

I was probably going to be executed and i had no one to come bail me out of this mess .In my opinion i did nothing wrong. How long have i been in this cell maybe a 6 months or 7 ?Who know at this point all i really knew was that i was bored as hellll .Taking the liberty to put my feet up , i took my talons and started scratching it in the metal cage that surrounded me .

SCREEECH SCREEECH SCREEEEEH my talons scraping across the metal wall sounded like music to my ears


Sliink the center sliding mechanism of my otherwise all sleep metal door opened to its widest for my to hear the warden yell at me "SHUT UP ,damn i hate dealing with you crazies."

SCREEECH SCREEECH SCREECH who cared what the warden said how was he going to stop me? If anything pissing him off provided me with some entertainment so that alone was ample reason to continue my crusade.

SCREECH SCREEECH "warden you know its best to ignore them... especially her" i heard a female voice say the the warden .That must've been the lieutenant the wardens right hand dog.

"i know but, sigh your right lieutenant lets leave her to her demise. She's probably more delirious then usual i mean she should be she's getting executed Ha HAHAHa" The warden barked back

And with the the sliding metal panel closed leaving me alone with just the darkness again. Well at least the noise stopped and i could finally get back to my music


about 5 hours past when i heard the door open again.

"Hey crazy bitch we have a new inmate for you, just like you he's gonna get executed with you maybe you can bond. HAHAHAHAHA" The Warden said with the lieutenant trailing behind him, the girl really had no dignity unlike mwah. Anyway she threw in this scrawny shrimp ... human?

"Ah!" was the noise he made when being thrown into the cell. How did a human get in here in the first place , i thought all humans were dungeon raiders .Feeling his aura and how he looked absolutely frightened of my existence i could tell he wasn't very strong. Time to lay down the hierarchy i was here first and stronger so i was his boss, simple.

Picking up his scrawny by comparison figure i slammed him against the wall .Even if he didn't have the chains on his arms and feet there would be no plausible way for him to defeat me. Nothing filled me with greater joy then abusing someone weaker then me, other then looting corpses anyway and maybe sometimes grand theft.


"Hi there" the human said to me

"My cell my rules."

"of course of course"

...Well i thought that would take more blood and bone breaking to get him to realize whos top dog around here, but humans were always different. Throwing him onto the bed i sat down next to him. I Wonder what a human did to even find their way in here, might as well ask him.

"Damn right. So watcha in here for?"

"Uhh well i came through the gate with my allies and the guards of this floor seized me almost immediately. I guess to them being human is simply enough to execute me, what about you?"

Me well? i did some things but c'mon you gotta forgive a girl , epically if that girl is me

"Well ive killed 3257 aegaeus's and counting, I've tortured some people ," I've raped some people , kidnapped a few children , molested a few kids , set some things on fire , fucked some lesser animals , and engaged in some cannibalism when i was super drunk, trying to add more to the list though don think I'll get the change y'know execution and all."

I could see the blood in his face drain and watched him scurry from off the bed into the other side of the room. That's the thing i hated about humans just from looking at his face i could tell he thought i was some type of monster. Well in his eyes i probably was ,i couldn't care less about life , but what made all these people some how the dungeons chosen? Why impose your morals onto me.

"What?" i said while giving him my best shit eating grin

"Your a villain"

" Am i ? say's who "

"SAYS ME!" he said shouting at me tsk tsk tsk he must've forgotten whos boss.

Grabbing him i picked him up by his arm chain and slammed him back on the bed. Using my arm chains i wrapped it around his neck this was going to be a fun game of torture .What will give out his pride or his want to not feel pain, either way i love being able to dominate a weakling!

"whos boss?"

I saw him avert his eyes not wanting to respond to my intimidation, just what i wanted .Pulling the chain i could see his eyes pop out of his head as he struggled to breath. Oopsies don't want to break his throat too quickly. I repeated the same action every few seconds for a for minutes.

"don't die on me too quickly now it would be no fun just playing with your corpse "

In a last ditch effort to show defiance he grabbed my neck in order to the return the humiliation i showed him, i guess this was his way of choking me. It honestly felt kind of good , its making me wett as hell to watch him struggle like this. Like the good girl i was i rewarded him by slapping him and rubbing my body on him, making him confused and disoriented .I could feel his member getting hard but the look on his face was of pure terror , which made me so wett i could orgasm right now.

"Oh god what the fuck am i watching" i heard the lieutenant voice echo from behind me " you criminals are mentally sick in the head , i just came to find out why was there so my noise and you guys are engaged in some horrible freak sex ritual."

"No! she's ... she's the only one assaulting's me, arent you a prison guard help me!"


"I guard the normal folk from people like you. In my book you're just as bad as she is so enjoy your karma."

"what did i do?!" He asked defeated

"Your a D ranking raider close to D- no? I wonder how many of my kind you've killed to get there... both of you make me sick , have fun in hell" then she closed the door leaving a predator and her prey alone in this cell.

"well there goes your last hope, looks like she despises you more then i do."

released my chains on his neck i let him go but he didn't move from the spot . I was bored now , the lieutenant ruined my climax, but i still felt sleepy. Oh well i knew how to save food for later , hope i didn't break his mid this early though .Snuggling up neck to my new toy i wrapped the single bed sheet separating us from the elevated concrete slab we called a bed around us .I could feel his heart beat, his body warmth and smell his fear. Turning to face me he asked "why did you do that?" Was he trying to show his bravery? Unluckily for him theatrics had no meaning to me.

"Do what?"

""you basically just sexually assaulted a stranger just now "

Mhh i didn't understand what he didn't understand

"Because i wanted too?"

"Is that really all it took for you to do that to someone, don't you ever think about how they feel?"

What a dumbass

"Of course i do that's part of the reason i do it! You are mistaken to judge me by humans standards, you're in a monsters world now no one really gives a fuck how you feel bud. Strength and influence rule ."

"That cant be true i mean you are in prison aren't you, there must be some commonly agreed upon morality on this floor . What about that lady who called us sick she must have something to say about your sense of morality"

Ahh humans so naive

"Let me tell you a few secrets since you're my new toy. I did all the those that you find so despicable under her superior, that's right i used to be a Featherknight. No one cared about my actions until i joined the screechwing faction then all of a sudden i was charged with all those bogus charges. Also since you're a human i know you cant sense it but she was aroused as fuck! I bet she wanted to be me so bad"


"yeah do you honestly believe she came to find out what the noise was about? You're not buff and reek of mana so you're probably some Brainiac sorcerer .So tell me do you really believe if i hadn't joined the screechwing faction and stayed a featherknight that i would be in jail ? everyone in this town is a thunderquill faction member meaning my crime is changing sides .No monster cares about life's other then their own and their relatives , you humans are dumb as hell for shoehorning your beliefs into other sentient creatures"

"i still object to this way of thinking"

" no one cares bud i thought it was evident, now get behind me and choke me i want to feel like a baby bird again."

"how do you know i wont kill you?"

A flurry of emotions ran across his face

"haha i knew you weren't a saint humans find it remarkably easy to kill whoever they dislike. And i don't know that's what makes me excited, now make me feel like I'm dying"

mimicking what i did to him , he wrapped the metal around the bits of my exposed neck and showed no mercy. I was feeling the air leave my lungs and the cold metal turn hot with my own heat, Not wasting this opportunity i made sure to fondle and finger myself allowing me to reach a climax.

haaaaa ahhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaa i was breathing heavy in peaceful bliss. When my pet choose to break the silence

"Don't you care about being executed?"

Aww did he come to this dungeon floor to take our life force but not know? This floor is doomed

" Why would i" i responded

"you don't care about your own death... monsters truly are different"

"of course we care about our own death, but regardless if I'm executed now or drown later it makes no difference. I was always hedonistic but now in the face of mother dungeon i finally have the push i needed to embrace it"

"Wha-What do you mean"

Pets are always slow, but there is a beauty in taking care of something so dumb

"The floor is going to be flooded in a few months. "I could see the puzzled look on his face since i had excellent night vision. "let me explain water from the rivers is infinite we are all aware that this is a dungeon controlled by the dungeon master. the Water level has always been rising but at a much slower pace leaving everyone in a state of willful ignorance. Though no one knows why but a few weeks ago the water level has been rising about three times as fast, leading to the Thunderquill faction and ghostfeather faction waging a all out war on each other for sacred ground. Though if you ask me i think its the dungeons masters will and we're all going to drown to death. "

"Dungeon monsters can't leave the floor cant they"

"bingo, i guess you aren't so dumb "

"Is there no way to stop the water level from rising?"

"Its impossible that's like trying to stop the wind from blowing "

"You said earlier that you where a featherknight I'm going to make a wild guess and assume that you're strong"

"one of the strongest"

"then will you help me break out, of this prison"

What good would breaking out do? of course i could but i like my dark prison cell.

"Nah do it yourself"

"I see... ok"

What did he plan to achieve, the situation was hoples-! only for us monsters a dungeon raiders could go to the next floor if they wanted to. Oh i see for him there is hope. I cant believe he was lecturing me when he didn't even know my circumstances' think i hate this guy the most. He was talking about morality but he's going to leave us all to die and not think of it as anything but fate .He has no idea what its like to be me. Has he ever had to face his own death? To know since your childhood that everything you did or will do is meaningless. I had no reason to live and this motherfucker expected me to behave like he wanted to?

we He's like a standard white knight spewing his nonsense and looking down upon anyone who doesn't agree with him , but he could never fly a mile in their wings.

I Really hate this guy.

I should just murder him right here , no no lets be smart about this. If i kill him now what will i play with.

I'm going to make you suffer

But first i sleep ill need energy to make his life a living * yaaawn* hell


huh? DFLKGNDLFN G what is that noise?


That last boom woke me out of my sleep. What the fuck was going on , i was still a little hazy from just waking up from sleep .Where was the guy i was with ? looking around i can tell that he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I could also see that my door was wide open engulfed by some type of black flame. The light of the hole was a stark contrast to the rest of the pitch black room. What was going on? DID HE ALREADY ESCAPE?

I thought it would take at least a week, not only that but how did he even break out he was weak as a newborn baby. Maybe the allies he was talking about or was it the fact that he was a mage . Well guess i avoided execution, making my way through the hole in the wall i made sure not to touch the black fire .It looked like it would do nasty things to me , so i avoided it. making my way through the prison halls i could only see the charred bodies of the guards. Most of the prisoners where still in their cells , suckers. I would help them escape but hell no i didn't owe them anything.

Oh wait there was that one person, Sherbert . Walking around and over the bodies of all the dead guards i made my way upstairs to the next floor. The door was already blown open so i didn't even have to open it. There really were bodies everywhere im sure all those people had families or whatever

Talk about a hypocrite

Anyway walking over to prison cell D34 i said "Yoo inmate 252 or better yet sherbet what's crackin"

"Ehh who is it" Sherbert was laying on his bed while scratching his ass with his feet up and a playbird magazine draped across his face. Now this was a proper man

"Don't tell me you already forgot the voice of your best pal"

"Huuuh I was hoping it was just a hallucination"

" how did you escape your cell anyway "

"long story but answer me first did you see what happened here?"

"you're not going to believe this some dude and a dragon just started torching guards. I mean like a complete pscyho , like you he's one of the people who actually deserves to be here"

"What makes you say that? "

"you're both crazy as hell, now would you mind using your monstrous strength to break me out of here"

"only if you apologize i am nothing like that bastard, if anything I'm going to kill him"

"Sure sure you're nothing like him your a sweet girl who shits rainbows, now break me out I've been in this cell for far too long."

Ripping off the chains from my hands and feet i flexed them to return the circulation. Yes i could've done that from the beginning but what was the point? I cant leave the floor anyway but hey if this pscyho dude was going to take the liberty to kill all the police .I wouldn't mind spending my last days as a outlaw not like anyone could stop me. Grabbing two tungsten bars i circulated the qi in my body "Heeve HOO" the bars ripped apart.

"I don't think i'll ever get used to seeing a girl as small as you break apart things"

"Get used to it bud, now which direction did he go?"

"did you even need to ask just follow the trail of bodies"

Looking up i could see body after body after body, i think raiders get something called essence when they kill us... so why did he leave the other prisoners alive? Was he effected by our conversation earlier or was he in a rush, either way what a moron he should've killed them .I would've especially if i gained power per dead body , i mean what were the consequences anyway? They were going to be dead in a few weeks regardless of what he did.

Me and sherbert walked down the the halls of what i once called my home for about 5 months. Man its been a while since i was captured hasn't it.

"Do you really think its going to be this easy to escape? "

"What do you mean" i asked my buddy ol pal

" It just feels wrong... we were trapped in there for so long just for some random kid to get captured and break out in the same day."

"Life sure aint fair aint it"

"... i don't know but I'm half expecting all the guards to be stationed at the top of the prison just waiting to beat us down"

"Do you even hear yourself right now, you saw their bodies with your own two eyes , you can smell the death in the air... i mean what more proof do you need this is a break out son"

"huh you right i don't know what has gotten into me "


"They went this way , stop them!"




"Looks like they're having fun , care to join them?"

"fuck no did you just hear what it said that's a dragon"

"look im sure there are plenty of fire breathing lizards"

"fuck no.. if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck its probably a duck. How did it even get here, that kid that you have a bone to pick with is a summoner most likely, you're better off just forgetting he even existed. What could he possible have done that other people haven't to piss you off anyway"

"Hell no I'm not "

"Oolia is this really how you want to spend your last days"


To sherbert

" Sigh you've always been like this , well i don't think we're going to have much trouble look who we have waiting for us"

The door opening that was connected to the third floor was blown to bits but unlike the last few times this one had some guest waiting for me.

"YOU" i said mustering all my hatred

" me " said the dragon tamer

"yes me hahhahahaha"

He seemed different from last time , I don't know what it was but i couldn't put my finger on it


a fire ball wizzed past my face and caused a massive explosion behind me. This fucker just tried to kill me . The fire ball carried enough power to make me sweat

"What happen to me being a villain ,in this situation anyone would see you as the villain"

"The villain? Your right i am the villain"

I fucking knew it , but this didn't seem right. He looked different , his aura was different and suddenly his morals where different. People don't change that quickly... or was he already on the edge of his sanity?


Why is he laughing , nothing funny in this situation this guy had completely changed from a few hours ago...

"What's wrong? i thought your life was hopeless , embrace death"

"It looks like my play session with you broke you mind "

"you're right, you're completely right! Hahahahaha"

So hes officially crazy? There has to be something more to this then that, but he doesn't look like he's lying .Wait... his aura , what the fuck he's not human anymore. This doesn't make any sense, He was a non human dungeon raider? I never even heard of that ... no that's because they don't exist.

"I've been thinking about what you said earlier , about how you were trapped on this floor .Your life is hopeless because of it isn't it? "

This bastard

"Do you want hope?"

"Not if it comes from you , I'm going to kill you and feed your dead body to the hawks"

"So you don't wont hope?, even if it meant you got to leave this floor?"

He could leave the dungeon he was a raider but how could i? Did he even know how this worked, i was getting tired of talking but seeing that adolescents dragon next to him i knew the moment i tried something i would be burned alive.

"And how do you suggest that "

"I could make it so that you could leave the dungeon"

"You filthy liar"

Not that i didn't lie either but he was lying to me that was worthy of death.

"Oh gabla"


From out of his backpack i saw a goblin emerge ... a goblin on this floor was impossible. I spent time as a featherknight so i knew of species of monsters that weren't on this floor. Though that begs two questions how did she get here and how did the person who made the monster encyclopedia book know about any monster other then the one on his floor. The obvious answer is there must be a way to leave these floors.

"Lets say i where to listen to you, what would you want me to do? Do you want revenge for what i did to you or-" The summoner cut me off

"No if anything i should thank you, thank you for ridding me of that human body into something superior"

So he was human but now isnt?

"What i want you to do is simple kill"

"kill?" i asked he was sounding like a insane person

" Yes kill, im going to kill every single monster that's on this floor , and i want your help in doing it"

"Why my help , you and look quite capable on your own"

"Its a honor ,for being the first person to let me out of my cage"

His cage? This man... thing wasn't even speaking sense anymore but hey this looked like a chance to survive. When we get out of here i'll just book it, Did that mean i would have to fight him eventually if he was planning on killing everything on this floor.

"You can always say no " As he said that the dragon on his side mouth started to leak flame, he was preparing a fire ball .So saying no meant death huh.

"Ok im in... now what"

"Wise decision" As he said the the dragon breath lessened in his minions tongue "The first step is killing your friend right there , i want you to break his legs "

Break his legs... he could've just killed him while we were talking, is he trying to test my loyalty? Taking a look at my childhood friend , i readied myself to kill him. It was good while it lasted but if there was even a small chance of leaving this floor i was going to take it.

" You can't be serious right? i thought you wanted to kill him" Sherbert said while looking over in my direction

"Sorry pal "

"I'm not letting you kill me " Sherbert said as he putting up a fighting stance

He never was much a match in fighting to me, episically without his bow and arrow. this should be easy enough ,with a swift movement i snapped both of his legs leaving him screaming in agony

"AHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHH it hurts, oh god it fucking hurts"

I had no sympathy for him, childhood friend or not. We were both criminals and murders he had no right to beg for his life.

"You might wont to get out of the way, better yet come over to my side you don't want to get caught of in this explosion. That would be a shame"

I didn't have any choice but to listen , i did a front flip landing next to him on the opposite side of the dragon. I think i was a little bit safer on this side.

FROOOSH a black flame erupted from the mouth of the dragon and scorched my friends incapacitated body. I was already a horrible monster by most sentient creatures standards, but i felt like when i joined up with him i crossed a line that I'm not going to come back from.

"excellent fire breath , but he only gave 0.5% essences what a shame. He looked strong but wasn't. Good thing there was a city full of people to aid us in our endeavor "

He was serious about killing everyone. As featherknights we were warned if we ever encountered a dungeon raider to run away and alert the council and now i can see why .I thought he was going to stay a good two shoes for the remainder of his life but this is a good reminder that a persons mind can't always heal. While yes I'm the one who pushed him to the edge but no I'm not going to accept responsibility for creating this mess. If you want someone to blame , blame the dungeon master for creating me.

"Your the worst type of person imaginable you know that? "

"Says who" he replied

I remember those words, how could i not I'm the one who said them

" it wasn't a criticism , if you ask me i like you better this way , "

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