《Duality Dissonance》Chapter 1.4 A Journey Begins


EV is sitting cross legged on a countertop near the doors leading to the old runways. His arm is forming something of a kickstand, his elbow on his leg and his cheek against his fist. He is looking down at the book in his lap while his dagger acts as a reading light as it sits in a cubbie over his shoulder. He is going through some of the quotes as he tries to decide what to do. He looks over to the row of windows again. I worry that I’ll only slow them down, he thinks.

Envy, you must go if you are to get strong, a voice says in response. EV’s eyes widen and he looks across to the lobby to see Gluttony still laid out on a sofa, his belly protruding from under his shirt but still rising and falling as he continues to sleep. Envy is the only one that can hear this one so your secret is safe.

EV’s expression softens a little. Yeah, but still, I’m afraid I won’t be able to think clearly if you’re talking while I’m around others. I might get distracted and they could get suspicious.

Envy knows this one is only looking out for you. Envy should be glad of this one’s help.

EV looks towards the front door, hearing it pulled open. Greed ducks into the doorway and then steps aside as his spear almost collides with an overhead exit sign. He strolls towards EV and the lobby as his gorilla shaped silhouette glows from the daylight shining behind him. EV closes the book as Greed stops next to the counter. “Well big man,” he starts, “did you make up your mind?”

EV looks away from him for a moment as he stares across the lobby. He finally nods. “I’m coming with you,” he says, definitively.


“Alright,” Greed says, nodding along. A snore-snort sound comes from across the lobby and Greed leans over the counter to peer over at Gluttony’s sleeping spot. “Welp,” he says, standing and looking back at EV. “Time to wake the kiddos.” He walks around the counter and to the back of

Gluttony’s couch. He starts by whispering and poking Gluttony in the ear. “Hey. It’s time to get up.”

Gluttony swats at the hand and rolls over. “Five more minutes,” he mumbles.

“Alright,” Greed replies. “Let me see if that’s an option.” He looks over to EV and winks, then, without even bending down, he curls his fingers under the bottom edge of the couch and dumps it forward.

“Wai—,” Gluttony starts. The seat-back collides with a wooden coffee table and makes an awful screech as the table skids across the tile. Gluttony falls to the tile in a heap but lifts his head before it slaps the floor. Gluttony glares over his shoulder as the sofa is draped over him.

Greed just grins. “I told you it’s time to get up.”

“I was about to get up, you savage.” Gluttony starts to push himself up and Greed steps around to help roll the sofa off of him. Gluttony stands and starts to hold his back. He rears back to slug Greed—

“Alright,” Greed says, with a smile. “But you’re just going to hurt your hand again.”

Gluttony stares at Greed for a time. EV is watching this play out and can only assume that Gluttony is squinting at Greed while his fist is still raised. He eventually lowers the fist and just shakes his head. “I’m not sure that your antics are what you should be teaching the newbie.”


“Well, get up earlier and you can teach the -newbie- whatever you want.” Greed looks down and sees the flask sitting next to the table. He kicks at it and it rocks in place. “You know, if you laid off that stuff, it might be a little easier getting up in the morning.”

“Ugh,” Gluttony groans. “Didn’t you say we were going to wait outside? Go do that. Your face is too loud right now. I’ll be out there shortly.”

Greed turns and walks past the counter. “Just meet us out front,” Greed says to EV as he passes. EV nods and turns to grab the dagger from behind him.

Gluttony stands straight up and looks around like a meerkat surveying the area. “Ah,” he says before walking over to a nearby chair. He bends down and rises again with his mace in tow. He lofts it across his shoulder and then bends down to grab the flask. He walks over and stops at the counter by EV. “Well,” he asks with his usual smile. “You coming?”

EV nods and hops off the counter. Gluttony walks towards the front doors as they clink shut from Greed having walked through them. EV takes a long look around as he follows. This place had been his home for as long as he could remember. As frustrating as it had been to not find any answers to his questions, he knows he will still miss it.

He passes through the front door and sees the other two looking back over the building. Greed points and EV looks up to see three figures passing overhead. Well, shoot, he thinks. I guess that came back to bite me. Now, I’ll have to put up with Sloth the whole way.

Envy shouldn’t get distracted by Sloth, says the voice.

He just gets on my nerves is all. I’m not going to waste any time on him.

If Envy listens to this one, you will get much stronger than Sloth.

Yeah, well I’m more concerned with strength that is useful.

“EV!” He looks over to see Gluttony with his hands cupped around his mouth and a group of varying poses that all indicate he is being waited on.

“Yeah,” he yells back, and starts to jog over. “I’m coming”

“I see you found the little guy too,” Sloth says. His boomerang is draped across his shoulders, the crook of it behind his neck and his hands hanging over each end. “I wish you’d have told me we could bring pets.”

“You have a pet,” Gluttony asks.

“Well, no, but still, I would have liked knowing.”

“Enough with the clowning,” Pride interjects. “We’ve wasted enough time already.”

EV continues to jog a few steps, catching up as everyone steps out onto the road.

“Hey,” Sloth speaks up. “Shouldn’t we talk more about what’s going on? Is there, you know, a game plan or something?”

“There’s time for that on the way,” Pride replies. “We’ll try sticking to the dry roads as much as we can. Stay close to some kind of cover when it starts getting dark. We’ll avoid rifts as much as possible. Just keep your eyes on me and go where I go. Let’s get moving"

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