《Ars Nova》Ch. 6 Incursion II
Having survived the previous encounter Kiur proceeded to sneak through the areas with extreme caution. That is, as much as he can possibly do it with two children to watch out for.
Scouting from one of the higher areas Kiur spotted a tumult at the market area. People getting attacked and defending against their assailants.
A lot of magic got involved but only from Kiur’s people. The attackers focused more on fighting at close range. At first glance they looked like a ragtag group of people. Awfully lean, clothes in shambles and crude rusty weapons in hand. Much like the one called Hessian yet not as collected as he was and not as strong.
“Kom i gang, kom i gang,” Kiur dug away when he heard heavy footsteps approaching. They belonged to a dwarf and another man in an outlandish outfit with lots of heavy leather, fur and metal. “Vi har arbeid å gjøre og får så mye vi kan få.”
“Get going. We have work to do and get as much as we can.” Translated Kiur while eavesdropping on the reiszer that walked by with more ragged individuals that looked like Hessian.
He wondered; did they belong together? He never saw any clothes or weapons like that.
Whatever they were, they were armed and dangerous. “Let’s cut through the barley fields,” suggested Kiur, signalling for the children to be quiet. “We need to go around the market, so be quiet, ok?”
The siblings nodded, holding each other by the hand. “It will be alright… it will be alright,” Kiur whispered the last bit, trying to channel it somehow inside of him like a charm.
Keeping his head sane from the gravity of the situation. “It will be alright.”
Knowing the fields like the back of his hand Kiur was able to avoid any encounter with the reiszer. He saw one group cutting through the field and Kiur hid the children behind a ravine as he distracted the group to search elsewhere for a path.
Call it luck or tenacity but it was working.
“We’re almost there,” said Kiur as they left the barley fields and arrived at the grape hills. “Here, eat some to calm your nerves,” they were almost at the ziggurat. He could see it from their position but also the chaos becoming more and more violent.
His people erected walls and threw fire at them but the reiszer besieged them. Those who looked like Hessian were definitely slaves as they were thrown like cannon fodder and abused by the reiszer soldiers when orders were refused.
It was a fight of attrition. Reiszer used magic spells to fire destructive ammunition and capture whoever they could. “This is madness.”
“Stop, who’s sneaking around there?” Kiur was alarmed when someone suddenly pulled Kiur out of his hiding spot. Fearing it was an enemy he immediately freed himself and put up his arms before realising who it was.
“Kiur, is that you?” The person was the priestess Tabira, his colleague from work. “Those children, no way,” and the surrogate mother for the fathers of Ninda and her brother. “Where are their parents?” she asked Kiur and hugged the two children, holding them closely in her arms.
“They stayed behind to give us a chance to escape. I was over at their place when this mess happened,” Kiur explained the situation, relieved of seeing a familiar face. “Is the temple safe? We need to go there quickly.”
The group Tabira was with became silent, awkwardly whispering with one another when Kiur mentioned the temple. He didn’t notice them before but there were a lot of children and elderly people with her.
All in distress of what is transpiring.
“We just came from there. Enlil and the other priests alongside the soldiers are holding back a large group of those invaders. We escaped in the hopes of evacuating to the underground area by making it through the market area.”
“Bad idea, the place is in total chaos. I am not sure how many there are but it’s too dangerous,” travelling with a large group like this would draw too much attention. Something they cannot risk. “We need to get to the ports that lie on the lower areas. We need to get to the bridges.”
“I agree, it’s unlikely they know about the passageways for the lower areas,” Tabira nods along, her hand on her pregnant belly. “It might be dangerous but it’s worth a shot.”
Travelling in a large group wasn’t particularly wise even when it meant they would have better chances in surviving the situation. However, seeing as how many of them were not capable magic users or fighters like Kiur they needed a strategy.
So Kiur proposed to split the groups in smaller sections with the one who can’t defend themselves at the rear end.
Tabira subtly approached Kiur to inquire on his ability to help fighting, she was disappointed when he had to decline. He argued with the responsibility to protect the children, not mentioning his inability to help despite the dire times.
She accepted his decision to be placed at the rear while taking over the responsibilities for the front.
It infuriated Kiur how someone of her status was putting in more effort in this situation than him. She earned the right to be his replacement for Enlil’s successor. “I already accepted the fact that I am not suitable.”
“Your leg is still bleeding,” pointed out Ninda, waking Kiur up from his stupor. “You need someone to look at it.”
“It’s too bad none of the healing priests went along with the group,” Kiur holds his poorly bandaged thigh, biting his lip from the pain. Bending down Kiur straightened Ninda’s wild hair, giving her a comforting smile. “Don’t worry about me. Let’s take care of your brother, shall we?”
The girl began to hold her brother’s hand even tighter, worrying about him. “I miss my parents. Do you think they will be alright?”
“No, they won’t,” was Kiur first and most pessimistic thought. They are ordinary people, not fighters. A simple baker family and parents. “They will be, I’m sure of it,” lied Kiur yet again. He never lied so much in his life than he did the past few years.
It made him sick.
Sick of himself for deceiving everyone but he would keep them safe, no matter what.
“We are at the bridges, no one is here yet. Run to the other side, we will reach the ports that way,” Tabira and the priests proceeded to guide the mass of people over the massive stone bridges.
The port was just underneath them and all the ships were still docked.
Ever since Kiur went along with the group they avoided all hotspots of activity and didn’t encounter a single stray Reiszer along the way.
However, why were the bridges unguarded? They are some of the most important constructions in Nippur, connecting two sides with one another over the artificial stream. Yet there was not even a single light lit or soldiers stationed to protect it.
“It’s too dark, someone cast a flame to light up the bridges.”
“Already on it.”
They could make it out as soon as they made it over the bridges, but the situation didn’t sit right with Kiur. In his mind there was a piece of information resurfacing.
“In times of war armies take bridges to capture fleeing troops and seize the city entirely.”
Seeing the flames ignite Kiur watched as they were about to light the first of many light sources which in the end will reveal their position to their enemies.
“Stop, put out the light!” one person in the group intervened before Kiur could. “It’s a trap!”
But the warning came far too late. The moment the lights started to glow several of the fire users were shot down by arrows and bolts without killing them.
Seeing how effectively the reiszer took them down it was all too clear how potent and prepared they were. Just like hunters here for the big hunt, knowing full well where their prey would be.
“Like rabbits running into a snare,” one of the reiszer stood up from the rest as he was clad in a onyx coloured mantle with a raven tattoo on his neck. He laughed haughty as he drew his short sword in their direction.
“My name is Third Elite Macnaught, and I will make sure you never forget the suffering you will receive,” he drew back his braided blond hair, eyeing each and every one of his soldiers that surrounded Kiur and the rest. “Catch them!”
“Fight back!” responded the priests and raised a wall to protect themselves. Despite the reiszers’ fierce attacks they couldn’t reach the walls protected with fire and wind.
“This is getting on my nerves, I will do it on my own,” Macnaught pulled back his silvery sword which looked too fine to be used in battle.
Swinging it from left to right it was the crudest display of swordsmanship anyone had ever seen in his life. However, the moment the reiszer took it with both hands to make a wide swing he unleashed a crescent sharp light.
Pulling the sword back the swing curved and cut into their lines to attack whoever it hit. Just a single brush shook Kiur to his very core with the pain making him unstable on his feet.
“Ha, that showed them!” Macnaught fixed the strand of hair on his face when he had tripped during the attack. It’s not clear if he was terrible in fighting or clumsy but he was undeniably and terrifyingly strong in taking out groups of people.
They were simply outclassed by them without being able to do anything and treated as spoils of war. Restrained and stripped from their accessories or other expensive or fine-looking possessions.
Kiur lost his jewellery but not the lion emblem which he hid underneath the shawl his mother gave him. It stung but it wasn’t worth risking his life over despite the emotional importance for him.
“Third Elite Macnaught,” one of their soldiers came forth. “We’ve rounded them up and inspected them. However, no one fits the description so far.”
“Tch,” the man clicked his tongue. “Guess this was just small game then. Regardless, get everyone ready to leave this city-”
“Let go, you brat!”
“Stop pulling his arm!”
“What’s going on over there?” Kiur watched wide-eyed as Macnaught approached the commotion. A soldier trying to separate two siblings from another.
Ninda protested desperately from letting her brother go and being taken away by the reiszer.
“This boy fits the description, he’s close to his awakened state but this girl is persistent and won’t let go. What should I do?”
“And you call yourself a soldier? Just cut off her damn arm!” Pushing away the soldier, Macnaught grabbed Ninda. “I will do it myself.”
The sound of an unsheathing blade whirred in Kiur’s ears, and he imagined the sight of blood spilling on the ground.
It was then that his head went haywire.
His vision blurred from the inability to move and the shadow of his delusions forming next to the girl.
She was yelling at Kiur, inaudibly crying out to Kiur with gurgling words. Her hands went for the man’s neck in the futile attempt of stopping him but she wasn’t able to touch him.
It would be over and Kiur would have to blame himself for letting it happen.
The delusion reappeared right before Kiur, hands cupping his face, squeezing his cheeks tightly to bring some sense to him but no matter what he couldn’t understand a single word or action.
“Save that girl!” Kiur and the girl found themself in a stupor. It was the cry of the people who freed themselves and created tremors to push back the enemy.
But it wasn’t enough to stop the man from cutting off the child’s arm.
Kiur knew he couldn’t do much but forced himself up. With hands tied to his back he shot forward like a runner who failed the head start and crashed right into the enemy.
His next desperate move was to whirl up the sand with his foot and throw it straight at the reiszer.
“Pah, what was that? I can’t see!” Macnaught cried out, rubbing the sand further into his eyes.
“Run, we will get out of here-” hearing an explosion Kiur and the others witnessed how all the bridges were blown up simultaneously. Their only escape was gone and now the people started to finally see the hopelessness of their situation as Kiur had known all along.
Except for the fact that Kiur renounced his previous stance to think that it was still hopeless. Call it adrenaline, boldness, foolishness or trying to face his fears but Kiur didn’t want to fail in doing anything again.
“Everyone, scatter! Escape to the passages to the lower city!”
It was the only way out. With the bridges gone they needed to cut their way through.
Some of the magic users stayed behind to buy time but it wasn’t long when all of them were eventually captured. Only a handful managed to get into a passageway.
“How much longer?” huffed Ninda, trying to keep up with running down the stairs without a break.
“Not much longer, keep running,” Kiur was tired, his legs aching but with a child carrying on his back and others around he couldn’t stop. Maybe there were only a few moments when Kiur really could behave the way he wanted to but this was certainly one he didn’t want to fail in.
Reaching the underground city, Kiur found it awkwardly abandoned. There was no light or soul to be seen except for those Kiur escaped underground with and the invaders close behind.
“Keep going to the port, it’s our only way out,” They didn’t have the time to worry about details. It was now or never but the moment they entered the port area they were met by a large group of reiszer.
Having lied there waiting. It was ultimately the last one for them.
“At least you’ve got tenacity, golden boy,” Kiur looked at the reiszer who came forth from the group. The very same one who chased after Kiur and the children not long ago.
“How did you survive? I thought you fell from the cliff?” asked Kiur, shocked to see Hessian alive.
Hessian smiled weakly in response, his axe resting on his shoulder. “I didn’t plan to die today, that’s how I survived.”
“Stop talking like you know each other, we have a mission to-” without a warning the wild reiszer lunged his axe into the throat of the yapping soldier. Gurgling for his life he succumbed to his wound and so did all the other soldiers, killed by the reiszer slaves.
“What is happening?” wondered someone as they couldn’t explain why they were fighting among each other and how the slaves have come out victorious in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t misunderstand, we just hate those soldiers. After all, they don’t like us either,” Hessian threw his axe after Kiur, hitting the stone pillar right next to him. “My name is Hessian, and we will take you all prisoners here today,” his hand picked up the weapon of the deceased soldier with the other reiszer following suit and plundering their supposed comrades.
Having killed their own people they proceeded to finish their mission in what seemed to take prisoners but why did they kill their own? Just for the weapon? A hatred for the upper ranks? There seemed to be a discrepancy and inequality among them but did it really have to be resolved in killing?
“You, golden boy,” Hessian points with his new weapon at Kiur, making him stand out from his group. “Pick up the axe, I want to settle the score. Don’t worry about magic or us attacking you prematurely, I will beat you with just my skill.”
Kiur gulped, his throat parched and hands jittering. “What if I refuse?”
“Simple, you take an unnecessary risk of us attacking you. This is your only option to minimise losses as you are about to get surrounded. How much longer until they arrive?” I promise to capture you without going overboard, that is if you let me settle the score.”
No one really wanted to agree to Hessian’s proposal but as things stood they had no chance.
Without discussing it with them Kiur pulled out the axe from the stone. He wasn’t a fighter and didn’t know how to properly swing an axe but he felt like if he didn’t follow the request he would regret it.
At least that’s what his delusion told him by standing right next to Hessian.
It was in order to keep the rest of them safe.
“I will give you the first swing, come at me,” Hessian gestured at Kiur but he knew better than to take the bait. All the time he wished to be more impulsive but in this case it would be a big mistake.
His hands shaking, Kiur dropped the axe and went down to his knees, surrendering.
“Suit yourself then, coward,” Hessian kicked Kiur against his chest to make him rattle for air. “Is that what you want? Giving up? Fine, I don’t care, die then.”
Pulling up his sword, Kiur saw Hessian getting ready to swing it. His eyes were blank, devoid of any emotions towards Kiur, yet he proceeded to put up his sword.
Time slowed down when the blade came down. Kiur expected to be saved by his brother or by a priest or anyone else but no one would come.
“Ah, it’s up to me,” thought Kiur when his hand instinctively went for the axe besides him and took the whole brunt of the sword as both blades got stuck in one another.
The sudden glimmer in Kiur’s opponent was evident. “Now that’s what I call tenacity but that will not be enough,” Hessian abandoned his sword and kicked Kiur away, their weapons falling into the stream. “You tried but it was not enough,” his fists were like iron. They were thin and bony, but Hessian knew how to hit so it hurt.
“That’s why you people will lose today. You have lost your edge while we had to hone it,” Hessian grabbed Kiur by the hair, slamming his head to the ground. An old wound opened and Kiur cried out from shock as Hessian brutalised him.
“You give up so easily and you lose so easily. Land of Equality? You are cowards who run away and discard your own people when you become afraid of them.”
Kiur didn’t know what was happening next except for the fact his body was dragged away, pulled by his hair. The city was burning and people he knew rounded up into cages.
“You lost today and we Reiszer won. Retribution is coming. The Reiszer will raze the world,” he whispered only for Kiur to hear. “So survive and watch the world turn upside down.”
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