《Queen of Darkness [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 3]》Chapter 14


Liam stared thoughtfully at the screen before him. “If I were the child of a psychopath, where would I live?”

“Last I checked, Hathor still lived on Lyriumia,” Tara joked.

“Wrong psychopath. Funny.”

The pair were looking over a scanning of the parchment sent to them by Amneris. Well, half a parchment. The rest had obviously been torn off. According to a later message from Jay, the full version was at Lyriumia’s Academy. Who knew how long it would take to find? That place was ancient. For now, half the parchment was better than nothing, though things would be easier if it wasn’t written in the Old Language.

The good news was that Amneris was kind enough—translation: forced—to send them a translated version. The bad news was that this was Amneris they were talking about. She and Tara didn’t exactly trust each other. Tara trusted the translation even less, bringing herself and Liam to their current dilemma.

Assuming the translation was correct, it was a record of an ancient attack on Terpola. The missing Frozen woman, Aurelia, had been a part of it. Sadly, there had been many attacks on Terpola in that particular time frame of history, back before people actually followed the rules. This parchment did nothing to narrow it down. At all. They didn’t even know who wrote the damned thing,

“Do you think they’ll send us a translation of the full version?”

“Assuming they find it?” Tara ask. Liam nodded. “I guess that depend on the day Amneris is having.”

Liam gestured to the screen. “She sent us this much. Why not the rest?”

“Because she’s Amneris,” Tara put simply.


“And because I released her killer, made the lives of millions lives Kenkai for years, and I’m pretty sure this rebellion thing is entirely because of that.” She sighed. “Knowing my luck, I’ll be going to Kenkai, not Renyai.”

Liam gave her a look that said you’re not wrong.

“Thanks for the support.”


Tara flopped back onto her chair, her low ponytail falling over its back. If only Nightblade hadn’t escaped! Then again, after her experience in the mines, Tara wouldn’t be surprised if the woman had no interest in coming back to Terpola. There was no way to know what happened to the miners after their escape. If only they knew someone who could track them.


Tara sat upright. Track them. “Hey, whatever happened to Ema?”

“Ema Tana?” Liam asked.

Tara gave him a flat look. “No, Ema Roberson.”

“Funny,” he said. “No idea. I’d guess she went home, wherever that is.”

“She was always good at finding things.” Tara placed her finger on her lower lip, thinking. At Liam’s glance she explained. “We could pay her to track down Nightblade, Aurelia or Nephthys. It’s safe to assume they’re all looking for each other.” She pointed at the screen. “According to legend, the Frozen Ones will always follow the Dark Ruler. If Nightblade, if Xix, is the next in line, they may be looking for her as well.”

“That makes sense,” Liam agreed. “So, if we find one, we find the others. You really think Ema can track her?” A nod. “It’s a good idea, Ta, but we can’t contact her.”

“We can’t.” Tara smiled a tight smile. “But take a guess who can.”

* * * * * * * *

It took more effort than he’d ever admit to, but Jay managed to track down the competed copy of the parchment. He spent a good few hours looking over the translated version and all the information that came with it. Apparently the parchment was part of a larger work called Records of the Old Ones. It was kept in the Library’s Restricted Section. At least, it had been until almost two weeks ago.

Orion had been shocked to find this and seemed on the verge on an Academy-wide search. Jay, with some help from Amneris over the phone, managed to convince him that was a bad idea. If the Rebels were searching for the Old Ones, announcing the book was missing would only tip them off. Who knew what that would lead to.

Amneris had, once again, been the one to translate the document. It was a good thing the Naiu’Idis always learnt the Old Language, Jay thought with a smile, otherwise this would be a problem.

A messaged pinged on his phone from ‘Queenie’. Jay made a surprised noise. Just letting you know part of it is missing. Bottom right.

Jay looked at the parchment, taking the part in question between his fingers. It looked like it was torn off . . .


Another message came through: Pretty sure it’s a signature.

Jay let out a long breath. Of course the signature would be missing. That would be all too convenient if it were there. He was about to say as much to Amneris when another call came through. It was from someone he didn’t know had his number.

Jay looked around before answering. “‘Sup, Tara?”

“It’s Liam,” came the male voice from the other end of the line.

Jay frowned, checking the number. Amneris had given it out once their alliance begun. It was definitely the right number. “Why are you using Tara’s phone?”

“Lunch break,” was the only explanation he offered. “Do you remember Ema Tana?”


“Can you contact her?”


“We think she can find Xix, Nephthys and Aurelia.”

“All three!” Jay exclaimed. A chorus of ‘shh!’ followed. Perhaps there were some students hiding in a study nook after all.

“Tara has a theory the three are connected,” Liam explained. “Nephthys will be with Aurelia. She freed her. Aurelia will be looking for Xix because she’s Dark Ruler, and the Frozen Ones only answer to them.”

Jay nodded to himself. His research had come to the same conclusion. “But why Ema?”

“She’s the best tracker we know.”

“Hmm. Alright, I’ll call her.” He frowned. “Can’t guarantee she’ll help. She’s still pretty pissy Festus tried to kill her.”

“Just do your best.” He hung up.

Jay begun scrolling through his contacts until he found Ema’s. Ema was a tracker, she’d said as much the last time they saw each other before she gave him her number. That had been late last year, and she’d said something about needing to go back to look after a new friend she was travelling with.

Assuming the people they were all looking for were all connected, which wasn’t outside the realm of possibility at this point, it would increase their chases of finding the Rebels. Since that new Leader came to them, they’d become braver to make sure the God Worlds remained ununited. Jay had a strong feeling Nephthys had something to do with them.

Ema picked up on the third chime.

* * * * * * * *

When Ema re-entered the small motel bar, she immediately burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. The friend she’d been staying with raised a curious eyebrow. Ema only laughed harder. Regaining her breath, Ema returned to her stood and called for another round of drinks.

“Entertaining phone call?” her friend asked.

Ema took a quick swig of her drink. “You’re gonna love this one,” she laughed. “I just got hired to track you down.”

Her friend’s ruby eyes brightened. “Is that so?” she asked, unable to hide her own small laugh. “Why would anyone be looking for me?”

“Apparently if I find you, I’ll also find Nephthys Kaylee and the Frozen Warrior Aurelia she freed. Who would’ve though they exist?”

“Ah, of course.” Her friend pushed her long, star-white hair from her dark face with a sigh. “I had a feeling this would happen sooner or later.”

“You did?” Ema asked, surprised. “Thought you wanted nothing more to do with the whole Forgotten War thing, especially that part.”

“I would like nothing more to do with it for the rest of my existence,” she agreed. “It would appear Reisia’a and Kyra have other plants.” She downed the rest of her drink, slamming the cup on the bar.

“And yet, here we are,” Ema said, swirling the maroon contents of her own cup, “solving our problems through alcohol.” She lifted the mug in salute then knocked the entire thing down in one mouthful. “Oh, how I missed the simple things in life.”

“Are you going to tell them?”

Ema shook her head. “Of course not. We’re friends. If I was gonna tell them, it would’ve been way back when.”

“So, what are you going to do.”

“That depends. How would you like to go on a hunt with me for Nephthys and this Frozen One she’s apparently freed to do whatever she plans to do?”

Xix Acheron, daughter of Enliatu Acheron, the former Dark King of Terpola, smiled. “Sounds enjoyable.”

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