《Queen of Darkness [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 3]》Chapter 8


Amneris’ fingers tapped on the polished white stone of her throne as she tried to control herself. The day had barely begun and already she was bored. Why did being Queen have to suck so much? So far, today alone, three people had complained about the Terpolites coming to live on Lyriumia (ironic considering some families had been living here since before she was born), two merchants had had a squabble over species which needed settling (why they decided it was worth her time, Amneris had no idea), an someone had thought it would be funny to steal five Wai’u from under the Keeper’s nose (Amneris struggled to not laugh at that one).

Explanations were given about why there was a sudden influx of Terpolites as well as a reminded that the War was over, though those three people and the parties they represented remained wary. Amneris had declared the spices were both different (because duh) and said the merchants could sell them to the same buyer with no problems. Finally, the Wai’u thief was given a week to return the missing Wai’u and charged five hundred gold for their trouble. Then four hundred. Then three hundred. There had almost been a physical fight at the number but both managed to agree the final price was reasonable.

As they were shown from the throne room, Amneris caught Jay’s eye. The male was standing at her side, hands clasped firmly behind his back. He was yet to actually say anything. The need was yet to come.

Amneris’ look said: How much longer do we have to do this?

Jay’s look said: However long it takes to get through the next 10 groups.

In that moment, Amneris wanted to toss the throne out of the nearest window. If it wasn’t for the fact the throne was part of the Palace and the windows were made of priceless stained glass, she might have done so. And if the thing wasn’t so damn comfortable.

Jay begun stretching his legs, looking uncomfortable.

Amneris raised an eyebrow. “You need to sit down?”

“No, I’m good.”

“Whatever you say.” Amneris waved her hand at the guards. “Send in whoever is next.”

A Blacksmith from Subreai was led inside. They stepped up to the throne and knelt on one knee, holding a sword sheathed in a black leather case to her. Jay was the one to take the sword and unsheathe it, whistling at the sight of the blade before handing it to Amneris. It was lighter than she expected, though clearly strong. The hilt was small and well made, exactly her size. She held the sword up to the daylight. It almost seemed to glow. As it was returned to the sheath, the Blacksmith explained how it was made from a newly discovered metal in the deepest area of the Mines. The people there had agreed Amneris should be the one to have the first sword. She thanked the Blacksmith, offering gold in exchange. The Blacksmith shook their head and said seeing her amazement at the work was payment enough.


As they left, three were shown in. From the design of their robes, Amneris knew they had come from the temple on the cliff to the west of Lapide. The two Priests and Priestess made their issue very clear. Since more Terpolites had arrived on Lyriumia, more people came to worship and pray to the Deities, and they didn’t have the funds to keep up. It took a few minutes but Amneris managed to say in the nicest way possible how they did, in fact, have more than enough money to keep up. They just needed to learn to use it wisely. Disappointed but understanding, the three gave her their blessings and showed themselves out.

The final three were far less interesting. Amneris was certain that, if not for Jay subtly pinching her ever few minutes, she would have fallen asleep.

The first was something about a new species of ice flower being discovered in Erostah, the glaciers at the southern end of the Continent. Rare and, apparently, the last of their kind. They would need good care come the warm seasons and required funding to do so. Until the species was able to retake, the Botanist assured her. Amneris and Jay exchanged glances as a price was given. It was reasonable enough. Permission was given. The Botanist grinned and pumped his fist before remembering himself and bowing respectfully.

The second was a Winemaker from Ariuma. They carried a small tray with a single glass goblet filled with a sparkling blue-green liquid. Amneris was sure she had never seen it before. The Winemaker explained how it came from a previously rare species of fruit they had been saving in Ariuma’s Gardens. Now that it had taken hold once again, the species was able to be harvested. The goblet was passed to Amneris who tasted it. She smiled at the goblet. It was surprisingly good.

As the Winemaker left, Jay leaned down to say, “You know, if that was poisoned—”

“Then I would still be sitting here just fine,” she hissed back.

Finally, two women came in holding a small protective box. Inside was a diamond bracelet which glowed like a star. It wasn’t all that rare but, to the people of Haelia, Subreai’s sister city and underground, the stone was especially sacred. It was known amongst Lyriumians as the Stone Of Naiu and was famous for being the stone in the Goddess’ sceptre on her statues in Lyriumia’s temples. The box was handed to Amneris who thanked the two women. She made a mental note to show it to the Goddess herself sometime. She would probably like it.

Jay caught onto her smile as the women were led out. Amneris merely raised a finger to her lips and winked.

Instead of calling attention to it, Jay stretched. “I’m starving.”

“Lunch?” Amneris asked.

“Sounds good.”

Jay helped her to her feet. They walked arm-in-arm from the throne room. Amneris dismissed the guards as they felt. After all, they needed just as much food and drink. What sort of person would she be to deny them?


* * * * * * * *

Tara lounged in the Castle’s oversized Library. She’d heard nothing from the Lyriumians in almost a week, left to assume they were dealing with their own issues. She begun coming up with ways to deal with her own. Liam sat at her side, a large book resting on his lap. Kek, naturally, was nowhere to be found. Probably off getting into trouble again.

The pair were going through every book in the Library to find any reference to the Frozen Ones, Silent Core, and Dark Ruler. As the Library was so old, the technomagic lights were recently installed, each book had to be searched individually. And there were a shit-ton of books. Why no one had thought to put in a catalogue, Tara had no idea. Then again, the Library was only open to the Dark Rulers. Surely the Dark Rulers didn’t need something so mundane as catalogue.

Tara closed her current book as she reached the end. Nothing of use to be reported. The book was returned to the shelf and the next one along removed. She returned to the chair with a groan.

Just as she opened the book, a frustrated cry came from Liam. His book was tossed to his chair. He stormed from the room, saying something about coffee. Tara sniggered to herself and returned to reading.

She didn’t realise how engrossed she was until a steaming cup was placed at her side and a small plate of cupcakes shoved in her face. Tara looked between the plate, the cup, and Liam kneeling before her. “There are far more subtle ways to go about that, you know.”

He shrugged and gestured to the cupcakes. “I’m not moving until you take one.”

Tara took one. The little cakes were cute, barely the size of her palm. This one was chocolate flavoured, covered with swirling strawberry icing and silver sprinkles. Liam waited until she took a bite before moving.

Without looking at him, Tara asked, “What is it with you and the fussing?”


“Over me.”

“You are my Queen,” he answered as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Tara looked down. “I’m no Queen.”

Liam lifted her chin to meet her gaze. “You are to me.”

He let go and brushed past, leaving Tara blushing, pushing her short hair behind an ear. In one mouthful, Liam gulped down one of the tiny cakes, brushing crumbs on his pants. He took a large, heavy book off the shelf.

“I think we have something,” he said, reading the title.

Tara rushed to his side. The thick tome was placed on a table. Liam flipped it open. On the second page was the beginning of the Acheron family tree – the family chosen by Naka to hold the power of the Silent Core. It started from Archeron himself.

Tara grinned and kissed Liam’s cheek. “You found it!”

Together, they flipped through the tome, following the family tree. If they were to have any luck, it would be at the very end. The tome, however, was not complete. There were still many blank pages for the future of the family. It took a while to find the last used page—

There! A little over halfway through the tome. Enliatu Acheron¸ scrawled in black ink. There were two very unexpected things next to his name.

Tara read aloud, tracing with a finger, “Enliatu Acheron – Naka’Idis. Married Nephthys Acheron. Offspring . . .” Her finger trailed down until she reached a name that made her eyes widen. “Xix Acheron.”

Liam gaped. “Wait, Xix? That Xix? The Rebel Xix? The one imprisoned here for thousands of years after the attack on the Rebel stronghold?”

Tara nodded. “If Nightblade is the same person, that would be one hell of a coincidence.” But it didn’t make sense. She looked nothing like him except . . . Tara groaned. The Acheron family was known for something else. “The eyes. She had the eyes.”

“She escaped over two years ago,” Liam said. “How could we possibly track her down?”

Tara gave him a grimacing smile. “With more coffee?”

* * * * * * * *

The last thing Amneris expected today was to get a call from Tara. She was enjoying a nice pasta for lunch with Jay sitting across the table—he was eating some sort of soup—when her phone rang. A holographic screen appeared between herself and Jay with the contact name ‘High Horse’ on it. Amneris looked through the screen at Jay. He oh-so-helpfully pretended not to notice.

Amneris answered the call. “Yeah-huh?”

Tara and Liam were sitting at a table, a large, old-looking book in front of them. “We got something,” Tara said. “Enliatu had a daughter.”

Jay choked on his soup.

“Seriously?” Amneris asked in disbelief. “Didn’t think he’d get down with anyone. What’s the daughter’s name?”

“Xix,” Liam said.

Amneris nodded. “Pretty name. Means ‘Dusk’ in the Old Language. Isn’t all that common, either, so it should be pretty easy to find the right person.”

“Are you planning to help us?” Tara asked.

Jay made a cut-throat gesture from the other side of the screen and pointed at the floor, to the cells below.

“Ah, right. We’ve actually got a bit of drama on our end. Can’t help right now, but we will get right onto that ASAP. Thanks, T.”

She was about to hang up when Liam said, “Hey, have you seen Kek? He’s gone missing again.”

“Can’t say I have, sorry, but will be sure to tell you if I do. Bye.” She hung up.

Jay looked at Amneris.

Amneris looked at Jay.

Together, they groaned.

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