《Let the Fates Decide...?》Chapter 3: I Choose You
Two days later, I woke up with a feeling of dread starting in the pit of my stomach. Tonight would be my Fate Ceremony, my last chance to make my final choice.
“Lady Arwyn?” Ginny poked her head into my room. “I brought you breakfast.”
I rubbed at my eyes, smiling, and hugged my knees to my chest. The scent of freshly brewed coffee, poached eggs, and honey-glazed ham wafted through the room. I surely was going to miss Ginny when I left.
“Thank you.” I walked over to the table and sat down. The warmth of the coffee calmed my nerves as I dug into breakfast.
“How are you feeling about tonight?” she asked.
“Nervous. I don’t even want to go through with it.”
“That’s understandable. Your sister had the same nerves.”
“Was she planning on running away?”
Ginny nodded. “Yes.” She brushed my hair away from my face. “Bennett proposed, and Arabella was on her way back here to tell you that they were running away together. She resisted your parents more than you. But she always wanted what was best for you. Always.”
I poked at my eggs, the yolk bursting into a stream of golden yellow over the egg whites. “Did you see the gift they gave me last night? A tiara that has been long passed down within my family. And, of course, it was only to butter me up so I would have something to focus on when they forbid me from seeing Raydir again. The rest of dinner was a mere disaster.”
“Oh, Arwyn. I’m so sorry.” She enveloped me into a hug.
“They mean well, I know they do. But I’m almost twenty-five years old. They say I’m old enough to make my own choices, so I’ve decided how I’m handling it,” I said. “They can’t control my life after tonight, so I’m just going to do what they want until then. Once the ceremony is over, I’ll be free.” Even as I said it, my heart twinged with guilt. Abandoning my family after everything we’d been through?
You’re worse than your sister, a voice in my head remarked. How can you really do this to them?
Ginny’s expression changed to worry as her brow furrowed, but she didn’t say anything else about the matter. “Now, remember. You have archery lessons in an hour and language lessons after that.” She gave me a small nod before leaving the room.
I hurriedly finished my breakfast and got dressed for the day. There would be plenty of time after my lessons to change for the ceremony. I just hoped I’d be able to focus until then.
Outside the palace, a carriage waited to take me into town to the archery range. Just as I started to close the carriage door, someone called out toward it:
“Hold the carriage!”
The exasperated face of a blonde girl, her hair falling free of its loose braid, appeared in the doorway. “Oh, Arwyn, I didn’t know you had lessons today.”
“Good morning, Emilia,” I greeted her. Nodding to the driver, he snapped the reins to move the horse forward. “It’s been quite a while since I’ve actually gone to my lessons. Today is always one of those days, but I have otherwise been…preoccupied.” My fingers flew to the delicate gold chain clasped at my neck.
“It is a beautiful necklace,” she commented. “A gift from a close friend, perhaps?”
Heat crept to my cheeks. “Raydir gave it to me.”
“I know how you feel about him, Arwyn. You must know I do not have feelings for him. Our fathers are friends in Alvenora, so that is why they’re so insistent on pushing us together. But to be perfectly honest, my heart lies elsewhere.” She glanced out the window.
Realization hit me. “You’re Alvenorian.”
“You’re taking the carriage out of Gwyniar to your lessons. Is there a particular reason for that? A friend you were meeting perhaps?”
Emilia looked down at the carriage floor. Her face matched the pink of her dress. “Raydir already knows. What we display for our fathers is merely for them—not us. Ray has agreed to court me until such time is necessary that he can do what he wants—what he truly wants.”
“We still haven’t figured out what’s going to happen so that we can be together.”
“You’ll find a way, Arwyn. You’ve always found a way with Raydir..”
The carriage came to a halt, and we climbed out.
“Let me come to your fate ceremony,” she blurted. “I want to be there to support you in whatever you decide.”
I hugged her. “Em, you are truly such a good friend.”
She squeezed my hand, and we went our separate ways for our lessons. Fortunately, the archery range was empty upon my arrival, so I had the chance to practice before my instructor arrived. I picked out my bow and notched an arrow, pointing it at the target.
Whoosh. Perfect bullseye.
“Great shot.”
I whipped around, and my visitor ducked out of the way on instinct, thinking that I had already notched another arrow. My heart swelled when I saw who it was, and I dropped my bow, running toward him.
He picked me up and spun me around, my skirts swishing in the wind.
“Ray! What are you doing here? If we get caught—”
He stopped me with a kiss, setting me back down. “I had to see you before the ceremony. And I wanted to tell you that whatever happens tonight…I love you so much. And I will always love you.” His eyes sparkled a lighter green in the morning sun.
“Ray, I love you too.” I sighed. “I wish this wasn’t so hard with the curse and everything.”
His lips twitched into a small smile.
I wrinkled my nose. “What?”
“Meet me at our spot after the ceremony.”
“Don’t ask questions. Just promise you’ll meet me?”
I kissed him. “I promise. Now go before someone catches you.”
He squeezed my hand once before running off in the direction of the woods. I turned back to notch another arrow and saw a tall dark stranger approaching. Yet another I recognized.
“Lady Arwyn,” he greeted me with a smile, his deep voice gruff in the crisp morning air. His white shirt billowed loosely around his chest in the wind.
“Darius, right?”
“That’s correct.”
“Can I help you with something?” I asked, taking aim again at the target. Another bullseye.
Darius laughed. “It just so happens that I’m your archery instructor for today. Although, I’m not sure how much instruction you need. You seem to be a natural.”
I gave him a sideways glance. “My lessons are private. And my sister taught me everything I needed to know.”
“Ah yes.” He nodded. “Lady Arabella, correct?”
I focused on my target. “Yeah.”
“It must be so hard.”
I whipped to face him, not even stopping to lower my bow. “Is there some reason you’re probing about this or can you let me practice? Don’t think that the Flower Gardens meant anything more than just a friendly conversation.” Part of me was happy to see him again, but another part wondered how much of our meeting was by chance.
He put his hands up in defense, a smirk painted across his face. “I think you need to go back to the basics. The first rule of archery: do not point your bow and arrow at another person.
I returned his smirk with one of my own. “Alright. Show me what you got.”
Alonzo picked up a bow and notched an arrow, glancing at me. “Here we go.”
I stepped closer. “Second rule of archery: keep your eye on the target.”
“You underestimate my abilities.”
“That’s probably because I don’t know you very well.”
He released the arrow. I watched with disbelief as it embedded itself right in the center of the bullseye.
“Showoff,” I muttered. I readjusted my arm guard, not daring to meet his eyes.
“It’s all about believing. I can teach you if you want.” He flashed me a grin.
I scoffed. “No thanks.” Then, remembering this might be the last time at the archery rangeI relented. “Fine.”
“Get another arrow. Then stand and face me, but point the bow at the target,” he instructed.
“How do you do that without twisting your back?”
“Practice. Here, let me. Square your hips and plant your feet.” He pressed his hands down on my shoulders. Electricity sparked against my skin at his touch. “Do everything you would if you were following the rules.” His breath was warm on my neck, sending a tingle down my spine.
My eyes snapped to his. Something in his voice…what else did he know? I cleared my throat.
“Now what?”
“Release the arrow.”
Whoosh. Thunk. The arrow bounced off the target, landing on the thick grass in front of it.
“Nice try.”
I rolled my eyes. “You distracted me. You can’t just show up out of nowhere and expect me to like you immediately.” Except that’s exactly what’s happening…no, no it’s not. Focus, don’t let this guy win.
Darius laughed. “I didn’t expect you to like me—although I did get that impression before. I’m only here to help you learn.”
“Why today?” I inquired. “Did you seek me out after the gardens? On the most important day of my life, here you are. Out of nowhere.”
“I’m surprised at you, Arwyn. I gave you a pass at the gardens, but now that it’s been a few days, you really don’t remember that we knew each other before that day?”
I squinted in thought. “Um…no? As far as I’m concerned, the gardens was our first encounter.”
“Veritas vos liberabit.” The truth will set you free.
“Right.” I stabbed at the ground with the toe of my boot. Of all the phrases he could’ve said…That’s why he looked so familiar. He was the guy who always sat in the back of the class. Now that I thought about it, that deep voice and blue-eyed gaze was extremely familiar.
“Anyway, since we have Latin next, may I escort you?” He reached out a hand toward me.
“Actually, I have other business to attend to.” I put away my bow and went to retrieve my arrows. Darius watched me from a distance, and I instinctively glared at him. Who did he really think he was, swooping in here, trying to teach me archery? My archery lessons had always consisted of solo practice. My academic lessons…that was another story. And today, I was not going in for those. I already knew what I needed to recite tonight at the ceremony: Fortuna caeca est. Fate is blind. There was no purpose in attending my classes just to recite what I would be forced to do tonight in front of the entire dukedom.
Then I thought about something my sister used to say: Non desistas non exieris. Never give up, never surrender. The night of her Fate Ceremony, she kept reciting it to herself. When I’d asked her why, her response was simple:
“Because we are each our own person, and we shouldn’t be forced into a life we didn’t choose to lead.”
“Well, if I don’t see you…” Darius trailed off, sticking out his hand toward me. “Good luck.”
I tentatively shook his hand, our fingers lingering together for just a moment too long.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
One hour before my ceremony, I sat in front of my mirror doubting everything I’d ever known. Holy shit. Is this what Bella felt? She was so in love with Bennett, and this ceremony ruined her life. If she had just given in…No. No, I promised her. I would do what I had to.
“Arwyn, you’re still not dressed?” Ginny’s panicked voice broke me out of my thoughts.
“Sorry, Ginny. I was just thinking.”
She walked over to my wardrobe and slipped a green and white gown off of the hanger. “Your mother will be looking for you, so we better hurry.”
I shakily stood up and stepped into the dress. Ginny cinched it at the waist with the white satin ribbon that criss-crossed over my abdomen. The white sleeves billowed out at the elbows. On any other night, I would’ve felt like royalty—well, happier royalty than I currently did. I curled my fingers inside the sleeves, rubbing them against the soft velvet.
“You look beautiful,” Ginny commented, her voice breaking as she sat me down to brush my hair. Her fingers worked double time to transform my long tresses into a crown braid that perfectly framed my face, letting the rest of it fall into soft ringlets at my shoulders.
“Bella, when I grow up I wanna be just like you,” seven-year-old me said as Arabella brushed my hair at the dressing stool.
Arabella laughed, her soft voice floating through our shared bedroom. “You get to be your own person, make your own decisions, Ary. That’s what’s so great about growing up. No one can take that away from you.”
Even at 10 years old, Arabella was wise beyond her years. She had rebelled from the age of 13, was the top of her class in both her academic and recreational studies. And I idolized her for every minute of her life.
“Are you ready to go?” Ginny asked.
I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. For a second, I thought I saw Arabella. People always said we looked like twins even though she was three years older than me.
“I need a few more minutes. Tell Mother that I’ll be down at the carriage soon.”
She left the room, and I pulled on a pair of black lace-up boots before walking over to my dresser where my tiara from my parents lay still in its box. I lifted it out and placed it on my head. Tonight already felt like a nightmare. Every time the ruby caught the light, it felt as though it were screaming out “imposter!”
What was that my parents had said at dinner? They had given Arabella a pair of ruby earrings before her ceremony, and she never got to wear them. Taking a deep breath, I rummaged through my closet and pulled out the mahogany jewelry box that had been hidden away for the past three years. Inside, as expected, were a pair of ruby crystal drop earrings. My fingers hesitated over them in anticipation. Non desistas non exieris. Never give up, never surrender.
“For Bella,” I whispered as I clasped the jewels to my ears.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
I sat in anticipation in the crowded amphitheater between my parents, my knees bouncing up and down as I waited for the announcer to call my name. It was funny, Raydir and I had played the game so many times as children, picking each other’s names out of a hat. But nothing could have prepared me for this moment.
“Arwyn Magnolia Kingston.” My name echoed through the room as all eyes turned toward me.
With a shaky breath, I stood up and walked forward.
“Are you prepared to make your choice?” the announcer asked.
I glanced back at the crowd, a familiar face hidden in the shadows pulling at my heartstrings. Raydir was here. He was here.
“Lady Arwyn?”
“Yes, I am.” I took a deep breath, reaching into the bowl that lay before me. “Fortuna caeca est. Fata decernere.” Fate is blind. Let the fates decide.
My eyes widened as I saw the name on the slip of paper, handing it to the announcer.
“Lord Darius Benedict Harford.” The announcer turned to me. “Do you accept your fate?”
I hesitated, glancing wildly around the room. “Y-yes.”
The room erupted into a sea of applause as Darius stepped forward, a grin plastered on his tanned face. The same Darius from the gardens and the archery range. Of all people, I would be stuck with this guy. Maybe staying wouldn’t be so bad…if I didn’t already have my heart set on Raydir.
“Lady Arwyn, Lord Darius. Your fate is sealed.”
My mouth shifted into a grimace, giving a small nod to the crowd before walking away with Darius where we could be alone.
“Lady Arwyn,” he addressed me, lifting my hand to his lips.
“Lord Darius.” Once he lowered my hand, I pulled it slowly out of his grasp.
“You don’t seem too happy with the choice,” he commented.
I glanced back, craning my neck for any sight of Raydir, but he was nowhere to be found. “You told me your last name wasn’t of any significance. You lied to me.”
“I didn’t lie. I merely…withheld the information.”
In the crowd, I caught a glimpse of blonde hair. Emilia, as promised, had shown up to the ceremony. She waved at me frantically.
“Darius, I’m sorry. I—I have to go.”
He placed a hand on my arm. “This is about the other guy, right?”
I nodded. “Darius, you seem like a really great guy honestly. But I have to do this. I can’t…I can’t be your Chosen.”
A low rumble of thunder sounded as Darius tipped his head in understanding. “Then you know the consequences of rejecting me and choosing him?”
“I’m fully prepared for it.”
Something flashed in his blue eyes—the same something I saw in Raydir the other day. I didn’t know how to explain it, but I was hesitant to ask about it.
“Then go. The valley…well, there’s only a few days left before the next alignment, so you’ll want to leave quickly.” He lifted my hand to his lips. “I bid you adieu.”
“Will I—I mean, will we—um, will I get to see you ever again?” I winced as the words came out of my mouth.
Darius grinned. “The fates brought us together for a reason. Maybe not for the reason we thought, but for some reason. It’s why you chose my name. So, yes, indeed you will see me again.”
I slipped through the crowd to where Emilia was waiting for me.
“Gee, Ar. Are you sure you want to go through with this? I mean, turning down Darius Harford of all people? That man can make any woman swoon.”
She’s not wrong, I thought to myself. Darius did have that flirtatious womanizer vibe about him. But I had other things on my mind, namely Raydir.
“Em, I have to do this. You know I do. And since when are you interested in Darius Harford? I thought you were seeing someone.”
She blushed.“I know, and I am.” Her expression turned somber. “Just…I don’t want to lose you.” She wrapped her arms around me. “How will I know you’re safe?”
“You’ll just know. I really do have to go. If this is going to happen…”
“I understand. Give Ray my best.”
I gathered my skirts and took off at a run, stopping only when I reached our meeting spot. Thunder rumbled softly overhead. A warning.
I know. God, I know what I’m doing.
“Ray!’ I called out. “Are you here?”
Raydir stepped out from behind a tree. “I’m here.”
I ran into his arms. “Ray, I’m so sorry. The ceremony—I had to. And I said yes, but I can’t go through with any more of it. I can’t marry Darius. I won’t do it.”
As I babbled, Ray knelt down in front of me. “Ar, I didn’t propose to Emilia.”
“You didn’t?”
He shook his head. “No. I didn’t propose to her because it would only be to make my father happy. And the only thing that matters to me is if I’m happy and you’re happy. So, Arwyn Magnolia Kingston, do you want to run away with me?” He pulled a small box out of his pocket and opened it.
I gasped as he held out a beautiful, intricate gold band set with an Alexandrite gem in the center. “Ray, you know what it means by doing this. Rejecting my fated…you know the consequences.”
“And I’m prepared to take them.” He looked up at me. “Will you be my forever, love?”
I let a single tear roll down my cheek. “Yes.”
He stood up and pulled me into a hug, tangling his hands in my hair and kissing me deeply. As he did, thunder boomed above us, lightning crackled in the sky, and the wind swirled around us. When we looked up at the sky, the five moons appeared slightly askew from one another in a vertical orientation. By their appearance, we had five days before the Alignment.
Five days before the curse set in.
I wouldn’t regret this…would I?
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Her eyes widen as she sucks in a deep breath, feeling the full length of me."Do you believe me now kitten?" I whisper. "It pains me as well."I continue to rub my dick with both our hands. "You make me so damn fucking hard."She brings her face closer, confidently massaging my erection on her own."Show me." She whispers. •••••••••••VAUGHN - MissBelleStories••••••••••••Hold onto your panties ladies, the Vaughn brothers are coming to town.**Please Note: The original story is DOUBLE TEMPTATION which can be found on Episode Interactive. It is played in Alexis POV. I have also published this mature version under VAUGHN on Episode Interactive. The major difference is that this version is narrated through Benjamin and Bradley. This version contains adult themes, strong sex scenes, strong language and is recommended for 18+.****PLEASE READ: This story does not include any supernatural beings. This is not a vampire or werewolf story and it also does not include any incest scenes. The VAUGHN twins do not share nor do they have sex with eachother.**
8 146